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AURORA The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Aurora Tuesday Paid 5112 for 2 AURORA ILL TUESDAY MAY 15 1934 Aurora 1 mile Thirteenth day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Waite Stall Gate used Weather Clear Stewards C J FitzGerald representing Illinois Racing Commission J T Ireland and R A Leigh Placing Judges C C Campeau C V Abbq and R A Leigh Starter G R Wingfield Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May1534Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 700 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv Odds Strt 94312MUSTICE B WB 4 105 4 1 2i 32 3l 1B LoweW F J Grand 165100 1651003k 94247AURICA WB 7 103 1 3 3k 21 2k 2a HarbortO F Wright 522100 94061BIRTHDAY GIFT wB6108 22 11 I2 I1 32 ManifoldH J Hubbard 811100 8111004k 94245MIMMIE L w 6 108 6 5 4k 6 6k 41 RollinsC A G Tarn 548100 93936TENNYWOOD WB 5 113 3 4 64 5 4k 52 HnswthC S J Molay 534100 94064 COMSNR KENDY WB 7 110 76 51 4k 7 6k ArcaroE R J Boudreau 1460100 94374 CHANTESUTA w 4 108 5 7 7 7 52 52Time 7 BogskiW V Anzelmo 1247100 Time 23 47 7 59 106 Track fast fastUTUELS 2 MUTUELS UTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 364AURICA JUSTICES 530 364 272 165 100 82 100 36 100 AURICA 524 524BIRTHDAY 386 162 100 93 100 BIRTHDAY GIFT 436 118 100 Winner B c by Master Charlie Tea Room by Star Shoot trained by F J Grand bred by Mr A B Gordon Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 217 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJUSTICE JUSTICE B in hand when BIRTHDAY GIFT indulged in the pacemaking and responding gamply to punishment withstood a long drive gamely and outlasted AURICA The latter a strong factor throughout held on gamely while giving way BIRTHDAY GIFT tired JIMMIE L was outrun TENNYWOOD raced venly The others failed to reach contention Q4 477 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 500 3year CFTc fl 9 m olds and unward upward Maiden Maidens Claiminn Claiming Net value to winner S375 375 second prnnrf 75 75 third May1534Aur 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 800 Index Hones Ekll A WtPPSt Vi Str Fit Jockeys Owners Eqnlr Odds Htrt 94246CURB BIT WB 4 114 11 8k 5s 32 llkTildenR L Tiffany 302100 302100941242DONNA 941242DONNA BETTINA WB 3 102 9 6 31 21 lk 2s HarbortO C Nelson 472100 94246 DUSTY LANE w 3 109 5 4 51 41 41 31 ArcaroE S Peabody 960100 94313 LADY LA MARNE WB 3 104 6 8 T 7 71 4 ArnoldG Brentwood Stable 1312100 131210094129NIGGER fl00910089700DEETS 94129NIGGER BECK WB 3 104 10 12 101 9s 6 5k SmithFA J C Ellis fl009100 89700DEETS CAMPFIRE w 3 102 73 21 3 51 6k StrongJ Chappel Bros Bros942463MY 942463MY AGA w 3 109 4 11 9s 8l 10l 71 JonesH Mrs E C Campbell 1811100 181110093778AUTO 93778AUTO CAUTERY w 4 104 12 5 I1 14 2k 8k ManifoldH R OConnor 1322100 1322100BLAKE BLAKE w 3 104 2 7 6k 10 94 91 MoonR R T Watts t B4376 BLIND PUSS WB3106 810 111111 101 HerndezJ S J Molay 4266100 94246 CATCH ON w3109 32 4 61 84 11 ChiavettaF P Hatcher 576100 57610094376RUFFDAY 94376RUFFDAY w 3 104 11 9 Lost rider KeesterP Day Woodruff 734100 fMutucl field Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTTTEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CURB 100DONNA BIT 804 460 374 302 100 130 100 87 100 DONNA BETTINA 522 388 161 100 94 100 DUSTY 100DUSTY LANE 578 189 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Bright Knight Modification by High Time trained by H MacDonald bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 243 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCURB CURB BIT outrun for half a mile gained steadily thereafter and responding gamely to punishment won in the closing stages DONNA BETTINA never far back disposed of AUTO CAUTERY but could not hold the winner DUSTY LANE showed improvement under strong riding LADY LA MARNE closed a gap NIGGER BECK closed a big gap DEETS CAMPFIRE raced well CATCH ON was done early RUFFDAY was caught in close quarters leaving the back stretch stumbled and lost his rider AUTO CAUT ¬ ERY quit quitScratched Scratched 94376Blonde Baggage 99 94124 Black Miss 99 86359 Brother Ben 114 Miami Sands 114 94129 Flitsome 104 94246 Uncle Mitch 109 109Overweight Overweight Donna Bettina 3 pounds Deets Campfire 3 Blind Puss 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Curb Bit 114 and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 fourth May1534Aur 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str FJn Jockeys Owners Eqnlv Odds Str t 80287SUPERCHARGE WB 4 106 5 3 I4 I4 Is I1 ManifoldH C Rufi 206100 94376 DROIT w 3 110 31 21 2 24 21 BogskiW H C McConnell McConnell94247IRFANEH 1523100 94247IRFANEH w 9 111 10 4 31 34 32 34 HornG W C Morris Morris94375SBAG 646100 94375SBAG SMASHER WB 7 116 8 9 9l 94 61 44 ArcaroE C E Davison 198100 Boyens94125HASOLA 93066 KING TODAY w 3 110 9 8 74 71 5 51 HerndezF R W Boyens f4264100 94125HASOLA w 5 106 12 6 5k 6 8 64 HarbortO 0 Viau 984100 94312 BARBARA 0 w 4 111 11 7 62 5 71 71 ArnoldG J J OByrne 984100f f 94129 SOUTHLAND TOY wH6 22 41 41 4 81 TildenR JM Hubbard 2372100 94381 CLAUDE C ws8116 710 11410110I 95 JonesH C 0 Smith t 94191EXTERNAL w 6 111 4 5 8l 84 9 10 SmithFA J C Ellis 10864100 89519LITTLE BUSTER WB 5 111 611 101 II2 11 11s RollinsC J OSullivan 6120100 94313 FARMER BOB w 3 110 1 12 12 12 12 12 ChiavettaF P Hatcher 1843100 1843100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23J 47J 11 3J Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS SUPERCHARGE 612 590 402 206 100 195 100 101 100 100DROIT 100IRFANEH DROIT 1498 1026 649 100 413 100 IRFANEH 412 106 100 100Winner Winner B f by Supremus Carabine by Hollister trained by Mi McLeod bred by Audley Farm and Mr H P Hcadley Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 311 AT POST 10 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Farmer Bob Won driving second and third the same sameSUPERCHARGE SUPERCHARGE fractious at the post delayed the start and placed on the outside where she began well raced into a long lead and continuing gamely under occasional pressure was doing her best to hold DROIT The latter showing improvement under a change of riders was closest to the winner throughout and closed fastest IRFANEH raced evenly to the stretch then closed a gap BAG SMASHER was in close quarters most of the way but gained fast when clear KING TODAY raced well HASOLA failed to be dangerous under punishment SOUTHLAND TOY quit FARMER BOB dwelt at the start startScratched Scratched 94435Barashkova 111 94311 King Hollistcrt 110 94188 Monde 111 94190 Mamie D 105 93993 Janece T 106 94311 V Vnnie nnie H 111 Q l irrQ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Thistle Fyrn May 17 1929 138 3 101 Purse 500 3 35May1534Aur y yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May1534Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EkjuiT Odds Strt 94377 FELAXE WB 5 112 21 lx I1 Is 1 I2 TildenR A G Tarn 361100 36110094251PEACE 94251PEACE LADY w 6 107 3 6 41 3 2l 2 24 HerndezJ H Herendeen 326100 94248 UNBELIEF WB 3 108 7 7 71 62 5k 3 3 RenoT Mrs J M Nugent 1428100 92841 LIGHT MINT WB 6 112 4 8 8 71 7 44 4 TaylorW A P Canale 962100 96210094377TOWN 94377TOWN LIMIT WB 6 102 5 5 2 2 3l 6 5k ManifoldH R Scoville 192100 19210094246RADIATION 94246RADIATION w 4 1031 8 4 3l 4 41 51 6 HaberR R J Boudreau 1309100 130910094247OH 94247OH YEAH WB 6 102 1 2 5 51 61 7 7 RollinsC J OSullivan 2344100 234410094434ORKIN 94434ORKIN w 6 107 6 3 61 8 8 8 8 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 8162100 8162100Time Time 25 48 113 139 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FELAXE 922 448 490 361 100 124 100 145 100 100PEACE PEACE LADY 460 400 130 100 100 100 100UNBELIEF UNBELIEF 906 353 100 100Winner Winner B g by Axenstein Felside by Fair Play trained by N Ings bred by Foxcatcher Farms Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 349 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart drivingFELAXE Start good and slow for all but Light Mint Won ridden out second and third driving FELAXE hustled to the front increased his advantage after half a mile and continuing under vigorous urging held PEACE LADY safe in the drive The latter mildly restrained early gained fast in the stretch but could not overhaul the winner UNBELIEF showed good form LIGHT MINT dwelt at the start but closed a big gap in a good performance TOWN LIMIT quit RADIATION tired after half a mile Th others were outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Unbelief 2 pounds Radiation 1 f Continued on thirteenth pagej AUEORA Continued from third page QzLdO FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jack Haskell Oct 19 1929 142 3 103 Kane f 5v ville Handicap Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 525 May1534Aur secondt S100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses E t A Wt 1LSt V4 V2 Sir Fin Joekeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93679RIDGEVIEW 93679RIDGEVIEW94182TECHNOCRACY WB6112 3 2 3J 31 31 I1 1s ArcaroE J D Mikel 174100 174100w 94182TECHNOCRACY 94182TECHNOCRACY94192NAVANOD w 3 104 1 1 2J 2l 2l 31 21 ChiavettaF S Peabody 482100 482100WB 94192NAVANOD WB 4 114 2 5 5 5 4l 4s 3J ArnoldG Brentvvood Stable 190100 190100wB3102 94249LOGGIA wB3102 5 3 1s I2 I1 21 4s HarbortO J Cattarinich 676100 676100WB 941 92 OUR JUSTICE WB 4 109 4 4 41 4 5 5 5 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 1210100 Time 23 47 112 137 141 new track record Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB 100TECHNOCRACY RIDGEVIEW 548 328 240 174 100 64 100 20 100 TECHNOCRACY 100NAVANOD 512 296 156 100 48 100 NAVANOD 244 22 100 Winner 100Winner Ch m by Prince of Umbria Dangerillo by Danger Rock trained by J D Mikel bred by Audley Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 417 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingRIDGEVIEW good and slow Won easily second and third driving RIDGEVIEW saved early moved to the front whe n urged and drawing out fast was onlycantering in the final stages TECHNOCRACY mildly restrained while close to the pace disposed of LOGGIA but was overmatched NAVANOD stumbled at the start moved up gradually and closed gamely LOGGIA quit OUR JUSTICE was outrun outrunOvenveight Ovenveight Technocracy 2 pounds Loggia 2 Our Justice 5 TH RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 fourth May1534Aur 515 claiming price 1500 if for less 4 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 1000 EqtA VrPI1 St Jtl Kill Jlirkrr Gquir Odds Strt 94314JCAPTAIN 18110094314CAPTAIN RED WB 4 118 2 1 2 21 lk I1 ArcaroE C E Davison 181100 94314CAPTAIN JOY WB 4 109 1 4 4 4s 4s 2 HaberR B Hernandez 512100 94009POLYFON 51210094009POLYFON WB 7 109 35 5 31 31 34 HarbortO J D Mikel 105100 10510094313FIRE 153210091006REDINS 94313FIRE STAR w 3 95 5 3 I1 I1 2 4 SmithFA Rosehome Stable 1532100 91006REDINS w 3 101 4 2 31 5 5 5 RollinsC C H Snider 4273 100 100Time Time 23 46 111 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CAPTAIN 100CAPTAIN RED 562 320 218 181 100 60 100 9 100 100POLYFON CAPTAIN JOY 570 254 185 100 27 100 POLYFON 220 10 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Captain Alcock Wilton Flanna by Danger Rock trained by C E Davison bred by Mr T E Hughes Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 445 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCAPTAIN CAPTAIN RED well handled and carrying his impost gamely raced FIRE STAR into defeat then drew away holding CAPTAIN JOY safe The latter gained steadily closed gamely but was overmatched POLY ¬ FON probably best was taken very wide throughout and might have been a stronger factor with better handling speedScratched FIRE STAR quit REDINS showed early speed Scratched 93995 Well Heeled 105 94127 = Pharatime 100 9438030tterrop 100 94250 Hawk Moth 99 94127 Copain 104 104Overweight Overweight Redins 1 pound poundCorrected Corrected weight Captain Red 118 Q A A QO SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Jack Haskell May 22 1929 145 3 104 Purse 500 thirdMay1534Aur tjT t ± O 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third May1534Aur 535 fourth 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPISt Str Fin Joekeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 93994BISMARCK WB 3 101 2 2 14 I2 I5 1s 11 RollinsC B F Miller 2627100 94376 DISTINCT WB3102 5 4 4l 2 2 22 24 HarbortO M Eisner 766100 76610094377MORE 94377MORE POWER w 6 107 3 9 5l 51 42 31 32 LoweW Mrs F J Grand 872100 94315 LILAC BLOOM w 4 107 4 1 9e 71 51 6s 41 CoxD Mrs A K Miller 1476100 147610094316MIJO 94316MIJO WB4100 730 8 6 61 41 5 ManifoldH Saltzman Shclton 10564100 1056410094375NOWSKI 94375NOWSKI WB 5 107 9 8 31 31 31 5 61 SmithFA J C Ellis 6132100 613210094188MEKACHEE 94188MEKACHEE w 8 107 10 3 21 41 75 7 T HaberR W C Morris 892100 89210094065CESARE 94065CESARE WB 7 112 8 6 7k 82 86 8 8 ArcaroE C E Davison 59100 5910094436FRANK 94436FRANK GROSSMAN w5107 1 7 61 9 94 9 ° 9 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 6843100 94246 BAN MACK w 3 107 6 5 10 10 10 10 10 TildenR J H Davis 11022100 Time 11022100Time 25 49 113 140 1469 Track fast 32 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BISMARCK 100DISTINCT 5454 1638 1114 2627 100 719 100 457 100 DISTINCT 962 622 381 100 211 100 MORE 100MORE POWER 494 147 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Colonel Shaw Melus by Polymelus trained by B F Miller bred by Mr W II WhitehouEc Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 514 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBISMARCK BISMARCK showing a rather startling reversal of form took the lead at once and continuing namely outlasted DISTINCT in the drive The latter moved up fast after a quarter and gaining gradually could not overhaul the winner MORE POWER closed gamely under punishment LILAC BLOOM closed a gap under weak handling MIJO had no mishaps NOWSKI tired CESARE showed dull form MEKACHEE was outrun Scratched 94251JSkibo 107 Overweight Distinct 1 pound Mijo 3 Ban Mack 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Ban Mack 106 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT AURORA Tuesday 3 Races 10178 5 Racesf 15972 7 Races 28400 QUINELLA PAID 32412