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DAILY RACING FORM Official publication ef National Association cf State Racing Commissioners VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 104 FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Entered Entered as second class matter April 2 1896 at the pott office at Chicago Illinois under Act of March S 1879 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A daily reflection of tlie American turf toy telegraph PutlblMd oy REGAL PRESS INC INCMi Mi MYHOTJTH COURT CHICAGO Hi Hi3i3 3i3 W 26IH 8IXEEX JTEW TOBK CWTi T IS CALHOUN AYE HOUSTON XZTA4 XZTA4M M ZICHUOND STBEET AIZ ZOKONTO OVX M MAMI COTTET K W MIAMI TLA TLA1IM 1IM X YEBXONX AYE LOS ANGELES CALIF CALIFSlt7 Slt7 THLRD AYE SEATTLE WASH TELEPHONE HABRISON 7508 For businesB and circulation purposes only Thia telephone has no connection with the newatr editorial departments and cannot br ued to communi ¬ cate with them For Free Phone Besulta Call Wabasb 7000 SDBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL 1850 PER MONTH 260 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DI ¬ LI VERY 1500 PER MONTH BY AIR MAIL 200 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY DELIVERYPAYABLE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL 25 CENTS EACH To be considered and answered all queries to Daily Sacing Form must be sent over the full name and vrith the address of writer The names and addresses are nbject to a local and foreign directory test Address all communications make all remittances and andsend send all manuscripts to toDALLY DALLY ZEACXNG FOJUf HI Plymonth Court Chicago HL 37304 is First Index of 1937