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EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES Position in ORDER Of f 1N1SH WITH D S Race and WE1GH1 WE1GH1g g jt 3 56 M finish show norse won second u9 gc TO 2 Wi third and fourth horses are given s ° 1 25 img Horse = m ° g second first third and fourth g 5 S 2tS = T = = ° x = horses are snown J ° tt o ° SiS o S S Sg g s soaW oaW Ihird first secono nfl fourth Sj ° 5 S2 ° 5 2 s s0 Ssl o Horses are shown i iS S SlSlSfS iw11 a SS S unplaced first seconded thlrc 5 = o o5tftl CL = a i 5 horses are shown JunIO 45CO 1142fl7ft 85e126 43 3J 2J 13 ArcaroE c2500 85 Pot o Luck126 DbyD ppe126 AirSTor If Note Except in races ol the shorter distances where the 1irst call is prestretch or stretch and lor which the star call is used the first point o call after the start fat the quarter mile mark in most races is given in races run on or after January 1 2948 Past performances for races run prior to that date give each horses position at start instead of first point ol call callPositions Positions ol first point of call and prestretch call vary according to distance o race Speed ratings are not given in steeplechase hurdle or races run on the turf course nor at tracks of less than one mile