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I jfAMAJCAT NEW YORK N Yf SATURDAY MAY 11 1935 Jamaica 1 mile Nineteenth day Metropolitan Jockey Club Spring meeting of 21 days Balir Stall Gate used 71 books Weather clear Stewards S Vosburgh and G H Bull Steward representing The Jockey Club M Cassidy Judges EG Smith A Burlon and C Cornchlsen Starter G Cassidy Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 240 p m Chicago time 140 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicatcs apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 58 MILE Outline May 1C 1923 58 2 111 Purse 900 2yearolds OOKl Maidens Special weights May1135Jam Net value to winner 650 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St 4 y Sir Flu Jockeys Owners 096223PELERINE wl2 3 4 3 3433 1 HainesG H P Headley 710 34 34 15 out 09621 FRA DIAVOLO wn15 12 2 2 2 2 HornF H C Phipps 316516571015 09622 SUNANAIR wl5 53 58 4 4 3i PascumaA VV Ziegler Jr 6 7 72 710 09691 HIGHDRY W112 21 1 1 4 WintcrsM W Zakoor 50 60 50 10 3 09564 MARYS CHOICE w 112 4 5 W 5G 52 55 PriorW Mrs M Simpson 100 200 200 60 20 20TIMEPIECE TIMEPIECE wnll5 6 6 6666 JonesR Sage Stable 6 10 7 2 710 710Time Time 23 48 100 Track fast Winner B f by Supremus Ancient Queen by Archaic trained by D A Headley bred by Mr H P Headloy HeadloyWENT WENT TO POST 249 AT P9ST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePELERINE PELERINE improved her position steadily from a slow beginning came through on the inside entering tha stretch and wore down FRA DIAVOLO to draw away The latter forced the early pace assumed command in the stretch then hung SUNANAIR was placed under pressure in the stretch run and finished well HIGH DRY showed early speed and had no mishaps TIMEPIECE raced greenly and was outrun MARYS CHOICE had no mishaps SECOND RACE 34 MILE King Saxon April 20 1935 110 4 118 Graded Handl AQCtRK cap Class C 900 Added 3yearolds and upward Mayll35Jam Net vaue to winner 700 second 150 thjrdi 575 fourthf Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 09739 POL YCLETUS wn41236 1 14 I3 1 I3 CoucciS M Howard 2 115 95 12 out 09739 CHANCE RAY wn5105 23 3 34 3422 WintersM Mrs W P Stewt 20 30 30 8 3 097393SUN ARENA w3109 44 44 46 4 3 SteffcnE W S Kilmer 677235 677235092762SANDY 092762SANDY BILL wu5119 12 2 = 2 22 4 MalleyT J H Louchheim 65 1310 65 13 out 05394 ONE CHANCE w 3 105 5 5 53 52 5 ° 54 SeaboG Ascot Stabla 60 100 100 30 8 09228 NIGHT SPRITE WB 4 115 3 6 6666 RaineyC H Neusteter 465 8512 8512Time Time 22 45 112 Track fast Winner B g by Polymelian Mountain Lassie by Harmonicon trained by E Sande bred by Mr W R Coe CoeWENT WENT TO POST 312 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingPOL good and slow Won eased up second and third driving POL YCLETUS moved into command when called upon drew into a safe lead and was in hand at the end CHANCE RAY responded to urging in the stretch run and finished well SUN ARENA was placed under pressure in the stretch and closed some ground SANDY BILLj in nearest pursuit of the early pace faltered badly in the stretch ONE CHANCE CHANCEand and NIGHT SPRITE were outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Chance Ray 2 pounds Sun Arena 2j THIRD RACE 58 MILE Outline May 16 1923 58 2 111 TwentyThird Running ACbCfcerJ YOUTHFUL STAKES 2500 Added 2yearolds Allowances faay1135Jam Net value to wjnner 3220 second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 09693 WHITE COCKADE wl7 1 6 1413 14 is HornF 0 Phipps 35 35 12 16 out 09463 GALSAC wl7 22 22wl7 2 22 26 2 CoucciS Grcentree Stable 8 88235 09791 PULLMAN wl7 4 1 1wull7 31 3 33 3 JonesR Sage Stable 566 8512 097912MICROBE wull7 65 6 6 6 42 RobcrtsonA C V Whitney 4 5 5 6525 08369 HIGHER CLOUD wull4 53 4l 4 4 53 HainesG H P Headley 12 20 12 4 85 09791 QUICK LOOK wnl5 3 4 5 5 5 6 RichardsH Brookmeade Sta 30 60 60 15 6 6Time Time 23 47 59 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Diavolo White Favor by Sir Gallahad III trained by J Fitzsimmons Jr bred by Mr 0 Phipps WENT TO POST 336 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same WHITE COCKADE was placed on the outside at the start and was away slowly moved into command with a rush and had speed in reserve GALSAC was placed under pressure entering the stretch moved up with determination but could not menace the winner PULLMAN well up in the early stages faltered at the end MICROBE worked his way up on the outside and finished fast HIGHER CLOUD closed well QUICK LOOK had no mishaps mishapsOverweight Overweight Quick Look 1 pound FOURTH RACE 1 116 MILES Sting May 9 1925 142 106 Flushing Handicap e 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward May1135Jam Net value to winner 870 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 09465 LEGIONARY WB 4101 2 2 I2 14 14 I2 14 HowellR Mrs L Nimkoff 465 8513 094642VICAR ws4120 3 3 23 22 2 = 2 2 StoutJ Belair Stud Sta 2 135 135 710 14 09313 WATCH HIM wu6116 1 1 3 ° k 4 3nk 32 33 RobertsonA Mrs J Hertz 2 2 85 12 out 09464 GOOD GOODS wu 4 113 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 CoucciS Brookmeade Sta 2 135 135 710 14 Time 24 48 112 138 145J Track fast Winner B f by Cohort Spider Web by Spur trained by P Brady bred by Mr M Hirsch HirschWENT WENT TO POST 359 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LEGIONARY outran her field to the first turn was rated along under steadying restraint shook off VICAR when the latter challenged and held her opposition safe to the end VICAR in nearest pursuit of the pace from the start made a determined bid when called upon but hung at the end WATCH HIM under pressure in the early running made up ground slowly through the stretch GOOD GOODS faltered badly when called upon uponOverweight Overweight Legionary 1 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Sting May 15 1925 141 4 124 Purse fQQE o 900 3yearolds Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of a race at U UtfJJ tfJJ Oo one mile or over since April 19 allowed 2 Ibs at any time 4 Ibs maidens May1 135 Jam 7 ibs Claiming price 3500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2500 Tlet value to winner 650 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Yi i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 09567 COUNT TETRARCH wu 112 2 1 21 33 33 14 RobertsonA Mrs J Hertz 10 12 10 3 65 095132JIM JOHN wu 110 3 2 1 Ink Z1 31 Z LynchJ D A Wood 1 1110 1 13 out 09694 OLD STORY wnll6 4 4 51 41 4 42 34 JonesR Mrs J H Whity 3 4 4 7512 09284 THISWAY wu 110 5 6 6 52 5G 58 4h HornF H C Phipps 15 15 12 5 2 09692 MANNIE WB 105 1 5 3 21 1 21 5 ° SeaboG J Freedman 12 20 15 5 2 09695 GOLD STANDARD wflllO 6 3 41 6 6 6 6 CoucciS W Zakoor 3 1853 1 13 13Time Time 23 47 113 140 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Reigh Count Tetrarchs Captive by The Tetrarch trained by F S Hackett bred by Mrs JI Hertz Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 421 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOUNT COUNT TETRARCH followed the early pace under steadying restraint moved up fast on the outside after reaching the stretch bore out causing some crowding then drew away and held on well JIM JOHN showed speed from the start was in close quarters entering the stretch but came again at the end OLD STORY worked his way up on the outside and finished with good courage THISWAY closed some ground under urging MANNIE showed early speed but was beaten when interfered with at the stretch turn GOLD STANDARD showed a dull effort and had no mishaps SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Sting May 9 1925 142 4 106 Purse 900 3yearolds DtOQEf Q an upward Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 116 Ibs Winners since UyJIOtl April 19 2 Ibs extra for each race won Claiming price 2000 if for May1135Jam 1750 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to winner 650 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 09566SPANISH WAY waSHS 3 2 2 26 14 1 1 McManusF B B Stable 858511102515 09625 MAJOR GENERAL w6120 2 1 1 1 2 23 25 RobtsonA G Bochle 4 6 6 2 710 08615 HOOPS WB6113 566 41 33 33 31 LynchJ J D Norris 3 3 3 7512 7512097933MORALIST 097933MORALIST WB 5 116 1 5 5 6 52 5 ° 4h HainesG W H Gallagher 45585 12 1209377STONE 09377STONE MARTIN w7110 6 4 4i 51 44 41 510 KnottK W C Winfrey 8 12 12 5 2 09373 UNCLE BILLY w3108 4 3 32 3 6 6 6 RaineyC Mrs K Jesbger 20 30 20 8 4 fastWinner Time 24 Al 112 139 146 Track fast Winner B g by Spanish Prince II Miss Marcella by Sir Martin trained by H Jacobs bred by Audley Farm and Mr L A Moscley Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST446 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSPANISH SPANISH WAY away fast and under steadying restraint in the early running responded to pressure in the stretch and held MAJOR GENERAL sale in the final drive MAJOR GENERAL a forward factor from the start made a determined bid in the stretch but hung at the end HOOPS away slowly worked his way up on the inside and finished well MORALIST dropped back after the start but finished well STONE MARTIN had no mishaps UNCLE BILLY had speed for a half mile milegcratched09789 gcratched09789 Thumlerion i 1151 Q956gi SJiow 116 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILESr Mad Play Oct 4 1924 149 3 115 Purse 900 4year AQQC O JL ° lds ai3 upward Claiming Nonwinners since April 19 Weight 117 Ibs Vr ClaimMay1 7ptJ F2 Nonwinners of two races in 1935 allowed 3 Ibs one race 7 Ibs Claim May1 135Jam jng price 1300 Net value to winner 650 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St it Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H O P3 097403ROYAL GOLD WB4106 4 1 22 1412 12 IT KnottK J Freedman 3 44 4 8 5 W 09626 RHODESIA w7110 8 2 in 21 23 2 2 CoucciS Mrs E A Burke 4 4 3 6112 09740 MATAR wsn4117 5 4 544434 3h 31 SteffenE S J Brown 15 15 15 6 3 06026GRACIAS w5105 1 3 3 3 4 4 44 RoscnJ P S P Randolph 20 30 30 105 09736 PRINCE POMPEY wn4110 3 6 6 51 5 53 52 HainesG E Seguin 2 135 2 1 12 09165 BANDERLOG WB6117 6 7 73 72 6 62 63 Bagurll P F Rattl 444 8545 854509626TUFFY 09626TUFFY G w6109 288 8 7 7 i HowcllR H Dongan 788385 09377 DESERT SANDS WB4110 7 5 41 61 8 8 8 RaineyC B B Stable 5 8 7 2 65 Time 25 49 114 140 152 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Golden Guinea Queen High by Delhi trained by G Leeds bred by Mr W H Crawford Winner entered to be claimed for 1300 1300WENT WENT TO POST 507 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the samt samtROYAL ROYAL GOLD forced the pace from the start raced RHODESIA into defeat and drew away at the end RHODESIA showed speed from the start and had no mishaps MATAR a forward factor from the start had no mishaps GRACIAS broke in a tangle at the start and caused some crowding PRINCE POMPEY wai in close quarters after the start BANDERLOG dropped back after the start Scratched 096262Guiding Light 105 105Overweight Overweight Royal Gold 1 pound