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2d Bel 34 MILE Nusakan Sept 13 1929 1104 126 Purse 3500 3yearolds Claiming Weight 126 Ibs Nonwinners of four races allowed 4 Ibs three races 8 Ibs two races 13 Ibs Claiming price 7500 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtApr48 47178 JMr D Apr48 Jam 115 116 106 106Nov47Jam11445sy117 48071 Combine Nov47Jam11445sy117 117 117Oct47 47411 Mefly Oct47 Jam 113 113 108 108Oct47 50347 JHyson Oct47 Jam 114 110 106 106May48 496033 Phantom Fleet May48 Bel 113 108 108 108May48 49041 Alice Simms May48 Bel 113 114 116 116Jan48SA111 50347 Jacopet Jan48SA111 107 126 126Apr48Jam11345 485544Queen of Roses Apr48Jam11345 111 108 108Mar48TrP113 47930 Roman Runner Mar48TrP113 113 113 113May48GS113s 500062 Eternal Way May48GS113s 113 126 Chart Book Todays Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL 49603 Cheek Jly47 Jam 114 116 113 50347 tWest Millon 106 379654 Tintalate 108 50158 Dry Mar48 SA 112 118 118 49339 Fatal Error Oct47 Jam 114 116 118 49603 Zacaripper Apr48 Kee 115 114 113 49133 Dime Apr48 Jam 117 117Jly47 120 113 49046 Undercut Jly47 Jam 114 119 118 49507 Pocono Sep47Aqu1144s Sep47Aqu1144sFeb48 117 118 50158 Quebec Feb48 Hia 112 119 113 Mr D IflA B 9 3 by Sir Lancelot Pegotty Ann by Pharamond II I v U Breeder I Bieber 19484 1 0 0 S2275 Owner S2275Owner Mrs E D Jacobs Trainer H Jacobs 7 500 1947 4000 Apr22482Jam 34 114ft 3J A113 32 34 62J 87 McCryCi 5000 67 Casein 113 Put and Call 108 Flagstaff 12 Apr15484Jam 34113sy 4 113 3 35 42J 683 McCryCi 1000069 MagicMomt116 JseylslelOS RnRner 6 Apr 9482Jam 34115ft 51 120 H 11 14 14 McCryC3 7500 68 Andiamo 120 Mattie Girl 115 Natch 9 Apr 648Uam 34113ft 14 116 43 45 4 58 McCryC3 600069 QnofRses111 CIreDber105 Sagittre 11 Nov24472Bow 34113sy 23 110 7 5 612 823 CombtNS Alw 61ldenReigh112 BinkyB117 PnyDarelO Nov1847iBow PnyDarelONov1847iBow 34114 ft 10 118 2 2h 783 714 CombstN Mdn 68 ChallalitallO Discovert115 KingChter 12 Oct22473Jam 34113ft 63 116 10 1fliMO 312i WdheH Mdn 64 PageBts116 Seawrd116 FhtingHard 14 Oct16473Jam 34 112ft 31 111 4 5 8 921 TnbullW Alw 63 Big If 116 Wexford 109 Lord Duncan 9 June 8 Jam 38 gd 39b 39bPnmhinp vomome Pnmhinp ik 1 1 7 Bllf g 3 by Halberd Time Edna by Time Maker Breeder Davd N Rust Jr 1348 2 o o o Owner Greenever Farm Trainer J Smallwood S7500 1947 12 3 1 1 58275 May 58275May 6483Jam 34113ft 95 119 42 34 3J 53 AtksonT4 10000 76 Dry 115 Mr Happy 116 EternalWay 8 Apr29482Jam 34114 ft 7i 1112 21 2 83 JaspnT4 1000067 Airfield126 MyesRiley113 MgicMmt 10 Nov1047Uam 341145ft 6 1115 14 14 14 JasponT 10000 76 SugarDrp113 JoeysPl 111 MrBustr 13 Nov 847Uam 34 113sy 3 117 3 2 13 15 GrecoA 7500 78 MyDrBoy117 SwpHand117 StpAIm 12 Nov 1473 Jam Ift147gd 32 1117 5331011017 KnappEJS Alw 63 Chains116 PageBts116 StudentLamp 12 Oct28474Jam 341131sft 16 116 2 43 33 42 WdheH4 12500 78 AlliesPal 114 Jacopet 116 PilotMan 14 Oct24473Jam 34114 ft 29 118 5 2 2 44 MayTio Alw 73 QuiteAlone 112 Frankly 110 LrelRoad 10 June 10June 8 Jam 58 gd 104b June 4 Jam 1m ft 148b May 30 Jam 1m ft 147b 147bMpf SureIYICIy Mpf lu 1 Hfi Br f 3 by Menow Swiftply by Swift and Sure IYICIy VO Breeder Mereworth Farm 1948 2000 Owner G Schifter Trainer H Weinstein 57500 1947 20 1 4 S5 425 Apr26484Jam 425Apr26484Jam 341134sft 2Je 114 731 63 73 7io WolfeA7 750068 MrHappy 113 Seguin 119 SugarDrop 10 Apr13484Jam 34114 si 82 113 55 64 75 68J NashR4 Alw 69 Compliance112 Dynamo114 SwtDrem 8 Nov 6 475 Jam 34113 sy 44 116 7 9 9 gi9 WolfeA3 Alw 63 Vashti116 WickiWicki116 SweetDream 9 Oct24473Jam 34114 ft 11 115 8 42342 5 WolfeA4 Alw 70 QuiteAlone 112 Frankly 110 LrelRoad 10 Oct1747Uam 34 1134sft 34 113 4 53 64 3J WolfeA4 12500 78 Filamentm Illkeepu116 AlliesPal 13 Oct 347iBel34wc11015ft 17e 108 3 63 733 63 PermeR 12500 82 Elastic 13 NobleHero119 SwtDream 13 Sep11475Aqu 34 114 ft 25 112 2 33 32 42J WolfeAi Alw 75 MagicMoment110 Olio111 TheDervish 8 June 6 Jam 12 ft 52b June 3 Jam 12 ft 50bg May 31 Jam 38 sy 39b 39bHvcnn Hvcnn Braedalbaney111 1 DA Br 9 3 b Hypocrite Emma Bane by Braedalbane y111 vO Breeder Wm Mikel 19488 002 S290 Owner S290Owner A Jeanfreau Trainer A Jeanfreau S7500 1947 22 1 2 3 S4 795 Jun 795Jun 4482Bel 78 127ft 58 106S1Q4 107J 9931015 RozelleR7 5000 56 Jacopet 126 Andiamo 126 JoeysPalK Mar JoeysPalKMar 6484 FG 1ft 157 hy 54 116 2 5 717 732 GuytonT4 Alw GrdEntry111 Wshburn116 WilwTwig 7 Feb27483FG 34115sl 12 103J 22 22 623 71 PicouC 600064Seconomy108 Washburnlfo Atrebla 7 Feb25485FG 34117 h hy 21 112i 34 2h 34 37 PicouC Alw 54 KntsHill 114 OscuPtion114 BrtStudt 7 Feb19485FG 34114sft 15 119 523 7511Q8 1Q7 MtinCL Alw 69 Brass Baby 119 Run Sally 107 Lustral 12 Feb12485FG 34116 34116sm sm 16 110 74J 67 67 6 3 TeglioP3 6000 50 Donaris113 Richavoo116 CaillouRouge 8 Feb 7487FG 1ft 148 ft 18 109 33 521 75 61 LambD Alw 69 Beaukiss 111 WillowTwig 114 RielFire 8 83412045hy Jan30 485FG 3412045hy 11 112J 2 2 33 3 SmithtsR Alw 42 GildedBird109 BIkCat119 CaillouRge 8 June 3 Aqu qu 38 ft ft3725T 3725IT May 25 Aqu 38 ft 37h May 19 Aqu 38 gd 38b Continued on Page TwentyThree Belmont Perk Entries and Past Performances PerformancesContinued Continued from Page Eighteen EighteenPhnntnm Phnntnm rnanrom Flop fleet Ifift Dk b 3 b Ouf Boots Fairy Fleet by Broadside I UB Breeder Lucas B Combs 1948 4 0 2 1 S1750 S1750Owner Owner Mrs L Lazare Trainer E Jacobs 7500 1947 5101 52350 52350May27482Bel May27482Bel 34113sl 2 113 951 83 4 3 32 AtksonTS 750075 Maize 15 Dreamer117 Minneapolis 14 May20482Bel 34112ft 33 108 631 721 42 2 AtksonTlO 750080 Flitabout115 Tomsive113 Minneapolis 14 May14482Jam 34113sy 71 115 53342 442 ArcaroES cSOOO 78 MkyDler114 JnsRbin115 SteRgs 9 May 848Uam 34114gd 21 115 33 34 44 5 ArcaroEt 500066 Headland113 Put andCall 118 Custody 7 Ncv 1473Jam 1ft147gd 19 113 11 10 i 93 9 AdamsJ Alw 69 Chains116 PageBts116 StudentLamp 12 Sep26475Bel 34 we 110ft 30e 116 10 62 63 8 DodsonD20 Alw 82 FinalTch 117 Salmgundi 111 Frankly 24 Jly18473Bel 34112Hft 8 113 5 55 45 35 ArcaroE Alw 77 Itsabet114 Dusty Legs 111 PennyDare 7 7June June 6 Aqu 58 ft 102h May 24 Aqu 58 ft 102h May 19 Aqu 38 gd 38b 38bA AMCC JohnsonAMCC A lira aimms immc 1 1 A B 3 b B9 Pebble Malvina B by Sir John Johnson O Breeder Circlt M Ranch Stables 194815 303 56405 56405Owner Owner Mrs C Tumin Trainer A G Tumin 7500 1947 6121 53025 53025May20482Bel May20482Bel 34112ft 27 114J126 11 853 533 AnrsonP2 750077 FlitabouU 15 PhmtnFIet108 Tomsive 14 May11486Jam 1ft148ft 7 117 2 1 33 5 3 AtksnT 7500 64 StormKig122 EmptyNsel 16 Farmton 9 W748 Jam 1148sy 7 116 11 P 1h 35 AtksonP 750069 FlitabU 13 Transatlnticl 14 StmKing 6 Apr23487Jam 1A 149ft 21 113 1h 11 14 12 AtksonT2 6500680verpower114 DstyDays118 LtleMinn 7 Apr19487Jam 1 148ft 7 111 1 241 3h AtksonTi 650074 Althirdl 18 FlamingLadyllO Overper 6 Apr15487Jam 1ft148sy 41 111 541 43 46 4 3 AtksonTS 650068StormKing119 FlamgUdy109 Lenore 5 Apr848Uam 34114ft 21 113 3 4 521 I KirklndAt 5000 75 PessLaura108 Headland110 Zacaplay 8 8June June 8 Jam 38 gd 38b June 4 Jam 58 ft 103b May 26 Jam 38 sy 38b 1 Breeder Charlton Clay 1948 10 2 0 4 57575 57575Owner Owner A Goldberg Trainer A Robertson 7500 1947 8221 57300 57300Jun Jun 4482Bel 78 127sft 95 126 2h 32 24 ink ArcaroES c6000 71 Andiamo26 JoeysPal 119 LadyFakir 14 May20487Bel 1 138Hft 31 116 61 7 7 49 AtksnT2 1000071 MayesRiley 114 Althird 119 BeachBoy 9 May15487Jam 1 146 1 75 118 57 351 34 35 AtksnT3 12500 77 Seguin108 MayesRiley109 Farmington 6 May 1486 Jam 1fe148ft 5 113 46341047 66J AtksonT3 AlwC 68 MtMarcyl 14 Myrmidon 13 CerVantes 6 Apr20482Jam 34114 ft 65 A121 64 533 34 1 AiksonT 15000 77 CerVantes 115 Airfield 126 Undercut 6 Apr 9484Jam 34 115ft 95 118 58 47 43 3U ArcaroE 1250068 EmptyNoose113 Undercut118 Bedrock 6 Feb 7486SA 78125 m 2 116 54 33 36 39 Neves R4 Alw 74 RalChance116 BnMoat116 PrsServer 7 Jan24487SA 78 123ft 26 120 116 523 54 553 NevesRS ScwS 85 MayRewd123 Solidty120 Salmagndi 13 Jan16487SA 34111 ft 56 107 8 o 7 44 321 LitzrgW HcpO 88Salmagdi 118 MayRewd114 Grndpre 8 Jan 848 SA 78 1245ft 5 117 641 44 58 5 ArcaroE4 Alw 77 HuntersSunlll GoldJigl 14 Damascus 9 Nov11473Jam 34 113 ft 95 118 6 68 54 31 DodsonD Alw 81 RomanRd114 WingMgerlH Control 7 June 3 Jam 12 ft 53b May 30 Jam 34 ft 1l6b May 27 Jam 12 m 51b 51bQiippn Qiippn UCen nf OF Rncpc KOSeS 5k 1 AQ U5 B f 3 by Zacaweista Cape Rose by Chance Play Breeder Old Hickory Farm Inc 1948 10 2 1 1 56100 56100Owner Owner Bermill Farm Trainer R Mclllvain 7500 1947 1001 5350 5350May13483Jam May13483Jam 341145sy 21 116 4U 34 24 44 JaspnP 7500 74 Minneapolisl 12 GrayChf 123 Dreamer 5 May 6483Jam 34 113ft 4 111 52341343 42 LiCausiJ3 1000078 Dry 115 Mr Happy 116 EternalWay 8 Apr29482Jam 34114 ft 93 114 42 44 523 623 LiCausiJ6 10000 74 Airfield126 MyesRiley113 MgicMmt 10 Apr1348 Jam 34113gd 21 110 24 21 1h 12 LiCausiJ4 690078 Varodi 112 Pilot Man 122 Flagstaff 8 Apr 648Uam 34 341134sft 1134sft 1111 2 13 14 17 LiCausU 6000 78 ClaireDber105 Sagitire108 EtnalLou 11 Apr 1483 Jam 5f107sy 5 116 78163331 313 LiCausiJH Mdn 79 Jseylsle116 MaryBarr116 DanadaGift 11 Feb 5482Hia 78 126ft 75 111 42 34 23 2 SmithFA 800075 Casein 116 Ballsickle 116 Quatrefoil 12 Jan28483Hia 3411iysft 54 100 841 97 993 310 SmithFA4 1000076 Hirta 111 Illkeepu 108 Kanace 12 Jan19484Hia 78 123ft 23 100 3 513 44 48 SmThFA3 10000 82 MayesRiley 104 Illkeepu 107 Musician 8 June 8 Jam 58 gd 105b June 4 Jam 12 ft 48h June 1 Jam 58 m 105b 105bRnmnn Roman Rnmnn Rimnpr Runner 117 1 Br 9 3 b Roman Loose Foot by Terry 3 Breeder George C Terry 1948 5 1 0 1 52050 52050Owner Owner Brookmeade Stable Trainer P M Burch 7500 1947 7032 52600 52600May May 4484GS 34113V gd 5 11186 8 54 543 MtensC4 1000076Bedrock116 SecondSon119 FriarTuck 9 9Apr15484Jam Apr15484Jam 34113y5sy 9 113 573 55 321 33 Jessopjs 1000074 MagicMomt116 Jerseylsle108 Seguin 6 6Mar1748iTrP Mar1748iTrP 34113 ft 31 11342132 1 in MartensC Mdn 80 BowPen118 TinWatch113 Schoharie12 Schoharie12Fcb23483Hia Fcb23483Hia 34111ft 4 122 43 56 68 813 JessopJ4 Mdn 75 NotVyMh122 FtgMad122 Schoharie 9 9Feb14482Hia Feb14482Hia 34111ttft 3 120 52 66 79 819 JessopJ7 Mdn 67 Blackmont 120 Alairne 120 Donquest12 Jly24473Mth Donquest12Jly24473Mth 5t106ft 4 11911 75145 25 JessopJia Mdn 79 Watermill 116 ArtistLife119 SirRusty 12 12Jly Jly 247 Mth 58100ft 10 118 1 2 2 2 LynchJ 2 Mdn 85 BrnFoxUS Hulbaloo118 MineBand 12 12Jun2747iMth Jun2747iMth 58100 ft 6 118 4 63345 410 LoTrcoAS Mdn 77 PtreCd118 Hlabaloo118 NotVyMh 12 12Jun1947iMth Jun1947iMth 58102 go 3 118 1 53145 36 Lynchjs Mdn 71 Cacique 118 Back Drop 118 Wexford 8 June 6 Bel 58 ft 102h June 4 Bel 38 ft 40h June 1 Bel 12 m 52h 52hFfprnnl Crernai Ffprnnl Wnv Way A X 1 9A 0 Dk b c 3 b Eternal Bull Gloria Monk by Monks Way Breeder Lemar Farm A B Karsner 1948 5 1 1 1 S3S050 S3S050Owner Owner N Marcauls Trainer W C Winfrey 7500 1947 9 3 1 0 54250 May31483GS 54250May31483GS 34113sy 9 120 66 6313421 CaflaM3 700078 YourSonl 14 ArielSwpl 14 Peppermint 11 May25483GS 34 11315gd 85 113 H 14 13 4 PoIkE 500081 Osculatn117 MissEducan110 HpyAII 12 May20482Bel 34112ft 5 122 2h 1 1h 651 DodsonDi 1 7500 76 FlitabouU 15 PhmtnFIet108 Tomsive 14 May11484Jam 34113ft 9 120 33 4 44 6 DodsonD6 11000 72 Spats 121 Mr Happy 120 Seguin 10 May 6483Jam 341bn 21 119 1h 2h 1h 34 DdsonD7 1000078 Dry115 MrHappy116 Queen of Roses 8 Oct29473Lrl 341124sgd 17 116 6 615 621 625 SchmidlAS Alw 58 MagicMomtlOS Eqsun116 JleFeast 6 Aug9475Atl 34112sft 38 118 7 8 8H 820 LiCausiJJ AlwS 66 Task 121 DrAlmac115 PictureCard 8 May 19 Bel 33 ft 36h May 17 Bel 34 sy 118h May 10 Bel trt 58 ft 107b 107brhppk SIICCR TackSIICCR rhppk 1 1 7 Ch f 3 by Bold Irishman Hard Baked by Hard Tack J Breeder Wheatley Stable 1948 2000 Owner S C Back Trainer S R Shapoff 7500 1947 12 2 1 0 55575 May27482Bel 55575May27482Bel 34113y5sl 148 112 623 421 721 91 WolfeAi 650070 Maize 15 Dreamer117 PhantomFleet 14 Jfey20482Bel 34112ft 68 113 14ioi4i414i142i WolfeA7 750060 Flitabout115 PhmtnFIet108 Tomsive 14 Nov1047Uam 34 1145ft 19e 115 10 131213201330 AllgarH4 10000 46 Combine111 SugarDrop113 JoeysPal 13 Nov 6475Jam 34113 sy 16 116 3 2h 52 8i 6 AtksonTS Alw 66 Vashti116 WickiWicki116 SweetDream 9 Nov 347Uam 34113ft 5 114 7 14 24 543 WdheHS c7500 73 MaidofOzllO StmpAlbum113 Fanash 13 Oct 1471 Bel 34 we 113ft 2eA116 16 177217ii18i6 McPheeRS 8000 57 Nothead16 TryAgainl6 Misabi20 Aug18472Sar 34 114sl 3e 116 10 32 33 563 DeLaraAS 12500 67 MgicMmtlOS PtMan123 BritStdt 11 Aug12472ar 5 f 105V5ft 75eA1l6 11 63J 75J119 DeLraA 12000 80 SwgTrot 108 AlliesPal 114 PilotMan 13 May 10 Suf 34 ft 117hg May 5 Suf 58 ft 103h April 28 Suf 38 ft 36h 36hWfiSt WfiSt TTCSI Milton IVHIIUII vm M 106 Br c 3 by PiP9 R ° L Traviata by Caruso yo Breeder William H LaBoyteaux 19485 0 0 0 Owner Sanford Stud Farm Trainer H Hughes 7500 1947 3000 Jun 4482Bel 78127y5ft 89f 109J 1h 85110 914 PerezS 5500 57 Jacopet 126 Andiamo 126 JoeysPal 14 May29484Bel 78125 ft 128e 118 873121612191226 LeBIncC13 Mdn 58 DinnerGong118 Natural 118 LittleRip 13 Feb 9483Hia 34 111 45ft 237 120 34 55 6io 918 LoTrcoAS Mdn 68 DevilsElbw120 LtleRip120 MtieGirl 11 Jan28482Hia 78 125ft 65 120 4 551 78 734 LoTrcoA Mdn 47 BeauDandy 120 Alairne 120 Octorora 8 Jan17482Hia 34113y5gd 70 120 641 510 71011 17 LoTrcoAS Mdn 62 BubbleBim 120 Almenow 120 Vibrator 12 Nov10473Jam 3411415ft 85 116 7 95 915 91 HilbrtLS Mdn 59 SafeArrival 116 Stunts111 GrdCanal 9 Nov 147Uam 341135gd 127 117 11 imi1i7H2 GilbertJio Mdn 57 Seaward116 TheDervish116 Darnaway 11 Aug27474Sar 51S f 105ft 1U 116 5 15H16181626 HilbrtLa Mdn 65 Gallois 116 Quebec 116 Athlete 16 June 8 Bel trt 38 ft 38b May 27 Bel trt 12 si 53b May 23 Bel 58 ft 103h 103hTinrnlntp Tinrnlntp MMlUIUie 1 I Ofi UO B f 3 by Tintagel Exhilarate by Stimulus Breeder Mrs Jane Hancock Garth 1947 7110 53575 Owner 53575Owner R A Firestone Trainer S W Ward 7500 7500Oct Oct 3471 Bel 34 we 110Vsft 33 103 1 1i 1h 451 WdhseH 12500 84 Elastic113 NobleHero119 SwtDream 13 13Jly24473Jam Jly24473Jam 5 f 107sft 35 115 1 22 433 7 JamesBi Alw 71 Consuelita 115 Hirta 115 Donna Grace a aJly14474Jam Jly14474Jam 5f106ft 9 116 7 87 8io 83 JamesB3 Alw 73 Craline 116 Quibble 116 Red Risque 9 9May May 6476Bel 4 f we 53V5gd 17 116 5 731 83 82 GuerinE4 SplWS 81 Caltha119 PicnicLunch119 GreyFlight 8 8Apr3047Uam Apr3047Uam 581005ft 1 4115 2 1 12 13 JamesB Mdn 86 Headland115 SilverDrift115 BabyLea 8 8Apr25474Jam Apr25474Jam 58 100ft 29 115 3 32 3i 22 JamesB2 Mdn 82 Try Again 115 Frisk 115 Silver Drift 8 8Apr Apr 8473Jam 58 100ft 36 116 12 10101011016 JamesBio Mdn 70 MsChalledon11ff Frisk116 DismalKey 12 12June June 7 Bel trt 58 ft 104b June 3 Bel trt 78 ft 132b May 26 Bel 58 m 106b 106bDrv 11 Drv 1 1 Q B c 3 by Johnstown So Rare by Stimulus IO Breeder Arthur B Hancock 1948 8220 56700 7500Jun Owner 56700Owner Mill River Stable Trainer H A Luro 7500 Jun 2484Bel 34113 ft 16 122 65110531063103 DonosoR7 12500 70 Almenow 118 Bill Howk 116 Play Tag 12 12May26482Bel May26482Bel 34 112sy 4 126 3 34 523 69 ArcaroES 1000074 PlayTag 110 LaurelRoad 113 Alairne 10 10May15487Jam May15487Jam 1 e146ft 3 118 42 41 63 6 HanfrdlS 1250071 Seguin108 MayesRiley109 Jacopet 6 6May May 6483Jam 34 i13ft 21 115 2h ih 2h 11 Arcaro 6 1000080 MrHpy116 EtalWay119 QunofRses 8 8Apr20484GS Apr20484GS 34111 ft 6 119 34 48 47 69 HanfordM Alw 83 Istan 114 Coyote 114 Splash 10 10Apr Apr 7482Jam 341145ft 65 M16 3 31 1 P ArcaroE Mdn 76 BigStage 116 Olio 116 OurJohnWm 11 11Apr Apr 3482Jam 5 f 10815gd 3 115 2 23 3 3 2 JasponT4 Mdn 76 Almenow 120 RedJunior 120 LittleRip 9 9War War 5482SA 34 111ft 31 118 24 25 36 24 ArcaroES Mdn 82 LadyBruce113 First to Fly118 Brolite 11 11May May 30 Bel 38 ft 37h May 24 Bel 38 ft 37h May 14 Bel 58 sy 104h 104hFnfnl Fnfnl ruiUl Frrnr error 1 1 Q B 9 3J by Head Play Conservancy by Blink II 52625Owner 15 Breeder Water p Chryser Jr 1948 3101 52625 Owner W Gruschke Trainer W Gruschke S7500 1947 6100 52625 May24482Bel 52625May24482Bel 78 126ft 85 A113 ink 12 p 12 HsmanLS 500076StoneHill 108 MarineLight113 Biltrite 8 8May20488Bel May20488Bel 1 1404sft 12 113 24 1 14 33 HsmanLi 500066 Put aCall 114 BowPen 113 LadyFakir 9 9May13484GS May13484GS 34113sy 10 116 63 42 543 85 HsmanL4 5000 73 Top Foot 117 Stilts 113 VinitaEd 12 12Nov Nov 447Uam 341154ssy 3 119 11 1173104 963 ArcaroE6 5500 61 Transatltic116 Quatrefl 111 Bimelta 14 14Oct2147Uam Oct2147Uam 34114 ft 12 116 6 55 533 423 HsmanLio 8000 74 MrBter115 MasRiley113 ChieRogrs 14 14Aug11472Sar Aug11472Sar 5f106Vsft 7 117 9 83 86 8is HsmanL 7500 72 CaptnAndw117 SmtEve114 S meDh S SJly2447Uam Jly2447Uam 5 f 107ft 5 110 7 14 14 14 HsmanL4 5000 80 Flameup 118 Put and Call 114 Hyson 12 12Jly Jly 747Mam 58101ft 4 11610 2 2 45 HsmanLS 5000 76 SmartEve113 Isigny116 FleetyQueen 10 10June June 8 Jam 38 gd 383sb June 5 Jam 34 ft 117b June 1 Jam 12 m 54b 54bTnrnrinnpr xu Tnrnrinnpr 117 Br c 3 by Zacaweista Sandy Beach by Pharamond II urijjjei j Breeder Horatio Mason 19484 000 Owner Margaret M Brennen Trainer R E Wingfield 7500 1947 5100 51850 May27482Bel 51850May27482Bel 34113sl 70 118 31 109 12181416 ClarkSH 750061 Maize115 Dreamer117 PhantomFleet 14 14Apr20486Kee Apr20486Kee 34113 ft 34 114 12 11 5331Q13 ScurlckDl 7500 69 BeamgLight104 Disran112 RoseLht 11 11Apr Apr 8485Kee 34114 gd 45 115 34 4210i21Q20 AnrsonP3 Alw57 Yesme 115 Dole 115 Loujac 10 10Mar25486TrP Mar25486TrP 34 112ft 12 114 1 34 7is 723 GozMN3 10000 59 MayesRiley112 ConnieSam109 Maize 7 7Oct18476Kee Oct18476Kee 3411145ft 76 117 1 11 Eased MarlliJi ScwS ShyGuy117 CarraraMarble117 Pennon 11 11Jly Jly 2474Jam 5 107 ft 50 116 3 643 793 78 WholeyR4 Alw 65 BterSelf116 WitchHunt111 EtnalLrk 7 7Apr19472Jam Apr19472Jam 58 59ft 5 116 4 Ih 63J 614 ArcaroES Alw 74 Nearway 123 Fugit 116 FightingHard 7 7Mar Mar 4475Hia 38r32Ysft 9 11710 94313 SniderAi ScwS 88 PharMon 117 FlyAway 117 AndysGlory 14 14June June 4 Jam 58 ft 103b May 26 Jam 12 sy 49h May 22 Jam 58 ft 103b 103bDirnp lime Dirnp fM iy 117 B 9 3 by Bahram Spare Change by Discovery I I J Breeder Alfred G Vanderbilt 1948 4 0 0 0 Owner M Seidt Trainer A Fletcher 7500 May21484Bel 7500May21484Bel 11C H6ft 23 113 1183 91211221119 McCryCS 6500 59 SirGallas e104 ShtersHill 119 Alonry 11 11May10486Jam May10486Jam ie147 ft 31 113 8 89 8H 723 McCryC Mdn 58 Barrage113 Harberdasher113 Natural 8 8Apr23482Jam Apr23482Jam 34 1144sft 24 120 141714121113 911 DonosoR9 6000 62 PrincsLaa109 Spicebh118 ChtntPa 14 14pr13483HdG pr13483HdG 34 114r5hy 29 122 65 712 911 gu Gilbert Mdn 59 Whirl Thru 117 Free Press 122 Olio 10 10June June 7 Bel 58 ft 103bg June 4 Bel trt 12 ft 52ysb June 1 Bel trt 12 m 53b I UnaerCUT Inrlnrrnf 119 B 3 y Psychic Bid Pernkskety by St Germans IIOBretdtr F B Koontz 1948 6 0 1 1 1500 Owner 1500Owner G Ring Trainer T J Carroll 7500 1947 8 2 0 56110 May20487Bel 56110May20487Bel 1 138ft 83 109J 431 25 4 i 7 PmoreWi 1000070 MayesRiley 114 Althird 119 BeachBoy 9 MayH48Uam 34113ft 8 116 7 J 6J 9 8 ClarkS 1000071 Spats 121 Mr Happy 120 Seguin 10 Apr23485Jam 34113ft 93 117 64365 55 35J AtksonF Alw 74 QuarterPolel 17 PostDebl 12 Energetic 8 Apr20482Jam 34114 ft 85 112 33 4 i 42 45J JasponTi 13000 71 Jacopet 121 Cer Vantes 115 Airfield 6 Apr9484Jam 34115ft 4i 118 33 32 2h 2J AtksonT3 1250068 Empty Noose 113 Jacopet 118 Bedrock 6 Apr 1484Jam 5if 1065sy 8 115 6j 6 J 63 615 AtksonP Alw 72 MrAce 122 Jimikin 122 MissRequest 6 Jly2547Jam 34114 ft 4J 119 3 52163342 AtksonTS 12500 75 Allies Pal 111 Cheek 116 Blue Moire 11 Jly12474Jam 5f105ft 9 122 1 681 63 7 ClarkS Alw 73 BetterSelf122 Fugit122 GoldenReigh 7 Jun28473Jam 58 100ft 25 116 4 33 22 22t ArcaroES Alw 82 Tallylll ForestKnitlH BritWarrior 7 7tPlaced tPlaced first through disqualification disqualificationJun21474Aqu Jun21474Aqu 5Jf 108Vbft 65 117 2 22 32 21J ArcaroE Alw 75 PilotMan117 RedFlag117 LckyChamp June 6 Bel trt 12 ft 49h June 3 Bel trt 38 ft 3ysh May 31 Bel 38 sy 38b Pocono mCh c 2 by Psychic Bid Miss Apprehend by Apprehension PoconoOwner Breeder John R DeMoisey 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner A F Plock Trainer R RMay26482Bel V Boyle 7500 1947 11 1 0 55775 May26482Bel 34112sy 73 73Oct 118 44 773 881 918 ClarkSi 1000065 PiayTag 110 LaurelRoad 113 Alairne 10 Oct 7471 Bel 34 we 112 ft 12 12Sep1247 118 19 94 10 1214 HsmanLi 7000 66 Nothead117 Cmbine115 BrightStudt 21 Sep1247 Aqu 34114ft 4j 4jAug11472Sar 117 12 2j 2h 12 HsmanL 6000 73 FiveEast112 Combine117 SundayBeau 14 Aug11472Sar 5Jf106y5ft 3 3Aug 117 5 31 42 67J Jessopjs 7500 79 CaptJnAndw117 SmtEve114 SomeDh 9 Aug 547 Sar 51 f 1051sft 90 90Jly 113 10 125J12851113 KirkldA3 AlwS 79 Star Bout 123 My Request 123 Fugit 12 Jly 29474 Jam 51 f 1HJ6ft 16 16Jun 117 3 331 673 717 KirkldAS Alw 70 AndyHandy117 Big If 111 GoldenReigh 7 Jun 9475Aqu 5if10615ft 3J 3JApr24473Jam 116 4 37 47 6 Jessopjs Alw 76 BullLead116 LtBenK116 WofHonor 7 Apr24473Jam 58 59ft 4i 116 3 4 3 431 511 JessopJ4 Alw 78 Fugit 116 Roman Road 116 Sunsation 7 June 7 Jam 34 ft 119b June 5 Jam 34 ft 119b June 3 Jam 58 ft 103b Quebec 52025Owner i Breeder James Morris 1948 10 030 52025 Owner Spring Hill Farm Trainer J B Partridge 7500 1947 12 1 4 1 55200 55200Jun Jun 2484Bel 34113 ft 50 113 2h 2h 851 881 WrtWD9 12500 72 Almenow 118 Bill Howk 116 Play Tag 12 12May24483Bel May24483Bel 78125ft 15f 114 431 74 11181215 WrtWD Alw66SinggStep114 DinrGng114 GolnLht14 GolnLht14Apr27483Jam Apr27483Jam 341134sft 11 113 43J 5 Si2 5is DodsonD2 Alw 63 GreekHero 126 Pharalus117 Acme 5 5Mar27484TrP Mar27484TrP 34112 ft 23 120 34 45J 78 68 MacAwD3 Alw 77 Octorora120 Howdah117 Friedy 8 8Mar17485TrP Mar17485TrP 34 11045ft 53 116 42 48J 713 713 DodsonDi Alw 78 Nearway 122 MrBuster 112 Scipio 8 8Feb26485Hia Feb26485Hia 341093sft 73 119 2i 23 24 212 DodsonDi i Alw 85 Coaltown 122 Howdah111 Musician 11 11Feb21484Hia Feb21484Hia 34111 ft 4 119 11 21 22 45 BauerRio Alw 85 GdenApple106 OutOTSun114 Torelloll TorellollFeb1648 Feb1648 Hia 78 126Vsn 7 119 3 44 54J 5 BauerRS Alw 65 BeauDandy119 BigDal116 ThreeRings 6 June 7 Bel 38 ft 3725ri May 22 Bel 12 ft 49h May 20 Bel 58 ft 104h