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SEABISCbTE EN ROUTE Howard Star Leaves Bay Meadpjrf Meadpjrffor for New York With Brooklyn BrooklynHandicap Handicap Chief Objective SAN MATEO Calif May 31 The expen ¬ sive stable of Mrs C S Howard headed by the illustrious Seabiscuit got away for the East on Sunday and there were two car ¬ loads in the consignment one car going to New York under the direction of head I trainer Tom Smith while another car was sent to Detroit in charge of G Smith son of the head trainer Seabiscuit which is ah eligible for the Carter Handicap at Aque ¬ duct will decline the issue in that stake and will be pointed for his more important en I gagement in the Brooklyn Handicap which will have its decision June 26 With these two divisions of the Howard stable going east and the one at Caliente under the direction of Buster Millerick the Howard colors will have a wide repre ¬ sentation during the summer season