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Track Records and Comparative Times TimesThe The following table shows the relative speed of all major tracks at various distances from a half mile up to a mils and a quarter and affords a reliable index to what a good horse might be expected to do over any of them good day and track 512 512Furlongs IMiJt Track Furlongs 70 Yards Aganam 104 143 Apia Calient 142H Alamo Downs DownsAqueduct 141 Aqueduct 145 Arlington Downs DownsArlington 141 Arlington Park 142 Aurora Balnbrldge Park Bay Meadows Belmont Park Beuhh Park Blue Bonnets Bowlt Brifhouu Park Charles Town Chinook Park Churchill Downs DownsCoin Coin ood Park Connaught Park Dade Park Dallas Del Monte Del Mar Delaware Park Detroit Devonshire Park Donral Park Empire City Epsom Dowus Fair Grounds NO NOFairmount Fairmount Park Fort En Gresham Park Hamilton Ont Havre de Grace Hanrthorni Hialeah Park Jamaica Jfffersor Park Keeneland Kenilnurtb Park ParkLusdown Lusdown Park ParkLatonii Latonii Laurel Park ParkLincoln Lincoln Fields Long Branch Longaeres Mount Boyil Park Narragansett Park Oaklawn Park Omaha Pimlko River Downs lUverside Park Rocklntham Park ParkSanta Santa Anita Saratoga Sportsmans Park Stamford Park ParkSuffolk Suffolk Downs Tanfnran I Thistle Down Park Thornclill Park Tropical Park Washington Park Woodbine Park