1st L. F, Daily Racing Form, 1945-06-11

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Indexed Entries and Past Pertormances Listed According to Post Position J c c Fair Mud Runner. XGood Mud Runner. ® Superior Mud Runner s s ■ 3-4 MILE. Gibbons. Aug. 18, 1925— 1:10*5— 4— 120. - Purse | I r ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two 1. ST L.l races since September 15. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since September 15 allowed 3 lbs.: since July 15, 5 lbs.; since May 15, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,200. ] Best time made at distance of race. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt Wt Index No Horse. Date. Track Roc. Wt Wt. | 766933 Lady Juliet Aug44 Was 1:13% 106 107 76112 "Foot to Foot Jul44 Was 1:15 107 115 76693 Liberator Oct44 Haw 1:14% 113 120 76695 Victory Feet Jun44 Was 1:14% 116X120 76472 "Simonvs Boy Aug44 Lga 1:12 • 110 115 76583 Silver Ace Aug44 Dot 102% 118 115 75672*Millpon.p May44 Haw 1:14% 1140115 76379 Maihiuh Jan45 AC 1:13% 107X117 75994 *Be/ique Apr44 Trp 1:14 104X110 76803 Pamphlet Jan44 Trp 1:13% 106X102 74989 Jubilate Boy Oct44 FP 1:15% 113X115 76113 G„y Thoyi May44 Haw 1 :16%-1 119 107 76386 *Detroit Bull Apr44 CD 1:13% 114X105 I nAv JUIiei liitipf liY7 B f 4- b Display— Lady Capulet, by Sweep. I uauy IU/ Breeder Mereworth Farm. 1945.. 5 0 0 1 25 Owner. L. C. and C. A. Becker. Trainer, C F. Driscoll. S1.200 1944 12 0 0 2 50 Jun. 7 -45Haw t : t 1:22 ft 13 110 5 5 31 3-"i C.mipl.rllR7 1200 67 I.iberatr 112LillnRoth 104AirB .rnc 12 J May30-457Haw 1-701 :46%ft 61 106 5 88i •»* 9*» UweW* Alw 55 BabyGld 114HotSparkll4MightStep 8 I Ma23-45sHav l-70147%fl 30 107 2 Z-2 4*| 5»§ I.owcW4 1200 61 BurgSands 114HtrcGoesll9M mick 7 J Mayl8 458Spt l-701:55%sl 10 104 4 44 4« 4»J HaynesS3 1200 Hickory Jim 104West-Ho 117ToTop 6 I Mayl2-45Spt 5 81:02%ft 33 107 6 4 4!J, 44 I.owcW7 1200 FetgsBarll3 Priv.HowiellO Porky 10 I Oct 7-441 Haw 1AL49 gd 31 101 4 88i 812 1*% BatesT3 1200 61 MoreSting-, 113 Mordecai HOBolivar 9 I Oct 3 444Haw t l 123 sy 41 107 6 69i 5,;i 56 MorseyW2 J500 59 FetchingsBar 108 Fuzz 106 RoseCave 7 May 10 Spt 3 4 sy l:38%b I ikctrnt-nr 1 9H B- 9 5 b* Haste— Blue Heaven II., by Blenheim II. I LlUeruiur £J Breeder Brevmann Farm. 1945.5 1 1 0 ,450 Owner. Mrs. Wells and Miss Cunningham. Tr., R. D. Jackson. S1.200 1944 9 0 2 3 25 I i Jun. 7-45 H..w 6 1 1:22 ft 9-5 fUl 4 4»4 1| l1 GlidcwrllP ; 1200 70 I.ilnRoth 104L*%.1uliotllO Air Borne 42 J |to/25-45 H.nv 6* f 1:23 sy 2fU3|l 4! 34 2-i GMcw*IP* 1200 62 Dads 106 HishTalcnt 111 Inscovctte 9 - Ma22-45SPt t f 1:25 ft 2 108*4 3" 4«j 4-; NicholsB? 1200 Grcville 112Mis;Bobolinkl06iSimkoe 7 Ma%15 45-Spt 7-81:31%sl 6 109" 4 4» 4,; V NicholsB5 1200 Fish. Pet 109RniBreczoll4.TrlulBud 7 Maxl2-45-Spt 7 81:31%ft 61 110*6 69i 513 bvi NicholBi 1750 Dr.Bonesll4 KeyManll2 HereGocs 10 I rx-23 44G.P 3 4 1:16 m 4j 108*3 69 612 37 YocumE2 1300 58 HosierWolt 114Traitionll2Atterl.Vh 10 I i Dcc8 44"GP 170 1-45%ft 6 116 1 32 22 V WamierJ7 1200 73 JnitaM.1120n thcD"ble 109Chickore 7 i June t H..u 3 8 ft :37%b May 10 Spt 5 8 =y 105"ih Simrtm/c Rrvu 1 1 • B- n- *•• bv Simony— Hot Muffin, by Madrigalian. imon 5 do7 I I J Breeder. Miss A. E. Smith. 1945 . 4 0 0 0 Owner. J. F. Nazworthy. Trainer, J. F. Nazworthy. ,200 1944 21 6 2 4 ,305 i , Jun. S-457FJP 1 -701:47 ft 5j 114 7 64i 51 57 MaHwC* 1000 72 ItolecsLad lC6L"kaloncl06B.liMlss 7|| Jun 1 45-F.P 5 81:01%lt S| 114 4 V 5*1 5«| BouchcrJ2 1000 81 Kiel Bcst 115MissOme2al07PostLuck 6 | 1 ■v29-45*F.P -81:03 hy 41 113*6 6- 6- 5!2 Cassitvje 1250 67 Riverlss HORungSuellOA.ofSpadts 6 » : Oti.26 44-B M 5 4 1:13 ft 13 115 11 lly2 b:;» 4 DuncanIP 1250 81 GldCIck 115-rbasterll2.MicalJack 1 | CM2Q 44*B.M 1 1:40 ft i2 117 4 4 4 4P Haritos.P Alw 73 PIckyYou 117RanFlaell7Clarndon 6 1 j Oci 9 44B M 3 4112%ft 6 118 7 711 7* 32 PetrsonM* Alw PI DruniRoll 102Bonatall8 MelodvBar 12 ! , Oct 4 44"B.M 3 4 112%ft 8 115*10 Is 6yi 4* Grubci -W» 1300 79 LlcCrtago 12lAIaster 109Hadmk 10 1 Millnnmn 6b 1 K B. g. I, by Pomoey— Blind Lane, by Blind Play. fYlllipump V • J Breeder. C. A. Stone. 1945 3 1 0 2 ,320 . Owner. Mrs. S. Gorbet. Trainer. G. Gorbet. S1.200 1944 2 10 0 00 Ma2P 45-Haw 5-4UT%a 7 5 |115* 3 1- lj l1 Ni.hoKB-! 1200 €1 Hi-l.Taknt 114LiliiRothll2PtTirg 8 | , M»18-45Spt 5 81:05%sl 1-2 4115 2 12" 3-i LoTicoA 1200 JuteBov 112Cloo-Frtl08A.n-nBiide 7 ■hyl4-45 Sp« 5 8 l:03%sy 7-5 19 1 l3 l3 3i LoTrcoA« 1200 Simkoe 119 Lostahat 117 Cloo Flidit 7 , Ma 20 44-Haw 3-4 1:13 ft 12 5 115 5 3»J 4 5y SoaboG3 1250 74 ValaLove 105LktRascal HORcdTet 9 May 8 -44" Spt 5 El:03%14-5 4113 3 1" li 1 GT««sV 1200 DkyDuke 113BIkMark 112Sctlnsco 10 SeplO-433Haw 3 4 1:12ft 13 115 2 22 43i b* 2 LimW* 1750 80 Tetragal 106.Owa sell8,Capta.nFury 9 i Sep 4-452Was Ml:14%«i 3 4118 4 56i 35 33 U«toW* 1200 73 BrasKitty 107,ShstaManll0,Coupon 8 1 May 26 Haw 5 8 m 1:06b Rp7iniiP X 1 "I A B. m. 6, by Balladier— Twenty Karat, by Golden Broom. vciljuc I IU Breeder. Woodvale Farm. 1945.. 4 10 0 75 ! Owner. D. Dillman. Trainer, B. C. Kelley. S1.200 1944 17 1 0 0 25 ! May 51 -45 Haw 3 -4 l:14%ed 15 IMP 3 42 4r 4" B.naW" 1200 67 RoorsBov 120RM Goldll5Hav.Lad 7 U21-45SPt 5 81:03 ft BJ 112*4 37 3» 4»J Banff* 1200 RustvGol.l 107Plaantell2Cloc Flight 8 ! Mayl7-45sSpt 5 81:05%m 9-5 4103*2 li V la BaraW 1200 Marcap 109Playante 114 DctroitBull 6 I May 14 -45-Spt c-81:03:v5sy 7 114 5 35 3i 43 BaraW2 1200 Conscript 119MauriccK.119JubeBoy 7 Nov S 44 Spt 5 8 1:02%ft 17 110 5 67 6«i 68i PucciBe 1250 Mtomrk 114SisterHighei HOBobOn 10 Nw 4 44 Spt 5 813%sl 9 112 7 97i 9«i 83 PuccB* 1200 F toFoot 112FetgsBarll7Moths.Girl 10 Oct.19 44-Spt 5-E l:02%ft 15 112 8 57i 43 5s Bassettl3 1200 PVteHie llOLnc.BudlOSTwoGrd 10 j lnKilnfo Rnw X s 1 1 1 Br- 9. 8, by Jubilate— Baby Swing Loose, by Swing Loose. JUUIIUIC uuy | | J Breeder. P. M. Cole. 1945.2 1 0 1 35 I Owner, A. S. Higgins. Trainer, A. E. Mettz. ,200 1944 23 2 1 5 ,425 Mayl8-45Spt 5-8 1:05%sI 5 112*1 2i lh li; NichoNB-" 1200 Cloe Flit 108MillF op 115AmnBiide 7 J | AUl4-45-Spt 5-81:03%sy 11 114*2 2* 2 32 NicholsB3 1200 Conscript 119Mau.iceK. 119Bezique 7 0.1.31 -44SsPt l,Vl:54%ft 41 112*3 77 81U 610 HallLi 1250 BicBsSon 117Hardwrk 117GiantSt 10 Oct27-442Spt 7-81:31%ft 18 117 1 914 9" 713 JessopD 1250 ImpUones 117Bopenko 117I.iberator 10 " Octl0-44rF.P 3-4 1:15 ft 9| 115 5 89 87i 33i SouthG 800 74 Klondike 115QuizBaby 115SirJimmy 10 3 Oct 7-44-F.P 3 4 1:14%ft 30 113 5 32 32i 32 5— IMP 1000 76 MadamHigh 113Brastownll6Zorawar 11 Sop28 447F.P l-701:52%m 3i 116 5 61S 716 719 SouthG 800 33 Eq.Chance 108Di!leKingll6SlieRolls 7 MCliUil Detroit Bull wuil X / 10 B «• ,0- by BuM D°9-M Lava- »y My piay. . I WJ Breeder. Coldstream Stud. 1945. . 4 0 0 0 0 I Owner, J. Billotte. Trainer, B. Butterfield. 51,200 1944 27 2 6 3 ,300 3 Jun. 4 -45" Haw 1-701:50 si 24 1144 57 5*J 6*J LtaVrH 1200 55 MauriceK.120TownVrv 109Herc.ow 8 J Ma30 458H..w 1-701 :48%ft 13 106*4 7"» 813 I" BaraW 1200 52 Santonian 109ValnorlJ9TownV.ctory 8 ■ Mav26-45* Haw 1A 1 :52%sl 9 106*1 55 67 6n BaraW3 1200 43 ShinPlasterl09Snowtlyl06 Marymick 6 0 Mayl7 458Spt 5-81:05%m 6i 113 4 65i 5ci 46 I.oweW2 1200 Bczique 103 Marcap 109 Playante 6 * Nov 9 44Rkm 3-4 1:15 cd 22 109 12 12 7121" 11»7 CavensJ2 1000 60 Poms KMTakmgWaysOLstFront.er 12 ■ Oct.26-44«Rkm lil:59 hy 13 118 2 3a 4» 4« Wim.F* 1250 47 ClipClop 118Si2anar 105InfantQucen 6 J Oct23 44SRI m 1 •« l:49%ft 11 109 5 8» 78i 7" WinnF6 1400 60 PiousDisply 114Tyroncl09Tracclette 8 b May 12 ft 1 2 si :55%b Fnnr tn Fnnt 1 1 * Ch- c 4- by Pairbypair— Pattie B., by Bracadale. i vvi iu iuui ■ » J Breeder, Mrs. J. 0. Crutcher. 1945.2 0 0 0 Owner. J. Schwab. Trainer, W. Vititoe. ,200 1944 10 1 0 0 25 5 Jun. 145 H.,w 5 4 1:16%m 16 115 7 43i 5" 510 CarrA* 1200 55 SilverAce 110 Maihieh 115 Plavante 7 7 Jan . 2-45«F.G l-701:46%ft 92 11P10 127310loll10 UBImC" Alw 67 SilverToy UlRalLadvlllH. Weather 12 ;, De.-26-44-F.G 2 4 l:14%ft 46 112 10 74i I*J 6»1 GilpieW H» 1500 67 Capsim 113NoOtherl05 Plucky Mfm 10 5 NmlO-44- Spt 7 8 1:32%m 24 112 9 9" 9,,J10!,i WancnW 1600 Yarnith 107 ChanceTea 112 BadCold 10 q Nov 4-44 pt c.-8 1:03%sl 81 112 4 4* 22 lb Carrc 1200 Fet-Barll7MothsGirl 117ChvBley 10 3 Oct26-442Spt c81:02%ft 33 108*8 67 M *»» HWthWM250 Bagnell 109 Sally 1. 108 liillfilly 10 0 Oct23 44-vpt 7 81:30%ft 23 111 1 4»° 7»* 7" RichardA7 1750 Lostahat HOInly FIhtl09iPt Bitter 8 8 May 30 Haw 5 8 gd l:06h Virrnrw Fppf X 1 *f Br- c- *• b Sorties Son— Twinkle, by Noah. i cci r Tiiiuiy I W Breeder. H. G. Shoemaker. 1945.2 1 0 0 ,100 0 Owner, Mrs. J. L. Oglesby. Trainer, J. L. Oglesby. SI, 200 1944 12 1 2 1 ,500 0 Jun i Sll.:» cfl.07%ft 30 120 6 F| 0*| •»• GBdkwcV Alw 71 RodCantr 120Bagncll 109RXtGold 8 8 Jua 4 -45Haw 3-41d7%d 4 108*2 l3 I* lh NicholsB3 1200 59 BrkOrcliidllliPamphlet HOMailiich 9 9 Aue;18-44Tdn 3-4 l:16%hy 35 112 7 T» V* §» DentonR2 2000 45 Pirn. Polly llOQuickkicklllSn.kinOtt 7 7 Jul.27-44Was 3 4 1:16%sl 61 118 6 77 8» 92 HavckMJ* 2000 51 NeatKee 108LoncAgol09GallantRose 11 1 JuU8-443Was 3-4 1:12%gd 77 111* 7 123126128 HallS5 Alw 65 Gol.Crss 120RomnRedll6Sw.Actin 12 2 JuL 5-44Was 3 4 1:13%ft 2 4116 5 ¥ 43 562 BrooksS* cl500 74 SirLo 112 Lestabert 111 ValdinaSeer 11 1 Jutl28 44Was 3 41:13%ft 5 116 4 22 2» 2* BrooksS7 1500 76 Midkapi 112NeatKeel06JeShamrock 11 1 June I Haw E 8 hy 109%b May 30 Haw 5 8 *d 106%b May 2fr Haw 3 4 ft l:19%b M ■ . Ji I " * A V * • i 0 • * " M ■ N n J c s s ■ | C:i„«r A/-o 1 1 Q Lt- b- «• 5- b Silverdale— Miss Dora, by Jack Atkin. JllVer MCe ■• J Breeder. Sam Houston. 1945. S 1 I 2 ,335 Owner, W. T. Beezley. Trainer. W. T. Beezley. ,200 1944 15 2 1 2 ,450 Jun. 6-45Haw 6* t l:224r,ft 5 115*8 45 53i 5i FlitrrJ8 Alw 60 FmsAimI 115TdyKerryl20Anib.i€d 8 Jua 1-45Haw 3- «l:16zr,m 3 110*3 l2 lh l£ NicholsB2 1200 65 Maihigh 115Playantell4iHighTalent 7 May28-45Haw 6 f l:23%m 26 110* 4 33 76 6ri BurdyA7 Alw 57 Tideover 115WarrLadll2 CceTaker 8 Ma 24-45Haw 3-4 1:14%ft 19 107*3 32 32 5*| BurdvA1 1200 73 HavaLad 115Rog.Boyll2Amr randed 9 Mayl5-45Spt 5 8 l:02%sl 10 119 6 «»« 4» 3»i LoTurcoA7 1200 PntcHowiell7RustvGoId 114Marcap 7 Mayl2-45Spt 5-8 l:023sf» 13 112 9 58 6,;2 6»i LoTurcoA 1200 FctgsBarll3 Priv.HowiellO Porky 10 May 19 Hay 3 8 hy :41%b Mnihiah s X 1 17 B «• 7- b Higher-Maidens Ballet, by Celt. rviuilliyn ||/ BrMder w w GuernMy. 1945 io 0 1 0 25 Owner. W W Guernsey. Trainer. M C Goodsell ,200 1944 12 3 2 1 ,650 Jua 4 45Haw 3-41:173r,sl 6-5 4115 8 !*• 7»| ¥ BatcsTS 1200 55 Vtx Feet 108BkOrcdllliPaniplilct 9 Jua 1-45Haw 3-41:162r.m 7 115 5 54 33 2i BatesT7 1200 63 SilverAce 110Playntell4iHihT"lent 7 .VU26-457Haw 1-701:47 si 7 115 4 512 618 6-3 Caven ..J3 Alw 49 LtleM,lly 115MiamiSgsll0TyKerry 6 Apr28 454A.C lAL47%fl 6 107 8 5«J 5» 54 BailevW» 700 76 TindrGal HlMadSunll4SobobaStar 12 Apd5-456A.C lit Ml ft 7 117 3 53i 5a 573, BatesT3 700 75 Paeeboy 114Nickajack 115TindcrGal 9 Mar25 457A.C La l:46%ft 23 108 7 Lost rider. BatesT8 900 Dinti 111 Mesmerist 108 Hadamick 12 Marl8 45U.C 1,V1:47 ft 5J 117 1 32i 35 44i BatesT" 700 78 BgooTrl 114AirFightrlC3DNDv!o 12 May 24 Haw 12 ft :55b Pamohlet X 1H? Ch- m 5 b* Head P,ay-D°«. by Noah. •% umpiuei • V Breeder Mrs. Parker Corning 1945.6 0 0 1 25 Owner, G. L. Kepner. Trainer. G. L. Kepner. ,200 1944 21 1 6 3 ,550 Jun. 8-45*Haw liVlJOKfl 3.4110 1 44i 5° 6"; BiMksS4 1200 47 H,-reNowll3GoodGct 112Hi.-Ury.lim 7 •Jua 4-45Haw 3-4 l:17f,sl 8i 110 6 4fii 34 31 BcwkiS* 1200 58 YictorvFtl08BlkOrchid lllMMneli 9 May28-458Haw 1 ,V l:51%m 14 102* 4 5° 7" 72n BurdyA8 1400 38 W dsman HOiGintServt 119Passan 8 May25 455Haw 6 f 1:23 sy 4 104 7 33J 57i 5» BiancoE« 1200 56 Dads 106 Liberator 113i HighTalent 9 Mayl7-45Spt 7 8 l:31%m 49 105 8 824 827 826 BiancoE* 1750 Brill.atJr.ll5Dr. Bones 115Capsicuro 8 Mayl2 452Spt 7-81:31%ft 45 112 3 1013 8« 7« LoTurcoA» 1750 Dr.Bonesll4 KeyManll2 HoreGoes 10 Au517 44«Was 1 1 8 2 00%hy 8 109 10 6» 7" 77 DuboisD* 1200 24 Piday 109 Glennport 109 Painter 12 May 21 Haw 3 8 gd :37%h ftnw Thnrn iiiuiii 0 1 f7 *-n- m 9, by Tetrarchal — Reighthorne, by Sunreigh. vmy ij/ Breeder. Karl Mayer. 1945.1 0 0 0 Owner. Estate of K. Mayer. Trainer, G. A. Ury. ,200 1944 10 1 1 1 ,025 Jua l-45-Haw 3-41:lfj:;Y,m 91 102*2 5* 613 619 Bui.K A4 1200 45 FYuAArl llllmplJonesiGMRuh 7 Octl9 442Spt 5 81:02%lt 14 108*3 2i 32 6si LavoicP8 1200 PVteHwie 110Unc.Bu.ll08TwoGr"d 10 Sep26-44Haw 6if l:193r,ft 68 107 1 33 47 84 FrmanS2 1200 68 StageDoor 107Hel.AgneslllSw.Hilen 12 Sep.22-44Haw 6J f 1 222hft 18 111 6 46i 78U04 I.avoieP 1200 54 Minedda 111 SomeAd 114 FreeStyle 12 VIay29-44Haw 3-4 l:15%ft 23 111 1 78illi7103 HooperC7 1000 67 BookPlate 116Hy-TritelllSSnder 12 May 23 ¥Hhm 3-4 113%ft 6 111 4 78i 8° 83 HooperC» 1250 66 MdamHigh 106CpLibtyll0Hy fr.te 8 May 30 Haw 12 g.l :50%h May 25 Haw 3 8 ft :38b May 22 Haw 3 8 ft :39b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1945061101/drf1945061101_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1945061101_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800