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WASHINGTON PARK MEETING OPENS NEXT MONDAY Patrons Handicapping Contest With Awards of 1000 to 5000 Preview of the Homewood Plant Scheduled for Sunday SundayWith With Two Actual Races Staged Public Invited InvitedFree Free of Charge Expect Large Turnout Washington Park is looking forward to one of the biggest seasons in its history during the meeting which opens next Monday July 31 Many of the outstanding stables in the country will be represented at the track Among the leading trainers coming to Washington Park are Hirsch Jacobs often referred to as the Babe Ruth of Trainers Ben Creech Roscoe Goose Bryant Ott and C E Davison Stables include such wellknown names as Woolford Farm Warren Wrights Calumet Stables Dixiana Valdina Farms and Superior Farms The entire track has been rehabili ¬ tated for the season and many improvements have been made One which will appeal to the public is the addition of 2000 comfortable chairs on the lawn in front of the stands for the convenience of those who must be on the rail The Patrons Handi ¬ capping Contest offering daily dailyawards awards of from 1000 to 5000 will be held again this year at Washington Park An ¬ nouncement to this effect was made by Walter L Gregory president of the Wash ¬ ington Park Jockey Club in response to requests and inquiries concerning this years plans He declared there would be a mini ¬ mum of 30000 in prizes The contest which last season proved to be the most sensational innovation in racing in the Middle West was an instantaneous success It is open to everyone without charge with the exception of minors and persons connected with the track trackThe The daily award offered with be 1000 On Saturdays the award will be 5000 Dupli ¬ cate prizes will be paid in the event of a tie tieIN IN CASE OF A TIE TIEThe The first seven races of each days card are involved in the contest A participant is asked to select the winners of these races He also must give his first second and third selections in the eighth race These last selections are used only in the case of ties tiesOn On week days in orderto win a prize the patron must name the first seven winners In the event no person succeeds with such expert handicapping that days award is car ¬ ried over to the following afternoon This continues in the event there are no winners only through Friday On Saturdays the grand prize of 5000 goes to the person I selecting the most winners in the first seven races In other words there is always a 5000 prize awarded on Saturdays SaturdaysENTRY ENTRY BLANK IN PROGRAM PROGRAMAn An entry blank for the contest will be found each day in the tracks regular pro ¬ gram In order to participate in the con ¬ test a person need only designate the horses he selects by their program numbers listing these numbers on the program entry blank or a facsimile of it sign his name and ad ¬ dress on the list and drop it in one of the boxes provided for that purpose at the track trackA A new and different kind of premeeting program will be staged next Sunday July 30 at Washington Park ParkIt It is an open house preview featured by two actual races and providing th0 publio Continued on thirtyfourth page WASHINGTON PARK MEETING OPENS NEXT MONDAY Continued from first page with a glimpse of what will take place dur ¬ ing the thirty days of racing which starts the following day July 31 31The The public is invited free of charge The big gates at Homewood will be thrown open at 130 p m thus affording ample time for a general inspection of the spacious grounds groundsThe The stable area generally taboo to the public will be included in the openhouse program It is the back stage portion of a race track arid those who care to visit it will find out just how thoroughbreds are cared for Even the regulars seldom have such an opportunity as this to see just what is going on and what the back side of a racing plant looks like likeSPECIAL SPECIAL INVITATION INVITATIONPresident President Walter L Gregory and his as asjsociates jsociates at Washington Park especially in intvite tvite those persons who have never seen seenhorse horse racing to come out and find out for forthemselves themselves just what it is all about aboutThe The two races which provide a decided decideddeparture departure for Chicago in the way of free freeSunday Sunday entertainment will be staged under underregular regular racing conditions Naturally there therewill will be no wagering since they take place placeon on a Sunday The best jockeys will be m mi i the saddle wearing their colorful silks The first race will be sent away at 3 p m and andthe the second a half hour later laterThere There will be a demonstration of the photo finish totalisator and other equipment The whole program will be run off in the usual manner with the horses being saddled in the paddock the bugle call and the parade I to the post 1 In order to make the day as nearly parallel parallelas as possible to a regular racing afternoon the themanagement management even will distribute free prq grams The races will be called over the theloudspeaking loudspeaking system