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1 AURORA TURF NOTES 1 *- ♦ Two cars, conveying the horses of J. D. Mikel and E. Drillon, arrived from Tanforan Wednesday morning and were unloaded at Exposition Park. Among the most prominent performers were Lamp Black, Dunes, Sir Dean, Manora and Gene D. Trainer J. Davenport vanned Sun Memory and one other, the property of Mrs. C. Kinsley, to the Aurora course Wednesday. E. W. Stopps, who has been the press box custodian at Exposition Park for several years, is serving in that capacity again this season. Lon Bellew brought the consistent Dr. Parrish and Harry Hieover over from Sportsmans Park. They came by van. Several shipments are due to arrive this week from Kentucky, according to advice obtained from racing secretary Richard A. Leigh. Sophie Tucker, well known comedienne, will be a guest of the Exposition Park Jockey Club next Monday, May 8. The feature of that day will be named for her. Miss Tucker is appearing at the 225 Club in Chicago. F. P. Burrell is the latest applicant to request stable reservations. He plans shipping nine head from Urbana, Iowa. Manager Paul Gawzner of the Leland Hotel at Aurora will make the presentation of the trophy that will be given to the winning owner of the race which will be named for that hotel Thursday, May 4. Walter Suggs has made arrangements to ship three horses to Aurora from Sportsmans Park. Nine horses, the property of John Marsch, Chicago patron, is another one of the important stables to transfer their string to Exposition Park. Fred Morris, who supplanted Phil Reuter, was in charge of the horses. The stewards of the Fairmount Park Jockey Club have this day, May 3, terminated their suspension of trainer Tommy Root. Signed, John T. Ireland and Julius Reeder, stewards. Apprentice Rutherford Johnson is one of the few colored riders plying his wares on the American turf. The youngster, who is under contract to Louis Brown, is a product of Hagerstown, Md., and had his first mount of the meeting. Johnson rode his first winner at Connaught Park, Canada, last summer, when he won on Tryabit. The lad is a real lightweight, scaling eighty-five pounds.