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34 MILE Rippey Aug 18 1947 1094 115 Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of three races in 1948 allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 Ibs one race 9 Ibs Claiming price 3500 Chart Book Index No Horse Date Track Rec 49456 tAtlantic City Aug47 Was 112 50339 Taters Apr47 Jam 114 40S59 Lord Win Jun47 RD 113 503882 Swesteel Jly47APl12 435852 Infinotto May47 Beu 115 50204 tValdina Vicar Jun48 Was 115 495584JDevils Island Dec47 GP 114 49379 K Dorko Feb47 OP 112 45509 Valdina Aide Aug47 Was 112 Chart Book BookIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec RecAug47 48769 JSax Bee Aug47 Was 115 115Oct47 50339 Seamans Pal Oct47 Haw 114 114Dec47GP110 50023 Topnotch Dec47GP110 Dec47GP110Jly47AP1115 50389 Sweepgold Jly47AP1115 Jly47AP1115Sep47FG1im 50333 Kere Sep47FG1imNov47 Sep47FG1im 50390 Phantom Heels Nov47 BM 1125 1125Jun48Was1165 50389 Janes Rose Jun48Was1165 50438 Vinita Major Jun47 Nar 112s 5Q3894Paprika Mar430P1125 MTIOnnC BagenbaggageMTIOnnC Aflnnff Citu V 1 1 1 Ch g 8 by Nubs Boardwalker by Bagenbaggage Ijy 5 Gcorge Marshall 1948 12 2 2 2 3530 3530Owner Owner Mrs G Dority Trainer B Creech 3500 1947 13 1 1 1 2180 2180May2548iWa May2548iWa 34113ft 311126316 21 1 i NormnR 300078 Pene112 Thorobelle112 MattieBrown 12 12May1943Was May1943Was 78 126ft 2J M 16101 33 221 2 J NormnR7 2500 75 ViriitaMajor116 Charivari 116 Scotlyn 12 12May1448iCD May1448iCD 1141 ft 31 119 32 23 53 7 FeathnW 250062 SunFly 14 PugllO KantarRunll KantarRunllHay1248 Hay1248 CD 34114Vi ft 81 120 5 41 4i 221 FeathnH2 200073 YngBuddy120 Ermelia111 SwtComet 12 12May7482CD May7482CD 3411345sl 61 116 44 42 421 57 BowcutD 250070FastTempo111 Pene 111 BeckyMurray 12 12Apr2343 Apr2343 CD 34115ft 31 115 731 6J 75 87i FeathnH 300063 JtWTwo108 SkipLvel 111 PntOWar 8 8Apr2043 Apr2043 Kee 34113ft 8Jf 120 44 421 74 87g FeatnHO 400072 SomeBid120 Hilltopper107 Happylndn 12 12Apr Apr 9432Kee 34114go 51 118 101 8j 7 = 1 321 TeathnH 350071 Peraptera118 AndysSis1l2 PWesBler 12 12Mar2448OP Mar2448OP 34113 ft 7 115 9 1 91 7J 31 FeathnH 350081 FlyOut113l Wongerrall2 Amphibious 11 11May May 24 Was 12 ft 53b April 27 CD 12 ft 32b 32bTrifnrc Trifnrc I arers V 1 1 Br 9 5 by Grand Slam Tact by Black Toney 1 3 Br Keene 8ucke 4 Maybrier 1948 6101 970 970Owner Owner J De Francesco Trainer M Resseguet 3500 1947 26 2 2 4 6955 6955Jun Jun 4484Was 34113ysft 91 115 12 9122012 712 3 WilmsTi 350065 Sweepgold 115 CivilLiberty 105 Faff 12 Jan29487FG 341185hy 9 115 32 31 14 16 ZehrF 300056 KDorko1 18 RealSweetl 16 CherryBoy 9 Jan23483FG 1ft 155 m 9 112 12 2 2 3 ZehrF 300029TitTatToe112 CountyPost113 Montree 8 Jan20486FG 1ft 152 m 10 112 2 12 4 41 ZemF 300054 Sunder113 TinysChoice105 Peraptera 7 Jan15488FG 1ft147ft 6 115 21 34 24 81 WilmsS7 3000 74 MarcIIeB102 TotIVicty116 Hemfiny 10 Jan 7435FG 1ft 147ft 41 115 1 13 1 51 McTageC 3000 77 Huguette116 Peraptera113 BigAlbert 8 Dec29473FG 34 M4gd 6 115 6 531 42 41 BairdRL 3500 70 Mr Mel 115 Peridot 105 Middle Man 12 Dec17472FG 34 117 hy 3 110 3 33 331 43 SchultzJ 3500 58 Page II 112 Rareback 108 Old Silk 9 9May31Was58ft104b May31Was58ft104b May 26 Was 34 ft 11 5h May 22 Was 58 ft 103b 103bI I LOrO TransmuteLOrO rrA Win Win ik I 1 1 O B g 8 by Lawrin Transformation by Transmute I I t Breeder Benjamin A Jones 194714 1 20 1250 1250Owner Owner D W Davis Trainer H L Ewmg 3500 1946 14 3 2 1 4925 4925NovllWCD NovllWCD 34114m 107 111 12 1010i510 4 BassB 4500 SI LovBge114 RoseChief106 Cromgnon 12 Aug22478Ran 170145ft 16 113 6 61 6 6 SeamanWS 2000 65 SwdPlay 108 WeSlatfe 110 BtlesBaby 8 Aug18477Ran 1c148gd 10 112 8 68 5 78J SemanW 2000 59 StageLightHO ChilleeKnit115 Chancy 10 Aug9474Ran 170146ysft 4 A115 8 874 781 8 HankaW2 2000 60 SwdPlay113 EllagaM09 RmnSchTr 101 Jly12473RD 170148yssl 1 A108 5 44 3 44 WhalenJi 2000 64 NeverAIne108 PaloNegro116 RollsCup 7 Jan30477RD 1ft 147ft 6 113 7 21 1 21 WhatenJ 2000 78 Caumsett118 Bosunette113 JgeSales 9 Jun21478RD 1ft 147ft 2j 110 5 2 44 451 WhalenJ 2600 73 CrsonTide114 TriiePilatelll Sabrand 5 Jun16475RD 34 112 ft 8 116 5 981 8J 63 HultzA Alw 80 MarcellaK111 PlayKittylH ElkHUIs 9 9June June 5 LF 34 ft 119h May 31 LF 34 ft l19b May 26 LF 12 ft 121b OWPSreei SickleOWPSreei WPQfppI fM I f7 B m 5 by Pairbypair Steel Sweep by Sickle V Viy IU Breeder Fred B Koantz 1948 4 fl 1 2 900 900Owner Owner Mrs E Hall Mrs B Reid Trainer M J Skaggs 3500 1947 16 0 2 2 1480 1480Jun Jun 4483Was 34 112ysft 15 113 33 3S 35128 BrooksSS Mdn 75 FighfgPete118 Ermelia113 MrBonnie12 May2743 Was 34113 ft 26 111 44 81 97 8 PbodyC ° 250071 VtaMajor115 SonsSfle113 DslSnd 11 May10482CD 34114 ft 41 110 1h 1h 22 34 DAugoJ7 250075 HandTorch115 Parico116 TrimStepper 12 Hay 3483CD 34 114ysft 19 10921 22 3 33 PebodyCQ Mdn 70 Caller 118 Challemain 113 Temporary 11 Not 5473Spt 58103sl 3 112 7 3 i 37 47J BoucherJ 2500 Bentbrook 120 OnPurpose 107 Lancet 10 Oct31472Spt 78 133sl 2 106 4 2 24 27 PorchG3 2000 MdasFirst103 OnPurposell1 vlApos 10 Oct24473Spt 58103ft 81 1056 12 2 2 Porch G7 2500 CastOff113 KeeHo115 MissSippi 10 10June June 8 Vas 12 ft 49b June 1 Was 34 ft 113b May 24 Was 34 ft 117h Breeder Mrs Irene Kara 1948 1 4 1 0 420 420Owner Owner A Kara Sr Trainer A Kara Sr S3500 194713 200 1225 1225May13483Spt May13483Spt 58104m 91 120 4 4 i 43J 2 o BaileyPJ 2000 FlyingDoug120 ValdinaKovia115 Topic 10 10Sep22475Whe Sep22475Whe 6lf125m 8 113 1 33 45J 6 PtoneM 2000 HAnnVan110 BillyTo5115 MoveType 8 8Sep17475Whe Sep17475Whe 6J f 122 ft 49 115 3 42J 4 1 531 PtoneMS 2000 BarLand118 MorcoLight107 WarDe 8 8Sep Sep 647Whe 6Jf125hy 23 116 3 73 8 8 EversoeL Alw AttneyJoe109 WalterHaitlll Discar 8 8Sep Sep 147 Whe 58102 gd 15 116 7 53 51 5 i EversoleL3 Alw ldleGsip114 SideWinder111 RedRobTS RedRobTSMay May 12 Spt 38 ft 41h May 7 Spt 12 m 55hg April 30 Spt 12 ft 52h 52hVnlrlinn Vnlrlinn Ydiama Virnr YlCar Sfc Ifl1 I UD B 9 8 b Sortie Salvation Lass by Leonardo II Breeder Valdina Farm 1348 1000 Owner P L Kelley Trainer P L Kelley S3500 1947 17 1 1 4 3800 3800Jun Jun 2482Was 34112ft 95 lOSJIOiU lltonu BatchrL3 400070 GlorySglH ArabsFcy113 WterSong 12 12Aug28475Was Aug28475Was 1fttc2015ft 5 1095 5 621 42i WilamsTt 3000 JodasJoe114 MsBrand109 MaeBright 9 Aug22478Was 1fttd47 ft 3 A114 11 9H 75J 64lJessopO 2500 Topic 121 War Atlas 113 Mae Bright 11 11Aug18473Was Aug18473Was 1etc 159V ft 2 11410 75J 3 35J WtropeJB 3000 FergiesMd104 Macla116 WtnPrince 10 10Aug13472Was Aug13472Was 1T3fi l59V5ft 71 113 10 11 75J 5 WtropeJ 4000 78 Macla109 Whats Yours 111 Jodasjoe11 Jodasjoe11Aug Aug 8478Was Vstc 46ft 61 11512 9 1 63i 6 WtropeJO 4500 Ante Light 111 Faff 105 DonDevito12 DonDevito12Jly14478AP Jly14478AP U40sl 4 11210 9 7io FeathnH2 4500 62 FtherBob120 FSchuylerl17 Sunclad 11 11May May 28 Was 12 fl 49hg 49hgDovilc uevus Beaconuevus Dovilc IcIinH island 5k m Ml B g 6 by Slave Skip Edith A by Mount Beacon Breeder Howard Wells 1948 9214 5 5 5Owner Owner J Sands Trainer J Sands S3500 1947 27 1 4 1 3 15 15May2648SWas May2648SWas 118153ft 10 115 1 1h 42J 45 NormanR 400072PaulasStar120 MsLeliaH114 SinLee 8 8May21484Was May21484Was 1 131554sft 4i 10913 13 13 11J NormnRt 3500 65 Suede 17 BigHope114 Stipulation 8 8May10487Spt May10487Spt 1 156Vbm 3i 111 6 45 431 32J NormanDS 4000 FederalAg1112 Ganado120 Oauberup 8 8May May 3488Spt l 153ft 19 111 5 331 3 31 NormanR Alw BigBrother118 LtftLady113 Outsider 9 9Mar3048TrP Mar3048TrP 1 11484sft 1484sft 21 116 8 1 45 23 32J OuffJ3 c3000 65 Chow 116 Secret 100 Conformable 10 10Mar154S3TrP Mar154S3TrP 118 154ft 51 115 5 1 21 22 21 DuffJ3 3003 63 WiseTiger120 Curler114 WarEdict 10 10Feb Feb 9488Hia ift 58ft 4 11910 3 6 51 4i3tDuffJ 300071 Mel Indian 17 Albatross122 Tarabo 12 12tDead tDead heat heatJan22437Hia Jan22437Hia V4 tc203ft 11 115 45J 1 13 12 ouffjs 2500 WHKeJly117 GmrBonnielO IceLady 11 11June June 5 LF 38 ft 37h May 20 LF 58 ft 105h May 9 1 12 ft 52h 1 1 C Br h 9 by Balko Dorita by Dodge j Breeder f H Hrdwik 1948 7110 1665 1665Owner Owner H G Knott Trainer H G Knott 3509 1947 14 2 1 2 3320 3320May24482Was May24482Was 34 112 1 14 118 11 11 98J 81 CalvinC7 3500 75 Likeable115 YgGeordie115 SlicksGirl 12 12Hay10482Spt Hay10482Spt 78132m 3 114 2 14 I3 CalvinCQ 3000 Stipulation 111 MissShowMe 110 Peg 10 10Apr27485Spt Apr27485Spt 58 103ft 7 113 6 i 7 68 51 CalvinCS 3000 CaptainRuth113 CherryBoy 120 Peg 10 10Mar2343OP Mar2343OP 170 144go 14 112 1 J 2 321 V SwainC2 Alw 80SirDate11B MissLeliaH 111 BabyGold 5 5Feb1048FG Feb1048FG 1 149go 16 115 22 33 6 8 CalvinC3 400053Kazbek112 KantarRun16 VicfyBner t Jan29487FG 34 USshy 21118 2 2 24 2 CalvinCS 3000 50 Taters 115 RealSweet 116 CherryBoy 9 9Jan24433FG Jan24433FG 34 I 17m 51 115 45 61 5 f5l CalvinC7 Alw52 MrMel 113 Benaddi 116 ValdinaLoria 8 8June June 5 Was 53 ft 103b May 28 Was 33 ft 37hg May 9 Spt 12 ft 57b 57bVnMinn VnMinn Ydiama BriarYdiama Airfp tlOC 1 1 9 Bit g 6 by Teddys CometValdina Spy by Sun Briar I I Breeder Valdina Farms Inc 1948 1000 Owner J Maissell Trainer E B Carpenter S3500 1947 13 4 2 2 7745 7745Apr Apr 9437TrP 341125ft 4J 113 4 5 5 1 6 o PorchG 4000 74 RichwoodBoy114 ArabsFancy107 Yale 7 7Oct3147Spt Oct3147Spt 78133sl 16 117 7 8 2 8 8 PosadaJCS 6000 BankBalcelOS PetsomelOS FlyingBen 8 8Scp16472Ha Scp16472Ha 34 112ft 12 120 9 871 521 1r BrooksS 5500 83 ILovBridge 117 GoDevil 109 Alar 12 12Sep Sep 6472Haw 61 f 120 ft 4 117 11 101 98i 873 BrooksSS Alw 72 GrandLovelOS Tomosll PaperClipH PaperClipHAugll Augll 47 Was 34 112 Ft 81 121 6 4 24 13 BrooksS 5000 87 Potsey 115 FireDust 113 SunCarrier 12 12Aug Aug 4 47 1 Was 34 Mft 75 4113 2 331 21 12 BrooksS2 4000 84 SergeantBill 116 Rotate 111 Espiritu 11 11Jly28472Was Jly28472Was 34 112gO 75 M16 7 97i 86J 85J BrooksSS 5000 79 Vittore 116 Hanidlll Faff 12 12Jly Jly 1947XP 34112 ft 41 120 4 32i 22 2 BrooksS2 Alw 85 ValdinaTriaMOG Fafflll FlorlzanAce 11 1 1June June 3 Was 12 ft 50b June 2 Was 58 ft 103b May 29 Was 58 ft 103b OOX r v Roo Dee 111 B g 5 by Saxtet Babee by Supremus 2315Owner I 3reeder Ceci w Lane 1948 7201 2315 Owner Mrs W L Hoag Trainer W L Hoag SOO 1S47 11 0 1 0 515 515Mayl5433Spt Mayl5433Spt 58 104m B 114 521 55J 88 93J NormanD 3000 Wilt Thou 110 Peg 114 Little Hare 10 10May12433Spt May12433Spt 58 105m 71 11111 1 14 1 J NormnR2 3QQO EICabrillo120 QunJody109 FranksPal 8 8MaylO48 MaylO48 Spt 58J04Vsm 32 113141412113 NormnD 2030 JayBo113 VaJdinaKovia113 ShastaMan 10 10Apr30433Spt Apr30433Spt 61 f 126ft 11 120 Lost rider FayALS Mdn TownGuy112l Oaf 120 Subscriber 10 10feb25432FG feb25432FG 34 119Vhy 14 112 14 2 32 51 FayAL 150G47GaUantVi109 ZemWoodlH SaraseelO SaraseelOFeba482FG Feba482FG 3 4 IHStshy 29 112 24 45 4 33 PucciBS 1500 46Gabe 110 BoldCopper 118 Marsaiah 9 9Jan2948 Jan2948 FG 34 120h 15 112 23 47 4 l 51 PucciB 1500 33 PariJoe 112 JohnArrc 107 Sparker 10 10Dec3147F Dec3147F G 34 1l4go 15 112 6 6 581 6i PucciB2 2000 65 OddPair115 Cayetano106 MolfoMucho 10 10June June 5 Was 12 ft 51b May 31 Was 12 ft 54b May 25 Was 58 ft 105b ieamans Warieamans pnmnnc rai Pnl X 119 i Ch 5 b Pairbypair Warring Nymph by Man o War Breeder FredB Koontz 1948 1e 0 2 o 885 885Owner Owner P J Valenti Trainer P J Valenti SS500 1947 17 8 1 1 720 720Jun Jun 448 Was 34113sft 11 112 67i 6 1 5 5 SwainC2 3500 72 Sweepgold 115 CivilLiberty 105 Faff 12 12Hay28432Was Hay28432Was 34 112ft 51 113 10 11 11i611i5 CpbellR 5500 70 Tomos 115 PoppaGeorge 115 Equate 11 ay2448SWas 34111tt 53 112 9 1110t 125 TeglioPS 6000 73 Wisktiger112 Chesty112 SugarBeet 12 ay19483Was 34113 ft 10 113 55 6 7 J V Cpbe1IR2 650074 MintQst105 SugarBeet 18 TigerTom 7 7Bay1448 Bay1448 Spt 58 1KM si 31 113 43 8j 8 J 7 J SwainC3 Alw LittleFair 104 RoseBed 108 Siddons 8 ay11484Spt 78132 m 25 112J 11 12 14 V SwainC3 7500 HeresMellO BankBalfe114 FrshKing 10 ay8487Spt 58103 K 14 111 V 8 i 8J 7 BaiteyPJ 75W HeresMe 110 SlyTigress 105 RoyalRed 8 8Hay Hay 3 Sf t 5l101Hft 35 113 3 35 45 BaileyPJ7 Alw PrDUdRulerllS PiayHandslOS Petswne 11 11April April 24 S t 12 fd 53 Afril W Haw 12 it 51b Tnonotrh 1 AQ S by Sweep Allfirst Oass by High Tima lupnurcn 1U7 Breeder Charles I Fisher 1948 5 0 2 8 J9C8 Owner J9C8Owner W A Mikel Trainer J D Mikel 3500 197 17 2 2 3 5430 May31484Was 5430May31484Was 34112 ft 4 1095 34 21 34 51 PbodyC 5000 82 Equate 101 IdlePrattle 107 SlyTigress12 SlyTigress12May21485Was May21485Was 34113ft 4 109 3 1 2 24 2 PeTWdyC 500079Tomos112 Tav107 RedTapel Apr28487CD RedTapelApr28487CD 34113ft 3 109 1 12 2 25 PbodyC 5000 73 WisePano118 Hashcmp102 SnSymbl 10 Jao7482GP 34113 ft 31 117 73J 85J V 8 PebodyC 6000 74 Linwood Blue 117 Victim 114 Ringoes 12 Jan1483GP 34111ft 4 HI 51 42 53J 5 PebodyC 700082 Manquinl 14 PilatesMslOS OneBlue 10 Dec1747 GP 78125 ft 6 1171 55 681 9 PebodydO 8000 75 Oldlron 119 MonsBoy 114 SL Jock 11 RulingTimelODec6472GP Dec13472GP 78124 ft 6 1142 22 24 43 PeabodyC7 Alw 86 Agilant110 Devastating114 RulingTimelO Dec6472GP Nangee12June 34 110ft 31 1142 If 13 1 PeabodyCS 4500 91 ArabsFancy 112 SirSpic119 Nangee12 June 6 Was 53 ft 105b May 29 Was 38 f t 36b May 5 CD 38 m 33h 33hSwppnnnlH SwppnnnlH s X 1 1 ft Br 9 8 by Sweepster Golden Lure by Triumph or Golden Boss JWCCpyuiU O Breeder H C Hatch 1948 8210 36GO Owner 36GOOwner C E Cone Trainer G Stutts 3509 1947 18211 3930 Jun 3930Jun 4484Was 34113ft 41 115 73 3 24 14 SkoskiA7 3500 78 CivilLiberty 105 Faff 103 Paprika 12 May2048Was 34113ft 71 115 74 65 5 1 41 GarnerWZ 3500 74 BigWig103 Tarawa118 BessieVance 12 12May8483Spt May8483Spt 78132 d 11 114 42 541010 2 ManifdH3 3500 Sunsfm114 BessieVnce108 YngGrdielO Apr12485TrP YngGrdielOApr12485TrP 34111ft 4 116 21 2 3 581 RoduezE 4000 80 Day 111 CatnipHni 118 Manadroit 8 8Mar27483TrP Mar27483TrP 34 l11ft 2J 116 7174 75J 6H RogersC4 4500 79 GoodTurn116 PrincessEirellO Corinth Mar22 483TrP 34111ft 21 118 3 12 13 12J RogersC3 3500 87 ZannaMay 107 CelestialBlue IQ8 Peg 11 Mar15482TrP 34 112Vft 7 118 5153 5 3 2 WdhseH2 350083Albtross118 Instanter118 Olidor 12 12Jan8482GP Jan8482GP 34113 ft 16 110 8 81 75 75 SmithFA3 4500 74HearthMse119 Plaid1h109 TousMiss 8 May 24 LF 38 ft 39b May 19 LF 12 ft 54b May 15 Haw 12 sy 55b Breeder Richard Smart 1943 6010 575 575Owner Owner T Davis Trainer B Ray 3500 1947 6111 2115 2115Jun Jun 4485Was 34113ft 61 112 33 33 33 4 J JessopD 3500 79 BeseVance106 UleRob113 RleHouse12 May26482Was 341135ft 95 A116 22 1h 11 2 JessopD2 250081 FairSand 111 Scotlyn 109 PuffedUp 12 May10487Spt l liSSsm 41 1073213 331 741 KushL3 4000 FederalAgt112 Ganado120 Devilslsld 8 May4484Spt 78 130m 15 113 54 551 5 1 543 JessopD 4000 ArabsFahcy113 ChrryBoy113 MyJulie 9 Apr28 485Spt 78 131 ft 40 115 6 6 78 781 GreenB2 5000 Royat 115 Petrified 115 Busy Pony 10 Mar154850P 34 1123ft 22 115 I29l12 il20118i BberRL4 5000 78 LowTsnUS GenTsAide110 SeMomt 12 Dec3473BM 34112ft 41 113 2 53123 23 VolzkeM c3600 81 Graviton113 ForegollS SingmgSIr 8 Nov24475BM 1 146 ft 95 117 4 5 45 551 VolzkeM Alw 80 Moaula 117 Graviton 114 Maoli 7 7Phantom Phantom riiuiiiuin Heels neeii 11 7 Vs Boxthwn Gay Looise by Bright Knight zn M Janss Jr 1943 4000 Owner J McElroy Trainer C C Caudle 500 1947 20 4 3 2 7253 Jun 7253Jun 4485Was 34113ft 81 112 431 61 SS10 4 ParnelIW3 350074BeseVance106 U1eRob113 RleHousel2 RleHousel2reb11482SA reb11482SA 78124 ft 7 112 31 34 52 613 SkoskiA3 4000 76 Block toBlock 1 14 Endowah 109 Agate 12 Jan28482SA 34112 ft 61 116 981101 7 6 J PedsnG 5000 78 Homing 109 LatinAgent 119 MissJoJo 12 12Jan1048 Jan1048 SJ 78 124ft 61 116 74 T7 11101110 PedrsonG 4000 75 Herald116 BIcktoB1ck116 Dorectora 1 12 Dec 6474BM 1 146 ft 9 119 3 5 1 33 531 PetVnM7 cSOOO 82 B itrWafer108 Humque119 BtonMd 12 12Nov2747 Nov2747 BM 1 145ft 4 121 3 21 34 421 RichonN7 AlwF 86 ValdinaAndire 106 Piplad 121 Strebor 7 Nov21473BM 34111ft 23 11310 8 J 61 431 HigieyJ 6750 86 Bragi 113 Gold Boom 117 Shasta Wac 10 Nov 847 BM 1 145ft 31 113 5 321 22 Ink RicharW 5000 87 Comctchme117 TimmylOS EsyBreeze 9 May 23 LF 58 ft 103y3h May 3 Haw 12 m 54b April 20 Haw 58 ft 184h 184hInnpc Junes WrackJunes Innpc ROCP iu e 1 07 Br m 5 Petrose Jane Kemp by Wrack jj Breeder Valdina Farms Inc 1943 1 000 Owner J Wozneski Trainer J Wozneski S35IIH 1947 9002 440 Jun 440Jun 4484Was 34113y5ft 182 108 1111i 11i611 2 BurdyA 3500 66 Sweepgold 115 CivilLiberty 105 Faff 12 12Jly10473AP Jly10473AP 118153ff 45 111 8 12 512iB12 5 CpbeJIR 2500 58 DeauvilleKg114 MissWinkslll Epizar 12 12Jun26472AP Jun26472AP 118153Vft 83 11216 82 8 8M RichardJ3 3250 60 FtherBob115 DonDvito13 AfkaLad 12 12Jun13 Jun13 473Haw 6if120ft 10 10111 1131111f4 BendlliR 3000 63 DilsFrolic 109 Mtharine 105 SsteeJ 12 12Jua447 Jua447 Haw 6if1 3sl 27 103 6 55 53132 HeranW 2500 61 Politics 111 Vero Lumen 112 Club Car 6 6May2747iHaw May2747iHaw 61 f 1226gd 23 108 9 9t2 64 3 1 HermnWS 2500 59 Mcubob116 Gocklmage118 GoodHtg 12 12Mar20478Haw Mar20478Haw 1 151 s 35 108 1 67 67 7H HermanW 3000 47 SpoonBrd112 MissGG114 WAtlas 9 9May13475Haw May13475Haw LfUadyllJune 34115Vm 118 110 7 8 9 i1l HermanWio Alw 58 WarMsHO CTgSprmg1131 LfUadyll June 3 Was 38 ft 38b May 31 Was 58 ft 103hg April 16 Spt 12 ft 54b 54bVinifn Vinifn YIIIIIU Mninr 1 1 ft B 9 6 b Harvesting Off Duty by Our General s sYIIIIIU mujur IO Breeder Mrs Reid Luginbuel 19487 2 1 0 3 59 Owner Mrs L H Thompsan Trainer L H Thompson S3500 1947 9101 2275 Jun 2275Jun 5482Was 341135ft 21118 2h 7M271212 SkorskiA7 Alw 69 GypsyActrss116 VaJdinaPhao113 Pene 12 May2748 Was 34113 ft 21 4il5 5 3 11 121 SkoskiAS 250082 SonsStylel 13 DselSandUO Whyso 11 May1948 Was 78126ft 31 115 24 1h 121 113 SkoskiA 2500 77 AOanticCity116 Charivari 116 Scotlyn 12 Apr10483Kee 1 149ft 85 M14 1212432 5 1 Glidew1IP5 2000 63 SixtysThird 109 CooCase 109 Alaflag 7 Apr 8482Kee 34 l15gd 32 120 34 42 4 47 GIwellP2 2000 63 SkipLevel 115 CutThroat115 Delfeb 12 Mar184350P 34113 ft 8i M12 51 71 731 75j EadsW Alw7 AtIticCity112 GldCll 1131 MsLliaH 9 Mar114340P 34 l13Mt5f 112 4 3 l 31 2 i EadsW o 3000 80 MtysChe105 SfkofPce118 AtlcCity 12 June 4 Was 33 ft 3Sb June 1 Was 12 ft 52b May 24 Was 53 ft 103b 1H B m 5 b Ramonenr Espania by Spanish Play 2640Owner I IO Breeder Theodore E Maeller 1948 16 1 4 3 2640 Owner W Renard Trainer J P Keezek S3500 1947 5010 420 Jun 420Jun 4484Was 34113ft 12 103J 9I 9 z T7 4 NelsonEm 350074 Sweepgold 115 CivilLiberty 105 Faff 12 May29482Was 34112ft 25 105 8 i 57 51 4 1 NormanR7 Alw79CatnipHill121 GlorySonglH Day 12 May21482Was 34114Vft 41 103 521 65 4b 331 GiffordP 250072 VtaDot 14 DselSand118 GalntHour 12 May 848 CD 341l3V ft 12 110 T T 673 5 MonfryRa Alw 7b PtgMac110 LazyShoes115 Strthmd 10 May 5484CD 6if122Vm 11 105 8 oi2i211t2H 18 CookWM ° 300051 Delia M 110 Dusty 121 Alrusha 12 Apr28483CD 34115ft 3 10563 54312 CookWM2 300068 Alrusha 107 JackieB 110 LittleTouch 8 Mar2S4820P 170 146go 18 105 5 1 79111911223 FestonH2 Alw 56 Wrakfair110 SunUmbr113 Sfk ofPce 12 May 20 Was 12 ft 52b May 17 Was 38 gd 33b May 4 CD 38 sy 40b