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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 106 FOUNDED IN 1884 1884Entered Entered ae ecoudclnis matter April 2 1890 at the post office at Chicago Illinois under Act of March i 387V DAILY EXCElT 6UNDil A 4aily reflection of the American torf by telegraph I Fubliihed by PAR RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO MrJUTMOtJTH COUBT CHICAGO ELL 4AUGKICOKD 8TEEEX EAST TORONTO ONT MK DiCAXUB 8TKEET NEW ORLEANS LA S13 HK81 AVE N W MIAMI HJI HJIH H XJLRRIBOfl ST BAN FSANCISCO CALIF HEHBERT KHANCEB Iretident IretidentJ J M BAGZN VicePreeident A VI KEUBE SecretaryTreasurer TEUIlHUNE BAHItlSON 7508 For DuflnPti and circulation poriwces only fUm teivtiiiona baa no connection with tb new or c4i ual department and cannot be nstd to com BHisIeate with them JT Frc Jbone Reiulti Call Wabaab 7000 SUBSCRIPTION BY F1USTCLASS MAIL 800 tfSU MONTH U60 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DR DRLIVEttt LIVEttt 1 BO PER MONTH BY AIR MAIL MAILT2BO T2BO EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY DELIVERYPAYABLE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL 25 CENTS BACH Address all communications make all remittances u usend send all manuscripts to toDAILY DAILY BACIMO FORM PUBLISHING CO COMli Mli Plymouth Court Chicago Cl To b considered and answered all queries to Dally Boeing Form must be aent over the full name and with tbe address of writer The names and addresses are cobject to local and foreign directory test 91105 is First Index of 1934