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1st Alamo Downs purse 500 2 YearOlds Maidens Claiming 4l2 Furlongs Bulstrode April 28 1934 53y5 2 110 110NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 5 Ibs Weight 118 Ibs Index Post rBest at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 93641 9Grand ViewAla 107 54 113X 1000 936141 8Peachtree Ala 111 35 110 1000 93641 10 Brilliant Duke Ala 112 54 113 800 93735 llUp YonderAD 116 35 113 1000 93735 4 Fair LelaAIa 109 36 105 800 93735 5Henry DewAla llO 55 108 800 93735 lSweet ThingAla 102 55 105 800 Index Post BestatDistancev Wt Claim ClaimNo No PCS Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Prica 93735 2Ancient Rome Ala 111 36 113 1000 92864 3Sally Keystone 110 1090 93614 6Daisy BaneAIa 111 35 105 800 93104 7Tom Kearney AD 118 38 113 1000 93614 12 Fair Romance Ala 107 55 110 800 j I it times snown above are from Jan 1 1933 FaIr mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year Grand View X XADT mB g 2 M by Masked Marvel II Becky Sue by Blazes ADT 17 AD J uj7Riiv Trainer R 0 Higdon Owner Eskay Stable StableTime Date Trie Dis DisApt2734fAIa Time Con Odd Wt St Str FinJockey PIClrceSts Uest Company Apt2734fAIa 4 f 54 ft 2i 107 2 5 3i 2 CrtneyG1 1000 6 MissAngol04BntDukell2MGeOn 115 Apr2434 Ala 4tf 34 ft 1320 113 6 4 41 41 TildenR 1000 6 MyMartal05BrDewl08MsAngeIo 105 APE2034AD 4 f 5 si 12 113 443 3li AllenCE5 2000 6 Anacreonl09CssBinal09CsCount 112 Apcl834lAD 4 f 38 hy 91 1135 5 4 4i JulianG 2000 10 Anacrconll5CkVagonll8Radtor 113 Apcl2341AD 44 f 34 ft 9i 116 5 6 44i 3i HaasB1 Maid 11 GIittringll6FadLightll6UpYder 116 ApdO34AD 4i f 35 ft 9 109 4 7 5J 4i HaasB1 1000 10 Bulstrodell4JGtLton US HcaRTs US Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 13 0 2 4 460 Peachtree 110 CampfireJ Ch f 2 M by Escoba Georgia Gold by Campfire J Trainer N A McMaster Owner H Brownlee ApC2634Ala BrownleeApC2634Ala 4i f 35 ft 12 1114 3 2k 21 TaylorD4 2000 10 MRefugioll6DBanelllReProch U6 Apcl334AD 4 f 34 ft 23 111 7 7 7U 718 BridgesH8 1750 7 01dNickll8CtsBinal09LdW m 118 1934 record 2 0 1 0 100 100Brilliant Brilliant Duke 1 1 Q Ch c 2 M by Brilliant Helen Carter by Flittergold LLv Trainer W J Potter Sr Owner W J Potter Jr Apc2734Ala 4 f fApt2434AIa 34 ft 39 112 4 1 li 3l JonesL 1000 6 MissAngelo 104GYiewl07 104GYiewl07MGoOa H5 Apt2434AIa 41 41Feb27344FG 34 ft 3310 113 4 5 5 5 JonesL 1000 6 MyMartal05BrDewl08M MyMartal05BrDewl08MsAngel 105 Feb27344FG 3i f fFebl9341FG 42 ft 79 111 7 5 5i 5 TildenR1 1300 7 CtsBinal07ImpBtsyl05B CtsBinal07ImpBtsyl05BrHiIda 115 Febl9341FG 3J 3JFebl234FG 34 108 6 4 4 4 CoopcrRG1 1000 9 BnHiIdal06Kissinbug 109Hervala 106 Febl234FG 3i f fFeb 43V5 hy 46f 112 10 10 8 8 GroosP10 1200 11 Exotude UlBrownHilda07Ottawa 118 Feb 934FG 3i f fUp 42 m 122 107 5 5 SH 8 CooperR CooperRG4 Allw 9 OIdNickll2Cynwydl09DorothyB 104 1934 record 6 0 0 1 65 Up Yonder YonderAnr 1 1 Q Ch c 2 M by Tall Timber Down Yonder by Trap Rock Anr 29 Ala 3 11 Trainer B Russell Owner Miss B Russell Apc3034lAU 4 f 35 ft 6f 111 5 2 1 4 VcrbusM 1000 11 Reprchl02SirHaroldl05SwThing 102 Apcl8341AD 4i f 38 hy 13 113 3 3 6 6 TaylorD 2000 10 AnacreonllSCkWagonllSRadter US Aprl2341AD 4 f 34 ft 30 116 2 1 lrt 4ll WallN11 JIaid 11 Glitteringll6FadLightll6GrView 116 Ape 534AD 4i f fFair 38 m 39 118 7 6 41 9 GuerraJ 1500 11 MicaRockll8SneGtel HSGVlew 118 1934 record 4 00 0 50 50Fair Fair Lela LelaApr3034AIa 10 RockministerLVt Ch f 2 M by Bracadale Ann C by Rockminister LVt Trainer G W Dunn Owner G Higgins Apr3034AIa HigginsApr3034AIa 4 f fApt2634Ala 35 ft 39 109 1 5 7J 641 ParkeM1 800 11 Rcprchl02SirHaroldl05SwThinS 102 Apt2634Ala 4 f fMan 35 ft 84 11110 8 85i 81 VerbusM 2000 10 MRefugioll6PeachtreelllDBane 111 Man 634FG 3i f fFelx2134FG 42 ft 50 110 2 8 9 9 HankaW1 1000 9 BrckAnnall5Kisbugll5BrilMisi 115 Felx2134FG 3if 43 ft 2f 103 8 10 11 11 RolIinsC 1000 12 ImperlBetsyl08AnnieN110ClamP US 1934 record 4 4Henry Henry Dew 1 AQ B c 2 M by Diapason Florianka by Sand Mole MoleAnr Anr 28 Ala 12 55sl ± VU Trainer H Dew Owner H Dew AprSO DewAprSO Ala 4i f 35 ft 91 11011 9 9Ti 81 FerminA4 800 11 Reprchl02SirHaroldl05SvThmg 102 Apn23341Ala 4i f 34 ft 35 110 5 7 71 71 FerminA 1500 7 JayD113WitchLassllOJChevigny 112 1934 record 2 Sweet Thing ThingApr3034tAIa 10 B 2 W by Ta Timber Jacksonville by Donnacona Jvw Trainer E Lutz Owner E Lutz Apr3034tAIa 4i f 35 ft ftApi 49 102 7 4 44 3 WillhiteE4 800 11 Reproachl02SirHaroIdl05 UpYder 111 Api Ala 4J f 35 ft ftApe 41 116 3 10 94 9 MartinTP1 2000 10 MRefugioll6PeachtreelllDBane Ul Ape 934AD 4i f 37 ft ftMad434iFG 51f Ul51f 115 10 10 U18 114 SeaboG1 Maid 11 SusieVllSTeDeRthllSSeGtel US Mad434iFG 3i f 42 ft ftMan 317 112 11 11 12 II22 FischerR 1000 12 GretnaB112BantMissll2LeanaG 112 Man 934FG i 49 ft ftFebJ9341FG 124f 112124f 112 9 7 9 10 SeaboG 1000 10 KissinbugU2U DemonllO JimyN UO FebJ9341FG 3i 42 ft ftAncient 158 105 9 6 6 614 WallN 1000 9 BnHildal06Kissinbug 109Hervala 106 1934 record 7 0 0 1 50 Ancient Rome RomeAor 1 1 Q B c 2 M by Pompey Passe by Over There Aor 29 Ala 12 50ft TrainerA E Van Ree Owner A M Jacobus Apc3034Ala 4 f 35 ft ftSally 85 111 3 7 54J 54i KingTJ 1000 11 Reprchl02SirHaroldl05SwThine 102 1934 record 1 1Sally Sally Keystone KeystoneManl934OP 1 1 0 B f 2 M Uptown Lad Dracula by Westwood OJV Trainer F B Smith Owner Mrs H G Hyde Manl934OP HydeManl934OP i 49 si siManl2341OP 101 115 5 5 510 6 DyerJ4 1500 7 Eric T 113 Nilrebo 115 B Walsh U3 Manl2341OP U3Manl2341OP i 30 50 ft 50 115 5 4 51 7U DyerJ 1500 7 MreSatinllSMgiesDoll 115 EricT 118 1934 record 2 2Daisy Daisy Bane 10 ch f 2 M bv Braedalbane Marian Wells by Flammarion Anr FlammarionAnr 24 Ala 38 37ft LV Trainer J D Mikel Owner J D Mikel Apc2634Ala MikelApc2634Ala 4 f 35 ft 165 1115 2 31 34 KingT 2000 10 MRefugioll6Pchtreelll Reproch 116 Fcba634IAC 35 ft 185 115 5 41 3i KingT4 800 9 WlchDell 113Penal 116KatieBell 115 Feh 115Feh 634AC 3 35 ft 12 107 4 3ll 21 NachelJ Maid 12 ByBrcezell5AllStrllO HopeLine 117 Jao2334AC i 6 ft 121081 53i 3 KingT AHw 12 MyMadnll5WtchDell 108 ByBze U5 Janl934 Janl934AC AC i 23 3 ft 11 108 2 2 31 KingT 1600 12 FirstRapll6BBreezell6 B Conard llA Janl434AC i 2 ft 251136 74 7 ArnoldL Alhv 9 LoisPanll3MyMdynll3EterDoU M 1934 record 6 0 1 4 185 iB Tom Kearney 110 Ch g 2 M by Tall Timber Bassinet by Ballot 1 Aor 1Aor 30 Ala 38 36ft 1 Trainer D Franklin Owner Grogan Tatum Mac30341AD 4i f 35 ft 43 118 9 9 915 918 WhitkerR1 Maid 9 Overthwll8MicaRockll8 Phalamo U8 1934 record 1 1Fair Fair Romance 1 1 f B f 2 M by For Fair Seths Romance by Seth fg v Trainer T Tangway Owner H R Doherty APr2634AIa 4i f 35 ft 80 116 8 7 74 7 PenceV 2000 10 MRcfugioll6fPcachtreelll D Apc2334Ala 4i f 34 ft 12 107 4 5 64 6 i DyerJ 1500 7 JayD113WitchLassllOJChevigny Bane S 111 1934 record 2 Continued on sixteenth pagej