Futurity Rich Prize: Arlingtons Juvenile Special Saturday May Gross About 5,000.; Roman Flag and Bimelech Arrive From East for Stake--Final Week at Arlington Park., Daily Racing Form, 1939-07-25


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FUTURITY RICH PRIZE Arlingtons Juvenile Special Saturday May Gross About 55000 Roman Flag and Bimelech Arrive ArriveFrom From East for Stake Final i Week at Arlington Park ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 111 July 24 With Challedons famous Classic Stakes vic ¬ tory written into the records midwestern racing fans now are turning eager eyes toward the sixth and final week of the Ar ¬ lington Park meeting which will be cli ¬ maxed with the running of the 55000 Arlington Futurity for twoyearolds and the 5000 Arlington Handicap for older horses here next Saturday SaturdayHint Hint of another burst of intersectional rivalry such as highlighted the Lassie Stakes here two weeks ago was given by the arrival yesterday of two crack Futurity colts from the East Arnold Hangers Roman Flag and Mrs Parker Comings Straight Lead This morning Roman Flag gave railbirds an inkling of the speed that he showed iri two impressive eastern victories when he breezed five furlongs on the Arlington main track in IrOHS IrOHSNOTED NOTED EASTERN TRAINER TRAINERMax Max Hirsch noted eastern trainer came in over the weekend and will saddle these two colts while jockey Lucas Dupps will come out to ride Roman Flag and jockey Sonny Workman will have the mount on Straight Lead LeadWord Word has been received that Col E R Bradleys Bimelech and Mr Frenchs Boy Angler an unbeaten pair of colts trained by William Hurley and bred at Bradleys fa ¬ mous Idle Hour Farm in Kentucky will be shipped here from New York within a few days for their Futurity engagements Both Bimelech and Boy Angler have won their two starts impressively impressivelyAmong Among other star eastern colts pointing for the Arlington is Skin Deep a fast juve ¬ nile owned by Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt who won the Lassie Stakes here with Now What E K Bryson already has his Clyde Tolson on the grounds at Arlington Park ParkAmong Among western favorites for the Futurity is Russel Firestones Marogay second in the Hyde Park Stakes and winner of the Hia leah Juvenile Championship last winter winterTwo Two respected fillies pointing for the 55 000 race are J O Keenes War Beauty and Jeanne dArc Both worked brilliantly for the Lassie Stakes and though Jeanne dArc was scratched War Beauty ran a powerful race after a rough trip to finish second to Now What WhatFOUR FOUR ELIGIBLES START TODAY TODAYFour Four Futurity eligibles will be seen in ac ¬ tion at Arlington tomorrow in the five and a half furlongs Danville Purse special feature with the Decatur Purse for older horses horsesThe The quartet of Futurity hopes in the Dan yille are Dollarville Clyde Tolson Sir Mill and Tough Hombre and upon their per ¬ formances in this race will depend much of their starting chances in the rich stakes Sat ¬ urday urdayOne One of the richest races for twoyearolds of the year the Arlington Futurity is at six furlongs and carries added money of 20000 With fees it may gross about 55000 A solid gold replica of the English Coronation Cup will be presented to the winning owner and another named in honor of the late Admiral Gary T Grayson will go to the breeder of the winner

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939072501/drf1939072501_1_11
Local Identifier: drf1939072501_1_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800