Official Racing Charts: Keeneland at Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1944-04-22


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Official Racing Charts „ Copyright, 1944, by Trianole Publications, Inc. Keeneland at Churchill Downs LOUISVILLE. KY.. FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 1944— CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE. Sixth day of seven-day meeting April 15 to April 22. Conducted under the auspices of Keeneland Race Course, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Samuel H. McMeekin. Stewards of Meeting, Maj. Louie A. Beard. C. Bruce Head and William H. Shelley. Placing Judges, Fred Burton. Lawrence C. Bogenschutz and James T. Clark. Paddock Judge, Dr. William M. Hickman. Clerk of Scales, Charles J. Gormley, Jr. Timer and Assistant Paddock Judge, William Cunningham. Patrol Judges, C. Hufnagel and George Molesworth. Starter. Reuben W. White. Track Veterinarians. Dr. William M. Hickman. Drs. Hagyard and Hagyard and Dr. C. H. Holmes. Mutuel Director, Ernest B. White. Track Superintendent, Thomas Young. Racing Secretary and Handicapper. Fred Burton. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Central War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1943. .40; current meeting. .37. No Daily Double. * Fie pound* apprentice allowance claimed. + Five pounds apprentice allowance a.ved. E Disqualified. ES Dead heat, a Coupled as entry, f Mutuel field. W Whip. S Spur?. B Blinkers. FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4. 1935— :5225— 2 — 113. A 0 fi Rookwood Purse. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. 5C O 4 / U Fixed weights. Weight, 115 lbs. April 21-44 — Kee Net value to winner S850; second. 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. Handle. 2.482. Index Horse? Eqt A wPPP St i St r Tin Jockeys Owner; Odds Strt 16193 MARTHARINE w 115 12 6 l* 1* l*j G Burns Midkiff and Cooke f 5 20 MISS Z1BBY ■ 115 9 5 62 W 26 O Grohs Russell Firestone 9.30 KHB* MARIE, J. w 110 4 12 9i 6i 31 W Brinson* Letellier and Jones 1.30 SATIN SLAVE w 115 10 8 3J, 2 41 K Robtson Paul Corum f 5.20 EVFRIIAYFUL w 115 11 7 4J bz 5 R Eccard Bonds Mill Stable f 5.20 ]IA w 110 32 2h 3h 6* W Bailey* Mrs Ghesqur and Mrs Weiner 6.20 HA1 WAVE vv 115 2 1 8" 93 72 M Quintero I J Collin* 18.40 65150 MY GRACE w 115 7 4 52 75 8 D Scurlock Le Mar Stock Farm 32.80 KAOH1 w 115 1 3 P 82 t1 J Thnibet Ruth W Collins 60.50 D1S SICKLE w 115 8 9 103 105 105 J Molbert Mr and. Mrs L W Stellines 14.10 M1THIA w 115 6 11 12 12 11s R Gonzalez Mrs W E Smith 77.10 FAYAKERE we 115 5 10 ll1 ll6 12 A Skornski Hogan and Jones 8.30 f Mutuel i*ld. Time, :2325. :48. 543. Track fast. Mutuels Paid Odds to , — — v , N k . i n • MARTHARINE f-Field 12.40 5.80 3.20 5.20 1.90 .60 Mutuel Prices* miss zibby 10.80 5.00 4.40 mi I MARIE J 280 .40 Winner — B. f. by Bostonian — Lucille Wright, by Bud lerner, trained by H. Steele: bred by Calumet WENT TO POST— 2:00. OFF AT 2:01 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from Mall gate for all but MARIE J. Won easily, second and third driving. MARTHARINE quickly opened a good lead, held a good advantaee to the stretch and won in hand. MISS ZIBBY improved Iirr ik-Mioii fast throueh the field and finished stronely. MARIE ]., probably best, was unprepared at the *lau. but closed well. SATIN SLAVE last ground early and tired. EVERPLAYFUL showed a good effort. JSTA wa unable to keep up. DIS SICKLE and BAYADERE were outrun. Scratched— 56334 Miss Brand, 115; Happy Dumpty. 115: 56193 Darby Dido, 115; Miss James. 115: 56294 Vienna Waltz. 115: Army March, 115; Sha Whan. 115; Ariel Display, 115. SECOND RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, May 16, 1931 — 1:16! 5 — 4 — 114. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. 5/|*i O H 1. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since November 6. Weight, 115 April 21-44— Kee lbs. Claiming price, ,400. Net value tc winner 00; second, 00; third. 5; fourth, 5. Handle. 1,276. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj[ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56194 LADY ROMERY ub 5 110 10 3 l2 lh l* V R Gonzalez W Wilkerson 2.60 56255 ALCHANC ub5115 6 9 4J 22 21 2 J Adams Mrs R Grundy 2.50 56253 JAYAKAY ub4115 5 8 2 5i 33 P G Seabo J A Kinard Jr 13.20 M 29£ MAECHANCE wb 7 115 11 1 7J 4* 4 4"k C L Martin F Forestiere f 14.80 54971 DISSENSION SIR«b6110 9 7 6" 72 5| 5"k W Bailev* J L McKnight 4.20 52185 NEW GLORY w 5 105 12 6 51 U 6i 62 J BIjM-kbV R White 1610 55775 OOMPH GIRL w 4 110 3 11 8i 8l 7* I* M Cafrella Grey and Feldman 17.80 £5399 SWEET MARGY wB4113i 8 2 ll1 12 IN 8 M N Gzalz Dearborn Stable f 14.80 51646 GALOJOTA wb4110 7 5 103 9s 11* 9"k J Molbert T H Hardwick f 14.80 54768 FAIR PLAYER ub 6 115 112 12 11»| f» 10° G Burns Brody and Brody 41.20 66253 BOLO SERVANT w 4 105 4 4 3*" 6h 81 11" S Freeman* H Fiiedbeie 10.00 34805 FCRENCF w 5 105 2 10 91012 12 E Yocum* DanGSullhan 82.70 f Mutuel field. Time, :23. :47, 1:13, 1:19%. Track fast. /— Mutuels Paid— x , Odds to x i. . in- LADY ROMERY 7.20 3.60 3.20 2.60 .80 .60 MUtUel rriCeSi ALCHANC 4.60 3.40 1.30 .70 JAYAKAY 6.40 2.20 Winner — It. b. m, by Roman Soldier- Buffoonery, by Mad Hatter, trained by W. Wilkerson; bred by Mr. H G. Shamakcr. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST— 2:31. OFF AT 2:33 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. LADY ROMERY opened up a clear lead under stiong handling, responded to urging when challenged and. benefited by the riders tactics, held ALCHANC s.,fe. The latter, probably the best and a factor from the start, was repeatedly bothered by LADY ROMERY"S rider and held on well. JAYAKAY, under strong handling from the start, held on well. MAECHANCE held on well. DISSENSION SIR was in close quarters. NEW GLORY ran out throughout. OOMPH GIRL was blocked approaching the three and one half furlongs post and failed to threaten thereafter. BOLO SERVANT quit. Scratched— 56292 Super. 115; 49832 Grand Bonny, 115; 56292 Cideam, 110; 56194 Baron Omar, 110. Overweight — Sweet Margy. 3j pounds. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936—1:10*4— "5 A 7 * 4 — 11 Duntreatn Purse. Purse ,200. 3 year-olds. Allowances. O 1 Z. £ J Non-winners of two races. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 April 21 -44— Kee allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. Handle. 1,195. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jt jt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds |1 Strt 561S7 LOITER PIGEON ubIO? 4 6 4 2 2h 1» W Bailey* Col " V Whitney 2~80 50393 BOLO BABE w 105 3 1 2" 4 32 PJ S Freeman* H Friedbere 7.00 52070 MAGGIE LANE wb112 6 7 i 51 42 MNLrMni Mrs V E Smith 9.30 56297 F:P1C LADY wb113 7 2 l2 F lj 4 J K Robtson W J Walden 8.40 56258 DARBY DIMOIT «b115 5 4 5 31 5* 5 B Tmpson Darby Dan Farm 3.10 56254 ALL BRIGHT w 115 2 3 3h fc 610 6,c J Adams Circle M Ranch 2.80 544t7 SONG AT DUSK ■ 107 1 5 7 7 7 7 A Skornski Mrs J D Wagner 32.20 Time, :23. :472,5. 1:13. Track fast. ■ • POUTER PIGEON 7.60 4.40 3.80 2.80 1.21 .10 Ml utuel rrices? bolo babe 8.20 4.80 $.ic mi MAGGIE JANE 5.20 1.60 — B. f. by Halcyon— Rockdove, by Friar Rock, trained by L. T. Ruff; bred bv Mr. Cornelius V. WhitiKv WENT TO POST— 3:01. OFF AT 3:02J CENTRAL WAR TIME. Stait good Irom stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. POCTER PIGEON, in close quaiters early, came between horses when moving up and just managed to win. BOLO BABE, in hand vhen in close quait«i«. cane gamely in the stretch, wore down EPIC LADY and was unable to hold the winner. MAGGIE fANE worked her way up with a loss of ground and finished strongly. FPIC LADY had good Sf ced. I eld . tco l aihantage to the stretch and tired. DARBY DIMOIT was a factor lor half a mile and then t .ied. ALL BRIGHT quit. SONG AT DISK was outrun. 0 iw«iglit — Pouter Pigeon, 2 pounds: Maggie Jane. 2; Epic Lady, 3. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936— 1:10*5— 5 6 4 2 4—115. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 116 ibs. J D *t L J Winners in 1944. 2 lbs. extra for each race won. Non-winners April 21-44 — Kee jn 1944 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,250, allowed 3 Ibs. Net value tc winner 00; second, 00: third. 5: fourth. 5. Handle. 7,880. Index Horse? Eqt A Wt PP St j4 %~ Str Fin Jockey* Owners Odds |1 Strt 54982 CHIC SHIRLEY will 8 2 Vx2 ll ljls C L Martin F Forestiere 14770 54833 BROWN GOWN v,b106"9 7 6£ 4| 32 22 W Bailey* Bonds Mill Stable 9.70 561972 DR1SCOLL w 113 2 3 2J 3| 2J. 3" A Skorskif Hogan and Jones 2 20 49391 ALITRRY w 108 12 10 10i 9J 5i 42 W Skidmef Mrs M Schlossbers f 20 50 51962 FEDERAL TAX w 113 10 1 3i 2J 4 b" J Adams W E Smith f 20 50 55400 Ql EEZF THRC w 106 4 8 7 52 6i bs D Scurlock Brown Hotel Stable 9.40 55117 STARS T NIGHT w 113 15 9£ 82 73 7i W Morrisey S I Crew 190 56197 HELLO BILL wb113 11 9 5 V 10J PJ N L Piersn Hal Price Headley 17.60 56297- .MISS TLLLAHOMAub 108 3 4 42 6 8l 9* O Grohs Al Johnson 32 50 4593t SPFEDY SHtW wb109 7 6 llj 10s 11ilO2 R Eccard Grant Thorn 50.00 MAGIC FATE w 110i 5 12" 12 1191 ll2 G Burns M I.owenstein 120.50 56195 HOLLER "108 6 11 8 12 12 12 R Gonzalez F E Muiiav 55.70 f Mutuel Mi. . Time, :23. :473s, 1:13%. Track fast. I D * CHIC SHIRLEY 31.40 18.40 10.40 14.70 8.20 4.20 Mm. utuel rricest brown gown ».so 5.20 390 160 1 DRISC0LL 3.20 .00 Wu.nei — B. i. by Chirstraw — Atonement, by Ballot, tiaintd by A. Jeanlreau ; bred by Mis. Clyde Smith. Winner entned to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:33. OFF AT 3:35 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate for all but MAGIC FATE. Won driving,; second and third the same. CHIC SI!1RLF!Y took «ofnmand under strong handling, bore out badly after a quarter, raced wide thereafter and held BROWN GOWN safe. The latter, forced to lose ground from the stait, finished strontly. DRISCOLL diopped back when in close quarters on the turn, saved ground thereafter and held on well. ALTERRY came fion, u«ll back. FEDERAL TAX tired. STARS AT NIGHT lan in spots. MAGIC FATE was caught in the «;a e at the stait. Scratched— 55751 Hy-Cap, 115. Overweight — Shirley, 3 pounds; Brown Gown, 3; Federal Ta», 3; Speedy SImjv., 1; Magic Fate, 2£. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21. 1921— 1 : 23 ft— 4 c t A o a — 110. Lanark Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. J w *» at Fillies and mares. Allowances. 3-year-olds. Ill lbs.; older. 119 April 21-44 — Kee lbs. Non-winners of ,500 at any time or ,500 twice in 1943-44 allowed 2 lbs.; of ,000 at any time or ,500 in 1943-44. 4 lbs.; of ,500 at any time or a race of any value in 1944, 6 lbs. Claiming races not considered-. Net value to winner ,100; second, 25; third. 25; fourth. 0. Handle. 1,467. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j*g % ?g Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56195 TRAFFIC COlRT w 6 115 5 4 3J S 22 l» l8 W Garner Mrs ME Miller 50 54983 HENNY PENNY w 3 111 4 1 U l| F 2 21 C L Martin F Forestiere 32 10 561952 SIN FLOWER w 4 110 2 5 5* 42 32 9 32 W Biinson* Mrs F P Letellier 8.00 55954 BONALITA w 3 108 3 3 42 55 56 58 4 A Skornski Rancho Lariat 17.60 55753 LADY WAT LOO wb 6 113 6 1 2£ 2 4 P 5B G Burns J Warfield Rodgers 4 00 549083 OK SI GAR m 4 113 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 G Olivera Kentuckiana Stable B 30 Time, :23s. :47, tttf% 13*%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to D • I* TRAFFIC COURT 3.00 2.60 2.20 .50 .30 .10 Ml UlUel rNCeSi HENNY PENNY 5.20 3.00 1.60 50 - SUN FLOWER 2.80 .40 Winner— Br. m. by Discovery — Traffic, by Broomstick, trained by N. Burger; bred by Mr. Cornehus V. Whitney. WENT TO POST— 4:04. OFF AT 4:04£ CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won easily: second and third diiine. TRAFFIC COLRT. steadied along early, improved her position on the outside of the leaders, took ommand entering the stretch, drew clear rapidly and won under restraint. HENNY PENNY took command under strong handling, was unable to draw clear, failed to hold the winner, but held SUM FLOWER safe. The latter, saved early. iii«ed up when ready and held on well. BONALITA ran in spots. LADY WATERLOO was prominent tor three -eiehths and then tired. OK SlGAR broke slowly. Overweight— Henny Pennx , 4 pounds: Bonalita. 1. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. I Lady Madcap. May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. C At A *% E Scarlet Gate Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non- J O f at J winners of ,500 or two races other than maiden or claiming. April 21-44 — Kee Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 allowed 2 lbs.; two races of any value, 4 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 00: fourth. 0. Handle. 1,915. Index Horses Eqt A W t PP St 1j jjj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56258 ROCKVYOOD BOY wb109 2 1 3J 21 2« 1£ 1* W Bailev* W C Davis 7~90 56258 DIAVOLAW • vw 116 4 4 l2 l3 lh 26 2« J Molbert W C Hob =on 20 55788 TRANSFRAN w 109 1 3 43 4s 33 38 38 W Brinson* Brosnan and Halley 7 90 56254 CAMPANULA wb109 3 2 2i 33 46 4* 4* A Skornski Brolite Farm ]8 40 54963 BIRTHMARK wb 114 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 J Adams L A Havdel 25 40 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:134. 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. ki . in* ROCKWOOD BOY , 17.80 2.80 .... 7.90 .40 Mutuel Prices! diavolaw 2.20 .... .10 .... i NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD. Winner — B. e, by Agrarian— Tilly Kate, by Draymont, trained by Geo. S. Morris; bred by M«s -rs Riedinger Bros. WENT TO POST— 4:30. OFF AT 4:30J CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROCKWOOD BOY*, saved until ready, went to DIAVOLAW when ready, responded to strong handling when reaching the lead and diew away under pressure. DIAVOLAW took command under a hustline ride, enjoyed a commanding lead until nearing the Final three-eiehths. was unable to withstand the winner, but was much the best of the thers. TRANSFRAN saved ground and showed little. CAMPANULA had speed. BIRTHMARK was outrun. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. r • a n i* Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight. 118 *•* ** "* ** ** lbs. Non-winners of three races in 1944 allowed 2 lbs.; two races, April 21-44 — Kee 4 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,750. Net value to winners 50 each; third, 5; fourth. 5. Handle, 4,343. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St "?t lh % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 558683 AFGNTSTAN EH wb6114 7 5 2t 22 23 lh l2 D Scurlock J A Kinard Jr 5 50 561943 IRON BARGE [DH w 4 112 9 8 32 3| 3*" 3J l2 J Adams C Graham ? 70 562003 PLAYFUL PAL wb41U 4 3 l3 l2 li 2£ 3 E Hust J C Ellis I 50 562002 WAYR1EL wb 7 113 5 6 62 4h 43 43 4* O Grohs Conino and Borbas 1 30 56259 GREENK IMAGE w 4112 1 1 4 5£ 53 53 5* C Basham H M Walker J? 90 54612 DOUBLE BRAB wb 4 life 10 9 9* 95 8i 73 6i W Garner R Slomer blM 55775 PINCH HITTER wb5112 2 4 72 7h 7» 6» 7" R Eccard N Rasmussen fand 20 55811 CAUMSETT w 5116 3 2 8h and* 96 9* 8£ J Molbert L H Thompson 11.10 43883i3GOOSEBERRY wb7113J8 7 54 63 62 8J 95 M N Gzalz Dearborn Stable 28.80 53881 KOKOMO wb5112 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 C Hooper R Lerner 7210 Time, :24%, :49, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. m . in* AFGHANISTAN 11 5.80 5.60 4.00 1.90 1 .90 100 fvluiuel rricesi iron barge m 4.20 4« 3.00 1.10 1.20 .so I PLAYFUL PAL 3.60 .89 Winners — Afghanistan, b. g, by Aethelstan II. — Gift, by Display, trained by M. Parke; bled kg Mr. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt ; Iron Barge, b. c. by Bargello — Wracket Lady, by Wrack, trained by R. S. Bvrum; bred by Mr. Chester L. Wilson. Winners entered to be claimed for ,750 each. WENT TO POST— 5:00. OFF AT 5:01 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; third the same. AFGHANISTAN moved up willingly •when ready, forged to the front midway of the stretch and finished in a dead heat with IRON BARGE. The latter, never far bark, lost ground entering the stretch and closed resolutely. PLAYFUL PAL tired after showing good speed. WAYRIEL went evenly and had no mishaps. GREENOCKS IMAGE ran in spots under hstlei? Ilindling. DOUBLE BRAB was outrun. PINCH HITTER showed httle. Scratched — 56199 Count Traumer, 116. Overweight — Gooseberry, lj pounds. Claimed — Gooseberry by R. Lerner for ,759. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Dr. Clark, Oct. 20, 1921— 1: 49 4i s— 4— 119. Purse 5 4L A O 7 ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a ° H *• race in 1944. Weight, 115 lbs. Claiming price, ,400. April 21-44 — Kee Net va|ue t0 yer 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Handle. 0.667. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jjj Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56259 EQUAL CHANCE wb 4 110 11 6 2l 31 23 ll W G Burns J Warfield Rodgers 5 90 56253 BON A MO b4110 7 7 4« V lh 23 2"k W Bailey* F Rando 8 40 562593 ROYAL VIEW w 6 115 3 1 92 92 3 33 38 R Conlev B and C Stable 2 50 51233 WINN PEARL wb4110 9 10 10 10£ 6i 42 41 R Gonzalez Miss M J and C E Herbold f 30.20 56253 SUN RISK wb5110 2 3 83 8» 71 63 5» A Skorskit R P Cox 6 80 56292 CONVIVIAL w» 4 110 10 11 71 5£ 5 5 62 C Basham Wilkerson and Luckett 52 50 56259 BOLO BROOK w 4 110 8 8 6h 7h 83 8s 72 S Freeman* Mrs H Friedberg IP 80 56259 URAGAL w6110 4 2 lh 2h 41 7h U G Seabo J G Lang 2 30 56259 JIM LIPSCOMB w 7 115 1 4 5" J 61 9l 9* S5 L Bazer Mrs W J Alford 1 ~M.2Q 56259 NANTTA wbIOHO 6 9 11 11 11 106 104 O Grohs W J Walden 52.00 520732 MORVO BETTY wb5110 5 5 2]| 4ilO2 11 11 A Beverly R A Brown 25 10 f Mutuel field. Time, :25, :495, 1:15, 1:41. 1:54%. Track fast. ki in* EQUAL CHANCE 13.80 8.00 4.00 5.90 300 100 MUTUel rNCeSf bonamo 9.20 4.20 300 lit I ROYAL VIEW 2.80 .40 Winner — B. f, by Chicaro — Igual, by Equipoise, tiained by D. R. McDaniel ; bred by King Ranch. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST— 5:32. OFF AT 5:33 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third drivine. EQUAL CHANCE, steadied early, moved forward when ready, took command entering the stretch and won with something to spare. BONAMO, reserved until ready, went into the lead with a rush, was unable to withstand the winner and tired in the last stages. ROYAL VIEW lost ground when raring forwardly and «losed with a rush. WTNNPEARL made up ground. SUN RISK finished strongly. CONVIVIAL, never far back, showed a good effort. MOROCCO BETTY quit. Attendance, 6,000 Estimated; Total Mutuel Handle, 91,225.

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