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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc IncChurchill Churchill Downs LOUISVILLE KY MONDAY MAY 10 1943 CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE Fourteenth day of nineteen day meeting April 24 to May 15 Churchill Downs Inc Bahr gate used Kuprion camera used Presiding Steward C Bruce Head Stewards William H Shelley and Samuel H McMeekm Judges Raymond Hoertz Larry C Bogenschutz and Harry B Lindenberger Paddock Judge Thomas Oliphant Patrol Judges George Molesworth and Charles Gormley Jr Assistant Paddock Judge William Cunningham Timer Raymond Hoertz Starter Reuben W White Racing Secretary and Handicapper William H Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Central War Time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites spring meeting 1942 i48 current meeting 40 No Daily Double FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Ariel Cross May 2 1936 110 4 A A A US Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Non May 1043 CD yearolds 112 Ibs older 120 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1050 allowed 2 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt qt A Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 401842BLACK SKIMMER w 3 107 9 1 74 5i 24 I SmithFA J H Rouse Rousew 80 40184ROCKWICK w 6 113 10 7 5i 4i li 22 DrennanD GH Stevens Stevensw5113 2810 40241 = tMONKS MEMO w5113 5 54 4 440240BROWN 2h 2i 31 3 MilliganP Friedberg Wrig WrigWB4113 610 40240BROWN CARSE WB4113 6 66 6 636986HOT 3i 3h 42 4i LittrellWB Mrs S R Marks Marksw6113 3670 36986HOT IRON w6113 7 79 9 91 92 61 52 BashamC Rivermont Ranch RanchWB9113 2640 38679 CHANTING WB9113 8 88 8 10 10 10 64 AdamsJ S McPherson McPhersonw8118 5050 39764 SANDERS w w8118 8 118 1 15 5 540302NINETY 81 84 71 74 DyerJ Mrs J R Burnett BurnettWB4108 870 40302NINETY DAYS WB WB4108 4 108 4 42 2 239805PERHOBO li 14 5 81 ReevesR C N Finch FinchWB 640 39805PERHOBO WB WB4108 4 108 3 310 10 61 72 8i 9h JonesN Mrs C R Valentin Valentinw 1380 40130 DINAH DID PLAY w 4 113 2 3 4h 62 9 10 PariseS Duntreath Farm Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 23 47 114 Track good 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 11 kj 10kj in in BLACK SKIMMER 360 300 220 80 50 10 I 1660 520 730 j 60 MEMO 320 60 60Winner Winner Blk f by Balladier Scarp by Rolled Stocking trained by W Crump bred by Mr J H Rouse Winner entered to be chimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 211 OFF AT 212 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate for all but PERHOBO Won driving second and third the same BLACK SKIMMER began fast was caught in close quarters near the halfmile post recovered under good handling and corning through on the inside entering the stretch outfinished ROCKWICK The latter moved up steadily to the final quarter bore in badly after taking command during the drive and just failed to last MONKS MEMO a forward factor from the start was caught in tight quarters near the finish and could not threaten when clear BROWN CARSE faltered after racing forwardly placed to the stretch HOT IRON finished fast after starting slowly CHANTING taken up sharply soon after the start failed to recover thereafter SANDERS was never dangerous NINETY DAYS set the pace to the stretch under pressure from MONKS MEMO but had nothing left for the drive PERHOBO dwelt at the start losing all chance chanceScratched Scratched 40069 Brown Mask 110 40359 Robert Russell 113 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Ariel Cross May 2 1936 110 4 A fl A A 115 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Non f U f f J winners of two since since 3 races April 9 or a race April 23 May 1043 CD yearolds 112 Ibs older 120 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1050 allowed 2 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 403023MOTHERS GIRL WB 5 115 8 1 12 12 12 113 jemasN D Chism ChismD 310 395433OLD SMOKEY wB4113 69 72 5h 4 24 ReevesR D C Wilhelm WilhelmD 250 39710BLACK CHERRY WB 6 108 92 41 31 2h 3 DrennanD D M W Sheridan SheridanLenahan 10770 40240 CHICONY ws6118 5 3 31 24 34 4k McCoyJ Lenahan Frazier FrazierJ 2140 40066STAND IN WB9113 310 94 8 6 52 BashamC J D Puckett PuckettH 1960 40239 fLADY DUANE w3107 7 8 62 42 51 62 SmithFA H Ekey EkeyMrs 200 40184 MARTLET w w4113 4 113 4 44 4 5 51 72 7 74 7 75 Dyerj Dyerj8i Mrs J R Burnett BurnettManley 650 40129 LIBERTY HALL w4118 25 8i 92 83 8i PariseS Manley Stone StoneMrs 13760 37727 GRANDMA RAY w3105 17 10 10 9s 9 MilliganP Mrs A Sabath SabathL 7000 36299 SILVERLYN WB 4 113 10 6 2J 6h 10 10 FlammC L R Mahan 22070 22070fApprentice fApprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 23J 47 114 Track good 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 MOTHERS GIRL 820 380 340 310 90 70 OLD SMOKEY 380 340 90 70 I 70I BLACK CHERRY 2140 970 970Winner Winner Br m by Ramoneur Girl of Dreams by Single Foot trained by W Pope bred by Mr D Cliism Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 239 OFF AT 2401 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Worn driving second and third the same MOTHERS GIRL well ridden taced to the front at once and after establishing a clear lead was well handled to hold her advantage OLD SMOKEY slow to begin worked his Hay up steadily to the stretch and going to the outside for the drive finished resolutely under punishment BLACK CHERRY faltered after racing forwardly placed to the last eighth CHICONY a forward factor throughout tired after obtaining a good position in the stretch STAND IN finished fast on the extreme outside LADY DUANE could not better her position under good handling MARTLET tired GRANDMA RAY was always far back SILVERLYN had brief early speed Scratched Broad Street 110 24542 Lady Mamie 107 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Ariel Cross May 2 1936 110 4 winners of two races since April 9 or a race since April 23 3 May 1043 CD yearolds 112 Ibs older 120 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1050 allowed 2 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 400683KATHY WB 3 107 1 6 I2 I2 14 I3 SmithFA C W Moore 2 260 60 604024Q2LATE 4024Q2LATE DAWN w 4 118 11 2 5i 4i 4 4i 2n JemasN J C Ellis 410 410401843BETH 401843BETH B WB 3 107 10 1 34 32 32 34 BashamC F Rando RandoII2 140 40241RED HORIZON WB4113 610 II2 94 5i 4J DrennanD Miss J Eckman 4010 40240 GRAY ROMANCE w 4 113 9 5 2 21 2 21 21 5l AdamsJ H M Walker 1980 40241 DUTY FIRST wB4118 44 44402413CONNECTICUT 82 7 8 6 ZufeltF C Williamson 7460 402413CONNECTICUT WB 4 113 12 8 61 81 6h 73 ReevesR H H Crowell 1540 WB3112 7 3 71 54 7h 82 GonzalezMN M A Waldheim 3130 40240 OUT FRONT w w4118 4 1185 511 11 9 10 9J 9 SouthG Miss L Connors 3370 40184 BOTTLE TOP wB8113 812 12 12 102 106 JonesN Mrs C R Valentine f 2920 J292035304MALEO 18857 BID UP w 6 120 2 7 4 6J 11 II3 PariseS Ed Rachal t2920 35304MALEO BIRD wB7108 3 9 10 II2 12 12 GthreuxW R F Fahl f2920 f2920tMutuel tMutuel field Time WS 47 114 Track good goodt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 f KATHY 720 440 260 260 120 30 LATE DAWN 560 320 180 60 I 60I BETH B 240 20 20Winner Winner Ch f by Cherokee Katy by Saxon trained by C W Moore bred by Mr C W Moore Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 309 OFF AT 311 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won handily second and third driving KATHY hustled into the early lead responded readily when mildly urged entering the stretch and increased her advantage thereafter LATE DAWN never far back but on the outside came gamely when hard urged in the drive but was unable to menace the winner while oulgaming BETH B The latter on the inside throughout raced evenly and could not better her position under brisk handling RED HORIZON slow to begin and outrun to the stretch came to the outside thereafter and closed strongly GRAY ROMANCE tired after forcing the pace to the last eighth DUTY FIRST was never prominent MAW raced evenly without mishaps OUT FRONT was far back throughout BOTTLE TOP began slowly BID UP was done after a quarter Overweight quarterOverweight Beth B 5 pounds FOURTH RACE 58 MILE Yankee Notions May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse ing price 2500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 May 1043 CD Net value to wlnner j70tf second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 402423GXY FRANKA wallO 6 1 14 I3 I2 I3 BashamC Buckley Maybrier MaybrierMrs 110 9806 MORE DELIGHT wl5 9 8 44 3h 24 23 ZufeltF Mrs John Marsch MarschW 310 40185 FEDERAL TAX w 114 5 6 6 62 54 3 AdamsJ AdamsJ398063DON W E Smith SmithT 1530 398063DON MILLER WB109 75 22 2 3i 4J ReevesR ReevesRMISSY T B Young YoungJ 360 MISSY MISS WB113 34 3h 4 42 5 DyerJ J D Weil WeilR 6000 40185 TIB will 12 52 5l 62 61 BortonW R Goose GooseBrown 5950 39899 MERITED w 114 10 11 9 82 72 72J MilliganP Brown Hotel Stable StableLang 3090 40187 LANGS BOY w 114 89 7 9 9J 82 PariseS Lang Newman f3430 40187 BIG BLITZ w 114 11 10 84I02 102 9 91 Gonzalez GonzalezDIXIE GonzalezMN M J Dant 13430 DIXIE SHIP WB 111 2 7 11 11 11 10l JemasN Midkiff Wells 2220 2220BEN BEN ROSE w 114 4 3 10 71 11 McCoyJ Mrs T L Duggan t3430 f 3430 tMutuel field Time 23 46 101 Track fast fastt t 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 j i D GAY FRANKA 420 280 260 110 40 30 30uruel uruel rriceSi MORE DELIGHT 400 3so ioo 90 T60Winner i FEDERAL TAX i 520 T60 Winner B f by Gay Monarch Fana Franka by Pagan Pan trained by C Locklear bred by Mr 0 Keene Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 WENT TO POST 339 OFF AT 340 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving GAY FRANKA went to the front at once established a clear lead and easily retained her advantage to the finish MORE DELIGHT moved up fast oh the outside after the start made a game bid when called upon during the drive but was not good enough for the winner FEDERAL TAX savqjj ground when outrun early and closed resolutely outfinishing DON MILLER The latter much used engaging the winner early faltered thereafter MISSY MISS tired after racing forwardly placed to the stretch TIB began fast but tired MERITED fractious at the post did not menace LANGS BOY was outrun BEN ROSE ran greenly greenlyScratched Scratched 39961 Sammy Angott 114 39227 Zaca Man 118 Old Silk 111 39502 Victory Prince 114 39806 Valdina Date 114 40242 Foxhole 115 39961 Dot Gee Kay 106 39544 Jean LaBelle 110 401312 Say Miss 115 FIFTH RACE 1 116 MILES Lady Madcap May 24 1922 144 4 113 40448 Purse 1 000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinnera sinceMay ° of two races since April 9 Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners since May 1043 CD April 9 anowed 4 ibs Claiming price 1000 Netvalue to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40309BOB HI WB 5 107 4 4 6 2h I2 I2 Ink DrennanD Mrs J Staunton 4060 40073 MISTUCKY W6111 6 1 5 h 64 5 24 SouthG Mrs C C Norman 1740 40309 HARD LU WB 6 111 12 7 I2 I1 2h 2J 32 ZufeltF C Williamson 240 24039968iTHOS 39968iTHOS WB 5 111 11 3 3l 34 32 34 4 BashamC Horlander Herbold 1100 110040135FISHERVILLE 40135FISHERVILLE WB5111 1 2 7 5 5h 61 52 ReevesR E B McAtee 410 41039968i3MY 39968i3MY MYRI w 4 107 5 8 2s 42 42 4h 64 MilliganP D Ferguson 380 40073 SARA DEER WB4107 21212 111 92 74 7J jcmasN C Grayson 1720 40071 JKEY MAN wB7112 7 9 92 i 71 82 82 PariseS A Dunne 750 75039898GLENNPORT 39898GLENNPORT WB 4 107 3 6 103 92 8 9 92 FlammC May T Hartman f7320 40135 tYANK BOMBER WB 4 116 10 11 Hi 12 10l 103 105 AdamsJ W Knebelkamp 1280 40184 MARCHARL ws4107 810 8 8 12 111 114 McCoyJ H C Drew f7320 39811 MISTER BIG WB 4 112 9 5 41 101 111 12 12 LuceS A Strauss f7320 f7320tMutuel tMutuel field Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 24 49 114 141 148 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 t BOB HI 8320 4180 1540 4060 1990 670 670l l MISTUCKY 1660 660 730 230 HARD LU 340 70 70Winner Winner B g by Hijack Bob Up by Ujfset trained by J Staunton bred by Mr I J Collins Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 410 OFF AT 410 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BOB HI obtained a contending position after the opening quarter took command approaching the stretch and held on well under vigorous handling to the close MISTUCKY in hand while saving ground to the stretch came determinedly when hard urged in the drive and was geting to the winner at the finish HARD LU raced to the front early gave way to the winner approaching the stretch and could not threaten thereafter THOS on the outside from the start tired after racing forwardlyplaced to the final eighth FISHERVILLE raced evenly through ¬ out and had no excuses MY MYRI tired after showing early speed SARA DEER away slowly was never prominent MISTER BIG was done early earlyScratched Scratched 39717 Whiscendent 107 40241 Operas Clown 112 40309 Brave Up 112 40309 Nancys Baby 107 SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Lady Madcap May 24 1922 144 4 113 40449 Purse lfOOO 3yearolds Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Nonwin f J t H 7 ners at one mjje or over smce April 23 or any two races since May 1043 CD then allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 IB allowed allowedfor for each 100 to 1200 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40244 tCYCLORAMA wl3 1 1 22 2i 1 11 1 JemasN W E Smith 1380 138039905FAG 39905FAG wsllO 4 4 44 3i 32 24 23 ReevesR H C Center 120 40067 NEDIANA w07 5 5 6 6h 41 4J 3 BashamC Rivermont Ranch 980 401362 1KENNEBIS walll 7 6 52 5 6 51 44 MilliganP A Jung 610 401863 tSHORT SHRIFT WB 108 2 2 14 14 2J 31 52 SmithFA Mrs E Denemark 600 40069 tMY REWARD WB 113 3 3 3i 4 51 6 61 AdamsJ H J Brennan 450 40134 ATAFA WB 100 8 8 8 8 8 72 7 DrennanD Mrs B DeWitt 2730 40069 WHIRLIGIG walOS 6 7 7s V 72 8 8 BortonW A B Hancock 6930 6930fApprentice fApprentice allowance waived Time 25 50 11 5 142 149 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 ii CYCLORAMA 2960 1120 900 1380 460 350 FAG 320 280 60 40 I 40I NEDIANA 460 130 130Winner Winner B c by Playdale Kitty Baker by Harry Baker trained by J T Weaver bred by Mr W E Smith Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 438 OFF AT 439 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same CYCLORAMA followed in closest pursuit of SHORT SHRIFT to the last threeeighths moved up fast on the inside when called upon to take command and retained his advantage under strong handling to the finish FAG never far back and well placed came gamely when put to punishment in the stretch but was not good enough for the winner although best of the others NEDIANA closed strongly from a slow beginning KENNEBIS was never dangerous and had no mishaps SHORT SHRIFT tired after racing forwardly to the stretch MY REWARD tired after going a half ATAFA began slowly WHIRLIGIG was always far back backOverweight Overweight Nediana 4 pounds Whirligig 3 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Dr Clark Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 Purse PurseA A D A ft 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1943 U J U 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1000 May 1000May 1043 CD Net vaue to w5nner j700 sec0nd 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 400713BIG LEAGUE WB 5 118 10 7 42 42 44 1 lh AdamsJ A Hirschbcrg 430 401912 VOTUM WB 6 113 8 6 3 = 21 14 2 2 ReevesR P L Kelley 350 403092 JCALLTOCLORSwB6118 7 5 2h 3 3h 34 3 JemasN Mrs J Zoeller 550 55040073PANJAB 40073PANJAB wB6113 5 4 91 51 52 4 42 BashamC Mrs G Spaeth 2280 228040189OLD 40189OLD MAIN ROAD WB8113 910101 74 i 51 DrennanD J McCarthy 1140 40191 tAIRCRAFT WB 4 118 11 912 102 91 72 6J MilliganP Mrs W G Sparks 810 810401893HELENS 401893HELENS BOY ws4118 4 1112 92 7 74 ZufeltF H A Neal 360 40073 FOLIGA WB 6 113 12 8 6 61 82 8 82 DeLuciaJ Mrs E H Augustus f3600 40191 VEILD PROPHET WB 6 113 6 3 I2 li 2 92 9 PariseS Wm Arnold 1520 152040073VALDINA 40073VALDINA FAIR WB 4 108 1 2 52 8h 10s 105 W8 FlammC Mrs M Rieser i3600 40303 WHIRL AN TWIRLwB 3 106 312 7 11s II6 lli ° ll10 McCoyJ Ed Arkenau f3600 f360040134TERMITE 40134TERMITE wi3105 211 8l 12 12 12 12 MaddenL Murlogg Farm 7270 iMutuel field Apprentice allowancp waived waivedTime Time 24 49 115 142 156 Track fast fastr r 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i i in r BIG LEAGUE 1060 500 400 430 150 103 Mutual 103Mutual Pnces VOTUM 420 340 110 70 CALL TO COLORS 400 120 120Winner Winner Ch g by Display Saramar by High Time trained by F E Childs bred by Mr C T Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 508 OFF AT 508 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BIG LEAGUE was taken to th outside for the drive and after taking command continued gamely to hold VOTUM safe The latter went to the front near the stretch eave way in the drive but came again near the end CALL TO COLORS raced evenly PANJAB finished strongly OLD MAIN ROAD closed well AIRCRAFT finished well HELENS BOY was outrun VEILED PROPHET set the pace for half a mile and tired VALDINA FAIR was done early earlyScratched Scratched 40309 Honey Chile 118 118Overweight Overweight Whirl an Twirl 1 pound EIGHTH RACE 1 18 MILES Dr Clark Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 Purse Purse4fi 4fi 1943U A 1 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1943 U f 3 1 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1000 1000May May 1043 CD Net vaue to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 39757 ARJAC wB7118 1 3 8 5 4i 2 14 ZufeltF ZufeltF40130TIPPITY E C A Berger 520 40130TIPPITY w 6 113 7 7 7h 72 3l 23 ReevesR M J Dant 330 34905 HIGH FIDELITY w 9 118 10 10 10 10 8 51 3n JemasN River Divide Farm 12 40239 EVEN TAN WB 4 113 49 95 8s 7 62 4J DeLuciaJ Mrs J F Hines 1260 126040189SCROOGE 40189SCROOGE WB 9 113 9 6 52 lh lh 3h 5 DrennanD Tall Trees Stable 1690 40189 ZOROASTRA w4113 6 8 6h 61 2 4J 6 BortonW R Goose 2730 40067 PURE BRIAR WB 4 118 3 4 41 2 54 7 7 AdamsJ W C Davis 2600 40189 McGARVEY WB 6 118 5 2 3 41 h 86 88 PariseS Mrs T L Duggan 2110 21104019PMENTION 4019PMENTION WB4113 8 5 l 3i 9 9 ° 910 GthreuxW R F Fahl 6720 672039968JROSE 39968JROSE R wB4113 21 2 92 10 10 10 HammC W H Tiller 9980 9980Time Time 24 494g 116 142 156 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid N Odds to 1 v vARJAC ARJAC 1240 580 320 520 190 60 J TIPPITY 380 240 90 20 20I I HIGH FIDELITY 240 20 20Winner Winner B h by Jacopo Lady Argos by Argos trained by J Wallace bred by Mr W S Threlkeld Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 537 OFF AT 538 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gateT Won driving second and third the same ARJAC worked his way up steadily to the stretch and coming to the extreme outside when the leaders raced wide responded to brisk handling to dispose of TIPPITY then won drawing clear TIPPITY in hand while racing on the inside to the final turn drifted to the outside entering the stretch and held on gamely after taking command but was not good enough for the winner HIGH FIDELITY away slowly and outrun to the final quarter came to the inside for the drive and closed resolutely EVEN TAN finished well and had no mishaps ZOROASTRA made a gool bid approaching the stretch then faltered PURE BRIAR swerved to the outside after the start but race forwardly placed until reaching the upper turn then gave way McGARVEY could not keep up MENTION carried wide at the first turn by ROSE R was through after going a half mile ROSE R began fast but bore out badly and lost ground steadily steadilyScratched Scratched 40309 Pennsburg 113 40191 Catalonia 108