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SPRING MEETING Sportsmans Park 18 Days— MAY 1-20—18 Days Special "L" trains leave Adams and Wabash at i 12:46, 12:58, 1:10, 151 and 1:33, making all I [ loop stops. For Franklin and Van Buren add i 8 minutes, and for Marshfield Ave. add 14 ij minutes to Adams and Wabash time. Cars meet trains at 52nd Ave. ROUND TRIP, 40c | SPECIAL TRAINS — ILLINOIS CENTRAL— |j Leave Van Buren St. daily at 1:30. Extra | trains Saturday. Trains stop Halsted. ROUND | TRIP, 50c. Tickets good on suburban trains I both ways, between Randolph or Van Buren I I Stations and 12th St. Races Start Every Day at 2:15 Admission, . Clubhouse, .50 ALL TAXES INCLUDED RACING TODAY j AURORA A MILE TRACK I FREE ADMISSION TO GRANDSTAND CLUBHOUSE— Tax Included I No Minors Allowed | daily double— qulnella j FIRSt1*ACE— 2:15 One Hour From Loop ! BURLINGTON Union Depot-12:40, 1:00 I p. m. First train stops at Western and Cicero. I Both stop returning. ROUND TRIP, 90c. j C. A. and E. ELECTRIC Wells St.— 11:05 g a. m., 12*5, 1*0, 1*5 and 2.05 p. m. | Busses to track. ROUND TRIP, . j AUTOS — Ogden Ave., North Ave. and Roose- | velt Rd. Best routes, Ogden and North Aves. I