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NO TRAFFIC-NO PARKIN6 /p@ BEST WAY ARLINGTON Only PARK rash — no hurry —no traffic jams. No need to miss MNo fOntc the **rst race — nor eave before die last. Board a com-tCll Lai fortable "North Western" train and in 35 minutes daii_j Tvfn steP °tt "She at the grand stand. Special trains leave fCOUfia I rip Madison St. Station at 12:25 p. m. Daylight Saring Direct to Trad! Time and at frequent intervals thereafter until 1:35 p. m. — Saturday, first train at 12:10 p. m. The same m_ a excellent special service returning. SjEnlTl Eight Tbrittag Races Hairy fcacricss fisert Tboroaghhreds frJmftOSsr ftr ffftrmstiom apply aTY TICKET OFFICII y!JsS87 137So.LaSalleSt.,PboneDearborn212t,or P**HS Madison St. Station. Phone Dearborn 2060 aiea CHICAGO and NORTH WESTERN RY.