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Alphabetical Index to Entries AbbesImage 4th Pirn Abiel 6th GS Accountant 4th Jam Admirals Aide 6th GS Agarita 4th Spt Air Power 7th Spt Air Rate 6th CD Airlit 3d CD i Albulil 6th Spt Aldale 1st C JD Alison Peters 7th Pirn Aiport Sth GS Alsim 3d Spt Ambranded 8th GS Annies Reply 6th CD Arctos 5thGS Arkansas lstCD Arrows Away 1st Suf Auburn Ariel 2d Pirn Auspicious 1st Jam Awashonks 7th Pim PimB PimBadge B Badge 7th GS Bahrameter SthPim Balla Flight 1st CD Balliol 7th Pim Balsamar 3th Pim Bambuco 4th Jam Band Leader 3d Pim Bank Balance 6th Spt Basileus II 5th Jam Battle Scarred 2d Pim Bean Pot 4th Spt Beau Briar 7th Pim Beautiful Time 4th Suf Bee Sting 8th C D Bellwether 5th GS Bernices Girl 1st CJD BertRam 5th CD Best Prospect 5th C Beths Bomb 1st Jam Betty OHerron 4th GS Bettys Bobby 1st Pim Biffema 2d Spt Big Bones 3d Pim Big Brother 8th Spt Big Dance 3d Suf BigKay 7th Jam Big Party 1st Suf Bill Coffman 3d Pim Black Dragon 2dCX Black Nylon 1st SUf Blue Fawn 6th Spt Bluejacket 2d Jam Bo Way 2d GS Bold Dandy 6th Spt Boon Tower 3d Spt Bordeaux 6th Pim Bow Pen 4th Jam Brave Bid 8th Suf Brest 1st Pim Bright H 2d Spt Bright Sword 5th Jam Brindisi 4th Pim Brown Ruin 8th Spt Burgette 3d GS Busy Pony 8th Spt Biisybo 2d CD By Godfrey 8th GS GSBygones Bygones 1st Spt SptC SptCaliper C Caliper 7th Jam Caller 3d CD Cant Fail 2d Pim Carmus 6th GS Carolina Star 3d Suf Carpaca 2dSpt Carter Girl 1st CX Cascadian 5th CX Catchweista 6th Spt Caumsett 8th CX Gee Raf 8th Suf Challemain 3d CX Challca 5th Jam Charm Prince 1st CD Chance Ace 8th Suf Chance Cheick 2d Spt Chanteuse 8th Pim CheckUp 2d Jam Cherokee V 8th GS Cherish 6th Suf Cherry Circle 3d CD Chestnut Papa 2d Jam Chief Command 6th CX Christabel 1st GS ChrysDoll 6th GS Clevelander 5th CX Cloud Rift 3d CX Clusianar 4th GS Cock Crow 1st CD CoLawyer 1st Suf Comedy 2dPim Comely Babe 1st GS Comenow 2dGS Comic Ann 8th GS Convicted 4th Pim Cool and Calm 2d Pim Coon Tail IstCX Cotton Bud 2d Suf Count JL 7th Jam Cpunt Lovely 7th Suf Courts Maud 3d Spt Cravache 8th Suf Cream 1st Suf CutThroat 2d CX Cutest Trick 4th GS Dagonr4th Suf Daily Dip 6th Pim Damos 7th Jam DancingMargpt 7th GS Danger Ahead 3d Jam JDarby Diadem 8ttrGS Darmin 2d CX PatMine 1st CD Deep Texas 6th Jam Deerfield 2d Spt pela Sands 2dPinV Delphian 8th Suf Dena 2dPmi DiscoyertSsthPim Dixie Sweep 8th Pim Dixie Yank 7th Piia Dizzy Whirl 3d Jam Dobodura 4th GS Don OSullivan 1st Pim DonriaBoorse 5th Pim Donna Suer 1st Spt r Donquest 5th CD DoReighMi 7th Suf Downey B 1st Pim Dual Purpose 8th GS Dubblell 3d Suf Duck Berry 6th CD Dudie 8th Suf SufE E Easy Twist 3d Spt Elbow Room 6th Jam Elktonia King 4th CD Emphasis 3d Spt Empujon 6th GS Enchanted Rock 2d Suf Energetic 4th Jam Enigma 5th Pim Ensign Mary B 2d GS Escort 1st GS Eternal Love 2d GS Ettenan S 2d Spt Evening Flight 6th Suf Evening Tune 4th GS Excel Lad 1st CX CXF CXFair F Fair Arab 7th CD Faithful 2d Spt Fancy Answer 7th CX Farf alina 1st Jam Faultless 6th Pim Fearless Ken 2d GS Federal Sweet 3d Suf PickleMan 1st CD Fifteenth 6th GD First Mate 8th Suf First Pal 1st GS Flake 1st Jam Florida Jack 1st Pim Flos Herbert 7th Jam Flying Weather Rth Pim Poxy Foundling 3d Jam Foxy Prince 2d GS Fred F 7th CX Freddies Pal 5th Suf Free Speech 7th Pim Fulgor II 5th Jam G GGal Gal Ann 7th Jam Gal Du 3d Suf Gallant Reward 6th Suf Gay Franka 4th Suf Gay Love 2d Jam Ghazala 6th GS Ginnys Pride 4th CD Goldbart 7th Suf Gomel 6th CD Goodel 1st GS Grand Destiny 7tH Spt Grand River 2d Sot Grand Velvet 2d Jam Granizo 1st Suf Grecian Breeze 3d Spt Green Bowler 5th GS Gunter 2d Suf Gus G 3d Spt Gwennies Pal 2d GS H HHagar Hagar 8th Suf Hals Linda 1st CD Halsickle 6th Spt Hamanasa 1st GS Hand Torch 2d CX Handmaiden 3d GS Handsome Beau 7th CD Handsome Bill 1st Suf Happy West 4th Jam Harding F 6th Jam Harsam 7th Suf Harv Aethel 7th Pim Hasher 6th GS Heartiest 8th Suf Heine 3d Spt Helens Boy 2d GS Helens Dream 1st GS HelPlin 1st Pim Henry Payne 7th Suf Henrys Pal 2d Suf Heredero II 2dGS Heres Me 5th Spt Hi Gallant 1st GS Hi Landing 1st CX High Kick 1st Sot Honeytown 1st Jam Hot Time 3d Suf Hy 3dGS Hyblaze 5th Jam Hypertension 3d GS Hummer 8th CX CXI CXI I I Did 2dGS I Dream 2d Pim Ida A 1st GS Image of Love 1st Pim Instanter 7thSuf Intermediary 4tlxGlS Irish Countr 4th Suf Iron Curtain 4th GS Is I Me 3d Suf Islam Prince 5th GS Island Hop 6th Jam JamJ JamJean J Jean Meter 3d Jam Jimpin 6th CD Joy n Judy 3d Spt Jupiter Light 5th GS Justa Whirl 5th CD CDK CDKaopua K Kaopua 8th CD Karakorum 4th CD Keep Watch 4th Jam Kidded 3d GS Kistari 1st Spt Klamath 4th Jam JamL L 7 LSI Kitty 2d Jam AIboulaye 5thJam lidyAlice 3d GS Lady Rhearielle 4th Spt Laen 3dCD Lairds CatT2d CD Land Cruiser 7th Suf Lanky 2dJam Lapis Lazuli 3d GS Larpc SdSpt Laurania 8th Pim Laurel Road 4th Jam Lately 1st Jam Lazy Shoes 2d CX Leamour 7th CD Leanord G 7th Spt Lee Circle 6th Jam Lenea 2d Pim Leo Red 3d CD Lepnidas 5th Spt Liberty Babe 6th GS Lightfoot Lady 8th Spt LiquidLunch 2d GS Little Fair 6th Spfr Little Harp 6th Pim Little Knick 2d Pim Little Lady 1st Spt Little Rajah 2d Suf Little Touch 3d CD Loch Ness 1st Pirn Lock and Key 8th Pim Long Live 4th GS Loriot 4th GS Lotoftowh Sth CD LouisL IstPim Lunch Date 6th Suf LyttaJane 1st Spt SptM SptM M M Derby Day 2d Pim Maedina IstCD Mahmoudess 5th Jam Mahseer IstPim Maidens Quest 1st Spt Maihigh 2d CD Maize 2d Jam Major Action 8th Suf Mandas First 1st Spt Mannequin 5th Spt Marine Charger 4th Jam Marltown 6th CX Markability 7th Pim Markobbb 1st GS Marmin 1st Jam Master Mind 5th Jam Matador John 1st Suf Matruh 6th CD Maudeaux 7th GS May Fly 6th Spt McLish 5th Spt Miboys Sugar 1st CX Michigan Smart 2d GS Mildred M 6th Jam Mimosan 4th Jam Minneapolis 2d Jam Miss Covery 5th Pim Miss Cupe 8th Pim Miss Golightly 2d CD Miss OBehan 6th GS Miss Pebble 7th Spt Miss Pidgeon 5th Pim Miss McGurk 3d CX Mister Chat 5th Suf Mister Easy 6th Spt Money King 8th Pim Mother Grace 2d Spt Mountain Lion 7th Jam Mr Pleat 8th Pim My Myrna 2d Suf Mystry Mark 3d Suf SufN SufNamelate N Namelate 2dSpt Natch 2d Jam Nathaniel 6th Pim Navigate 3d Pim t tNavy Navy Award 1st Jam Neat Pleat 3d Pim Nebraska Cash 3d Spt Nella A 6th Suf New Puzzle 3d Pim Night Count 8th Pim Nokpmis4th Pim Noview 7th Jam 0 Oayr 7th Spt OlCayvy 2dSuf Offenbach 6th GS Oh Oh 8th CD Old Banner 2d Suf Olecranon 4th Pim Olidor 7th Spt Olney Miss 8th Suf Omaha Bound 8th Suf One Blue 5th Spt One King 1st CX Orestone 2d Pim Qrewissie 3d Suf Oswego Dr 4th Spt Our Best 2d CX Our Birthday 1st Pim OurMerrick 7th Pim OurTune 5th Pim Out Bound Jr 5th Suf Outsider 8th Spt SptP SptPalis P Palis W8th GS Patmiboy 6th Spt Patruska lst SPt Paulas Star 8th Spt Peg 1st Spt Pendragon 2d GS Pene 2d CX Pennant OWar 2d QD Perfect Charge Ist GS Perfect Miss 2d CX Petite Vixen 3d GS Petroboy 8th Pim Petsome etlrSpt Pigeon Express 4th Spt PlayEoot lsjbGS Play HandsT6th Spt Pompagle 7th Suf PotLikker 6thGS Pouting Mac 2d CX Powdered Milk 5th Spt Preoccupy 6th CJ Private Joe 5th Spt s BroudMiss 1st Suf Proud Ruler 6th Spt Pulitzer = lst CD Putittherer 2dCX Q QQuebec1 Quebec1 4th Jam Quemazon 1st Spt Quibs Bally SthSpt Quick Lick 1st GS Quickset 4th Jam Raff le House 4th Spt Ragtime Band 5th Pim1 Reckon 5th Jam Red namelia 3d GS Red Flare 7th Jam Red Ginger 5th CX Regaler 2d GS Relious 7thPim Reloj 2d Suf Renes Hero 2dPim Replica n 3d Pim Republican 7th Jam Ribard 4th Kim Rich Uncle 8th CD Richard Boy 2dSpt Right Answer 5th Pim Right Happy 7th Spt Ring Master 8th G S Rocket Shell 1st GS Rocket plane 7th Pim Romany 3d GS Rose Bed 6th Spt Rosemere Sis 8th Spt Rough Swallow 2d Pim Royal Step lstxGS r Roytig4th CX Ruling Time 6th Jam Run Lady 4th Suf Running Riot 1st Pim PimS PimSadie S Sadie Brown 2d Suf Safe Bet 3d Suf Salute 8th GS Sam Bernard 6iii Jam Samba Siren 7thSuf Sahab 2dCX Sandilas 1st Jam Sason 1st Suf Sassy Patricia SthSpJt Saxon Paul 7th Pim Say Goodbye 3d Spt Scotch Trap 8th Suf Sealane 2d CD Seamanlike 1st Suf Seamans Pal 6th Spt Seaward 4th Jam Seguin 2d Jam Sergeant Bill 2d CX Servant Line 3d Spt Set bint 1st Jam Shlyaree 6thPim Shbre patrol 6th GJS Shuckins 4th Suf Scipio 5th CX Signal Knob 1st Suf Signals Bloke 8th GS Silver Clad 3d GS Silver STs 5th CX Silver Skit 2d GS SirCarrol IstPim Sir cho 8th GS Sirjmp 8th GS Sister Eileen 4th Suf Six of One 7th GS Skean 1st Pim Skipper Hay 3d Spt Sky Manager 5th Spt Sky Train 7th CX Snob Tourist 7th Jam So Alone 4th Spt Solid Sender 5th Suf Sombor 3d Jam Sons Foonery 8th Suf Spantai 2dPim Special Pet 8th CD Spicebush 7th Jam Spiteful Sue 6th Suf Split the Wind 7th GS Spring Chimes Sth CD Spring Thaw 6th Spt Spring Up 4th Pim Stage Bond 5th Jam Staging 6th Suf Static Ist Spt Steven Peter 7th Pim Strathmond 2d CX Sub 3dGS Subscriber 2d Spt Sun Bob 4th Pim Sun Dance 4th Pim Sun Ember 4th Jam Sun Fly 2dCX Sunalf 5fh Spt Sunny Bones 3d GS Sunny Vale 3d Jam Sunsation 4th Jam Sunshade 5th Suf Sunstorm 4th Spt Superex 3d GS Sweet Irene lst Spt Sweet Taters 6th GS Swesteel 3dCD Swift Reward 8th Spt Syntet 6th Jam Tabouret 7th Suf Tagel 6thGS Tassel 3d GJS Temeru 7trrPim Temporary 3d CD Tetraf ettle 5th Suf Thats Him 7th GS The Dervish 4th Jam The Doge 6th Pim Three Rivers 4th Jam Threeply 7th G5 Thor 5th Jam Tiger Mae 6th GS Tigers Gift 5th Suf Time Play 7thPim Timdti 1st Pim Tin Watch 3d Suf Tommil Tom 2d Suf Tomos 4th CX Top Transit 5th Suf Topsy Sue 1st Jam Trala Boy 4th CX Treasure Key 2d Suf Tri Step 5th CD Trout Lake 7th Pim u uUncle Uncle Otho 6th CX Vacance 6th Jam Valcbeur Aime 6th Suf v V t uia Clown 1st GS Valdina Date 1st Spt ValdinaMintea 1st Suf Valdina Seer 4th Spt Valdina Sentry 8th GS Valdivia 8th Suf Valley Trouble 3d Spt Valor eth Jam Vampire 1st Suf Vegas Wheel 7th Suf f Vigilante 1st Jam Vinita Dot 1st Spt Vinum 8th Suf f W WWalkup Walkup 1st Suf Wampum 3d Spt Wanima 5th Pim War Dressing 6th GS Waverly 5th Suf Wee Laird 4th Suf Wee Nip 5th Pim Which Glint 1st Spt Wing Trot 4th GS Wisenheimer 4thJPim Woodford Lad 8th GS Word of Honor 4th Jam Worthowning IstPim Wrakf air 4th Spt SptY Y Yavapai 2d GS GSZ Z r rZacamazuma Zacamazuma 1st Suf