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SATURDAY MAY 8 BEULAH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 53 Air Wave 42 b 423 Job 41d 41dBobs Bobs Choice 41d Lady Kilda 40d 52 Birthday Gift 41 b 54 Little R 41 h 52 Brown Hat 38d 54 Lisbia Ruth 40 d Drby Deliht 41h 57 Ltle Bubbles 41b Dby Darling 41h 54 Mint Flavor 41h Danjoan 42h 35 Single Stripe 40h 40hEasy Easy Go 40d 420 Scut Brigade 42 h 323 Idealistic 39d 39dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Apple Time 55h 51 Josie Jane 54d 51 Betty Rejoice 51d Lady Oldham 57b 57bBea Bea M 54 h Mr Boss 54h 52 Bonnie Cain 56 b 54 Neds Afnity 53h 54 Circean 57b 324 Outside 53d 52 Concsus 54h 54 Rosireigh 55h 324 Computer 53d Ripantear 58h 327 Darbyanna 57 b 51 Sver Tidings 54b 51 Ealcona 53 h String Wheel 56h 54 Flutterby 57b 54 Smart Girl 56h 13 Jildac Rose 55h 56 Tappanaugh 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mife 321 Ding Bin 107h 54 Line Drive 109d 57 Jaz Ase 109d 54 Rolanda l10h 52 Jildac l13h 53 White Top 110 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Best Man 124 h hOne One Mile 53 Dr Potter l584 b TANFORAN TANFORANWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 316 Bon Red 40 b 56 Ogee 39 b bKing King Royale 39b 56 Paymaster 37b 430 Mald Brzc 37b 37bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 57 Ansr True 49 b 427 McCarthy 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Barbadoes 102 b 52 Mekong 102h 102hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Au Man 117 b 54 Donna Jean115 h 56 Campillo l17b SUNDAY MAY 9 AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 55 Ann ORuley 36h 55 No Dice 36h 55 Bulwark 35h 51 Portunus 38 b 54 Hoops 40 b 56 Splash Along 37 b 313 Idle Midget 38bOneHalf 38b OneHalf Mile 54 Brt Chance 50 h 56 Royal Fox 51 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 52 Carlovinian 116 h AURORA AURORAWeather v Weather cloudy track good ThreeEighths Mile 58 Army Game 4Qh 56 Marcabala 37h 57 Bnny Martin 37h 429 Malay 37 h 425 Biff 40 b My Feng 42 b 55 Biography 40b 56 Northern Sir 37 h 57 Clonels Miss 39 b Nameoki 39 h 53 Curb Bit 39b 42 One Night 38h 57 Cain 41 b 225 Our Spot 39 h 57 David W 39h Primadel 39 h 430 Easy Flight 37h 47 Pay Check 36 d 226 Fly Cherokee 39 h 52 Platine Belle 38h 52 Fed Landing 40 b 427 Qeen of Gold 39h 51 FastRoamcr 37h 320 Repaid 39 b 26 Honeysweep 40h 55 Raffles Lad 40 b Just High 39 h 424 Sarahmond 40 b 429 Jay D 40 b 44 Springs Here 35d 54 Jockana 38b 54 Sea Fox 40 b b319KaiFenn 319KaiFenn 42 b 52 War Dimes 40b 58 Lamonte 41 b W Daughter 39h 426 Later Qn 40 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 55 Donie 52 h 430 Photography 51 h 326 Explorer 51 h 36 Pink Petunia 50 h hIto Ito 52h 427 Sioux Chief 50h 51 Inscription 52 h 55 Sun Dora 50h 58 Kieva 55 s 54 Visibility 50b 51 Legsure 54 b 310 Yuldurum 53 h h325MarcoIa 325MarcoIa 50 h 57 Zuni 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 52 Bway Lightsl06h Harem Queenl07 b 57 Blackthorn 108 b 51 Kabo lO5h lO5hDark Dark Rascal l06h 55 Mahmmvd 105 h 318 Dispeller 109 b 54 Oican 104 h 58 Fair Boyl03h 57 Take Down 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Donnahona 119 s 5 7 Racketeer l19h l19hOne One Mile 55 Miss Ritzl52 b Take Down worked very impressively Just High and Colonels Miss worked in1 company companyVisibility Visibility was under a mild drive Oican showed improvement Donie was well in hand Pay Check showed plenty of early speed BAY MEADOWS MEADOWSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 55 Aytee 37b 429 Fthful Maud 38b 55 Bon Hmage37b 54 Golden Ivy 35h 35hCross Cross Air 41b 56 Irrevocable 36 h 427 Capt Gridley 39 b 429 Ryl Emnce 36 h 53 Easter Jane 374fbOneHalf 374fb OneHalf Mile 51 Bon Mint 51 b Idler 49 b 414 Coldwater 49b 54 Leeds 51b 51 Cumulative 51b Penpicton 50b 56 Cathy P 49b 421 Quick Flight 51 b 53 Clean Out 49 b 52 Radio Hour 50 b 55 Eight Ball 47h 422 Silver Sarah 50 b 56 Florence BF 50 b 56 Shasta Lark 49 b bGold Gold Flight 49 b 421 Tigh Na Gow 48h 48hGrey Grey Cloud 50b 56 Underfoot 49b FiveEighths Mile MileAlawitt Alawitt 103b Effendi 105 b 48 Ardath l02b 56 Gleeman l02h 51 Alvarado l05b 45 Hasty Cololl04b 55 Bosonia l06b 426 Little Kiev 101 b 410 Blindfold 105 b 43 Model Damel02 b 315 Dixie Doral02b 429 Mahomet l04b 57 Doctor CarrlOl h 47 Native Datcrl02b Datcrl02bFritter Fritter Circlcl02b 56 Noroton l06b 53 Peter Saxonl02b Shackelford l04b l04bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile k 51 Beau Thorl14b 56 Proclivity l15b 56 Mildred Zinnl18 b 425 Rome Venniel14b Venniel14b33lMohac 33lMohac 114 h 58 Sobriety 112h 112hOne One Mile 57 Coax l47b 51 Polaris l41h 52 Danke Schonl42b 48 Scenario 143 b 427 Mapfe Queenl47b 52 Valiant Fox 140b 427 Malispina l48b 425 Yng Conardl46 b BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track slow ThreeEighths Mile 54 Coal King 39 b 427 Preeminent 38b 429 Dissembler 36h 56 Tintagel 36 h 426Fraidy Cat 39 b 57 Waster 37h 56 Infinite Lady 36 h Wee Coll 38 h 55 Lost Friend 38 b 57 Wanderoo 38b 52 Olivine 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 55 Brown Twig 54 b 53 Petline 49h 49h426Endymion 426Endymion 48 h 57 Pearl Diver 52 b 55 Ldy Myland 48h 430 Pple Knight 54 b 422Mahdi lb 57 Reigng Lass 51b 429 Nautch 47h Steel Dust 51 b 57 Primary 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 55 Catalysis l02h Kelt 103 h 430 Fair Beaml04b 57 Treford 101 d dHead Head Gear 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Advocater 113 h 426 Inactive 119 b 56 Avenal 117 h 55 Ltle Miraclel16 h 55 Brogue 116 h 56 Royal Reighl14h 56 Bailiwick 119 b 55 Upside Dnl19b 57 Caught 118 b 56 Unlimited l17h 54 Dawn Play 118 b 54 Whichprint 118 b 53 Fitter 118 b 55 Zevwee 117 h hOne One Mile 57 Esposa 145 b 52 Zostera 145 b bOne One and OneQuarter Miles 57 Flying Scot 206 h hBEULAH BEULAH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 51 Bunty Ann 40b Galiente 40 h h328Brophy 328Brophy 39d 51 Gipsy Dance 38 d 223 Cnt Maurice 42b 54 La Salle 39h 56 Cabotin 41d 29 Lucky Foot 42 b 53 Dona Barona 37d 57 Mad Career 41d 41dFair Fair Sara 40b 51 Polisher 42h 42hGd Gd Manners 40h 313 Zipalong 41b OneHalf Mile MileAlbert Albert B 53h 323 Irenes Bob 5V5b 51 Agreeable 53 h 326 Joe Jay 55 h 326 Blue Fume 56 b 57 Justold 56b 56bConcerto Concerto 56 b 57 Miss Gohi 55b 53 Claflag 53b 54 Night Flower 54b 51 Chunk 53h 319 Porter Call 52h 52 Chessie 514 d 57 Rockmelian 55h 54 Gee Gee 58h 54 Wee Hedwig 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 51 Busy Master 109 h 428 Miss Lulu 110 b 57 Doc Oster 109h 319 Polite Ann 109h 109hEl El Rccreol09h 57 Roentglogist l09h l09hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 52 Bessie Blues l20h 57 Costlier 151 h 57 Black Anna l24b 51 Glove l23b 225 Bcrdi Sweepl20 b 51 Morley Firth l21h 57 Bugaboo l19h Perditen l19h 52 Ben Machreel23h Machreel23hOne One Mile 53 Bert Lahr l52h 54 Ingle Nook 147h 53 Donau l52h 56 My Betty 153 b 57 Gden Thronel53h 53 Rosa Dear 150 b bDonna Donna Barona displayed good speed speedBert Bert companyGlove Lahr and Donau were in company Glove was well in hand all the way wayIngle Ingle Nook worked evenly throughout throughoutBrophy Brophy was under a mild drive driveCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 53 Ada W 37b 57 Kitty Baker 35d 430 Boy Valet 38 b 55 Ly Brigade 37b 430 Betty Allene 38 b 57 Lady Ariel 36h 57 Cf Menteur 37b 51 Lord Dalton 37h 428 Fair Flax 36 h 55 Legal Advice 37b 58 Fair Scanty 36d 53 Minster 35h 56 Gene Wagers 35h 430 Sweepg Tide 38 b 424 Idle Lad 36h 417 Squaw Lady 38 b 54 Just Frank 39 b 420 Theodore A 37 h 53 Jt Arrived 36h 55 Trooperette 36d 57 Khar Fair 36h 51 Zelady 38h 57 Kermay 35hOneHalf 35h OneHalf Mile 55 Abanico 50b 55 Heuvelton 52 b 51 Alkit 49 b 421 Inscolita 50h 54 Capn Henry 50h 55 Jn Francis 48 d 56 Capt James 52 b 56 More Gay 50 h 56 Doctor Tim 51h 56 Old Style 51 h i 53 Escohigh 52b 56 Pign Hawk 50h I 55 Facula 50b Que Gato 49h 56 Flag Play 51b 52 Rolodo 54b 56 Fifth Avenue 51d 56 Slim Rosie 48d 53 Flying Mint 51b 55 Strut 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 429 Abby B 103 h 55 Rock X l01h 56 Brierton 103 h 56 Red Quill 103 h 56 Conrd Mannl05b 56 Rebekah 103 h 426 Court l02h 55 Teddy Greenl01b 56 I Chase 102b 54 Tedall l00d 56 Lady Wrth103 h 51 Westn SIopel01d 429Neoma H104 h 55 Wowo 108 b 54 Night BanditlOO d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 423Atina 121 b 54 Kleen Flightl16d 58 Albubble 114 d 56 Lucky Breakl19h 56 Blazing Sun 117 h 57 Mary Souldl15h 57 Brush Hookl18b 52 Prum l20b 53 Bie Treacyl17 h 56 ReSweep l17d 55 Jk Beyond l18h 56 Sun Captor 116 h 55 Judge BIakel16h 57 Thistle Redl15d 56 Joy Sweep l17h 56 Two Sons 117 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 56 Lancewood l29h 56 Rope Walkerl29h Walkerl29hOne One Mile 54 Broadway l43h 52 Dixie Bootl44h 57 Calera l52b 51 Inflame l46h 51 Dev l48b 51 Main Man142h Man142hGene Gene Wagers Kermay Kitty Baker and andMinster Minster had good speed John Francis showed improvement Slim Rosie was only breezing Night Bandit Tedall and Western Slope Slopeworked worked together in good efforts 1 Albubble worked impressively Lancewood and Rope Walker worked in company companyWowo Wowo ran out in her work workMain Main Man accomplished a creditable mile work DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 56 Albert Beck 36h 57 John Allan 38b 38b430Brilt 430Brilt Light 38b 56 Misinformn 40 b 423 Grt a Grace 42 b 420 Rosemary 38 h hHome Home Grown 41 b 57 Say Murray 36h 56 Iceberg 39 h 56 Tuccia 40 b 54 Ismene 38 h 423 Wavg Court 42 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 427 Bell B 51 h 54 Hermanita 49h 55 British Star 49 d 427 Mammy B 51 h 417 Empty Btle 51b 58 Star Angela 49h 58 Fern Star 49d 57 Sooty 53 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 428 Baby Joe 106 h 56 Lady Elsie 102 h 422 Dark SeekerlOS h 55 Transpose 105 h 55 Job Printer103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Attainment 116h 52 Hi Seek 120 h 56 Eli Wl20h 55 Mama Lulal17d 52 Eddie Helckl21h 430 Star Bannerl18 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 428Bosopi 131 h 53 Seven Starl32h Starl32hOne One Mile 51 Hi Explosel52 b 54 Swt Guihea148 h 55 Oddesa Clarkl50 h Lady Elsie showed good speed Albert Beck worked a nice three furlongs Job Printer worked well British Star showed good speed JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Tack Man 40b 40bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 53 Malmaison 50 h 57 Strabo 50h 52 Ornt Exprs 54 b 423 Worry 53b 54 Shining Sun 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 55 Ritz Brotrsl03h Brotrsl03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Gramercy 116h 56 Miss Chicrol17 h 56 Janeen 117 h hOne One Mile 56 Ebth Farley144d 57 Glastonbury 148 b 57 Fair Stein 151 b NARRAGANSETT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 56 Blue Donna 39b 53 Hr by Hour 41 b 52 Blue Grotto 36b 51 Harp o Gold 37 h 55 Bo Dean 39b 55 Idle Way 38b 421 Brn Molass 39 h 51 Infinata 38 b 429 Baby Sweep 40b 423Legenda 39 b 54 Balcd Bget 36h 56 Landscape 38 b 316 Blue Armor 36 h 428 Little Cleora 38b 52 Chicfire 39h 55 Mostly 37 h 39 Cntry Lass 38h 56 Mightily 37h 56 Candar 40b 424 Prince Dean 36h 45 Calgary Kay 38 b 58 Robr Baron 36 h 52 Distract 40 b 429 Royal Tread 38h 53 Dornoch 36h 55 Sink or Swim 36 h 54 Dunade 36h 57 Slavonia 38b 427Frascati 36h 430 Sure Cloud 36h 57 Fidelis 39b 35 Wise Will 39b 52 Gala Star 40b 315 West Can 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 56 Beau Phaona 48h 56 Moralist 52b 55 Die Hard 49 h 57 Mannerly 50 h 429 Fair Time 52b 52 Palan 52 h 55 Forn Legion 49h 57 Post Oak 49h 56 Genaibi 48h 428 Squawker 48 h 429 James N 52 b 56 Sun Celerina 484 h 57 Kearsarge 52h 53 Transit Lady 52 b 52 Minstrelette 50 h 52 Twosome 47h 47hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 425 Any Chance 103h 56 Mickeys Boyl03 b 56 Boro Poker 103 h 54 Peter Carey103 d 430 Chbsburger 106b 51 Ridge Mor101h 55 Dr Heimanl07 b 220 Scout On l06b 51 Easiest Wayl05h 56 Stdard Timel03 b 55 Fair Image 105 b 430 Sainted 102b 52 Hsome Hall03h Hall03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Custer l20h 56 Little Swede l20 b 55 Cilarify l17h 58 My Kin l17h 46 Canpra 120 b 58 Prince Sadorl19 h 429 Don Guzman114h 418 Patrolite l17b 55 High Martinl17b 55 Sachem l20b l20b424Longful 424Longful 115 h 57 Zaca 1 l15b l15bSeven Seven Eighths Mile 54 Ace of Spadesl32 b 57 Steelhead 132 h 56 Sorceress 129h 129hOne One Mile 55 Mathias 146 h 56 Shansi l41d 55 Pharloch l4156h 53 Uncle Fred l56b PIMLICO PIMLICOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 52 Darling Pat 36h 418 Melodiana 39 b b428Faleen 428Faleen 36b 52 Sumac 39 b 57 Morning 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileBookreader Bookreader 54 b 56 Maddest 51h 51 Barn Stormer 52 b 51 Mahogany 51h 51hBeneficiary Beneficiary 54 b Oyster Bay 51h 54 Bomar 51d 424 Raby Rattler 51 h 55 Credulous 52 b 427 Smoke Signal 52 h 57 Credence 52h 56 Tuleyries Lin 52h 416 Ct Tetrarch 53 h 425 Tonianna 52 h 424 Flying Feet 52h 410 Vance 50 d 411 Hats Off 52 b 56 Yomer 51 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 331 Departed 104 h 56 Trolight 106 h 51 Off and On 104 h 53 Unheralded 109 b 55 Trauwina l04h l04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Black Widowl18 h 330 Pohick 119 h 57 Bootless 117h 57 Scandinavn 121 d 54 Over the Topl18h 55 Tempestuous 118 h 54 Prince Alonel18h 57 Yelw Tulip 125 h hOne One Mile 58 Fluffy Leel48b Mr Sleuth l46h 56 Misr Ganderl46h 412 Scattr Brainl47d 54 Moon Hvest145h WOODBINE PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track slow ThreeEighths Mile 55 Le Feu 37h 55 Shicahri 38h 38hRapid Rapid Doon 38h 55 Sir Bevidere 37h OneHalf Mile 56 After 53h 56 Regal Light 53h 53hBlack Black Flash 52h 56 Tokie 53h 56 Caryldon 51 h 56 Upslala 53h Lugano 52h 52hHveEighths HveEighths Mile 56 Boscobel 105 d Goanwin 107 h 56 Bobs Best 105 d 52 Gigglg Girll07h Girll07hCirculet Circulet 107h 55 Lingster 107 h 56 Chips l06h 54 Olo Mor 106h 106hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 57 Gene D 118h 54 Kid Glove l19h 57 High Bid l20h Ly Challngel26 b 55 Happy Fmdl18d 53 Linesman 126 h 54 Jake Bliedcnl19h Miss Tonoal19h 55 Missori Jim 123 h Trajectory 151 k kPrimbud Primbud slzig h 54 Timon 121 h 55 Roche D0rl22 h 129 Wged Flightl19h 56 Spearman l18h i l18hOne One Mil 55 Afluny l51d 55 Paravant l51d 55 Idle Soldierl53h 56 Slycat l49h 56 Ladymuch l49h 55 Sally Shore l53h l53hOne One and OneEighth Miles 55 Fore Isus205 h 55 Ft Dearborn205 b MONDAY MAY 10 AURORA AURORAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 317 Authority 35d 423 Joan Macaw 40 b 414 Blue Train 40 b 58 Jay Vee 40 b 55 Bts Grnock 36h 54 Julia Grant 36h 58 Cannos Roar 41 b 52 Jack Murphy 40 b 53 Chatr Wrack 36h 58 Lady Flash 40 b 57 Captn Red 38h 41 Miss Saxon 40 b bCampo Campo 39h 429 Nemrac 37 h 58 D McCarty 40 b 58 Ottoman 37 h 51 Daria 37h 41 Panic Relief 39 b 430 First Time 39 h 39 Peter Pepper 37 h 51 Genesee 36h 51 Ruckie 40 b 54 Gn Country 40 b 52 Swg Dame 41 b 28 Henrierva 37 h 55 Sir Midas 41 b 53 Hdsome John 39 b 427 Se DEspoir 40b 430Hilr Queen 39 h 326 Tinsel Lady 38h 428 In Transit 38h 321 Verna T 39h 39hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 57 Aurangzeb 49h 55 Margaret G 51 h 425 Busy Spain 51 h 57 Miles Stansh 55 b 59 Curb Bit 50 h 427 Orbedlu 50h 57 Ducmiss 48d 430Playdema 49h 54 Dark Prince 50 h 58 Persuader 52h 58 Eleanor M 53 h 59 Repaid 55 b 320Evng Gown 51h 58 Slant Eye 52h 52 High Man 50h 222 Strategist II 54 b 52 John Tio 50h 57 Sleep Along 49h 58 King Pin 51h 57 Thirn Stars 52 h 429 Ltle Tramp 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 58 Dark Zenil05b 38 Love Lost 106 h 51 Emigrante l03h 58 March Step 107 b 58 Funderburg l05h 327 Pce HeatherlOS h 58 Gmas Girll06h 58 Paravvick 104h 59 Kieva 107 b 58 Silvery Cloudl04h 51 Kky Eagle 1O7 b 311 Voltear l07b 59 Kabo 103 h 58 Yng Agnes 107b 107bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Almac 118 h Indiana Maidl19h 59 Biff 122 b 59 Later On 120 h h424Chifally 424Chifally 119 h 427 Memps Lassl22 b 57 Hose 119 b 57 Wed Victory115h Victory115hOne One Mile 330 Chf Evgrnl46h Evgrnl46hHildur Hildur Queen D McCarthy and Lady Flash worked from the gate gateGenesee Genesee and Chatter Wrack were in com ¬ pany panyWinged Winged Victory worked very impressively impressivelyAuthority Authority was under a mild drive driveSleep Sleep Along showed improvement improvementDucmiss Ducmiss showed early speed speedDark Dark Zeni was only breezing AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileCartridge Cartridge 38 h 56 Light 36 g 55 Chance Light 36b 56 Magicienne 38b 425 Clamorous 36h 57 Madero 37 b 56 Cross Bar 40 b 54 Nipponese 39 b 58 Canoe 35 h 53 Newark 37 b 57 Diavid 37 b 56 R V Winkle 40 b 52 Great Haste 36b 57 Stormscud 37 b 56 Jeell Dorsett 36 b 58 White Fan 36h 58 Lone Gallant 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 57 Anaflame 48 h 57 Lady Peg 50 b 53 Dohoev 50 b 58 Maxine F 49 b 54 Ehvawa 51 b 55 Stephen Jay 50 b 58 Idle Elf 50 b 51 Wise Fox 48h 48hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mil 58 Arch Fiend 102 h 54 Dizzy Dame101d 57 Bonsoir 105 b 424 Gold Quest 102 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Albania l15h 57 Par 115h 55 Ch Cherokeel15h 56 Rson Crusoel19 b 58 Daytonian 125 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mill 51 Aubys Boy 134 b bOne One Mile 428 Rcky Margot149 b 57 Top Row 153 b BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track good ThreeEighths Mile MileAgathon Agathon 37h 56 Pirate Lass 38 h hCandle Candle Ends 36 h 51 Pascha 38 b 57 Exhibitor 36h 57 Quaternary 37h 53 Gangplank 35h 57 Rich Cream 37h 422 Lightly 37h Time Interval 38 b 57 Miquelon 35 d 53 Vickson 36h 57 North Riding 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 58 Aerialist 49 h 56 Lord Admiral 48h 56 Bonnie Buzz 51 b 57 Maas Choice 49h 55 Broad Ripple 50 h 58 Open Up 52 b bChaps Chaps 51 b 314 Play Chance 52b 51 Cromarty 50h 58 Pompish 50 h 53 Crop 49 h 5l Spng Melody 48h Down East 49 h 417 Showemall 51 b 57 Hark 50 h 55 Sunnyshore 49 h hJon Jon Jon 49 h 57 Show Up 51b 55 Kiss 49 h 58 Unfailing 49 h hFive Five Eighths Mile 56 Bitter Berry102 h 422 Rare Bloom 104 h 57 CardinaIislO3 h 54 Rol Raimentl02h 57 Ferry Boatl04h 51 Swahili 105 b 51 Maemute l06b 320 Ugin 102 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Forest Charml17h 57 Sun Fighter l17h 57 Mantagna 117 h 53 Time Me 121 b 57 Maespur 117 h 55 Zay 119 b 430 Planetoid 120 b bOne One Mile 57 Beau Paradel45b 57 Sun Chaucerl44h 58 High Fleet l44h 58 Uallno l45b l45bJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 329 Achieve 37 h 57 Orderly 37 h 57 Busy K 38b 57 Rainland 38 b bColor Color Flag 37 h 58 Rust 35d 57 Fast Start 40 b 54 Voldear 40 b 52 Half Time 38b 57 Yetive 38 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 425 Flying Gypsy 49d 31 Perfect Devil 51b 51bGertie Gertie B 49h 53 Shes Mine 51b 55 Hornet 50b 224 Saintlite 49h 57 Our Ketcham 49h 424 Wulfstan 49d FiveEighths Mile 53 Aperitif 104h 56 My Purchase 06 b b412Flopsie 412Flopsie 108 b 58 Sun Archer 103h 55 Knowing 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Abner l17h 58 Jesting 115d 57 Bill D l17h 52 Swift Lad 117 h 52 Ilchester 118 b t SevenEihths Mite 424 Boomg Gunsl31 b One Mile 11 Rugh Player144Ji 58 Velvet Maskl45 h CHURCHUJL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileAnn Ann Leslie 37h 57 Personable 36h 54 Blaufuss 36h 428 Pandonna 38b 415 Blueficld 38b 56 Puddin 36h 57 Bcllcshcme 38b 57 Prince Feng 36h 57 Chd Circle 35d 55 Queen Regent 39b 54 Chipeta 36h 56 Royal Chm 35d 53 Carnelian 39b 56 Rzle Dazzle 36h 36h415Delovely 415Delovely 38b 54 Sland Beau 37 b 415 De Marian 38b 57 Sy Phariara 37 b 57 Dolly Val 36h 56 Surveyor 37h 55 For Romance 38 b 44 Shon Queen 38b 38bGrins Grins 38b 47 Story Ocean 36h 54 Gay Lard 38b 52 Strait Thru 37h 57 Imola 37 b 57 Scldina 38b 57 Inscomaria 38b 56 Sun Aloha 36h 57 Inspiration 38b 57 Shan 38b 417 Knee Deep 36 h 51 Silver Fleet 35h 55 Last Hop 37h 58 Sunbcrra 36 h 56 Last Message 38b 54 The Shingler 36h 56 Ma Hornidge 36h 57 Wise Princs 36h 55 Miss Bonnie 36 h 54 Whipowill 35d 57 Noticing 38b 430 Wise Dart 35h 57 Ostrogoth 38b 57 White Castle 38b 417 Polly Grnock 36h 56 Wise Dora 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 55 Alsang 53b 59 Just Frank 54b 57 Alpcnglow 50 h 57 Joe Schcnck 49 h 417 Army Surgn 49h 57 Jamboree 49h 57 Belnask 50 h 54 Joe Eaton 51h 52 Comh Geary 49h 56 Kailin 50 1 57 Capuchc 50 h 57 Lawrin 49 h 57 Chauvenct 50h 58 Lone Cloud 50 h 57 Don Creole 49b 57 Miss Tquil 49h 57 Emagala 51b 425 My Chicadee 49h 53 Eurotas 57 b 55 Manrico 50b 430 First Pigeon 49 h 53 Sthg Blue 50h 55 Fren Mask 51b 56 Smith David 49h 57 Grey Simon 49h 54 Stella Me 50b 50bGreeptime Greeptime 50h 57 Sir Norman 51b 426 Invincible 494 b 57 The Bullet 52 b 54 Imperl Polly 49h 55 Trap Nest 50 h 58 Jimmy D 51b 57 Wilda 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 51 By Lutrecial05b 53 Lady Briar l04h 54 Cross Keysl06b 54 Lassator 111 b 53 Diavolo Boylrll b 45 Mansco 105 b 54 Geo Gable l04h 54 R L Bakcrl02h 53 Glowset 102 h 53 Roy T 111 b bHinky Hinky Dinkl04 h 54 Sailorman l07b 57 Ivor Tipl03b 57 Threneedle l03b 46 Lina Mac l04h 54 Tdys Cometlrll b 57 Ly Mtrosel03b 57 Visigoth 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 57 Alergy 118 h 57 Pansys Firstl20b 57 Canny Scotl16h 53 Pay Masterl187fb 57 Jack W l16h 57 Proph 115h 57 King Zevl19 h 54 Scoth Maryl22 b 55 Morristown 118 h 57 Watcrcure l21b 426 Novelette l17h l17hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 57 Calculator 139 b 57 Solar Hawk 136 b 57 Cross S 136 b 57 Sir Emsonl39 b 54 Eagle Pass 139 b 57 Valtcd 136 b 54 Hour Zev132h 57 Watonga l33h l33hOne One Mile 51 Dnieper l43b 58 Lucky Starl48h 55 Eblis l43b 57 Yantis 142h DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 52 Aces Wild 3975b 54 Makus 39 b 57 Apple Anne 37h 417 Palm Island 41 b 51 Acolih 38h 55 Playreen 38h 53 Crulia 36h 421 Playdis 37 h 54 Dower 39b 56 So Good 38h 55 Dignitary 38b 51 Social Lass 38h 57 Herb 38b 55 Taipan 36h 36h427MabIa 427MabIa Maid 38h 51 Tabbytail 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Bddie Miller 58 b 54 Red Raider 49h 56 Hustle Along 50 h 54 Risibility 55 d 51 Maribet 52h 57 Sylacauga 51h 53 Miss Adams 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 57 Bell Metal 107 b 56 Jeano l02h 419 Cheer Starl06h 59 John Allen l05h 51 Clra Moppinl06 h 321 My Blaze l02h 56 Guatemala l04h 54 Noel H 1K4 h 56 Hat Check l04h 52 Peter Ppkinl02h Ppkinl02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 58 Anna V Ll29 b 55 Sister Mollicl21d 56 Flying Jay118h Jay118hOne One Mile 58 Pan Toy 148 b 54 Wont Lie 149 h 415The Mayorl52 h hMiss Miss Adams and Red Raider went handily together togetherCrulia Crulia showed speed My Blaze went nicely NARRAGANSETT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 28 Bay Bubble 40 b 56 Lady Weaver 37b 54 Bridg Count 41 b 52 Lady Infinite 37h 57 Blakccn 38h 52 Little Hero 37 h 427 Bull Market 38h 52 Modnburn 36d 54 Balios 43 h 426 Maori Chief 38b 57 Blue Anna 37 h 51 Major Bowes 37b 53 Bugle Call 40b 55 Playmorc 39b 39b430Beveau 430Beveau 39h 55 Play Book 36h 56 Copper Tube 39 h 54 Posterity 374 h h423Casinghead 423Casinghead 35 h 56 Quiet Lass 37h 55 Dirigible 39 b 53 Retlaw 38b 54 Epitaph 39b Supenvick 35 d 417 Flim Flam 39h 57 Stop Light 37h 37hFirst First Date 40 b 426 Sketchbook 37 h 57 Good Catch 39b 57 Scotch High 38h 5 5 High Diver 39b 57 Scots Guard 36h 57 High Finance 39 b Sky Argo 7 h 55 Hictoric Era 39b 58 Swt Tokalon 37b 53 High Mabel 39h 55 Transcap 39b 430 Ivy Maxwell 36h 316 Uppercut 38b 53 Lee Hastings 39b 53 Witless 39h 54 Lovick 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 56 Black Girl 52h 52 Last Romcc 54 b 423 Bravado 49 h 52 Lantana 56 b 58 Billys Folly 52h 57 May R 50 h 51 Bay Buddy 32 h 53 Morcsoris 53 b bBright Bright Lady 50 h 58 My Lawyer 49h 49h430Cynwyd 430Cynwyd 49h 52 Patchpocket 55 b 57 Columbiana 49h 53 Queen Vic 53 b 55 Dyak 53 b 55 Sir Thomas 51h 54 Friendly Foe 52h 56 Sarouk 52h 427 Habit 51h 51 Sister Polly 57 b bHarry Harry G 51h 57 Stumptown 53b 58 Ironbound 52 h 54 Spurlin 51h 427 Jim Blazes 52h 55 Top Notcher 50 b 421 Joe D 50 h 51 Wicked Time 49h 54 Longford 52b 55 Winter Sport 53h FiveEighths Mile 56 Arzille 1K7 b 58 Gene Arrow 109 b 57 Bloomer Girll03h 51 Grand Annal03h 58 Beaunada l04h 51 Hpy Nymphl03 h 54 Brn Prodigyl05b 55 Huskie Boy101 h 53 Clocks 107b 56 Mazie 1K7 b 57 Currants l07b 54 Merrily OnlU b 55 Medius Dicsl3h 57 Sky Hostcss l03h 58 Ned Reighl09 b 52 Stavka 105 h 59 Palan l05b 53 Star Looml06b 54 Red Brookl08 b 52 Watchfully K7h 430 Still Alarm l02h 430 Zoic 104 b ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Col Bixerl16 h 423 My Myersonl16 h 430 Dixie FIappcrl16 h 410 My Boss l21b 54 Eastport Ii7h 57 Mormad l19h 54 Earldom 115 h 57 Nabob 116 h 5T Grand Jury 119 h 5S Paralda 117 d 57 Guy Fawkeslrl h 57 Polly Hastgsl16h 429 Gershwin 119 h 56 Steel Workcrl16 h 51 Hqptoit 122 b 57 Sunmad l17h 53 Jolly Fayel15h 57 Tartarus l16h 56 Lady Pal Il5h 56 Vote Boy 119 b 54 My Goodnessl17d Goodnessl17dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 54 Eddie H l35h 51 Secret Vote134h One Mile 56 Brendard 144 h 51 Rutland 142h 58 Candimate l46h 51 Sweepalot l48b 56 Hoursend 143 h 52 Songstone l42h PIMLICO PIMLICOWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 57 Biologist 37 h 428 Mighty Sweet 39 b 57 Bestest 37 h 422 Moonpenny 38h Crimea 38 b 427 Mettle 38 h 53 Fancy That 39 b 56 Pass 37h 57 Fire Star 38d 423 Royal Rank 37 b bGrand Grand Ever 38b 55 Sir Quest 37h 224 Grey Man 39 b 57 Sage Girl 36 h 57 Cracky 38h T and Again 39 b 414 Grainger 37h 54 Way Out 37h 54 Linas Son 37h OneHalf Mile 57 Alexandrine 51h 57 Jean Bart 50 b 58 Brav Danger 52 b 58 Melicent 53 h 57 Commwelthy 50 b 57 Roge et Noir 50 b 56 Dble Finesse 51 h 58 Step By 52h 319 Fair Albion 54 b 48 Sylvia G 50 h 54 Happy Easter 55 h Tapstick 52h 57 Indomitable 54 b bFiveEinhths FiveEinhths Mile 58 Bolshazzar 105 d 429 Sunned 1K5 b 52 Dressmaker 104 h 52 Torquil l05h 56 Masked Gal 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 57 Corinto l20h 57 Jay Jay 121 b 57 Conquer 116h 56 Matey 123 b b429Dhess 429Dhess Reighl24 b 57 True Tune 121 b 419 Gay Water l17d 57 Waror Queenl21 b 58 Hih Vclocityl23 b One Mile 59 Bootless 145h 423 Red Nose l48h 25 Ms Marlborol49 h 56 Tiempo l51h l51hSunned Sunned and Masked Gal went soundly to gether getherMatey Matey was under a strong pull Conquer went handily Warrior Queen was breezing Gay Water worked from the barrier Sir Quest and Linas Son went easily to ¬ gether BAY MEADOWS MEADOWSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 52 Boomette 37b 427 Lookabout 39 b 131 Bubling Miss 37b 57 Mickeys Man 36b 429 Bk Toreador 36b 413 Nihilt 37 b 57 Bonie Marita 36b 430 Pep Talk 38 b 51 Dark Friend 38 b 57 Rich Claim 37 b 58 Don Roberto 36h 56 Spring Flood 36b 36b425Dodloo 425Dodloo 37b 58 Willaide 35 h 55 Indiantovvn 36b 414 Whoopee Lad 37 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 419 Bon Jade 50 b 312 Pian Knight 48h 56 Bon Fume 50b 428 Quincy Lady 53 b 56 Fletus 52b 426 Swepen 48 b 430 Midwick 50b 430 Tarper 50b 52 Package 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 416 Acgression l04b 57 Quick Look 104 b 420 Madam Lucyl04 b 420 Woodschatz l04b l04bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 317 Bon New l16b 412 Illeanna l14b 52 Crystalette l16b 422 Lithorome l14b l14bOne One Mile 413 Lapland 143 b 429 Wingspread 141 h hTANFORAN TANFORAN TANFORANWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Arminogal 38b 57 Jimie Sweet 37b 57 Bullin Board 37 b 52 Nada 35 h 55 Bright Pam 36b 56 Teralice 36 h 58 Donna Jean 38b 38bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 429 Alston 50b Thrisk 50b 50bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 427 Honey Nez 104 b 57 Little Ina 104 b WOODBINE PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile 57 Arbranch 40 h Rivn Sceptre 39h 57 Dowling 37d 56 Silviris 36d 58 Goster 38 h 53 Sturdy Duke 36h 58 Goldlure 38 h 57 Sandalman 37d 56 Pattertoe 36d 36dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 57 Fire Reel 54 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Blue Gum 109 h 57 St Omerl12 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Earl Porter 123 b 56 Princely Pal 121 d 54 Glistening l194 h 56 Romarch 121 h 129 Greek Fire 118 h Skelter B 121 d 54 Idle Along 154 b Vanished 12Q h 56 Newell l23h 56 Whichprig l23h l23hPitchblende Pitchblende l19h l19hOne One Mile Leadgold 150 d 56 Muslet 148d