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LOUISVILLE Ky May 2 Here is the latest prospective field for the Kentucky Derby Horse Wt Jockey HorsefCavalcade fCavalcade 126 M Garner Garner126D tTime Clock 126D Bellizzi + Bazaar 121 D Meade JBlue Again 126 Agrarian 126C Kurtsinger Discovery 126J Bejshak Speedmore 126 F Horn Mata Hari 121 J Gilbert Riskulus 126 L Humphries Peace Chance 126 W D Wright Sgt Byrne 126 S Renick Spy Hill 126 S Coucci Sir Thomas 126 A Pascuma Singing Wood 126 R Jones ijQuasimodo ThomasvilleijQuasimodo Thomasville Bender First Prince Pompey F Springer IBrookmeade Stable entry JE R Bradley entry Doubtful starters