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j BASKETBALL D0UBLE-HEAD- j ERS START WEDNESDAY .-. Basketball double-headers of the college variety will make their debut Wednesday evening in the Coliseum, where collegiate quintets from twenty states will perform before the curtain is rung down on the hoop sport. The four quintets paired for the inaugural program, which will begin at 8:15 p. m., are Illinois Wesleyan University of Bloomington, 111., vs. La Salle College of Philadelphia, and Wayne University of Detroit vs. University of Cincinnati. In the Wayne-Cincinnati game these quintets will be resuming a rivalry hat was broken six years ago, following a Wayne victory. A little bitterness may creep into the struggle, since members of the Wayne squad feel their school was slighted in recent schedule-making. Incidentally, "Hunk" Anderson, former head football coach at Notre DameV is-;how. a member of the Cincinnati football staff. Illinois Wesleyan, winner of its three games this season, is drawing a tough opponent in La Salle College, which also has a former TTotre Dame star, Marty Brill, as its football coach. La Salles team is composed, of boys who started playing together in high school and who are now in their third year of college competition. The Coliseum has been remodeled for the advent of basketball, and seating accommodations, have been arranged so that a clear view of the floor may be had from the forty-cent seats or from the higher-priced locations. There will be free dancing after the games. Women will be admitted free with escorts. Each double-header in the Coliseum will start at 8:15 p. m.