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1 116 MILES Plucky Maud June 21 1 9451 4241 15 Cape Henlopen Purse Furse 4500 4yearolds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of a race other than maiden or claiming in 1948 4yearolds 124 Ibs older 125 Ibs Nonwinners of 2400 since January 1 or 6500 in 1947 allowed 3 Ibs of 3100 in 1947 6 Ibs one race since October 1 9 Ibs Claiming races not considered in estimating allowances allowancesmB DOSrOH Rncfnn Man Mrtn mB h 10 by Bostonian Candy May by Wormleighton Breeder Mrs H T Archibald 1948 4 0 0 0 Owner Mrs J D S Coleman Trainer H M Simpson 1347 25 10 3 7 14075 Apr2348 14075Apr2348 HdG 170141ft 25 105 4 6J 6i 61 DruryRH Alw 84 Laran 107 FlashBurn118 Pilaster 7 Apr1748HdG 1ft 146 gd 20 105 721 720 712 723 DruryR2 Alw 65 Contest114 End of Strife107 Laran 7 Apr348 Bow 170 145ft 15 109 620 616 6 622 AustinS2 HcpS 65 Flag Drill 111 Incline 116 Basileusll 6 Mar29486Bow 34113ft 81 110 12131015 8H 71 AustinSio HcpS 77 Repand106 Incline 111 FlagDrill 13 13Dec10476CT Dec10476CT a 34 115ft 3 124 4 54 3 3U AustinSS Alw LawlsMiss121 AnsDrtn121 CoyPIer 7 Dec 6477CT 1ft 145ft 35 125 1 1h 14 16 AustinS2 Alw CdyPiyM19 SmilgLs118l BuWynn 7 June 1 Del 34 m 123b April 16 Lrl 12 l 51h 51hBlnclc Blnclc DIQCK Pcnner repper t Sfc 111 Dk br 9 6 by ReaP9 Reward Transy by Transmute Breeder Ashby Corum 1948 5 0 i 1 1375 Owner 1375Owner Mrs W E Snell Trainer G S Howell 1947 17 2 4 6 10950 May24486GS 10950May24486GS 1ft144y5fl 12 108 P 7 7 7 Haritosja Alw 72 Laran116 BellwetherllO HighTrend 7 May21485GS 1ft144ft 8J 106J 42 43J 5 J 55J ShawC Alw 88 Daralet 113 Turbine 119 TacaroBriar 8 May1048GS 1ft 1445ft 85 A109 45J 22J 23 26 RobertsPS Alw 89 BalancedllB PetrolPntllS DnasAce 5 May 148GS 1ft144ft 21 109 37 32 34 32J RobertsP6 Alw 90 Romncer113 RomCdlellO PetrolPnt 6 Apr2448GS 170142ft 14 106 71076 7 53 J Roberts P Alw 92 HighTrend 113 BrcadGift112 Senoril 7 Nov 1478CD 78126 ft 11 1138 75J 71 7 GarutteJio Alw 70 RoiRouge116 Umpydan110 Jimpin 10 Oct 2476GS 1ft 145 ft 6 114 5 321 32j 33 TurnerJ2 AlwD 88 Gorget121 Zax118 TimeStitch 6 Sep2447 GS 1ft 145Vsft 3J 121 2 11 2h 43 LoTrcoA AlwD 87 Applekker121 WarWch121 MchChick 4 June 5 Del 12 l 54b June 3 Del 38 gd 39b May 20 GS 12 ft 49b 49bRpffpr Rpffpr oeiier V vuiue nil IP 1 1 B c 4 by Bimelech Knockaney Bridge by Bridge ot Earn j Breeder de Hour stock Farm Co 1948 6011 1400 Owner 1400Owner King Ranch Trainer W J Hirsch 1947 5100 3550 Jun 3550Jun 3485Cel 170145ft 8J 116 42154 32 313 GormnD2 Alw80Pellicle118 Highfcrtidies109 OcnFrnt 7 Mar248 SA 1ft143ft 5 109 45 6io 811 8 NevesR6 Alw 80 SecnavlOS LgeNight115 PleaseFund 9 Feb2648 SA 1ft145ft 19 110 53J 32 2 2nk MetensW Alw 84 CornishKnight118 Menu113 StagNigt 7 Feb 6487SA 34112 m 2JeA106 78J 7 712 715 ButtlerL3 Alw68CIssDay110 MusicMan115 FloodTown 7 Jan30487SA 78123 ft 1e110 43J 816 8 821 ButtlrP3 HcpO 73 Brookfield122 Earshot117 Windfields 8 Jan20486SA 34 11054ft 95e112 66 7 7i 71 ° ButtlerLi Alw 81 Bymeabond117 FIdTown115 SeaSpray 7 Jly14476Jam 34111ft 6i 120 6 78J 7 o 718 MtensW2 Aw 71 WideWg120 DthyBJr115 SgeMtr 7 Jly 4474Jam 34111ft 5J 113 4 55 45J 4 2 MtensW Alw 76 BySea108 ColonelOF118 EndofStrife 5 Jun30475Jam 1ft 145ft 81 113 1 55J 47j 413 MtensWt Alw 76 Phalanx 126 Tailspin 117 Our Tommy 5 Apr12475Jam 1ft 144ft 6J 114 5 73J 88j 9 5 MrtsW2 HcpS 77 CornishKnight 10 SecnavlOB Phalanx 9 pr 747 Jam 1ft 146 gd 34 114 5 43 2i 111 MehrtsW3 Alw 84 Leander120 CaptPatrick109 RedDevil 5 Oct 546 Bel 6Jf we 115fl 4J 119 4 11 10621113 DeLraAn ScwS 84 FirstFlight 123 I Will 126 JetPilot 13 May 31 Del 34 sy 118h May 28 Del 1m ft 142h 142hPpfrol Ppfrol reiroi rumr Poinfr X 1 I 09 Br h 6 by Peace Chance Smoke Pot by St Germans 8100Owner Breeder Cornelius V Whitney 194813 1 2 1 8100 19045Jun5485Del Owner Mrs H K Haggerty Trainer R Nixon 1947 21 3 5 6 19045 Jun5485Del 1ft148sl 10 116 88 8126 620 BasileMS HcpO 53 Incline 122 Pilaster 119 TacaroBriar 9 May21485GS 1ft 14434ft 14 115 76J 53J 4 45 BasileM2 Alw 88 Daralet 113 Turbine 119 TacaroBriar 8 May1048GS 1ft 144Kft 3i 118 58J 3 3 3 BasileMt Alw 84 Balanced116 BIkPepper109 DnasAce 5 toy 1487GS 1ft 144ft 32 A118 5 4 5 1 45J JemasNS Alw 87 Romncer113 RomCdlellO BlkPper 6 Apr24485GS 118149ft 6Je 107 9M 7J 78J 75J JemasN HcpS 89 Double Jay 124 Tide Rips 109 Elpis 9 Apr15487GS 1ft 146 1118 6 56 45 48 BasileMi Alw 77 SctchSect109 EastLi1109 EvengSty 9 Apr10486Bow 1ft 146ft 12 106 8 63J 43 2 JemasN2 HcpS 89 Basileusll 114 FlashBurn 110 Incline 8 Apr3486Bow 170145ft 73 110 51056 48 4 BasileM3 HcpS 76 Flag Drill 111 Incline 116 Basileusll 6 Uar2488Hia 118150ft 7J 109 8i 34 2 J 2 j RobrtsPi Alw 86 Respingo126 FreeAsAiMOl PeacelawlO Jurw PeacelawlOJurw 4 Del 12 m 52b May 20 CS 12 ft 50b May 17 63 12 ft 49fa i Camarao umuiyv 1125 i f f4j 4j bJf Hn MWMdiiii by sweep Breede Coldstream Stud 1948 1006 Owner Christiana Stable Trainer H S Clark 1947 1 3 4 4 45 960 Apr30485Jam 1ft146ft 11e 111 K 55J 57J 512 ScurlkOS Hcp072Harmica112 ButWhyNot121 CoIynA 6 Nov 6476Pm 1ft146 1ft146shy shy 11 111 1 6 54J 49 GonzMN2 HcpS 75 BridalFlower112 Irisen114 Earshot 7 Oct2947 Lrl 1 18 152y5gd 5J 113 3 22 33J 45 GozMN3 HcpS 77 Earshot117 SnowGoose120 Legendra 7 Oct23477Lrl 170 14345ft 35e121 4 3j 1 1J GonzMN2 Alw 92 Oberod109 Legendra107 NandAgain 7 Oct 4476GS 1ft142ft 7 114 7 44J 25 2io GonzMNS HcpS 93 MissKimo 117 Letmenow 111 Rampart 7 Sep26476Bel 1 137 ft 11e 113 11 723 21 421 GonzzMS HcpO 87 CmicMsile116 MissKimo119 BrilFIr 13 Sep20476Aqu 118152 ft 26 112 5 84 72135 GonezMS HcpS 79 SnowGoose106 Gallorette126 AladearlO June 2 Del 1m gd 143h May29 Del 34 ft 117b May 22 Del 12 si 53h 53hAlexis Alexis nrrmr Breeder Coldstream Stud 1947 23 3 7 1 18600 Owner Christiana Stable Trainer H S Clark 18600Clark 1943 20 4 3 5 36 36i50 50 Oct1547 Lrl 1 138ft 3 114 1 1Oct 22 1h 2i DodsonD3 WfaS 85 Coincidce122 Brkfieldlll TacaroBrr 5 Oct 3476Lrl 1ft 145ft 13 4119 2 2Sep23475GS 1t 1j 1J KirkC4 Alw 92 Miss War 102 Eb113 Hi Neighbor 4 Sep23475GS 1ft 14445ft 35 122 2 2Sep13475GS Pulled up GozzMN4 Alw Jetsam 109 Incline 113 FlyingWeather 8 Sep13475GS 1ft1445ft 14 112 1 1Sep 21 22 2iJ DodsonD HcpS 93 TheDoge115 BlueYonder116 LarkyDay 8 Sep 6475GS 1 138sft 5 113 1 1Aug30474GS 21 225 43 ScthnK4 HcpS 84 TheDoge115 BlueYder116 Apleknker 6 Aug30474GS 1ft 146 ft 12e114 1 1Aug16475Was 12 1ij 12 p0lkE3 Alw 86 WarTrophy119 Bwetherlie SecePilot 5 Aug16475Was 34 111 ft 2 114 8 66 65 44 HanfordP Alw 88 Menu 117 The Dude 111 Jacks Jill 8 Aug 9476Was 1 135 135sft sft 49 113 5 23 45J 55 Hanfordl HcpS 94 With Pleasure 124 Armed 132 Rippey 10 June 4 Del 38 m 37b June 2 Del 34 gd 118b May 28 Del 34 ft 114hg