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OFFICIAL RACING , CHARTS j Copyright, 1943, by TriangI* Publications, Inc. 1 „ J Fairmount Park I COLLINSVILLE. ILL.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23. 1943— FAIRMOUNT PARK 1 MILE. Nineteenth day o! twenty-eight-day meeting May 29 to July 5. Fairmount Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. _ Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Central War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites in 1942, .37; current meeting, .38. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries go as one horse. Field horses run separately. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Pin Money, Oct. 1, 1938— l:104r, — 3— 109 p"rse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Non-win-4 A 1 t O 1 J U L ners of a race ,„ 1943. 3-j ear-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Claim- June 23-43— F.P ing price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third. J50: fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi. Vi Str Fin Jockeys OwW Odds 42525* YA~MAN~~ w3 109 S 4 1414141s ChinnH I Gawthorp 9.30 09374 RAY PETTY 7 115 7 3 Zh 2* PJ ** PiBJafif G Q Stockton 7.10 42451 IAIRDS CAT wB4 115 6 9 7» 5» 3 » 3l Dyer.! MFUw 6.50 42526 "OLD TIMER w 3 102 4 2 5* 4h 5 i 4* PhelpsR .1 Town send |18.10 348112POLI Y HYGRO w 5 110 2 5 41 6" 4 5" HustE Mrs F Young and Budde 4.80 42169 TROPICAL GAL wr 6 110 12 1 2 3- 66" McCaddnW Mrs II Phillips +18.10 40385 2DATED UP w4110 110 11 9l 8h 7J CassityW Galbreath and Moore 29.60 424553BORDKR S BOY wh5115 8 12 I* 8h 7 ij GlidewellP I D Cnif 190 42238*BIONDE BABY w 5 105 11 7 10109" 9l SegerW S E Pershall 6 40 42455 GUY B w 10115 9 6 6* 7- 10 10 JessopD Virginia L Adams +18.10 35301 YAI ROMA w 6 110 3 8 e» H* 114114 HauorH D M and W Sheridan 31.10 42092 D1NAIN we 11 115 10 11 12 12 12 12 Cuma W CMkAfrmni 30.00 tMatad tield. ? Apprentice iBoeraeKt waived. Time, :235, :475. VMS- Track fast. Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to s . , / YA-MAN 20.60 9.80 4.60 9.30 3.90 1.30 Mutuel Prices ray petty 7.40 3.60 2.70 so I LAIRDS CAT 3 40 .70 Winner — Cli. r. Lv Canmm Roar— Raeapine. uy Ragamuffin, trained by I. Gawthorp; bied by Mr. J. E. Parks Winner entered to be i Limed for .GGO. WENT TO POST— 2:02. OFF AT 2:02 CENTRAL WAR TIME. St.nt good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. YA MAN went to the front soon after the start, was under wraps throughout and won as his rider pleased. RAY PETTY, in tight quarters for a half, made a g.fme bid midway of the Stretch, then tired, but had enoueh left to stall off LAIRDS CAT. The latter, aha in tight quarters eaily. swung to the middle of the track and finished with good courage. OLD TIMER, well plated, could not eet up. POLLY HYGRO had a rough trip. TROPICAL GAL tired. DATED IP lini-hed will BORDERS BOY lacked speed and failed to respond to pressure in the drive, finishing with loose blinkers. GUY B. had some early speed. Scratched— 42587 Masked Plane. 110; 42523 Hdlfilly, 105; 42451 Madam X., 105; 425872Pandisco, 105; 42587 Chicony. 110; 34895 Rescued, 110. Overweight- Ya Man. 2 pounds. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Pin Money, Oct. 1, 1938— 1:10*5— 3— n O O 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of two 4o J U / *- races in 1943. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in 1943 allowed 4 lbs. June 23-43— F.P Claiming price, 5800. Net value to winner 25; second. 00: third. S50: fourth. 5 "index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt ~~ 42780 BYCHANCE wb112 12 9 2" 2l 1| 1»| McLeodG Davis and Earl +10 00 42170 BRIGHT COUNT w 116 18 8 6 6* 2- CassityW M H Van Berg 4.80 42524 MY SUNSHINE m 104 6 4 3- 3- 2J 3h MaddenL E R Morris 14.90 42525 CASE ON w 112 4 6 10:! 7J 4 42 Dom.neuzP G N Anderson 9.80 CSS BE SWEET wbHO 2 10 9], % 7 5" HauerH W 1 Delca.nbre 1.70 42451ROYAI. COUNT w 111 10 7 6 5* 3- 6h Wood.I Mrs S Corbet 17.10 .35688 DAISY A. wk107 9 1 ll lh 5" 7* McCaddnW .1 Allgeyer 10.60 42451 PEGGYS BOY w 116 3 2 4h 4 82 8l ChinnH E and L Pittenger 21.60 42526 HADA LASS will 8 12 11| ll2 102 92 DyerJ H F I.uer 5.40 41635 SANGABI wb112 7 5 7l 8" 9J W*J CornayW Mrs j W Frye Sr +10.00 42526 SAUNA O. m 107 5 3 51 10- 11- 11- JessopD R E Spicer 34.60 SMART ENOUGH w 113 11 11 12 12 12 12 SchlenkerA H H Rendleman +10.00 + Mutuel lield. Time. :23, :474 5. 1:1445. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — n , Odds to » ki . in. BYCHANCE Field 22.00 10.20 6.40 10.00 4.10 2.20 Mutuel Prices] bright count „... 6.00 4.60 2.00 1.30 t MY SUNSHINE 7.20 2.60 Winner- Br. e. by Peace Chance Perhaps So. by Hapsburg, trained by C. O. Lloyd; bred by Greentree Stable. Winner enlered to be claimed tor 00. WENT TO POST— 2:32. OFF AT 2:32 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BYCHANCE. slow to begin, made up ground rapidly after the stait. raced DAISY A. into defeat, stood repeated challenges from MY SUNSHINE in the stretch, drew away near the end. but was doing his best. BRIGHT COUNT, on the rail most of the way. came to the outside for the drive and could net get up, but outfinished MY SUNSHINE. The latter, well placed, moved up determinedly after straightening out, but tired badly in the last seventy ards. CASE ON, in tight quarters e.,rlv, dosed a gap. BE SWEET was under pressure all the wav. ROYAL COUNT tired. DAISY A. quit. PEGGYS BOY had tine speed for a half. Scratched— 42526 Lissa, 107; 42526 3FI in tee, 102: 42095 Another Guess, 107; 42588 Can B Good, 112; 42674 Thorn Reel, 107: 42780 Montree. 112. Overweight — Mv Sunshine. 2 pounds; Be Sweet. 3; Sinai t Enough. 2. Conrcted weight — Smart Enough. 111. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 47.40 THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Pin Money, Oct. 1, 1938 — 1:1016— -3 — A 1 fl 9 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-win-f L J U J ners of two races in 1943 3.year.0|ds, no lbs.; older, 118 lbs. June 23-43 — F.P Non-winners in 1943 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 25: second, 00; third. 0: fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt _PP_St *4 V% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42298*SUPER ~~ w 4 113 9~3 3l_ Sl~Al 1*4 SegerW ~ S E PershaH fllJO 42673DARBY DIF.NST wn6H4 2 7 7» 52 31 2" JessopD G and W Shultz 7.50 42453 :H IT IT m 3 111 4 4 2» 2l 2h 3i Domingu/P C Allgeier 10.80 425241TET RASHER. A w 9 114 7 11 10l 6l 5i 4;f McCaddnW M fj Van Berg 7 80 42589 DISTRACT wk 10 114 12 2 8h 7 i 6l 5l ChinnH Mrs J Bronnenberg 14.70 42452*FLTRE WINNING* 6 109 1 5 l»J II lh t| HkswrthW C Caldwell 16.10 427772HARD TWIST w 3 110 8 10 91 10 8i 7h HauerH Brewer and Lundv 8.60 42008 :THE NIZAM w 8 118 6 6 5* 8* 95 8 SchlenkerA W J Huff 1.70 42777 GRACE K wh 4 109 11 1 4 4h 7J 9:1 McLeodG 5 Roucher fll.00 42777WINNG CHANCE wb9 114 10 12 12 12 10" 10- GlidewellP I C * V Gou»ha 7.70 42451MEADOWBROOK wr3110 5 9 II* ll1 llll1 CaseUyW H Cantor 21.30 42524 WATCH HII.I.A wh3110 3 8 61 9" 12 12 CornayW A M hine,caid fl] .00 fMiituel field. Apprentice allowanie waived. Time, :23, :47, 1:14. Track fast. kA in- SUPER Field 24.00 960 480 11.00 380 1.40 Mutuel rricesi darby dienst s-w 5.40 3.20 i.n l HIT IT 5.60 1.80 Winner dr. r, by Hecla— Thistle Shadow, by Olambala, tr. lined by R. Baltimore; bred by Mr. J. R. Sbeplev. Winner entered to be claimed tor ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:03J. OFF AT 3:03| CENTRAL WAR TIME. Stait good from stall gate. Wm driving; second and third the same. SUPER, well handled, was tinder double wraps for a half following FUTURE WINNING and HIT IT, came around the leaders entering the stretch and. giving good speed in ihe late stiges was diawing away. DARBY DIENST, in close quarters early, saved much ground in thp stretch, failed to hold site the winner and outfinished HIT IT. The latter, forcing the pace throughout, held on namely in the drive. TETRASHERA, forced back soon after the start and in close quarters early, closed a gap entering the stietcjl, then hung. DISTRACT had a rough trip. FUTURE WINNING quit. THE NIZAM v as in doso quarters most of the way and had little chance to do his best. GRACE K. tired. WINNING CHANCE was outpaced. Scratched— 42678 My Day, 109: 42673 Brastown, 109; 42589 Treemontier, 114; 42455 Miss Warning, 109; 42588 Gay Nash, 110; 42591 Kansas City, 114. Overweight— Hit It. 1 pound. FOURTH RACE 4 1-2 FCRLONGS. That-a-Boy, June 6, 1941— :531s— 2— 111. A ft 9 A Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one race. Al-H L ** U j lowances. Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 7 lbs. No apprentice June 23-43— F.P allowance. Net value to winner 25; second, 00: third, 0; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St _1"-I_str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42236EASY~QUERO we 118 8 3 1* 1* 1 DyerJ Mee J Davie 3 00 41422X:OUNT FORAY wb118 9 6 2* 23 2* .McLeodG Karl B Smith 120 42590 OUR RISK m 111 3 1 51 3l 3" ChinnH Haddix and Kinkead 34.60 42300 HARV AETHEL we 118 4 9 85* 4* CassityW H Cantor 10.60 42454 SWEET BEAU w 111 7 4 4* 4h 53 JessopD W J Delcambre 6.80 EVER MESSAGE w 112 1 2 3» 6 6J SchlenkerA Mrs A M Creech 25.60 KATYS DEB ■ 110 2 5 6* 74 7$ HauerH Wi«gington Jr A Edens 31.30 «454 PATROL PILOT we 111 6 7 7£ 8l 8* Maddenl. P T Chinn 13.10 ELEANOR VAN w 108 I 8 9 9 9 McCaddnW M H Van Bere 11.60 Time, :23S- *9J6, M%. Track sloppy. * Continued on Page Seventeen Fairmount Park Continued from Page Two , — Mutuels Paid — n , Odds to N ki , n . / EASY QUERO 8.00 3.80 4.40 3.00 .90 1.20 Mutuel Prices! count foray 2-80 260 -40 30 ■ OUR RISK 5.40 1.70 Winner— Ch. c. bv Ted Eav — Maaqutro, bv Phalaros. trained bv W. Hinphv ; bred bv Mr. R. B. George. WENT TO POST— 3:35. OFF AT 3:35 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving ; second and third the same. EASY QlERO. alertly handled, went to the front with a rush soon after the start, was under steady restraint while outpacing his field, began to tire in the last twenty ards and had to be hard ridden to maintain his advantage in the late stages. COUNT FORAY, slow to begin, made up ground swiftly, forced the pace under strong hand riding and was wearing down the winner near the end. OUR RISK, quickest to begin, dropped back after the start when in tight quarters, closed a gap an 1 barelv outlawed HARV AETHEL. The latter, lacking early speed, finished fastest of all. SWEET BEAU raced well. EVER MESSAGE tired. The others were never prominent. / Scratched— 42953 Go Again, 111; 42094 Hasty Hattie, 108; 426752Dancing Miss, 108. Overweight — Ever Message. 1 pound; KaP. I Deb, 2. FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Aonbarr, Sept. 13, 1941— 1:41! .i— 3— A fi " 9 *» 109. Purse S600. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of two ™ ■* * races at one mile or over. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners at one June 23-43 — F.P mile or over allowed 4 lbs.; maidens, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 25; second, 00: third. 0; fourth, S25. . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Sk % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42780*NEDIANA w~105 5 4~ i 5 2i 1 1 l3 WoodJ Rivermont Ranch 4.10 42780 HOT SPARK will 4 2 2" 42 M 33 2- McLeodG W F and C V Sparks 11.60 42525 GYPSY LASS wb109 6 6 4* 3 32 43 fr* CassitvW Mrs E Rea 6.40 427792STEPPING OUT w 110 3 1 l3 l1 21 2* 45 GlidewellP T P Fleming 5.40 42594 1 DIN A FLAG ub 110 2 3 71 5h 51 64 5h CornavW Alexander and Young 3.20 425272BOBTOVN w 110 7 7 6 72 6 51 62 McCadd"nW E J Greenaway 2.90 4200€*AGNARA w 101 1 8 5" 6 7* 75 7« MaddenL Mrs A M Creech 14.60 42237*TREEMONTANTA wb 101 8 5 8 8 8 8 8 PhelpsR J Greener 21.50 Time, :2425, :49%, 1:16, 1:44, 1:4845. Track sloppy. , — Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to N ii ir»*. NEDIANA 10.20 5.60 4.00 4.10 1.80 1.00 Mutuel Prices? hot sparj 9.60 4.60 3.80 1.30 C GYPSY LASS 3.60 .80 Winner — Ch. f, by Neddie — Bfeausympathy, by Sun Beau, trained by George Dominick ; bed by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:08. OFF AT 4:08 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won drivir.i: second and third the same. NEDIANA, much the best, was in band for a half while following STEPPING OUT, bolted entering the stretch and was under a drive at the end. HOT SPARK, taken back early, came between horses in the drive, moved up dangerously an eighth fiom the finish, then tired. GYPSY LASS. racing on the outside all the way, also lost much ground entering the stretch, but outfinished STEPPING OUT. The latter had the most speed, was under good rating and faltered when punished in the Stretch. DINA FLAG had no excuses. BOBTOWN lost much ground on the clubhouse turn and was practically eliminated. AGNARA was outpaced. TREEMONTANIA was also carried wide on the first turn and lo=t all chance. Overweight — Gypsy Lass, 3 pounds: Stepping Out, 4; Agnara, 3. . SIXTH RACE 1 1-1€ MILES. Helens Babe, June 16, 1928— 1:44?.?— 5— 111. A fi 9 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of f J U L O two races in 1943 3.year-olds. 107 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Non-June 23-43— F.P winners in 1943 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner S425 : seconds. 5 etch; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j~ ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds St rt 42528 BEAUZAR wb 6 115 6 4 2~2 1 l1 ll JessopD W J Delcambre jOO 42528 fBIG ROYER wb6115 5 3 3and 5» 32 3 2* ChinnH F Wood 9.60 42677 f ARMISTICE w 5 115 10 8 42 42 2 2 2* HauerH Geo Tompras 19.80 42783 HELENS BOY wb 4 115 7 7 83 81 7i 51 45 McCaddnW H A Neal J3.30 425282GENERALIS w 7 115 9 6 P 51 51 62 52 SchlenkerA Mrs E R Flagg 2.40 42457 LADY HAY w 7 11*0 2 1 1 1and 4*£ P 61 PedersonG Mrs G B Clark :3.30 42530 *CL1PM AN w 6 110 1 2 52 62 6* 72 7 SegerW C E Wilson 6.60 427833*SHINTNG SEA w 7 105 8 10 10 10 8 8* 82 PhelpsR Ed Yorwald 3.40 42784 VESUVIUS w 5 115 3 5 6h 72 91 91 91 CornavW Chester OMalley 11.70 42783 LINKVILLE wb8115 4 9 9l 9 10 10 10 McLeodG C Lipe 15.30 tDead heat for second. JMutuel field. Time, :25, :503s, 1:1644, 1:434$, 1:51 L Track sloppy. , — 12 Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v 1 i in* BEAUZAR Field 8.60 3.40 2.60 3.30 .70 .30 Mutuel rNCeSj big rover 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 V ARMISTICE 9.60 8.40 3.80 3.20 Winner — Br. g, by Don Leon — Miss Emma, by Star Hawk, trained i i. Howell; bred by Mr. Jack B. K«*ti« Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:39. OFF AT 4:39 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; seconds the same. BEAUZAR, well handled, disposed of LADY HAY when ready, opened a good lead enteiing the stretch, held on with rare courage in the drive, but was doing his best. BIG ROYER, ?. keen factor from the start, saved all possible ground, closed gamely and finished in f dead heat with ARMISTICE. The latter, taken back repeatedly during the first half, hung ia the drive and finished on even terms with BIG ROYER. HELENS BOY, forced back early when he attempted to get through on the rail, failed to threaten when in the clear. GENERALIS raced as if he drsliked the tiack. LADY HAY quit. CLIPMAN raced well for three-quarlers. The others showed nothing. Scratched— 42780Eva Webre. 110; 42679Here Now, 115; 42589 Darby Dallas, 110; 42783 Wauchula, 11«; 42783 Tippity, 110; 42677IFisherv:lle. 115. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Aonbarr, Sept. 13, 1941— 1:41" 3— 3— 4 3 0 2 7 109- Purse 00- 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since November 10. VVeigfit, June 23-43— F.P 108 lbs. Claiming price, S800". No apprentice allowance. Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third, 0; fourth. 5. Jndex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42593 MIGHTY MISS w 7 108 8 4 2* 1* 1 1 l2 McCaddnW B Fogelson TJI 426792MARY CARDINALwb 10 108 9 7 IO*5 8 5 3 22 SegerW I J Kilion 180 42672 SHIRLEY R. w 6 108 3 2 31 35 2 22 31 McLeodG Mrs R H Lloyd 6 60 42589 HARD BISCUIT wb 6 110 2 1 51 5 46 46 4* GlidewellP F G Orr 4 20 42672 LADY BALLET w 8 108 5 3 In 2 33 5* 5* CornaW W W Guernsey 33 30 42529 ROSEVO m 6 109 4 11 11 11 103 6" 6* CassitvW Mrs L Wagner fll 50 42593 TITLE QUEEN w 9 108 7 8 7* 7" 82 85 I5 PhelpsR A G Dunlap 39 90 42588"JULIET C. wb 4 110 10 6 6b 63 61 72 8* HauerH Mrs Isabelle Levy 3 90 42679 BRUSH BRUSH wb4108 1 9 83 9 92 92 92 JessopD M Towle *170 42304 PARLOR TRICK w 8 108 6 10 9h 10 11 11 102 DverJ W George 17 10 41867 SUPEROSE w 4 108 11 5 4j 4J 7 10 11 HlswrthW G Osborne 117.50 tMutuel field. Time, :2345, :4945, 1:16, 1:45, 1:50. Track sloppy. ii a. I D * MIGHTY MISS 17.60 6.20 4 00 7 80 2.10 1.00 MUtUel rriCeSi "-.SHIRLEY MARY CARDINAL 3.60 3.00 .80 .50 R 4.20 1.10 Winner— Ch. m, by Cohort— Doris Jean, by Westy Hogan, trained by F. Gossard; bred by Mr. J. Lewenstein. Winner entered to be chined for 00 WENT TO POST-5:12. OFF AT 5:122l CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. MIGHTY MISS, away in the first flight and racing outside the leaders Jor a half, went to the front on the far turn whenoused, was under good rating thereafter and had enough left to easily stall off MARY CARDINAL. The latter, far back eaily. began picking up her field aftrr a half, closed with a Mated rush, but failed to threaten the winner. SHIRLEY R., a keen factor from the start, tiicd in the stretch. HARD BISCUIT could not improve her position. LADY BALLET tired badlv after three quarters. ROSEVO closed a gap. SUPEROSE quit. Scratched— 42176 Marcharl, 108; 42594 Epizar, 108; 42587 Miss Nadi, 108; 42679 Peacharino, 108; 42524 Tuleyries Lin, 108. Overweight — Hard Biscuit, 2 pounds; Rosevo, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Helens Babe, June 16, 1928—1:442—5—111. 4 3 0 2 8 Purse 00- 3 -year-olds and upward. Colts, horses and geldings. ** J J i. O Claiming. Non-winners of a race in 1943. 3-year-olds, 105 lbs.; June 23-43— F.P older, 114 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 25: second. 00; third. 0; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V*. % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds fl Strt 42673 WESLOW wb4 114 2 6 2" 32 32 2J 1| CaTsiKW A R Mm 2300 42678 HAPPY ROAD wb 9 114 11 3 35 21 2 J l2 2J McLeodG Bre«er and Lundy 4 20 42677 BABY GOLD w 4 109 3 4 5h 4h 4i ft 3" PhelpsR W F and C V Sparks 2.10 42593;*GUAYMAS w 5 109 9 9 7l 6« 6* 6s 43 WoodJ H H Crowell 6.60 42594 BLUE VALLEY v. 1 5 114 10 2 VV 1J 43 51 GlidewellP W Z Martin 17.60 42592 ARDOUR wb6114 7 7 6* 5 52 5h 6s JessopD Mr 4 Mis G Adams 3.90 42588 PLAY PLAY wb4114 11111 11 11 92 73 HustE Mrs A Breedlove 121.30 42673 BOOKS PRIDE w 9 114 5 1 4h 9h 9" 74 84 HauerH Mr. Isabelle Levy 19.80 42679 BILK AN w » 114 8 8 103 10| 101 101 9 DverJ W George +21.30 20680SICKLEKING wb5109 4 10 91 74 74 11 103 PedersonG L D Parish 8.70 42672 GOLDEN CYCLE w 5 114 6 5 84 81 84 84 11 DominguzP W Soltuman 41.20 tMutuel field. Time, :244£, :504£, 1:17, 1:46%, 1:55%. Track sloppy. • , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to v la . in* WESLOW 48.00 17.20 6.80 23.00 7.60 2.40 Mutuel rricesj happy road 5.60 420 i.n V BABY GOLD 3.20 .60 Winner— Lt. b. g, by Sun Beau— Leap Year Girl II., bv Valens, trained by A. R. Mann; bred by Mr. Wdlis Sharpe Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:44. OFF AT 5:44 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. WESLOW, taken back when in close quarters on the first tuin, managed to hold a contending position thereafter, came around HAPPY ROAD for the drive and wore him down in the !a*t twenty yards. HAPPY ROAD, well ridden, disponed of BLUE VALLEY when ready, opened a long lead midwav of the st;ctch. faltered in the drive and failed to hold safe the winner. BABY GOLD, in the thick of contention all the way, closed steadily in the stietch. GUAYMAS, well rated, closed with r, belated rush and was wearing down the leaders. BLUE VALLEY tired. ARDOUR could not get up. The others were outiun. Scratched— 42594 Bull Market. 114: 42778 Miah, 109; 42784 Alcinous, 114; 42587 Alan, 114; 42784 Xenoras Fox. 114; 427843Des Grieux. 109: 42784 Strolling By, 109. Quinella Poid 72.80 NINTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Pin Money, Oct. 1, 1938— 1:1046— 3— A J 3 0 U L. ? RVt 0/2 109 Purse 0°- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-win-t ners of a race in 1943 3_year_0ids, 107 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Claim-i ing price, ,000. DECLARED OFF. .