Official Racing Charts: Suffolk Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-11


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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc IncSuffolk Suffolk Downs BOSTON MASS MONDAY MAY 10 1943 SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE First day of sixtyday meeting May 10 to July 17 Eastern Racing Association Inc Puett gate used J J Jones camera used Steward representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission J P Bowditch Stewards of Meeting H P Conkling E J Brown W Almy Jr and C J McLennan Honorary Steward J R Macomber Judges S S Brown Eb Pons and H Dernham Starter R B Frend Racing Secretary C J McLennan Racing starts at 230 p m Eastern War Time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites spring meeting 1942 37 current meeting Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one FIRST KACE 34 MILE OUt of Chute Appealing July 26 1937 109 4 winners twice in 1943 Weight 120 Ibs Winners since April 10 May 1043 Suf 2 lbsv extra Non winners in 1943 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming price 1250 Net value to winners 425 each third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys 40199 tRANGE DUST WB 7 111 6 10 74 62 54 1 PrattH 26472 ftSHORT CAKE w7111 92 31 33 1 1 TurnbullW E W Barlow 960 40148 ANZAC WB 4 117 11 4 5 54 34 PenaM Mrs W Adams 300 30038365FRONTIER 38365FRONTIER JANE WB 5 106 4 3 22 21 32 42 WilliamsH J H Carr 330 33028023ROCKAWAY 28023ROCKAWAY BOY VB 5 111 10 1 I1 14 2l 51 NashB Miss C Duncan 480 480400823KLEIG 400823KLEIG LIGHT vvB6116 3 5 444 62i 6 MartinJ H Violette 690 38888 LA REINETTE WB 5 115 19 6 h 72 74 LutherT Mrs D B Miller 3160 40151 MILL TOWER ws5122 511 104 92i 93 82 RobartE B F Lister 2290 2290398723QRENCO 398723QRENCO wB6120 7 6 82 84 8 9 WahlerC G Felkner 1610 40268 SUGAR DADY II Wfl5116 2 8 9 10 105 106 MaschekF Mrs J Wessler 7180 402632 JSTORMCOCK WB 4 122 8 7 11 11 11 11 BalzarettiW K D Kolseth 1910 1910fDead fDead heat Apprentice allowance waived waivedr r Time 23 46 113 Track fast fastr2 r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 k f RANGE DUST 2020 2020 1060 910 910 430 CAKE 1100 1180 700 450 490 2 360 Winners Range Dust ch h by Neddie Sun Affinity by Sun Briar trained by E A Summers bred by Valdina Farm Short Cake ch m by Chestnut Oak Bobbed Hair by Helmet trained by J Buchanan bred by Mr J P Jones Winners entered to be claimed for 1250 each WENT TO POST 232 OFF AT 232J EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving third the same RANGE DUST worked his way up steadily came with a rush through the stretch and was up in the closing stride to obtain a dead heat with SHORT CAKE The latter close to the pace moved up gamely when called upon and wearing down ROCKAWAY BOY for the lead lasted to hold RANGE DUST to a dead heat ANZAC saved for half a mile finished well FRONTIER JANE forced the early pace but was unable to better her position in the drive ROCK AWAY BOY sent to the front at once opened up a good lead but tired under pressure in the closing three sixteenths mile KLEIG LIGHT tired LA REINETTE closed willingly MILL TOWER was outrun Scratched 40266 Spare the Rod 111 40319 Maeline 116 36206 Very Graceful 106 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Appealing July 26 1937 109 4 A fl A 1 HI Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3year f U O 1 oIdS HQ jbs Oiaer 122 Ibs Nonwinners since April 15 allowed May 1043 Suf 3 ibs two races in 1943 5 Ibs one race 7 Ibs Claiming price 2000 Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockey Owners Odds 1 Strt 39824 TETRA ROCK wsSHS 62 2 lk H I3 MartinJ MartinJ401493FORT MerryHo Stable 200 401493FORT VANCVER WB 4 117 5 6 4 3l 22 24 NashB NashB403212BALMY T F Bledsoe 1860 403212BALMY SPRING WB 7 115 1 4 3 42i 4 32 WahlerC Mrs J Burks 440 39341 WAR TOWER WB 5 119 71 7 64 54 4 BatesT BatesT389472AMAZED B F Lister 350 389472AMAZED WB4114 3 3 1 2h 34 3i 53 PenaM PenaM40202GAY H H Haag 350 40202GAY FLIGHT ws3106 47 6 54 62i 6l Williams Mt Desert Stable 1020 59813 OPTIMISM w 3 103 25 54 7 7 7 ClaggettH W E Johnson 3570 3570Time Time 23 46 112 Track fast fastr2 r2 Miituels Paid v Odds to 1 TETRA ROCK 600 420 260 200 110 30 VANCOUVER 1260 540 530 170 170LMY LMY SPRING 380 90 90Winner Winner B g by Rolls Royce Dangerillo by Danger Rock trained by H 0 Simmons bred by Mr J H White Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 3OOJ OFF AT 30 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving TETRA ROCK forwardly placed from the start disposed of AMAZED for the lead and drew out steadily thereafter FORT VANCOUVER was close to the pacemaker and moving up midway of the turn made a bold bid to get to the front but was not good enough and was giving ground steadily during the last eighth BALMY SPRING well placed was unable to make up any ground in the final drive WAR TOWER trailed early lost ground leaving the back stretch and was going gamely when too late AMAZED hustled to the front on the inside tired in th final quarter GAY FLIGHT was outrun OPTIMISM was unable to keep up Claimed Tetra Rock by Mrs W W Adams for 2000 Overweight Gay Flight 1 pound Optimism 5 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid Range Dust and Tetra Rock 6860 Short Cake and Tetra Rock 4420 THIRD RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Eternal Bull May 14 1941 53 2 118 Weight 118 Ibs Maidens allowed 6 Ibs Claiming price 1500 May 1043 Suf Net vaue to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Tin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt J9774SEMINOLE WB 107 1 3 32 33 I2 WilliamsH Mrs M H Charles 500 39774 LEOS GIRL wl5 4 2 14 li 2h LutherT G Felkner 80 80598122TRACER 598122TRACER BULLET w12 6 6 54 44 34 WahlerC W E Johnson 350 39916 BUCK PATCH w 112 2 1 2 2 ° k 4 McMulIenG Mrs I C Mourar 1450 1450COUNTESS COUNTESS PLAY w 109 3 5 6 54 52 PernaC CT Chenery 2020 39916 JEANCO w 110 5 4 4 6 6 RobartE J C Braswell 1430 1430Time Time 23 47 54 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 x xij ij n SEMINOLE 1200 440 260 500 120 30 Mutuel Prices LEOS GIRL 280 220 40 10 10I I TRACER BULLET 260 30 30Winner Winner B c by Blenheim Nantokah by Ultimus trained by W E Charles Jr bred by Mr J S Phipps Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 330J OFF AT 330 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same SEMINOLE unable to reach the leaders early began moving up in the last fivesixteenths and SWINGING to the outside in the stretch re ¬ sponded gamely took the lead in the last sixteenth and drew out steadily LEOS GIRL met stout early contention from BUCK PATCH and while holding on camely was unable to cope with the closing bid of the winner TRACER BULLET outrun early came with improved speed in the stretch run BUCK PATCH forced the early pace went to the inside in the stretch and forced to take back went to the outside but was unable to endanger the leaders JEANCO could not keep up Overweight upOverweight Jeanco 1 pound FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Accolade July 3 1936 141 6 116 Ibs Winners since April 20 2 Ibs extra for each race won May 1043 Suf Claiming price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40205 Renard401503ARDENELL SUPREME IDEAL WB5116 1 5 52 5 34 24 li WahlerC Mrs W Renard T250 401503ARDENELL w6116 2 1 44 4 24 Ink 22i LutherT G Felkner 270 39920 HIGH PLAID VB6118 3 6 64 6s 4 ° 43 35 LeBlancE J F Ladley 380 39573 SARGAZO WB 10 116 7 2 33 1 li 3 ° 45 ClaggettH F W Barlow 1280 39595 BAGGRAVE WB6116 5 4 1 24 53 53 53 TurnbullW Mrs W Renard 1280t250 t250 39920BROTHER DEAR WB 4 116 6 7 7 7 6 68 610 PenaM Mrs W E Snell 300 399914LULL 300399914LULL II WB4106 4 3 2h 34 7 7 7 ViaryJ Elm Stable 2480 fCoupled as Mrs W Renard entry entryTime Time 23 47 114 140 145 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 1LJ LJ l PI SUPREME IDEAL Entry 700 340 240 250 70 20 ARDENELL 380 260 90 30 I 30I HIGH PLAID 280 40 40Winner Winner B g by Supremus Idolatress by Blue Pete trained by M Shapoff bred by Sanford Stud Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 400i OFF AT 400 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same SUPREME IDEAL saved until leaving the back stretch worked his way up steadily on the outside and responding gamely in the stretch wore down ARDENELL to increase his lead in the final strides ARDENELL saved to the last half mile moved up steadily took command when the early pacemaker began tiring and while holding on gamely was not quit good enough HIGH PLAID closed ground steadily in the last fivesixteenths SARGAZO showed speed in pacemaking but tired in the closing threesixteenths BAGGRAVE under pressure to keep up early tired BROTHER DEAR was outrun LULL II quit badly FIFTH RACE 1 MILE Clingendaal Aug 14 1937 136 3 124 Furse Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners since April 15 allowed 3 Ibs since May 1043 Suf March 2 5 Ibs in 1943 7 Ibs Claiming price 1250 1250Net Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40147 240400842OWN SHARP REWARD w 108 2 2 2k 24 14 li li ClaggettH Carlone Parrillo 240 400842OWN SHIP WB 120 6 6 4i 4 2i 2 22J HettingcrG I Buckley fS80 40147 LIGHT CHASER wsllO 1 3 14 1 34 34 34 TurnbullW Coughlin Noyes 1460 300392983WHITE 39778 BASS FIDDLE wifl20 4 7 6i5i 44 42 44 WahlerC Mrs T Haskos 300 392983WHITE FORD wl3 5577 64 5i 51 LutherT I Buckley f5W 49039868TANGELO 40201 RISANDA we 110 7 4 3 3 52i 61 6 WilliamsH Mrs M H Charles 490 39868TANGELO WB 103 3 1 5i 64 7 7 7 PenaM Mrs M E Snell 430 fCoupled as I Buckley entry entryTime Time 24 48 114 140 Track fast fasti i 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 x xi i i in SHARP REWARD 680 420 320 240 110 60 60lYlUtliel lYlUtliel r riCeS i OWN SHIP Entry 540 400 170 100 LIGHT CHASER 460 130 130Winner Winner B f by Reaping Reward Cactus Rose by Dozer trained by M E Costello bred by Cold stream Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 430 OFF AT 430 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same SHARP REWARD in closest chase of the pace established by LIGHT CHASER early took command when called upon drew clear and holding on willingly through the stretch held OWN SHIP safe to the end OWN SHIP reserved until the last half mile moved up gradually and held on gamely during the stretch run LIGHT CHASER went to the front going to the first turn drew clear but was unable to hold his advantage when challenged but continued willingly to the end BASS FIDDLE cased back when in close quarters going to the first turn was sent between horses down the back stretch but was unable to threaten under punishment WHITE FORD outrunScratched was never prominent RISANDA well placed early was unable to keep up TANGELO was outrun Scratched 40084 Paille 107 107Overweight Overweight Tangelo 3 pounds SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Appealing July 26 1937 109 4 olds HO Ibs older 122 Ibs Non winners since April 15 allowed May 1043 Suf 5000if 3 ibs since March 6 5 Ibs in 1943 8 Ibs Claiming price 5000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 4000 Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 399882KANSAS WB 5 107 2 4 42 1 Ink i TurnbullW L B Sheppard 430 43039554BEGDA 39554BEGDA w 4 104 3 1 3i 42 34 2h PenaM J C Braswell 540 39552 RUSH ACT w 3 103 5 5 5h 6 4h 3 ClaggettH J H Miles 1200 39663 FAIR CALL WB 4 112 4 6 6 5i 54 44 WahlerC J H Carr 650 39683 WAR REWARD WB 4 114 62 2k 34 2b 5 = CanningW G S Gladney 2X0 36547 VISITING NURSE w 4 106 1 230Time 3 H 2 6 6 WilliamsH H R Dulany Jr 230 Time 23 46 111 Track fast fastkit kit ID KANSAS 1060 520 360 430 160 VlUtuel rnceSi isot BEGDA 620 500 210 iso t RUSH ACT 540 170 170Winner Winner B h by Sun Briar Galomar by Sir Gallahad III trained by C J Casey bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 4000 4000WENT WENT TIMEStart TO POST 459 OFF AT 459J EASTERN WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same KANSAS saved close to the pace until leaving the back stretch moved up on the inside and taking a short lead before reaching the stretch withstood a determined bid from WAR REWARD and held BEGDA safe The latter well placed all the way closed gamely in the stretch run RUSH ACT came gamely in the final quarter FAIR CALL was going well at the end after being outpaced early WAR REWARD made a bold bid on the outside soon after straightening speedScratched out in the stretch then tired VISITING NURSE faltered after showing early speed Scratched 28144Peep Show 109 109Overweight Overweight Kansas 1 pound Rush Act 1 Visiting Nurse 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE Clingendaal Aug 14 1937 136 3 124 Winthrop 40466 Handicap Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward upwardMay May 1043 Suf Net vaue winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 390399092ERIC 40204 INCOMING w4112 5 5 51 4 3 33 1 LutherT Mrs D B Miller 390 399092ERIC KNIGHT w 4 107 3 3 1 1 li H 23 TurnbullW G Felkner 660 450399893ARTHUR 40203 GALAFLY wB4104 4 2 22 22 22 2i 3s WahlerC Mrs S Miller 450 399893ARTHUR MURRAY w 4 115 6 4 6 5i 4441 4k McMulIenG Mrs W W Adams 310 40204 CHALLOMINE WB 5 111 2 6 3 ° k 6 6 5 51 PenaM Mrs W E Snell 2240 40385 ARGONE WOODS WB 6 117 1 1 44 3 54 6 6 LeBlancE J H Miles 210 210Time Time 2VS 47 112 139 Track fast fasti i 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i in INCOMING 980 460 320 390 130 60 MutUel PriCeS i 140I ERIC KNIGHT 680 480 240 140 I GALAFLY 440 120 120Winner Winner B c by Ladysman Fib by Westy Hocan trained by H H Miller bred by Mrs Parker Corning WENT TO POST 530 OFF AT 531 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same INCOMING permitted to settle in his stride without being hurried during the early stages began working his way up in the last half mile came to the outside of the leaders in the stretch responded gamely to vigorous handling and was along in the closing strides ERIC KNIGHT went to the front going to the first turn met stout contention early from GALAFLY and while holding the latter safe was unable to cope with the closing bid of the winner GALAFLY forced the early pace but failed to better his position through the stretch when placed under pressure ARTHUR MURRAY was unable to engage the leaders CHALLOMINE prominent early was unable to keep threeeighthsScratched up ARGONNE WOODS dropped back in the last threeeighths Scratched 39683 Red Vulcan 112 112Overweight Overweight Incoming 1 pound EIGHTH KACE 1 18 MILES Whirlaway July 15 1942 148 4 130 Purse 4 A A t I 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since U f O April 10 Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners twice hi 1943 allowed 3 May 1043 Suf ibs one race 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40146 tMICHIGAN SUN WB 4 115 7 5 22 22i Z 24 In ClaggettH C 0 Ferguson 1740 401462 IDA ROGERS w6106 9 2 54 43 32 1 2 WilliamsH S Garfield 190 40268 ESTA WB 5 107 1 3 7 fr 63 43 33 McMulIenG I J White 700 70040269MAJORETTE 40269MAJORETTE WB 6 105 3 1 I1 I2 I1 3 4 NashB Mrs D McDermid 1650 40324 UVALDE w 9 115 2 4 4h 73 83 6 ° k S LeBlancE Mrs E D Jacobs 13 39990MIDNIGHT RIDE ws4107 489 84 7 k 7k 6 ° k VandbheC M Feldman 380 40146 940402683HOP HASTE ON WB 6 118 6 6 3 3 4 54 i TurnbullW Coughlin Noyes 940 402683HOP SKIP WSB 5 110 8 7 61 51 5 86 86 PrattH W I Lunt 590 39991iBABY 59039991iBABY TALK WSB 10 112 5 9 8h 9 9 9 9 LutherT L Haskell 6240 6240fApprentice fApprentice allowance waivedTime waived Time 25 49 114 140 154 Track fast 52 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1ii ii i M MICHIGAN SUN 3680 1240 720 1740 520 260 40i 360 280 80 40 i ESTA 460 130 130Winner Winner B c by Michigan Boy Sun Cheviot by Sun Briar trained by C 0 Ferguson bred by Mr J W Brown Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 601 OFF AT 601 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MICHIGAN SUN steadied along closest to the pace of IDA ROGERS came wide into the stretch and responding gamely to hard riding was along in the final strides to wear down IDA ROGERS The latter moved up steadily on the inside in the last half mile gained a short lead in the stretch after having saved much ground but was unable to hold her advantage under pressure ESTA closed ground steadily in the final quarter after being outrun early MAJORETTE went to the front at once drew clear and rated along under light restraint tired in the drive UVALDE was unable to threaten MIDNIGHT RIDE was outrun HASTE ON tired HOP SKIP failed to improve his position positionScratched Scratched 40268 Ovando 107 107Overweight Overweight Ida Rogers 1 pound Majorette 3 Hop Skip 3

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Local Identifier: drf1943051101_23_1
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