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DALLAS The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Third Rices at Dallas Wednesday Paid 3949Tfpr 2 DALLAS TEXAS WEDNESDAY MAY 2 1934 Fair Park 34 mile Fourth day State Fair of lexas Spring mooting of 21 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather showery Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Stewards M Mahoney and C B Stickney Judges H D Monroe J Ackerman and T Brown Starter E S Welter Racing Secretary H D Monroe Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance ol each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight tarried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QOCIO FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs out of chute Purse 600 3yearolds and upward ClaimingmayzJiuai oTtH Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming mayzJiuai prj e iooo Index Horse Eft A WtPlSt y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 937433HIGH BOTTOM WB4107 92 24 25 14 KingJ Mrs R Pollard Pollard1J 285100 93193 BALDY WB 3 105 11 1 1B 1J 14 22 CraigA Texas Stable 1230100 93121BLACK COMET B 6 112 2 7 45 32 3J CrceseR Miss L M Straus 205100 937432LAST STAND B 4 112 10 3 3B 31 44 4l MayT Mrs F Rando 515100 93121 BEST MAN B 7 112 12 8 8n 72 5J 53 BernardJ A McEndree 7890100 93745 HARD BOILED n 3 105 5 9 9v3112 92 8l 65 RallsC Fishburn Stable Stable5l 5280100 5280100t700100 93034 MAYNARD L v3112 14 5l 6J T ClemonsR J F Killion Killion8i t700100 93408MY LET1TIA B 3 99 6 6 6B 8i 71 84 ParvinC Mrs C A Maron 1100100 92610 FOREIGN PLAY B 5 107 4 5 5v3109 61 94 92 WestropeJ W C Weant 1100100t 1100100t t 93013 PETER BLUES v3109 310 10 10 10 StullerDR G E Tyler Tylerr t 93126SUE TERRY 11 4 102 7 Lost rider riderv3105 r WintersM M M Riddle Riddler 1955100 92977 NADA v3105 8 Lost rider r McCuneD T Sheil 19885100 jField Time 23 47 4 53 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB HIGH BOTTOM 770 490 370 285 100 145 100 85 100 100BALDY BALDY 2350 1040 1075 100 420 100 100BLACK BLACK COMET 310 55 100 100Winner Winner B g by Porte Drapeau High Priestess by High Noon trained by R Pollard bred by Mr H Brownlee Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 2291 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingHIGH HIGH BOTTOM crossed over sharply at the start and saving ground responded to mild urging and drew clear near the end BALDY showed early speed and held BLACK COMET safe The latter was in close quarters early LAST STAND had no mishaps SUE TERRY arid NADA unseated their riders while in close quarters right at the start Scratched 93683 Jaz Age 116 93794Morsun 111 91020 Yvette V 107 92746Debbie 107 93685 Atmosphere 104 93688 American Red 104 Overweight Peter Blues 4 pounds Nada 5 Q Sd SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse S600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to forMay234Dal V winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1250 if for May234Dal 1 000 allowed 4 bs Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 936843WESTYS FOX w5113 34 43 3s 2 I2 WintersM J D Spreckels III IIIWB 340100 93683 LOUIE DEAR WB 5 110 4 2 23 11 14 2 BagurH W E Turner Turnerw8110 1095100 93465 FLAG BEARER w8110 7 3 3w8109 I1 243 3 AllenR E E Major Majorw 325100 9341DMJLUNIU w w8109 8 109 6 7 7WB4110 7 6k 6J 42 KingJ Mrs R Pollard Pollard3l 535100 93235 EISENBERG WB4110 1 1 3l 43 42 51 PolIardJ A G Tarn 165100 9291 1NORTHERN SPY w7101 55 6 5451 66 ParvinC Mrs J W Robinson 4350100 93748 LAWYER WB 7 109 2 6 51 7 7 7 StullerDR G E Tyler 5965100 5965100Time Time 2344 M64 ins Track fast 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WESTYS FOX I 880 490 350 340 100 145 100 75 100 100LOUIE LOUIE DEAR 1100 730 450 100 265 100 100FLAG FLAG BEARER 420 110 100 100Winner Winner Gr h by Wcsty Hogan Candy Fox by Grey Fox II trained by H Walter bred by Mr H T Archibald Winner entered to bo claimed for 1250 WENT TO POST 3GO AT POST minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingWESTYS WESTYS FOX racing in his best form and under good handling saved ground to the far turn then went to the outside for the final drive and drew clear in the closing fifty yards LOUIE DEAR hard urged from tlfc start took the lead on the back stretch but was doing his best at the end FLAG BEARER hustled into the lead raced wide on the turns ULUNIU finished well EISENBERG can do better Overweight Lawyer 3 pounds IRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May234Dal Indci Horses E rtA WtlMSt lk Str Kin Jockeyi E iulv Odds Strt 873423KITTY SUE w 4 108 5 4 2 23 1 1 MalzanJ J W Walter Walterw 1345100 92872TRY SOME w 5 117 4 1 lk lk 25 25 WestropeJ T C Worden Wordenw 80100 93748 MOROI w 4 117 9 5 44 44 42 33 WoolfG Chinn Buck Buckw 585100 93335 LEMON w 4 113 12 33 34 3s 4 WintersM H R Clark Clarkw 1165100 82636 KELSO w 6 113 23 64 5s 55 5 BernardJ Old Gold Stable Stablew6109 5515100 93744ROSEVOLT w6109 810 81 7 63 61 FelsB Mrs G P Corell 6590100 904G9 ED LARK 7 113 6 6 10 98 72 7s BagurH S S Tracy 9115100 93745 MORESORIS VB 3 107 79 72 82 8l 82 DronetL Lone Star Stable 370100 93745 JUDGE PEAK WB 5 113 10 7 55 61 91 912 RallsC W C Wcant 10075100 93463 TEJAS w5108 3 8 941010 10 HicksS Huisache Stable 17350100 17350100Time Time 24 48 114 120 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KTTY SUE 2890 1100 610 1345 100 450 100 205 100 100TRY TRY SOME 330 300 65 100 50 100 100MOROI MOROI 460 130 100 100Winner Winner B f by Sun Flag Kit by Escoba trained by J Everest bred by Mr J Lowe Winner nterfri to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 331 AT POST 3f minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same KITTY SUE restrained while forcing the pace went wide on the stretch turn but recovered and out gamed TRY SOME The latter maintained a short lead but tired in the final strides MOROI disposed of LEMON in the drive The latter was easily best of the others othersScratched Scratched 93689 Hamilton 113 Overweight Morcsoris 1 pound Rosevolt 2 Q Szt FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs First Running DALLAS HANDICAP 1200 added 3 UOOTCtF yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1055 second 200 third 100 100May234Dal May234Dal fourthi 50 Index Horses EqtA WtPlSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners EfjuiT Odds Strt 937473RISKY MISS v 3 99 1 3 2 33 llk lrt CraigA T C Worden flOO100 93746 RUBIO B 6 110 6 4 33 2 32 22 WestropeJ T C Worden 93747 DONNA JAMES B 3 98 5 2 I3 1 2h 3s WintersM Mrs L M Pike 975100 93747TROMBONE B5118 3 5 41 4 42 4 PollardJ D Grant 850100 93021 KNOCKAWAY v 4 101 4 6 6 6 5k 51 HicksS Huisache Stable 570100 93746 TERRIER wn 4 106 2 1 51 S2 6 6 CreeseR Mrs A M Creech 265100 265100fCoupled fCoupled as T C Worden entryTime entry Time 23 47 11 3 120 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB T C WORDEN ENTRY 400 370 290 100 100 85 100 45 100 100DONNA DONNA JAMES 330 65 100 100Winner Winner Blk f by Chance Play Griselda by Wrack trained by B A Jones bred by Mr H M Woolf WoolfWENT WENT TO POST 402 AT POST 4J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRISKY RISKY MISS bore out on the first turn and carried the others wide but showed good speed on the back itretch and coming through on the rail turning into the stretch took a short lead and maintained it to the end RUBIO vmore forunate at the start than in previous races was easily best of the others DONNA JAMES showed early speed TROMBONE carried wide on the first turn closed gamely on the far turn The others could not reach the leaders after being crowded on the first turn turnScratched Scratched 93686 Beckoned 96 937953Eva B 106 93380 Brown Molasses 105 105Overweight Overweight Risky Miss 3 pounds Donna James 2 Knockaway 3 f FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purser700 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for 1250 allowed May234Dal Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt J4 Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners E uiiv Odds Strt 93513SARACEN MAID WB 102 3 2 11 1 14 11 1 KingJ C Smith 90100 9010093688HILDUR 93688HILDUR PRINCE w 116 5 3 2k 21 2s 24 2 StullerDR G E Tyler 130100 13010093292HARVEY 93292HARVEY G 0 WB 109 155 5 42 34 31 FelsB Geneseo Stable 6120100 612010093466DR 93466DR KAISER WB 100 4 4 41 41 3 41 4 WintersM Mrs C L Applegate 1030100 688 HEARTY LAD w 109 2 1 31 31 5 5 5 AHenR A J Williams 1885100 1885100Time Time 25 49 115 128 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SARACEN MAID 380 220 240 90 100 10 100 20 100 100HILDUR HILDUR PRINCE 230 250 15 100 25 100 100HARVEY HARVEY G 0 460 130 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Crusader Persian Rose by The Manager trained by R Pollard bred by Mr L B ombs and Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 435 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SARACEN MAID rushed to the front on the back stretch was steadied along under mild restraint to the final eighth where she hung on gamely HILDUR PRINCE closest to the winner throughout tired at Jhe finish HARVEY G 0 finished well The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 936852Stuart Plaid 100 Overweight Harvey G 0 5 pounds Hearty Lad 1 QQQ A 17 SIXTH RACE 1 1r8 Miles Purse 600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value M o5 n I to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Bjuiv Odds Strt 93689 BELEN w 6 106 2 6 5 5 3s 1 1 WestropeJ Glen Helen Stud Stable 425100 936895DAWN MIST WB 5 106 5 2 I2 14 I1 22 2 CraigA Oak Tree Stable Stablew 310100 93689i3LUGANO w 4 111 1 1 21 24 2 3 3 WintersM Fishburn Stable StableWB 225100 936891DUG IN WB 4 116 3 3 4l 42 5s 42 41 RallsC F Stoltz Stoltzw 950100 93468 EXCELLENCY w 6 111 6 5 7 7 61 51 5l PolIardJ A G Tarn Tarnw8116 360100 93517 OUR PAL w8116 7 7 62 6 7 7 62 AllenR W C Weant 2145100 93689JEVA JANE w 4 106 4 4 3 3 41 61 7 ClemonsR H Dots 5660100 5660100Time Time 25 49 115 142J 154 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BELEN 1050 540 360 425 100 170 100 80 100 100DAWN DAWN MIST 440 300 120 100 50 100 100LUGANO LUGANO 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Ladkin Blissful by Broomstick trained by H Cavanaugh bred by Scarington Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 506 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBELEN BELEN restrained to the far turn and lucky to get through on the stretch turn took a short lead in the final eighth but was doing her best at the finish DAWN MIST showed early speed raced wide turning into the stretch but finished well LUGANO had no mishaps DUG IN was best of the others QOC AQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming SOOO priceMay234Dal Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price May234Dal 1000 ladex Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 936S92 fBABEE WB 4 111 2 2 33 2 I2 11 I1 WestropeJ J Kern 420100 93684 JESSIE CAREY w 8 111 66 61 6 34 2s 21 AllenR W C Weant 2870100 287010093748THISTLE 93748THISTLE FYRN WB 8 106 5 X 8 8 6l 3 3 KingJ G Collins 1015100 93258 HONOHINA WB 5 111 7 8 7s 7J 7s 51 4 GrossE A Cunningham 5195100 519510093358FINNIC 93358FINNIC w 8 106 4 4 4k 44 44 61 51 WintersM Mrs R L Rogeri 295100 29510093683LINE 93683LINE RIDER WB 7 111 8 1 1 I2 21 41 63 CrceseR Chinn Buck 120100 93748 JEAN BROWN w 4 107 3 5 55 5 5 7B 7s DronetL Lone Star Stable 2545100 2545100gSeSgi gSeSgi HIEFS SCOUT w 4 111 1 3 22 34 8 8 8 PolIardJ E R Fain 2260100 2260100tDisqualified tDisqualified Time 23 47 113 139 Track fast 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING O1JUB O1JUBJESSIE JESSIE CAREY 5940 3860 1260 2870 100 1830 100 530 100 100THISTLE THISTLE FYRN 1230 620 515 100 210 100 100HONOHINA HONOHINA iv 1550 675 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Chatterton Bachelors Blend by Tredennis trained by W C Weant bred by Mr W C Weant Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 534 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBABEE BABEE close to the early leaders went around the leaders on the far turn forced JESSIE CAREY to ease up in the final sixteenth and drew clear but was disqualified JESSIE CAREY moved up with a rush turning into the stretch but was eased up when forced close to the rail then continued gamely THISTLE FYRN showed a good performance LINE RIDER quit CHIEFS SCOUT was done early earlyScratched Scratched 93748 General Campbell 111 111Overweight Overweight Jean Brown 1 pound poundCorrected Corrected weight Chiefs Scout 111