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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksKey Key H Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily 0 All out U Eased up Figures preceding horses name show date ol last previous workout Track record Is given after distance distanceNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance in black face type SATURDAY MAY 8 1943 CHARLES TOWN TOWNTack Tack Good 38 MILE War Target 38b Neon Light 52h 51 June Pennant 39 b 418Walli 38b Purport 55 b bMaiden Maiden Fern 38 b 12 MILE 48 Roman Boy 37h 420 Ballarosa 52b 58 MILE MILERoyal Royal Echo 3745h 426 Chop Sticks 53b Belfonds Boy l07b 418 Steel Beam 39b Free Boy 53b Marandan l06b l06bTime Time Her 37h Luckum 53 b Volume l06h l06hROMAN ROMAN BOY maintains his speed JUNE PENNANT was well in hand TIME HER is approaching top form WAR TARGET is fast approaching top form SUN DAY MAY 9 1943 1943SPORTSMANS SPORTSMANS PARK PARKTrack Track Good 38 MILE 56 Senota Leona 39b 53 Wawfield 53b 55 Bold Miss 58 MILE 100 55 Canfield 39b 12 MILE 51 Hazel Lee Helen Agnes 40 b 58 Heckelsie Quizzical 40b 429 Knits Qst II 54 b 78 MILE 126 55 Queen Kizzie 39 b 430 O Play 53 b 57 Fishers Pet l39b HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNETrack Track Good 38 MILE 12 MILE 48 58 MILE 59 54 Doug Brashr 54h 57 Dodge Me 107 h h38h 426 Bagnell 38h 430 Lady Liberty 50h 56 St Jock l04b l04b39h 324 Jackorack 39h 53 Meadowbrook 53J5b 34 MILE 110 57 Littletown 37 h Orchard Run 54b 430 Woof Woof l20b Starlike 39 h 424 Thrift Shop 52h 58 Youroff l19h CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Slow 38 MILE MILECountmein 53 Briarson 50h 56 Innate l05b Countmein 41 b bCatalonia 423 Bottle Top 52 h 426 Kennebis k09b Catalonia 39b 53 Connecticut 53 h 57 MarKei l02h 55 Don Miller 38h 55 Challenge Me 55 b 58 Miss Dogwood 105 b 55 Daring Feat 38 h 55 Grand Bonny 55 b 56 Observer 106 b 56 Formal Dress 40b 56 Hollyam 50 h 429 Rusty Gold l05b 429 Free Money 37h 54 Joy Bet 53b 430Sidonia l07b 56 Gay Kit 38b 55 Milk Punch 53 b 55 Vala Orphan 104 b 424 Gay Bridget 38b 38b420Jacotot 54 McGarvey 50h 53 Yank Bomber 105 h 420Jacotot 38ysb 38ysb430Kathy 419 Minnie Ha Cha 52h 34 MILE 110 430Kathy 36 h 56 Merited 50h 53 Aircraft 128 b 418 Lady Duane 40 b 56 Old Smokey 55 b 56 Blue Cadet 119 119sh sh 52 Martlet 37h 55 ORisky 49h 426 Bold Captain l22b 54 Old Main Road 40 b 55 OHurry 50l h 56 Big Boss 126 b 52 Pure Briar 39 b bRockwick 55 Opera Star 56 b b430Rockwood 55 Dora K 125 b Rockwick 38b 430Rockwood Boy 55 b 56 Final Glory l18h 51 Sea Marriage 39b 54 Royal Blue 52h 56 Hettie 124 b bLady 57 Steel Heels 37ysb 52 Rdom Breeze 58 b Lady Mamie 122 h 56 Seance 39b 53 Ragtime Baby 54 b 429 Night Crawler l18h 430 Sammy Angott zSSVsh 53 Scrooge 54 b 55 Remind 122 b 428 Tib 3715h 57 Sway 50h 422 Sal Old Pal 121 b 426 Thos 40 b 57 Vice Admiral 50h 430 Toy 121 b 55 Turkey Foot 36 h 53 Wog 5325b 78 MILE 123 54 Young Buddy 40b 56 Chicharra l32h 53 Zoroastra 37h 58 MILE 59 12 MILE 46 56 Burnt Cork l0335h 1 MILE 135 56 Benzedrine 51h 56 Hi Diddle l02h 53 Ava Delight 149 b 53 Big Push 54b 56 Ill Go Far 109 b Eyes 151 b BELMONT PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 430 Our Page 47 h 58 Requested 116 h 57 Armistice Day 37 b 55 Sicyon 47h 56 Seamanlike 115 b 57 Bold Anna 35h 56 Shut Out 46h 56 Surf Rider 116 b 53 Biloxi Bay 38b 425 Teta Maude 50 b 57 Wait a Bit 116 b 57 Beggar 37 b 54 The Rhymer 47 h 78 MILE 122 55 Diggie 39 1 1Death Death Charge 36 h 56 With Regards 46h 424 Sea Lord l30b 53 Damask Rose 37h 58 MILE 58 1 MILE 134 55 Good Bid 394sb 56 Dawn Watch 102 h 54 Admiral Jim l43h 55 Generous 31lsb 56 Jimjoe l02h 57 Brzing Home I4iy5h 58 Junior Easton 35h 56 Jimar l02h 56 Cincus l42h 54 Light Lady 35 h 56 The Demnder l02h 56 Irish Nora 143 h 53 Moscow H 37b 55 The Sultan 104 b 57 Jaco Royal 145 h 56 Mettlesome 35h 52 Westminister 102 h Mandingham 143 b 422 Fompagle 37 b 57 Miracle Kin 141 d 56 Rosa Bonheur 35h 34 MILE 110 56 Poacher l54b 55 Zaca Gray 38 b 57 Dit l13h 56 Roman Glory 146 b 12 MILE 56 Four Frdoms l14h 420 Sir War 142 h 56 Curious Coin 53 b 56 Fams Victory 112 h 56 Sickles Choice 154 b 56 Caduceus 50 b 428 Gd Company l13b 57 Sea Fare l41h 55 Designator 50 b 55 Gothic 116 b 54 Sunstorm l42h 56 Devil Diver 47h 55 Glanceabout l15ysh 55 Exceptional 54 b 56 Highborough l15h 1 18 MILES 148 427 Foe OWoe 47h 48 Inspired 116 h 58 Bourmont 154 h 428 Hamptn Hall 52b 419 Pylon 116 h 55 Llanero 154 h hLIGHT LIGHT LADY has all her speed BOLD ANNA and ROSA BONHEUR were on even terms in their speed test OUR PAGE appears to be at top form SHUT OUT and WITH REGARDS both showed speed for their Toboggan engagement FAMOUS VICTORY is ready for a good effort REQUESTED worked minus blinkers and finished very strong OVERDRAWN was under a mild drive BREEZING HOME End SEA FARE were going handily in their mile BELMONT PARK PARKTraining Training Track Track Fast 56 Strictly True 37h 55 Threecent 50h 58 Assailant 37 h 12 MILE 58 MILE 54 Bar Keep 3725h 54 Accord 52 h 56 Baby Dumpg 102 h 56 CoStar 39h 56 Blue Sach 49 h 55 Grey Hood l02h 55 Fair Weather 39h 55 Bill Sickle 51h 52 Mouse Hole l03h 56 Half Crown 37 h 56 Happy Note 49 h 52 North Fire 109 b 54 High Comnd 37h 56 Mayfair 53h 54 True Blue l02h l02h426Quillon 426Quillon 37h 54 Night Glow 52 h 57 War Gleam l0225h 56 Rodney Stone 37 h 54 Spirit Level 50h 57 Rencourt 39h 423 Study Period 55 b 78 MILE 57 Salto 36h Talent Scout 52h 420 Hmewd Bnd 131 h hBABY BABY DUMPLING had speed HAPPY VOTE had his foot WAR GLEAM is istraining training nicely n t i AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 56 Haichow l07b 78 MILE 123 430 Head Sea 39 b 429 Irresistible 106 b 54 Country Style l32 427 In Balance 41 b 425 Miss Islam l02h 430 Master Henry 128 428 Sugar Ration 36b 429Suriene 108 b b36b 57 Top Reward 36b i MILE 12 MILE 34 MILE 110 3i Free Air l45 l45b 54 Airspring 49 h 56 Bold Dan l16b 62 Gamblt Wf i si Kgs 51 51A 55 Richard W 52 b 53 Flemingsburg l16h 58 MILE 59 A 55 Troon 119 b 5 56 6 Minnelusa 144 b 54 Elimar l02h 55 Toss Up l15h 54 Seawd Bound 1 45 b bTOSS TOSS UP is holding his form MASTER HENRY showed a good effort AIR SPRING is training smoothly ELIMAR was full of run JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Fast 38 MILE 423Mattie J 49 h 56 Sundodger l03b l03b3835b 56 Doublrab 3835b 51 Sparklg Maid 49b 49b36b 56 Kingfisher 36b 58 MILE 58 34 MILE 110 11037b KingfisherMiss Miss Biscuit 37b 56 Air Current l02h 57 Bright Camp l16b l16b3825b 430Redthorn 3825b 424 Cortege l06b 55 Liberty Sand l17b l17b37b 54 Spheric 37b 56 Fire Nymph 105 b 429 Tatu l20b l20bf 12 MILE f 55 Flying Son l03h 429 Family Doc 49 h 55 Genial Guy 103 d 78 MILE MILE53b 57 First Fiddle 53b 51 Lady Janice l04b 56 Cheetah 134 b 425 Is I Is 54 b 56 Sky King 103 h 55 HautMond 136 b DOUBLRAB and KINGFISHER went easily together MATTIE J and FAMILY DOC were in company SPARKLING MAID was never better BEULAH PARK Track Muddy Dogs Up 38 MILE 53 Madam Gray 40y5h Randy 56 h 55 Beauty Time 39d 315 Navy Display 41 d 56 React 53h 54 Biscuit Boy 42 b 56 Scioto River 41h 58 MILE 59 54 Bonsweep 42ysh 52 Wickd Time 39h 427 Bboo Broom l08h l08hDarby Darby Dart 43d Formax 109 li liFast Fast Start 44h 12 MILE 46 55 Nabroj l095h Fabens A3V5h 56 Bufflehead 53h 56 Gay Charlotte 40 h 413 Bellringer 55y5h 1 MILE 137 51 Grandstar 40 h 427 Darby Dower 53h 54 Mintack l55h CHARLES TOWN TOWNTrack Track Good 38 MILE 52 Chief Teddy TeddyBuckle 53b 58 MILE MILEBess Buckle Time 38b Found Out OutCastine 5iy5h Castine 38y5h Glitter Girl GirlHippocrane 50h Bess B l07b l07bClock Hippocrane 39 b Marvelous MarvelousNoon 50h Clock Time l06h l06hLove Noon Step 37b Mowmet MowmetSatin 53 b Love Mark 108 b bStrumming Satin Marie 37 h Rostan 53 b Strumming l04h l04hSomewhere Some Grcher 52Vsh Somewhere l08b l08bTrue 12 MILE 48 Stand Alone 52b True Pilate 106 h hBarraca hUpsetting Barraca 51h Vendors Lien 52h Upsetting l05h l05hSATIN SATIN MARIE showed speed in her morning trial GLITTER GIRL appears to be in top form FOUND OUT stepped briskly in his morning trial BESS B was only breezing PIMLICO PIMLICOTrack Track Slow 38 MILE 425 Cramps Image 50h 427 Rough Amos l05h 57 Avesta 38b Johns Buddy 5225b 424 Saboteur l041sh 423 Edmar Jojan 37h 423 Miss Gosling 51 b 427 Sorgho l03h 410 Fred Havecker 3725h 52 Quarter Mon 52b 423 Turf Child l05b 54 Glorious Sec 36h 53 Swifty Fox 51b 34 MILE 110 412 Harebell 3745h 430 Well Allright 50h 421 Gold Tint l1825h 423 March Chick 37h 57 War Art 51b 412 Mightily 120 b 56 Sack 37h 428 Wesley A 49h 47 Michan Flyer l19b 427 Slenderette 37h 58 MILE 100 321 Praiseworthy l18h l18hWar War Princess 39b 410 Canterbrun 104 h 51 Rodin l17h 52 Executor l06b 430 Sea Pilot 118 h 12 MILE 47 Jean C l04h 1 MILE 137 137426Anizgoce 426Anizgoce 51h 429Macant l06b 54 Cherry Crush l47b 424 Art Brown 52b 54 My Elsie 104 h 15 Refreshing 146 h h424Bladen 424Bladen 52b 57 Phillips Pete 106 b 424 Wise Timmie 144 h hRODIN RODIN seems to be rounding to his best form WESLEY A was under a mild drive HAREBELL continues to train well WISE TIMMIE worked a useful mile SORGHO seems ready for his best effort JEAN C seems to like a slow track ART BROWN was not extended in his trial SACK still shows his good speed SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Good 38 MILE 421 War Reward 37h Stop Harping l07h 429 Aple Reward 12 MILE 426 Tenderfoot l06h 430Drawaway 56 Begda 51h 423 Tierce l03h 430 Fort Vancver 52 Bass Fiddle 50h 34 MILE 109 414 Galafly GalaflyHard 425 Concluded 54h 428 No Dough 125 h Hard Bargn 53 Haste On 55 b 78 MILE 426 Jeanco JeancoKanlast 430 In Vogue 54h 56 Cody 137 h Kanlast 58 MILE 58 55 Side Arm l34h 413 Milk Route 54 Briht Bobbie l05h 1 MILE 136 430 Our Gladden 55 Bonnie Rue l07h 55 Priority 147 h 56 Seminole 49 Light Chaser 107 b 53 Sizzling Pan l51d 426 Valdina Troth 54 Quietly 108 b TIERCE accompanied Sizzling Pan for five furlongs WOODBINE PARK PARKTrack Track Heavy HeavyQueensborgh 38MILE 38MILEBunny Queensborgh 54 h hPeglius LadyLil l21h l21hNorth Bunny Rabbit 40 h Peglius 56 h hRaise North Swept 120 h hPassa Bopenko 41h 41hFugacious Raise 52h 52hStippler Passa Grille l18h l18hMystery Fugacious 39h 39hJoe Stippler 52h 52hTulachmore Mystery Lad 120 h hPaolita Joe Guest 37 b bPapau Tulachmore 50 d Paolita l19h Papau 42 h hRoyat 58 MILE 59 59Ambleside 322 Pacific Maid 1 20h 20hSweepnack Royat 42 h hTen Ambleside II l06h l06hBillie Sweepnack l20h l20hSweepnito Ten to Ace 35 b bWise Billie Day l08h l08hGoggles Sweepnito l23h l23hRoyal Wise Teddy 42h Goggles 108 h hGoan hGoan Royal Heels l23h l23hVivid 12 MILE 47 Goan 107 b Vivid Vision l20h l20hWhite Bluebelle 54 h hBrodear 310 Pari King l0425h l0425hPistol l04h51h White Hope 122 h Brodear 51h 51hBanff Pistol Pete l04h l04h5225h 78 MILE 126 126Cossack Banff 5225h Porters Gal l0645h l0645h522sh Cossack Post l37b Brother Pat 52h 52hCattari Trey lQ8h Cattari 53 b bDon 28 Valdina Fable 106 h 1 MILE 138 Don Mariner 53 h hFour Valkyrian 105 h Brit and Gay 155 h Four Flush 5325h 5325hIn Bummer Bill 156 h In Front 54h 54hKanosee 34 MILE 111 Grandpal l l53h l53hKanosee S h Kanosee 57 h hKatie Brosal l21h Peter Malone 154 h hKatie Katie Bud 55 h hLoure Chiclette l20h Spudroon 154 h hLoure Loure 52h 52hMiss Fightg Finn l21h Sweepgold l52h l52hMiss Miss Wboler 54 h Joeggy 123 h 55 Wood Robin 156 h hTEN TEN TO ACE showed remarkable speed in the going his fractions being 23 35 PISTOL PETE and PARI KING went well together TULACHMORE went all out in his short trial PAOLITA and PASSA GRILLE are training well the former having improved SWEEPGOLD and GRANDPAL both tired in the going with the latter well behind his stablemate MONDAY MAY 10 1943 1943SPORTSMANS SPORTSMANS PARK Track Good 38 MILE 412 Rogers Boy 40b 429 Johnny Jr 50h 54 Camaraderie 38 h 430 Servant Kan 40 b 423 Might Step 56 b 53 David B Jr 3945b 3945b422Drumont 49 Tripaway 41 b 422 Praetorian 56 b 422Drumont 42 b Texstar 39 b 428Sunny Ceres 52 h 56 First Draftee 40 b 55 Water Tower 50V6h 56 Glenwood GlenwoodBoy Boy 39 b 12 MILE 54 Wilful Hattie 50h 54 High Talent 40 b 53 Beamy 53 b 429 Little Bolo 37 h 54 CloeFlight 54 b 58 MILE 100 428 Legal Eagle 39 b 55 Count Fast 51h 58 Brilliant Jr 106 b 54 Madly 40 b 55 Dark Cloud 54b 426 Gainer l06b 55 Private Howie 40 b 423 Heno Lion 56b 423KaiHi 106 b 430 Ring Master 39b 55 Hasty Grace 53b 55 Secnd Glance l06b LnTLE BOLO displayed speed working from the gate JOHNNY JR showed showeda a good effort GAINER and KAIHI worked in company from the gate WATER WATERTOWER TOWER worked creditably HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNETrack Track Good 38 MILE 12 MILE 40 55 Pinch Hitter 55 Boston Queen QueenEdith 39b 58 Arched 51 h 56 Reztips 108 b Edith T 39 b 422 Mordecai 52h 52h39h N 49 Lucky Trip 39h 34 MILE 110 39h40b 55 Leo McLhlin 40b 58 MILE 59 59 Littletown l18b 56 Right Carla 38i h 55 After Schpol l08J5b 56 Pates Girl l23J5b 51 Sign 38h 58 Courteous l05h 55 The Skipper 122 J5b CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Good 38 MILE 57 Seance 36h 57 Rubicon 51h 51hAriel Ariel Bay 37h Sure Gay 38 b 52 Running Sue 49 h 51 Arrowtraction 37h 55 Swing Leader 37b 57 Rocket Gal 49 b 52 Bolo Babe 40 b Trevy Wood 38 h 58 Silver King 51b 430 Busyridge 37b Total Victory 37 b 429 Shiny Penny 53b 55 Bonnie Bold 37h 58 Three Prcent 3635h 56 Valdina Mintea 51b 426 Breakdown 37h 56 Valdina Dart 3735b 54 Valdina Dude 5235b 54 Dans Choice 39 b Valdina Infant 39 b 425 Wheatstraw 53b 55 Epistle 39 h 53 Valdina Clown 37b 58 MILE 59 53 Endy 38 b Valdina Zenith 39 b 57 Bolo Tie 109 b 55 Florizan Sam 39 b 58 Valdina Fop 37b 53 Dusty 105 b 430 Fancy Face 39 h 427Wauchula 39b 52 Frou Frou 104 h 52 Flying Double 37 b 12 MILE 46 56 Flying Toy l06b 59 Gay Kit 38 b 422 Agricole 51b 56 Hometown l02J5h 57 Honest Pal 37h 55 Alned 50b 51 Jack Stutz l05h 427 Indiana Flyer 37 h 57 AppyWay 55 b 52 Miss Advice l05b 56 Knightfors 38h 55 Bulrush 52b 429 Swiv l02h 53 Kadelkee 37 h 55 Bolo Choice 55 b 57 Valdina Sol 102 h 425 Lady Romery 37b 57 Campion Hall 52 h 34 MILE 110 110Leslie Leslie Jarvis 38b 52 Carbonate 51b 57 Be Brief 121 b 54 Lucky Deal 36h 427 Camps First 54b 52 Cecil 123 b 51 Lumber Quen 37h 410 Colors Up 52 b 55 Dogpatch l20b 423 Magnesium 39b Colite 50 b 47 Extend 120 h 57 Night Rain Rainx 40 b 429 Dancing Duke 54b 52 Jug l25b x Olivia L 37h 430 Exotic 51b 55 Khaygram 119 b b36h 53 Ok Sugar 36h 55 HyCop 50 b 53 Lady Watrloo l17 h h39b 422 Pajas 39b 56 High Harp 48h 58 Ogma l2125b 58 Port Ballot 40 57 Hoosier Miss 51b 58 Power Dive l2125b 52 Pennington 36 h 54 Just for Fun 48h 56 Rich Uncle 119 b 58 S S Grier 36 h 53 Limitation 51 b 55 Spanish Duke l17h l17h3715b 58 Senator T 3715b Launsgo 50 b 54 Shackle 122 h 51 Sun Squall 37 h 57 Last Chick 493sh 1 MILE 135 j 427 Snoozer 36 h 55 Meadow Dew 52 b 56 Fair Player l51h 56 Skillman 39 b 55 Prognostic 53 b 54 Song Spinner l48b l48bALNED ALNED holds his good form BUSYRIDGE was only breezing FANCY FACE ran out badly in her work HYCOP was well in hand in his easy trial HOME ¬ TOWN is being kept on edge LUCKY DEAL was full of run SWIV turned in a good effort THREE PERCENT has his speed The following came from the gate ARIEL BAY BREAKDOWN HIGH HARP JUST FOR FUN LAST CHICK OLIVIA L PENNINGTON S S GRIER SNOOZER SUN SQUALL and VALDINA FOP BELMONT PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 58 MILE 5SY5 55 MythicIKing 116 h 427 Abasside 57 Autocrat 105 b 51 Petrify 115 h 49 Curwen 56 Blue Penant l00h 58 Roxspur l22b 57 Don Juan II 36h 57 Discomont 104 b 54 Rascal 113 h Hercules 57 Electra 103 l03h 56 Slide Rule HerculesJimmy Jimmy 54 High Resolve 104 b 56 Twoses 57 Mans Man 427 Jury Box l01h 58 Waller l22b 324 Orpheum 55 Little Diana l01h 78 MILE 122 57 Supper Dance 36h 56 Liquid Lunch l00h 56 Blue Serge l28h 57 Tricks 35 h 58 Middle Watch 103 h hShaun Chorsie 131 1 Shaun G 105 b 56 Kind Sir l28h 12 MILE 56 Welcome Pass 103 h 58 Zacatine 135 b 56 Bottle Imp 49 h 55 Yankee Girl l01h 1 MILE 134 58 Colchis ColchisCrocket 48 h 34 MILE 110 57 At Which l40h CrocketDolls Crocket 58 Derivative l16h 56 Armr Bearer 143 h Dolls House 58 Eye for Eye l16h 57 Genl Mowlee 146 b 57 Fire Flower 54b 57 Eternal Peace 113 h 56 Kings Abbey 138 h 428 La Reigh 50 b 57 Fresh Money 114 h 55 Trgic Ending 143 h 58 Miss Skylark 49 h 59 Junior Easton l15h 1 14 MILES 200 58 Zooming 49 h 59 Moscow n 116 h 57 Corydon 209 h hLIQUID LIQUID LUNCH and BLUE PENNANT were on even terms in a snappy trial ETERNAL PEACE is ready for a good effort KIND SIR and BLUE SERGE were together AT WHICH showed some improvement KINGS ABBEY was under a brisk hand ride in his excellent mile trial Training Track TrackTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 57 Willow Run 3 58 Polly Briar 49h 57 Blue Leona 39h 12 MILE 54 Red Level 51h 58 Cape May 38 h 57 At Play 4 54 Surrogate 47h 57 Creamy 36h 56 Bay Carse 4 58 MILE 57 Cherrydale 41h 58 Brenner Pass 4 57 Birthstone 105 h 56 Hada Fortne 38 h 54 Joans Tip 4 4Jamesborough 53 Galeful l04h 427 Knits Armor 37 h Jamesborough 5 5Knota 34 MILE 58 Legnd Bearer 38 h Knota 4 58 Laugh Clown 118 h 57 Persify 36h 57 Le Havre 5 1 MILE 424 Porters Cap 38 h 52 Old Rosebush 5 57 Blazing Glory l45h 58 Spangd Game 38 h 57 Porters Pride 5 423Rahanee 149 h 58 Tamba 38 h 53 Paperboy 5 418 Sir Herbt Jr l45h SIR HERBERT JR and BLAZING GLORY went together AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 56 Entertainmt Entertainmt38b 49 h 53 Goln Message l04h 55 Ben Shaba 38b 57 Hopeville Hopeville38b 49 b 57 Jacopus l04b l04b49h 419 Gent 38b 55 Irish Tar Tar36h 49h 58 Ray ONeil 107 b 428 Hypocrite 36h 48 Merrimac Merrimac36h 55 b 57 Sea Cracker l04h 53 Liste 36h 56 Minefinder Minefinder36h 52 b 42 Sea Base 108 b 430 Narki 36h 56 Son of War 54 b 57 Waters Edge l04b 427 Pida 37h 56 Scotch Mound 50b 34 MILE 110 55 Questn Man 38b 57 Sleepytime Gal 50b 51 Edahaste l20b 428 Smoky Snyder 37b 57 Top Gallant 55 Happy Home 119 55 Toolmaker 58 MILE 59 57 Swell Kid 123 12 MILE 55 Dessronlo l03b 1 MILE 58 Bosley Bosley3r31 50b 57 Free Double l04b 58 Ladys Count l48b l48b3r31 3r31 Boss Wellian 55 b 54 Fettacairn 107 b 44 Vagrancy l44b l44bVAGRANCY VAGRANCY worked a useful mile ENTERTAINMENT and IRISH TAR worked Jn company LISTE went handily in his short work JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Fast 38 MILE 58 MILE 58 423 Sight 118 425 Baruna 56 Full Cry 103 430 Tell Me Morel 16 430 Cont dArgent 38b 54 Little Flyer l03h 56 V for Victpry 118 d 422 Cold Crack 36h 52 Rhyme Maker 103 h 58 Chislam 37 b 428 Sedgemoor 103 J5b 78 MILE 414 Gen L 40 b 56 Salford U 103 h 57 Shipmate IT30h 57 KayDianne 419 True Knights l03b 1 MILE 138 Sweet Repose 38b 52 Tideover l03b 56 Bobs J3oys 12 MILE 34 MILE 110 56 British Flyer 147 417 In the Rough 50 b 57 Donegal l16d 57 Bully Good 145 h 52 Plantagenet 50 b 55 Miss My Jane 117 h 52 Bygone Star 147 b 56 Tomochichi 50 b 55 Romn Govor l16h 430 City Talk 143 h SEDGEMOOR went easily FULL CRY is nearing racing condition BOBS BOY went well CITY TALK was not fully extended BULLY GOOD is training well BEULAH PARK PARKTrack Track Muddy Dogs Up UpHenry 38 MILE Henry M 40 h 12 MILE 46 56 Lights Abeam 40d 56 Bolo Mont 55 h 55 Aureate 41 d 54 Shoot the Boot 42 h 56 Donfinn 54d 54d40d 56 Bells Afar 40d Sadie M 43 d 58 MILE 59 5940b 54 Dark Idea 40b Uncle Peter 425h 429 Agnes S l07d 56 Filipino Valet 41 h Watch Hill 40 h 223 Ambros E l07JSd CHARLES TOWN TOWNTrack Track Fast 38 MILE Sir Jerome 39 b Miss Pilgrim 54b 54bAllen Allen Caid 38b Ship Signal 3945b t Pacifier 55 b Chilly 53bCertain Ebbie 38b Storminess 38 b Rough Egg 53b Certain Party 38 h Which Two 40b 429 Happy Slave 39 b 12 MILE 48 58 MILE 429 Ida Time 3945b Cavu 56 b Brush Off l04h 423 Manny l05hOddree B 38J5h Grey Toast 51h Hnd Glove l05h Oddree 38b Grouchers Boy 53b Lackawanna 106 b Qn Minatoka 39b Ginobi 53h No Tip l04h Red l04hRed Wrack 38h Lady Lgworth 54b Sting Lee l05b GREY TOAST showed speed from the gate HAND GLOVE was well in hand MANNY handMANNY B stepped lively in his short spin BRUSH OFF and NO TIP worked a handy five furlongs ROUGH EGG was under wraps SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 55 Nappr Tandy 54 b 56 Whitinsyille 105 h 55 Ask Me 38 h 57 Proration Proration40h 49 h 34 MILE 109 57 Bright Flyer 40h 425 PariErnest PariErnest41b 53 h 55 Dainty Ford l18h l18h4935h 58 Devils Wit 41b 56 Purcellville Purcellville36h 4935h 55 Islams Islam l16h 57 Eternity 36h 410 Still Pond 49 h 54 In Dutch l17h 58 Icystream Strolling Easy 55 b 54 Marjories l17h 58 Kelspride 42b 53 Sun Girl 50y5h 59 Our Gladden l20h 218 Like Greenock 39 h 51 Son OHal 50h 55 Ral Ruby II l14h 428 Pipeline 42h 55 Singing Pbble 55 b 56 Snowline 117 h 54 Rough News 38h 58 Two Block 49h 78 MILE 55 Samhar 39 b 57 Zacabrand 50 h 57 Boot High 56 Us 38h 58 MILE 58 1 MILE 136 58 Valdina Craft 42b 54 Cis Marion 59 Ample Rewrd 143 h 12 MILE MILEBlue 57 Dads 51 Anonymous 145 h Blue Cypress 55 b 430 High Name 102 h 57 Adviser 148 h 56 Cavatorta 4935h 55 Lost Gold 109 b 52 Kiev Lee l47h 421 Evelyn Rolls 54b 57 Moonmiss l04h 59 Milk Route 146 h 54 Graustark 52 h 58 Miss Nebraska 04h 57 Misflying l43h Late Alice 51 h 55 Maegay l02h 55 Mobcap 148 h Max Forst 51h 56 Philjean 102 Jsh 1 14 MILES 204 52 Night Pennt 51h 52 War Tower 106 b 52 Flashalong 213 h DADS and MOONMISS worked from the gate ANONYMOUS and MISFLYING worked together the latter was the best WOODBINE PARK PARKTrack Track Slow 38 MILE MILEBelle Poppy Time 53 h Punta Rassa l05h Belle Rophon 39h 39hCharley Sweeping Fle 50h Pompel l05h l05hStimulette Charley Bailey 41h 41hClaire Watercure 50h Stimulette 106 h Claire Wallace Sgsh SgshErindale 58 MILE 59 Spring Moon 106 h Erindale Boy iSSsh iSSshGallaris Ainsworth 105 h Torch Singer l04h Gallaris 39 h hGypster British Flag l0725h Tinted Chick l04b Gypster 37h 37hHaggis Cyrus P l02h l02hClocklike Tom Toddy 106 h Haggis 40h 40hPatafryn Clocklike l07b VinoTinto 107 h Patafryn 3935h 3935hPine Clear Chimes l04h 34 MILE 111 Pine Cone 39h 39hSpade Depressor l06h Attrisius l17b l17bBrown Spade Grass 39h 39hStar Ebony Stick l0825h Brown Flower 122 y5h Star Jewel 3725h 3725hSweep Flying Sue l09h Blue Yank l21h Sweep Lad 41h Front Attack l07b Gallant Foe l17b 12 MILE 47 47Commemorate Grand Dame l04h Star Gaiety 121 ysh Commemorate 52 h hKing Koraline l05h l05hLight War Problem l25h King Kirkld 54 h hLaurana Light Jos l07h 1 MILE 138 Laurana Lyon 53h Loteer l05h Light Birch 1 49h 49hTINTED TINTED CHICK POMPEL CLOCKLIKE FRONT ATTACK WATERCURE CYRUS P LOTEER and TORCH SINGER all went from the gate GALLANT FOE accompanied by ATTRISIUS went threequarters in 12 24 36 49 103 and 117 the seven furlongs in 135 hard held all the way in a very impressive move CYRUS P looks and acts in good form TINTED CHICK was only breezing WATERCURE showed good speed TORCH SINGER went handily in her good move GRAND DAME is training up to her best form