6th Jam, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-11

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1 118 MILES Sting Jtay f 192M423 106 Purse 3500 3yearolds j Claiming Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinner a one mil or over since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs of two races since then 6 Ibs two races at any jjme 9 Ibs Claiming price 7500 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDale Index Wo Horse Dale Track Rec Wt WL 47605 Empty Noose Apr48 Jam 149 117 116 48004 Marine Light May48Jam152sy109 113 48146 Storm King Apr48Jam148sy119 122 48144 Stone Hill Mar48 TrP 147 115 113 47999 Biltrite Feb48 FG 149s 116 111 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL Wt 481463 Alice Simms Apr48 Jam 148 111 117 117Apr48Jami49sy119 467813Lenore Apr48Jami49sy119 106 106Dec47GP147 48146 Farminglon Dec47GP147 109 106 106Oct47 471152 Tomsive Oct47 Jam 150 116 113 mntv mpry I Nonce OO5e Breeder I Bieber 15485 120 42001 Owner 42001Owner I Biebcr Trainer Hirsch Jacobs 7500 1947 17 1 4 2 66001 Apr29482jam 66001Apr29482jam 34114 ft 53 118 81 85J 853 523 JessopJ 10500 74 Airfieid126 MyesRiley113 MgicMmt 10 Apr1648 Jam 1148ft 31 117 2h 2h 53 61 JessopJ4 Alw68 QuiteAlone113 DanadaGift 115 Isigny 8 Apr14483Jam 34114sy 2 117 1h 1H ink 21J JessopJ3 Alw72Gasparilla128JoeysPaM16 SunEmber 6 Apr9484Jam 34115fl 1113 2 2J 1h 1J Jessopjz 12500 69 Undercut 118 Jacopet 118 Bedrock 6 Apr2484Jam 5f107m 81 113 4313232 23 JessopJ4 1250078 Spats 117 FightingMad 113 Ventojind 8 Nov29473Bow 170 146ft 95 115 6 65 42 2 BakerT Alw 82 Icky 120 Splash 115 Waxahachie 12 Nov2747 Bow 170144ft 35 107 1 5 67 53 MchekF3 HcpS 86 Hefty 117 Vashti112 FritzMaisel 7 Nov21474Bow 170 145ft 10 118 2 61 7j 4 KeiperPS Alw 79 BrwnFoxUS FertileLands113 Splash 10 Nov15473Bow 34113 gd 4J 1054 6 615 518 KnappEJ2 Alw 69 Hefty115 BrterWhite114J JungleFeast 7 7April April 25 Jam 34 ft 123b April 23 Jam 38 ft 41b April 22 Jam 12 ft 52b 52bMrtrinp marine Mrtrinp I Lignr Inht 1 I 1 3 Br c 3 by Ambrose Light Breathless by Haste O BreeJer Elmendorf Farm Inc 19181 0 0 0 Owner P Godfrey Trainer N Tallman 57500 1947 11 1 1 2 3850 May 5487 Jam 1 150 sy 13 109J 6 6 68 613 WgartW Alw 53 WingMesger110 JerylslelO Engetic 6 Nov1147Uam 1ft 148 ft 2 A111 3 2h 14 16 AtksonTS 6000 75 Raking 111 FarmMaid 108 LadyFakir 12 Nov 6472Jam 34114sy 9e 115J 7 4 J 67i 5 WgartW i 7500 69 Custody 119 Sagittaire 119 CerVantes 13 Oct28473Jam 34113 ft 46 109 J 1 73J 621 7 3 WgartW4 Mdn 75 Chains 116 MountMarcy 116 Oration 14 Oct 647iBel 78 125ft 4 104 1 55J 85J 87J WgartW 10000 72 Galachry108 QuiteAlone123 PutaCall 11 Sep1547iAqu 34114 ft 85112 3 6 54J 423 AtksonT4 10000 74 Jolinet113 SilverDrift113 Charioteer 9 Sep 4474Aqu 5Jf107 ft 23 109J 6 1h 3J 33 WegartW7 Mdn 81 Riverlane116 MajorJames116 Sunsatn U Aug29472Sar 34 113ft 6 114 3 4 1 31 22 PermeR3 10500 78 ChrisieRgrs116 Hbdsher120 GlfCIb 7 7April April 30 Jam 38 ft 37hg April 27 Bel 78 ft128h ft128hNominated Nominated fpr Preakhess Stakes StakesSfnrrrv Sfnrrrv jiuuih rvinn J99 B c 3 b War Dog Etching by Umidwar ixniy Breeder CFHockley HFGuggenheim 1348 10 2 1 0 S5300 Owner D Hess Trainer F J Kearns 57500 1947 13 3 3 2 10000 May748 Jam 1ft 148sy 45 A117S 55 45 4i 46 WgartW3 750068 FlitabU 13 TransatPtic 14 AliceSms 6 Apr2748 Jam 1ft147ft 23 115J 653 5 ° 54J 41 WgartW2 1000071 Illkeepu 116 MrH P 116 Ventolino 8 Apr15487Jam 1ft 1485sy 95 119 14 12 14 15 WegartW2 750075 FlamgLady109 Lenorel 19 AliceSimms 5 Apr 3483Jam 34 1155qd 17 120 83 8 3 8H R CombestNJ Alw 64 Blackmont 1l5 Acme 115 Quite Alone 8 i Mar10487TrP 1 18 153ft 51 112 67 34J 23 25 PebodyO 8000 68 RedFlag107 Kibbitz101 Ring and Run 12 Feb25485Hia 118154 gd 17 113 32 2h 1h 13 KirklndA3 725070 Jseylsle112 SmbaStep114 WeeCItie 12 i Feb13488Hia 118152 ft 4 112 63J 98J1015 919 MtensW 750061 Overpower112 LeMinn105 StpAlbum 12 Jan30488Hia 1181544sgd 3J 113 8 1 54 54 S4J Duffjs 1X00 61 Lenore103 FarmgtonlOS OutOTheSn 8 Jan19484Hia 78123ft 2J 114 63J 753 6J 6 CookWM 15000 82 MayesRiley 104 Illkeepu 107 Musician 8 Jan 5484GP 78 126ft 22 112 9618737 643 PardiseJ Alw 70 Scotch Bim 110 Quebec 117 Octorora 12 12April April 23 Aqu 34 ft 118b April 10 Aqu 58 ft 107b Mar 30 Aqu 34 ft 117h Jiune vfnno niu Hill 117 Blk g 3 by Hilltown Montmary by Ormont 1750Owner I I Breeder John S Wiggins 1948 11 1 0 0 1750 Owner Mrs E Steffen Trainer E Steffen f 57500 57500May7484Jam May7484Jam 34113 sy 63 117 83 8 1 8 5 88 LutherT4 Alw 64 JetBlack117 PageBoots 113 Quickset 9 Apr13486TrP 34111ft 25 115 75 4 43J 43 PbodyCt Alw 84 Galedo120 ChipwaChf109 Madgesctt 7 Apr 3485TrP 34112gd 13 115 7J 7 78 5 o Duffjs Alw 71 Gaiedo120 Friedy115 Madgescarlett 8 Mar30487TrP 1V148 ft 5 11732 43 523 584 Duff JJ 850064 Farmington 109 Zoriel 103 HeathFire 7 Mar23485TrP 1 147ft 15 11563132 1h 13 DuffJ4 Mdn 74 Skill 120 Ring and Run120 RonHolidy 8 Mar1848 TrP 34112sft 28 114 107 97 gsj 61 PirsonNL 800078 BoldLady 107 SpringFolly 96 Maize 12 Feb26485Hia 34 109ft 132 113 75J1013 915 824 WholeyRS Alw 73 Toaltown 122 Quebec 119 Howdah 11 Feb10482Hia 34112ft 3J 120 106J118311131111 pollardJ7 1000071 SkyTrain120 Shagtown120 Schoharie 12 Feb 6482Hia 78 124ft 46 120 54J 63 5 5 5 PollardJ Mdn72Sashay120 Blackmont120 Alairne 7 7May May 10 Bel trt 38 ft 36h May 6 Bel trt 38 m 40b May 2 Bel trt 38 ft Wsb WsbRilfrifo Rilfrifo Ullirne 1 1 1 8 c 3 by Cant Wait Jilt by Cherokee I I I Breeder C Whitney Mocre 1948 10 003 665 Owner A Jeanfreau Trainer A Jeanfreau S7500 1947 17 3 3 2 54375 54375May5482Jam May5482Jam 34115sy 14 117 53J42 3J 54 ZufeltFi 650065SunEmber114 Klamath109 MattieGirl 7 Apr3Q482Jam 34113ft 11 122 7 o 5 5J 51 ° LeBIcC 6000 6E Gray Chf 122 GaryLeslie113 ShTrsHill 8 Mar3485FG 34115V6m 10 119 78J 65 68J 5 OliveraG 750060 Richavoo 19 Washburn112 HotToddy 7 Feb28485FG 34 112qo 51 116 44 45 4 48 OliveraG Alw 75 BoldHarry116 Sfety First 19 RunSally 5 Feb2148 FG 170 147 m 20 103J 44J 57 48 3 LambDS Alw 65 Bovard119 Shy Guy 122 Windswept 5 Feb14483FG 1 154hy 14 116 43J 44i 47i 49i BrooksS Alw35Riverlane116 GrdEntry116 WilwTwig 6 Feb 487FG 1 A 148 ft 5 116 712 62j 43j 4 BrooksSS Alw72Beaukiss 111 WillowTwig 114 RielFire 8 Jan29485FG 1 159 hy 4 116 6 3 33J 38 BrooksS3 Alw 14 WillowTwig 111 Beaukiss 111 Fred F G Jan17487FG 1 152 m 8 112S 22 67J 57J 3 FayardE Alw 47 Windswept 114 Beaukiss 104 FredF 6 Jan14484FG 34 112gd 15 112J 85J 7 J 6i 613 Fayard 3 10000 71 QunHairan105 retraRose114 Donaris 9 May 10 Aqu 38 ft 37h April 29 Aqu 38 ft 36h April 26 Aqu 58 ft 105n 105nAfirn Mtite Afirn Jimms immc 117 B f 3J by Big Pebble Malvina B by Sir John Johnson S6405Owner Brecder Circlc M Ranch stables 1948 13 3 0 3 S6405 Owner Mrs C Tumin Trainer A G Tumin 57500 1947 6121 3025 May748 3025May748 5Jam 17V148sy 7 116 H 12 1h 35 AtksonT2 750069 Flitabtl 13 Transatlntidt4 SfmKing 6 Apr23487Jam 1 1u9ft 2J 113 1h 11 14 12J AtksonT2 6500680verpower114 DstyDays118 LtleMinn 7 Apr19487Jam 1TV148ft 1 111 1J 2 J 1J 3h AtksonTi 650074 Althirdl 18 FlamingLady110 Overper 6 Apr15487Jam 1A148V6sy 41 111 541 43J 46i 4 3 AtksonTS 650068StormKing119 FlamgLady109 Lenore 5 Apr 848Uam 34114ft 21 113 3 42 521 1 KirklndAi 500075 PessLaura108 HeadlandllO Zacaplay 8 Apr 5485Jam 34113ft 33 113 633 65J 5 5 3 KirkldA 650Q73Ventolino119 PilotMan122 Overpower 8 Mar 7iFeb18485FG 448 FG 34115hy 35 113 55 67 6 612 OliveraG4 Alw 56 MissReqst116 Osculation113 RunSally 7i Feb18485FG 34113 ft 17 110 8 7564 441 BairdRL 6000 78 RichavcoH6 MoonBlue111 Washburn 8 1 Feb11482FG 34115gd 2105 73352111 1J PorchG c4500 69 BigHeraIder113 SilrSis106 P andTake 10 May 6 Jam 38 sy 37b May 3 Jam 34 ft 122b April 28 Jam 12 ft 53b I pnnrp eiIure PennanteiIure 1 H B 3 by Our Boots High Flag by Pennant 6675Owner I WO Breeder J W Galbreath 1948 8 3 0 2 6675 Owner V Emanuel Trainer J P Smith 57500 1947 8201 4950 4950Apr15487Jam Apr15487Jam 1ft148fcsy 2J 119 21 i 32 J 35 3 ArcaroE4 7500 68 StmKing119 FlamgLdy109 AliceSms 5 Apr 9484Jam 34 115ft 9i 121 48 510 610 6 o McCryCl 1250059 EmptyNoose113 Undercut118 Jacopet 6 Feb26484Hia 78124ft 14 107 3 34J 4 J 5 RobertsP2 Alw76Alfoxie119 Shotsilk116 MagicMomnt 6 Feb20482Hia 118152 ft 5 11611 31 2J i31 KnappEJi 700080 LittleMinnl 13 FreshBrze108 Jerylsle 12 Jan30488Hia 118154gd 11 10321 33 41 1tJ CookWM7 8000 66 FarmgtonlOS OtOTheS119 MrBter 8 Jan22488Hia 118151 ft 17 10234 6J 47 38 KnappEJ2 750077 MrBuster116DismalKey111 FrhBrze 12 Jan12487GP 1 150 m 75 106 6J 47J 5BJ 512 FurnerJ4 625050GeeTcee111 TechmcolorllO MJumbo 8 Jan 2483GP 78 126Vsft 5 106 733 53 J 43 Ink FeaihnH 450078SpdBird104 Quatrefoil 114AbbesFst 11 Noy20474Bow 34 113fcft 58 108 9 9 813 595 KnappEJ Alw 76 Hefty 119 Equisun 119 No Bull 11 May 10 Bel trt 58 ft 104b April 26 Bel trt 12 ft 49h April 14 Bel 38 m 38h 38hFnrminnfnn Fnrminnfnn 1 HA B b Rhodes Scholar Filon dOr by Sir Gallahad III rarmmgron I UO Breeder Belair Stud 1948 15 320 7025 Owner 7025Owner Mrs F J Brown Trainer H Wakoff 57500 1947 33 1 1 2 4975 toy 4975toy 748 5Jam 1TV148sy 16 1146156185115 OlahLS 750065 Flitab1113 Transatltic114 AliceSms 6 Apr29482Jam MyesRiley113MgicMm5t13Mar30487TrP 34114 ft 57 104J10i810i 1fli210ii WgartWL 10000 66 Airfield126 MyesRiley113MgicMm5t13 Mar30487TrP 1 1 58 ft 53 109 7 3 32 2h Ink pannellF3 7000 72 Zoriel 103 Heath Fire 110 Bold King 7 Mar19486TrP 1 149 1 3J 104 91 7i 42 1 OlahL 6750 66 Quatrefoil 112 DtyDays110 FrtoOne 9 Mar15487TrP Ve146ft 7 102 881 6 3 44 4 OlahL7 B50072RedFlag111 RushHour115 HeathFire 8 Mar10487TrP 118153ft 5 108 1118 712 681 512 KnappEJS 7500 61 RedFlag 107 StormKing112 Kibbitz12 Mar5485Trp Kibbitz12Mar5485Trp Airsis11Feb25485Hia 1 147ft 13 1011012 74J 2h 1 KnappEJio 700073RedFlag114 FourtoOne113 Airsis11 Feb25485Hia 118154 gd 8 10611 9 78J 77J AtkisonT2 700062StmKing113 Jseylsle112 SmbaStep 12 Feb13488Hia 118152 ft 3J 105104 55 58 7J AtkisnT 7250 70 Overpcwer112 LleMinnlOS StpAlbum 12 Feb 2488Hia I3 159ft 3J 106 64 4 1 43J 46 GiffordPS 725072StpAIbum105 MaxmaMO LittleMinn 9 9May May 5 Jam 12 ft WAb April 28 Jam 38 ft 3935b April 8 TrP 12 ft 50h 50hTnmcivo Tnmcivo i Carlarisi umbive 117 B c 3a by Selalbeda Effusive by Carlaris J Breeder Paragon Stable 1948 1 0 1 0 700 Owner 700Owner Paragon Stable Trainer H Shillick 57500 1947 11 1 0 2 2825 Apr2l482Jam 2825Apr2l482Jam 34114ft 15 113 44J 43i 2h 21 CombtN4 800073 MrHP113 SugarDrop113 GaryLeslie 7 Nov1ff47iJam 34114V ft 29 11112 6 J1181 S6 WilnHBi2 10000 70 Combine111 SugarDrop113 JoeysPal 13 Nov 5474Jam 1147sy 11 116 6 77J 633 8 1 KirkldAi 10000 73 TryAgain113 ChrisieRogers116 ViBid 12 Oct2247Uam StcrmKingllOct1747Uam 1 147ft 3J 116 9 6io 6j 512 HsmnLH 10000 66 Isigny 115 PlayTag 116 StcrmKingll Oct1747Uam Mefly13Oct 34113ft 16 11612 95382 51 HsmanL5 12500 78 Filamentm Ilkeepu116 Mefly13 Oct 8471 Bel 1140ft 8 12211 75 31 3 J GuerinE3 10000 70 HdanTell 119 StmKg117 StUamp 13 Sep17472Aqu 34 113ft 9 116 7 64J 52 105 WholeyR2 12500 73 Hirta113 JoeysPal 116 DonnaGrace 12 12Sep Sep 847iAqu 34 113ft 19 116 10 75 513 321 WholeyR7 12500 77 PilotMan122 Pencell 111 EmptyNoose 14 14Aug20472Sar Aug20472Sar 34 113Vft 2J A115 4 42 24 11J GuerinE 7500 81 NoFiddling108SmartEve114 RnHday 11 May 6 Jam 38 sy 39b May 3 Jam 1m ft 143b April 30 Jam 12 ft 54b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948051101/drf1948051101_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1948051101_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800