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■i i | | | j j ; lb Comparative Track Record Table Herewith are the comparative track records for the distances more frequently raced at the major courses: Track. 1-2 5-8 5 12 3 4 7-8 1 1 Mila 1 1-16 118 114 Mile. Mila. Furlongs. Mile. Mila. Mila. 70 Yards. Miles. Miles. Miles. Agua Caliente :46tt Ml 1.04* 1:10% 1:24 1:37% 1:41% 1:43.1 1:49% 2:02% Aqueduct =59% 105 1:10% 1:23 1:42% 1:49% 2.01% Arlington Park 58% laWV 109% 1:22 1:34% 1:42% 1:45% 1:49% 2:01% Aurora .-47% :58% 1.04% 1:11 1.38% 1:41% 1:45 149% 205% Bay Meadows :46% 59 105% 1.09% 1:36 1:41% 1:42 1:49 2.04% Bel Air 59% 1:26% 1:38 1:42% 1:45% 1:53% 2:08% Belmont Park 58% 104% 1:10 122 1:34% 1:42% 1:48% 2 00 Beulah Park :46% 59% 1:05% 1:11% 1:37% 1:42 1:44% 1:51 2.05% Blue Bonnets :48 59% 105% 1:11% 1:24% 1:36% 1:52 2:04% Bowie :46% 59% 105% 1:10% 1:23% 139 1:43 1:44% 1:52% 207% Connaueht Park 100% 105% 1:11% 1:29% 1:39 1:43 1.45% 1:53% 206% Churchill Downs s46% 59 104% 1:10% 1:23% 1:35% 1:41% 1:44 1:49% 201% Dada Park 58% 105 1:10% 1:25% 1.37 1:45 1:50% 2 04% Del Mar 1O0 105% 1:10% 1:36% 1:43 1:49 203% Delaware Park 59 105% 1:10% 1:41% 1:43% 1:49% 2:03 Detroit 58% 104% 1.09% 1:37% 1:40% 1:43% 1:50 209% Empire City 49% 59% 1.05% 1:11 1:38 1:41% 1:43% 1:50 203 Fair Grounds :46% 59% 105 1:10% 1:24% 1:37% 1:41 1:43% 1:49% 204% Fairmount Park 1O0 1.05 1:10% ... 1:38% 1:41% 1:44% 151% 203% Fort Erie :49 59% 1:05% 1:11 1:25% 1:37% 1:41% 1:43% 1:50% 202% Hamilton. Ont 48 59 105% 1:11 1:24% 1:39% 1:41% 1:44% 1:50% 2 04 Havana .-47% 59 1.05 Ml 1:27 138 1:42% 1:43% 1:50% 202% Havre da Grace :47 59 105% 1:10% 1:38% 1:41% 1:43% 1:49% 205 Hawthorne 48 59 105% 1:10% 1:25% 137% 1:41% 1:43% 149% 201% Hialeah Park 105% 109% 122% 136% 148% 201% Hollywood Park 58% 105 1:10% 1:23 . 1:36% 1:42% 1:49 2:02 Jamaica 58 1.04 1:10% 138% 1:40% 1:42% 1.49% 201% Keeneland 105% 1:10% 1:43% 1:49% 203% Lansdowne Park. 48% 59% 106 1:11% 1:37% 1:42% 1:43% 1:51 2.05% Laurel Park 59% 104% 1:10% 1:26% 1:37 141% 143% 149% 2:02 Lincoln Fields 59 1.04% 1.10% 1:22% 1:34% 143% 1:50 203% Long Branch 59 105 Ml 127 1:39% 141% 144% 1:51% 2:11% Ungacres 58% 105 1:09% 1:23% 1:35% 142 142% 1:50% 204 Mount Royal Park 48% 59% 105% 1:12 1:39% 143% 143% 1.53 2:06% Narragansett Park 47% 59 105 1.10% 137 141 1:43% 149% 1206% Oaklawn Park 47 1:00% 106% 1:10% 1:25% 1:39 141 143% 1:50 2:04 Omaha 47% 58% 104% 1:09% 126 1:37% 141% 144 1:51% 205% Phoenix 47% 59% 1:05% 1:11 .... 1:37% 1:41 1:44% 1:52% 2:06% Pimlico 47% 100% 1:06% 1:10% 126 1:37% 142% 143% 1:51 204% River Downs 58% 104% 109% 1:36% 1:40% 142% 149 2 02 Rockinghan. Park 58% 1:04% 1:10 126 1:37% 143 149% 205 Santa Anita Park 46% 109% 122% 1:35% 142% 148% 201% Saratoga Springs 47% 57% 104% 1:10% 1:23% 1:36% 143% 145% 150 201% ♦Sportsmans Park 100% 1:26% .... 146 148% 155% Stamford Park 100 105% 1.10% 1:38% 142% 144% 153 2 05 Suffolk Downs. 58% 104% 109% 1:36 141% 143% 1.48% 204% Tanforan 47% 59 105 1:10% 1:25% 1:38 141 143 147% 2 03% Thistle Down Park 49 :58% 1:06 1:10 .... 1:37% 144% 143% 150% 204% rhorncliffe Park 48% 59% 1:06 1:11% 1:24% 1:38% 143 144% 150% 206% Tropical Park 46 59 103% 1:10 125 1:36% 141% 142% 149 Washington Park 59% 105 1:10% 1:23% 1:35% 140% 144 1.49% 202 Woodbine Park 47 :59% 105% 1:11% 1:26% 138% 143% 144% 151% 204% tHatl mile track. Records for the Widener Course at Belmont Park are as follows: 4 12 furlongs, 51; IRerord made on muddy track River Downs lormerly was Coney Island. furlongs, 56; 5 12 furlongs, 1.02%; 6 furlongs, 109%; 6 12 lurlongs, 110%; 6 34 furlongs, 119.