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AURORA ILL MONDAY MAY 10 1937 Aurora 1 mile Eighth day Fox Valley Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 19 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Stewards of Meeting J T Ireland and T C Bradley Placing Judges C C Campau C V Abbo and R A Leigh Starter J Morrissey Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Transmutable May 20 1935 104 3 104 Purse yearolds 109 Ibs older 117 Ibs Nonwinners since March 17 allowed 4 MayIO37Aur ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 39605 FIRM HAND WB4108 3 4 4406503SUN 4 64 32 lh DyerJ DyerJli Mrs W Zeigler 660100 406503SUN DORA wB6103 1 1 li I2 14 23 HauerH A J Hotard 140100 39435 JUDGE PRIMROSEws 8 113 8 5 22 22 2h 31 VailS W C Morris 950100 40301 PHOTOGRAPHY w4117 2 2 52 3 43 43 MelocheT MelocheT3h J Robilio 1240100 39666 LEEORAN WB4117 7 7 3h 4h 51 51 GuymonL Dupuy Jerome 1120100 40160 WELL HEELED WSB 8 113 4 8 8 71 71 61 RichardA Mrs C E Dale 1720100 40189 SPRINGS HERE WB 3 104 5 3 6 52 6 72 HaberR HaberRi W Bradley 420100 39220 MACKS PAL w6108 6 6 i 8 8 8 DowellT C Weber 2810100 Time 2ys MM 10134 103 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100SUN FIRM HAND 1520 440 320 660 100 120 100 60 100 SUN 100JUDGE DORA 320 260 60 100 30 100 JUDGE 100Winner PRIMROSE 440 120 100 Winner Ch f by Justice F Carrie B by Short Grass trained by W Zeigler bred by Mr C Bacharach Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 218 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFIRM FIRM HAND worked her way up on the inside raced around SUN DORA in the last threesixteenths and wore down the leader in the last few strides The latter showed her usual burst of early speed set a fast pace but tired in the drive JUDGE PRIMROSE had good early speed but tired after going a half mile PHOTOGRAPHY had no mishaps LEEORAN showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 40786 Transen 107 40786Servant Pride 112 40738 Idle Worker 108 39936 Rolled Notes 95 40569 Our Spot 113 40650 Explorer 108 39481 Verna T 108 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 4yearolds and 40839 UDward Claiming Nonwinners in 1937 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price priceMay1037Aur May1037Aur Net vaue to winner 5459 second 590 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 404753RUNAWAY TARGTw 5 110 5 3 12 13 13 ChestnutJ H K Barron 222163EDDIE J WB 5 115 8 8 i 5 44 2 AlbrechtH Oddesa Farms 530100 40302 FREE SPIRIT wB4115 37 81 31 2h 3s FisherHW J Carter 370100 40696ONSLAUGHT 37010040696ONSLAUGHT WB4110 2 2 2 8 6h 4 BarnettA E C Dobson 2200100 407382THE 2200100407382THE DARB w 7 115 9 1 91 7h 84 54 TurnerL B Hernandez 200100 4 7433FALERMIAN WB4105 65 3l 42 5 61 RyanP E Seremba 1970100 40698LADY 197010040698LADY CHINIQUY WB 4 105 10 6 44 2 3 7 = WardWF Mrs L J Remm 5120100 4047Q3MALAY 51201004047Q3MALAY waSllO 111 646 7 8 VedderRL Mrs M Johnson tl220100 39798LOSWEEP tl22010039798LOSWEEP WB 4 105 12 9 102 9 91 9 Wilson JG Mrs E Oros 6560100 40743 MASKED REVUE WB 5 115 11 12 12 12 12 105 McCrayK A G Tarn 405113SPARKLING ROSEWB5110 7 4 5 10h 103 II1 MarinelliJ R Emery 396073PASS Emery396073PASS CHRISTIAN WB 7 115 410 11 11 Hi 12 yails W C Morris 1730100 tMutuel 1730100tMutuel field Time 23 48 114 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RUNAWAY 100EDDIE TARGET 1640 S 760 520 720 100 280 100 160 100 EDDIE 100FREE J 660 660 230 100 230 100 FREE 100Winner SPIRIT 380 90 100 Winner B m by Runantell Targeteer by Archery trained by H K Barron bred by Mr W H Bowes Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 2461 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingRUNAWAY good and slow Won easily second and third driving RUNAWAY TARGET much the best raced into a commanding lead quickly and continuing in good fashion held sway to the end EDDIE J worked his way up on the inside and closed with a good burst of speed FREE SPIRIT lost ground going around horses and showed a good effort ONSLAUGHT was in close quarters going to the far turn and closed well under hard urging THE DARB began slowly and made up ground quitScratched FALERMIAN tired in the final quarter LADY CHINIQUY quit Scratched 35908 Gold Step 115 40607 Barbara Carom 105 40698 Peter Pepper 115 40784 Koley Bey 110 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 4yearolds and 40840 upward Claiminff Nonwinners in 1937 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price priceMay1037Aur May1037Aur Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt w 5 115 6 4 14 14 li 14 ChestnutJ W A Schultz 406032FAST ROAMER w4115 72 V 2U 2 23 DyerJ J E Miller 270100 40653HOUSE 27010040653HOUSE BABY w 5 105 2 6 32 33 3 34 RyanP Mrs A B Karle 240100 40694 ARMY GAME w 5 110 1 3 6 64444 ChinnH J B Miller 600100 39109HALLIARD 60010039109HALLIARD WB 9 110 4 1 43 44 6 5 MoraH E G Hoffman 1140100 39450 GAY BLADE WB 5 115 10 8 71 5 5 62 MelocheT Red Cross Stable tH50100 38591BROWN tH5010038591BROWN MAIDEN w4105 3 7 lflt 9 9i 73 WardWF Mrs E H Barlett 1850100 1150100406953FLYG 39638BROWN 185010039638BROWN MAN w 4 110 11 9 9481 7 84 VedderRL E W Steiger f 1150100 406953FLYG CHEROKEE w 9 115 9 11 12 111 IQI 92 Roqvertp Mrs E Blanc 2060100 39463 BUNGLER WB 4 115 8 5 5 7 81 104 MarinelliJ V E Berry f 40743 SUN VOTER WB4115 512 11 12 112111 BarnesEJ H R Smith 2580100 406983COHORT 2580100406983COHORT LASS WB 4 110 12 10 82 10412 12 HauerH F Weller 1930100 tMutuel 1930100tMutuel field Time 22 47 113 Track fast 13 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB SUPER LUCK 6240 3580 1100 3020 100 1690 100 450 100 100FAST FAST 100HOUSE ROAMER 500 320 150 100 60 100 HOUSE 100Winner BABY 300 50 100 Winner B g by Lucullite Superlette by Superman trained by W J Marlman bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 315 AT PpST 1 minute minuteStart Start drivingSUPER good and slow Won easily second and third driving SUPER LUCK going in its best form and away to a fast beginning set a fast pace throughout and won with something in reserve FAST ROAMER always close up saved ground throughout and finished gamely but was no match for the winner HOUSE BABY showed a good turn of speed raced wide entering the Stretch and tired ARMY GAME raced prominently throughout HALLIARD had no mishaps GAY BLADE tired tiredScratched Scratched 40603Easy Flight 115 40743 Western Run 115 40790 Shuffle Off 115 40784 Tad 110 Continued on sixteenth onae AURORA AURORAContinued Continued from third page FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May 6 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 3yearplds ifhQf1 and upward Claiming 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners ttvtStfcA of two races since March 20 allowed 4 Ibs one race 7 Ibs Claiming price May1C37Aur 1350 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 40475 COLOR BEARER WB 5 113 75 43 42 32 1 WardWF Mrs L J Remm 310100 40697aLO w5104 v 5 104 6 2 2403012GRASSWRACK 3i 34 2i 24 MoraH B Berry 540100 403012GRASSWRACK wSlll 2 24 4 5h 53 5 3n HauerH R Fisher 750100 40603THE JURIST wn5109 1 3 14 1 I2 45 CrohurstC F Kurinec 580100 39632 RED ROGUE vn 4 111 5 6 7 6i 63 53 MarinelliJ R Emery 2360100 40510 MAY D w5109 3 1 140342TROUBADORA 24 23 44 62 VedderRL F W Cairy 320100 40342TROUBADORA wn3 97 4 7 61 7 7 7 RyanP Miss G Killeen 640100 Time 23J 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD COLOR ODDCOLOR BEARER 820 420 340 310 100 110 100 70 100 LO 520 400 160 100 100 100 100GRASSWRACK GRASSWRACK 380 90 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by High Time Pinkie by Delhi trained by S N Holman bred by Mr S W Labrot Winner entered to he claimed for 1350 1350WENT WENT TO POST 341 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOLOR COLOR BEARER worked his way up on the inside responded well to hard urging in the stretch and continuing in a courageous fashion outstayed LO The latter well up from the start lost ground entering the stretch and displayed a game effort GRASSWRACK began slowly improved his position gradually under hard urging and finished strongly THE JURIST was rushed into an early lead but tired after going a half mile JAY D quit quitOverweight Overweight Troubadora 1 pound FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 700 3yearolds tfhQtJ nnd upward Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 116 Ibs Nonwinners tVCJ a since April 30 allowed 4 Ibs since March 10 7 Ibs since February 1 May1037Aur 100to IQ Ibs Claiming price 1800 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to S15CO Net value to winner S535 second 1CO third 45 fourth 20 Index Horses Etjt A Wt PP St 3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 398442BLACKTHORN WB 4 106 5 2 32 21 23 If DyerJ Mrs H 0 Simmons 800100 39666 EP WB 8 104 1 1 I2 12 14 2 VailS W Black 380100 39942 HARDWARE wB5112 6 4 5441 34 31 GuymonL T Fleming 950100 0302INSCRIPTION wa5 935 43 53 4 45 RyanP P L Fuller 240100 40357 CENTENNIAL WSB 7 110 73 2 3 53 52 RichardA Mrs C E Dale 3910100 3910100393332ONVENTSIA 393332ONVENTSIA w 4 107J 47 62 6 6 61 ChestnutJ E C Dobson 370100 396703WEE 370100396703WEE EMMA w4104 26 7777 HauerH Cooksey Helm 640100 640100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD BLACKTHORN ODDBLACKTHORN 1800 620 400 800 100 210 100 100 100 100EP EP 500 380 150 100 90 100 100HARDWARE HARDWARE 460 130 100 100Winner Winner Er g by Grandace Tea Time by Tea Caddy trained by H 0 Simmons bred by Mrs G L Maxwell Winner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 411 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start rood and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBLACKTHORN BLACKTHORN well up from the start and strongly handled wore down EP in the last sixteenth The latter showed the most speed from the break set a fast pace but was unable to withstand the bid of the winner HARDWARE improved his position gradually and closed gamely under hard urging INSCRIP ¬ TION mileScratched was hard hustled for the entire trip but was unable to keep up CENTENNIAL tired after a half mile Scratched 40501 Old State 99 99Overweight Overweight Ep 3 pounds Centennial 4 Onwentsia 3 Corrected weight Onwentsia 104 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 700 3yearolds and 0 A O upward Allowances Nonwinners of two races other than claiming since dtUo O February 28 3ycaroIds 112 Ibs older 120 Ibs Nonwinners of 850 in MayIO37Aur 1037 allowed 4 Ibs of 750 twice since February 15 6 Ibs of 625 twice or 750 since February 15 8 Ibs of 625 or 550 twice in 1937 10 Ibs of 550 in 1937 12 Ibs one race 14 Ibs Claiming races not considered Net value to vinner 535 second 100 third 45 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 40142 COLONEL ED wu5112 13 I1 l k li 1 GuymonL P L Kelley 40249 420100405412WINDSHIELD ZUNI WB4106 4 4 3h 3h 33 24 RyanP B Hernandez 420100 405412WINDSHIELD 53010040277BUNNY w5112 2 2 2 24 2 33 AlbrechtH J Baumbach 530100 40277BUNNY MARTIN w 4 103 3 5 5 5 5 43 VedderRL Mrs R 0 Burns 510100 510100407422DENBIGH 407422DENBIGH ws3 98 51 42 43 4i 5 WardWF W C Reichert 1440100 1440100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 13 MTJTTJELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIHB ODD 100ZUNI COLONEL ODDCOLONEL ED 400 280 220 100 100 40 100 10 100 ZUNI 320 220 60 100 10 100 100WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD 280 40 100 100Winner CosdenWENT Winner B h by Vito Real Lady by Peter Pan trained by P L Kelley bred by Mr A H Cosden WENT TO POST 436 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOLONEL COLONEL ED away fast and taken under light restraint while setting the pace responded to hard urging and outstayed ZUNI in a hard drive The latter saved ground while improving his position came around on the outside in the stretch and finished with a rush WINDSHIELD forced the pace for most of the trip and tired when put to pressure BUNNY MARTIN could not keep up DENBIGH was never a factor factorScratched Scratched 40787 Bon Centime 112 112Overweight Overweight Bunny Martin 2 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Ridgeview May 15 1934 141 G 112 AfbQAA Purse 600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since AuT November 25 WeiSht 118 Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed allowedNet Ma 10 37 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 31600 BEAVER w8113 4 2 li Ink p 11 12 HaberR Corbet Irvin 1080100 40567 430100392902TREK POPS BETTY wn5114 354 4441 23 2 BarnesEJ Mrs M B Etzler 430100 392902TREK WB10113 2 1 5451 54 52 S MarinelliJ H La Buff 680100 40475WILLIAM 68010040475WILLIAM V WB 5 113 6 4 3h 3 3h 4h 44 VedderRL I J Killion 100100 40747 NORTHERN SIR w 8 113 5 3 21 24 2 34 52 TurnerL B Hernandez 630100 40740 FLAT ROCK WB 7 113 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 ErwinS Jay Dee Stable 1690100 Time 24 49 115 1411 146 Track fast 52 MUTUEL8 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDL BEAVER 2360 1060 680 1080 100 430 100 240 100 100TREK POPS 100POPS BETTY 380 320 90 100 60 100 TREK 380 90 100 Winner 100Winner Br g by Jim Gaffney Beguine by Light Brigade trained by G Corbet bred by Mr A B Hancock Mrs B J Clay Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 505 OFF AT ONCE drivingBEAVER Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BEAVER showing the most speed from the start was taken under light restraint while setting the pace responded well when mildly urged in the final threesixteenths and held POPS BETTY safe The latter saved ground throughout while working her way up and finished strongly but was no match for the winner TREK began quickly dropped back soon after the start and came around on the outside to finish with a lush tiredScratched WILLIAM V could not reach the leaders though under hard riding all the way NORTHERN SIR tired Scratched 40651 Bob Weidel 113 113Overweight Overweight Pops Betty 1 pound EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Ridgeview May 15 1934 141 6 112 lAQ ll llPurse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since April fVfwT 30 Weiht H5 lbs Nonwinners since March 1 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming May1037Aur priCe 1000 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 407892BAHADUR wn6110 6 3 22 22 1 I2 14 RyanP Mrs C E Irvin 220100 40279SPANISH 22010040279SPANISH RED WB 7 110 7 6 42 42 5 52 2 WardWF J Johnson 890100 40785 CAPTAIN RED WSB 7 111 3 2 14 14 23 21 HauerH C E Davison 610100 398033SILENT 610100398033SILENT DON wSlll 4 4 54 5n 6 61 44 MelocheT Miss G Salsman 1210100 40279 RICCIARDO WB 8 115 1 1 34 31 34 4 5 TurnerL L Matyas Jr 420100 40604 HOUR LADY w 5 106 2 7 74 64 4 31 6h GuymonL Mrs K ONeal 1560100 40605 WAR DIMES w 7 115 5 5 8 i 7 76 6 DyerJ Hockenbury Hoffman 640100 40274CHATTERLY wu6110 8 8 6h 8 8 8 8 VedderRL Mrs R 0 Burns 1720100 1720100Time Time 2V5 48 114 141 146 Track fast J2 MUTTJE1B PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BAHADUR 640 360 300 220 100 80 100 50 100 100SPANISH SPANISH RED 700 400 250 100 100 100 100CAPTAIN CAPTAIN RED 360 80 100 100Winner Winner Gr h by Floral King Lina Dowling by Orthos trained by G Corbet bred by Mr and Mrs A L Haskcll Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 535 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBAHADUR BAHADUR taken off the early pace responded readily to strong urging and disposing of CAPTAIN RED after reaching the final quarter drew away to win with something to spare SPANISH RED restrained off the early pace laced around on the outside entering the stretch and closed strongly CAPTAIN RED was much used setting the early pace and tired when put to a drive in the final fivesixteenths SILENT DON showed a good effort RICCIARDO had speed for threequarters then tired tiredScratched Scratched 40509 Spicson 115 QUINELLA AT AURORA MONDAY PAID 4040