Weighing In, Daily Racing Form, 1952-05-07


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Weighing In By EVAN SHIPMAN SHIPMANBELMONT BELMONT PARK Elmont L I N Y May 6 One of the minor stakes on the elaborate Belmont Park program the Swift usuany provides a sharp interesting con ¬ test and over the years a lot of good horses have inscribed their names on the roster of winners Be ¬ cause of the large number of prospective starters the field was split in two divisions yesterday so there were two winners to add to a list that began back in 1885 with Brookwood John C Clarks homebred Charlie McAdam and Brook meades Sky Ship are the latest additions and this pair will bear watching We thought Charlie McAdam trimmed the better field and the Heliopolis colt was more impressive in our opinion than the black son of Teddys Comet although the latter was not really extended at the finish while Charlie McAdam was under a drive to hold Suggested and Primate Charlie McAdam who captured the Flamingo Stakes last winter at his ownerbreeders home track is not only a quick colt but he is game and consistent The sevenfurlong Swift is not a test that has had much bearing on the classics but this years win ¬ ner could employ his early speed in such a way as to embarass many ja prominent competitor in those stakes Teddys Comet out of the Man o War matron Boat is just as well bred as Charlie McAdam and may be just as good an individual but the luck of the draw furnished the Brookmeade colt with far less dangerous opposition oppositionMaine Maine Chance Farms Jet A Dandy easy winner of his only previous start was made a strong public choice for the second division of the Swift but this colt proved a sad disappointment to his many partisans At the head of the stretch he had dead aim on the pacesetting True Pattern went on to pass that colt as if he had a lot in reserve and then offered not the slightest resistance when the pack descended on him at the furlong pole Up to that point Ovie Scurlock who had the mount on the favorite ap ¬ peared to be riding with supreme con fidence but when he gave the colt his head Scurlock found that there was little colt there The response was feeble the others encountering hardly i trace of opposition to their bid This edition of the Swift was run in time almost a full second slower than Charlie McAdams race but after all that was not Sky Ships fault That colt did what he had to do and did it comparatively easily easilyAt At least five of the colts finishing behind Charlie McAdam have pretensions to class They were Brookmeades much improved Suggested Primate second to Tom Fool in the Belmont Futurity and considered one of the leaders of his generation Armaged ¬ don winner of the Champgne Stakes Jet Master one of the most highly regarded juveniles last year and Lord T m a TS bred colt from whom much Ls expecttu r f them all we thought Primate showed cit most promising performance vhile he did not look like catching Charlie Me Adam in the drive Jie closed willing and with fine action suggesting that he win appreciate more distance than in that dash tmoss we are much mistaken you have not heard the last of Primate and we saw this recent outing as just a good stiff tightner for more important engagements in the future After a fine second to Tom Fool in the High Quest Purse at Jamaica Primate ran a very poor race in the Wood Memorial but we understand that he rapped himself leaving the gate and that he cannot be condemned for that failure Primate is good enough to merit your indulgence nor should he be overlooked when one com ¬ mences calculations dealing with the Bel ¬ mont Stakes StakesJohn John D Hertz in town for a few days before flying to France for a short visit tells us that he will offer all his present crop of Count Speed yearlings at the Calif orniax Breeders Associations sum ¬ mer sale This young sire who stands at Hertz Amarillo farm has made a big impression on the West Coast while the only representative of his tribe to cam ¬ paign in the East Countess Jane has already annexed the Rosedale and Fash ¬ ion Stakes this spring Count Speeds first two seasons were small So far there are not many of them but they just about all appear to be of stake cali ¬ bre and they all carry a strong family resemblance to Count Speed Count Fleets full brother Prices at the Cali ¬ fornia Breeders Sales have not been high and several of the more prominent West Coast horsemen have preferred to market their stock in other ways but Hertz feels strongly that he should be associated as closely as possible with his community and that if the sales are to be built up breeders of fine stock should be prepared to make a temporary sacrifice Count CountContinued Continued on Page ThirtySeven WEIGHING IN INBy By EVAN SHIPMAN Continued from Page Four FourSpeed Speed is off to a fine start The Calif or nians since such horses as Alibhai Noor and Shannon U have moved to Ken ¬ tucky need horses of real quality and it seems certain that this young stallion will persuade many local horsemen to patronize their own sales rather than going far afield to replenish their stables stablesFlirtatious Flirtatious a fleet daughter of Menow trained by Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons for Ogden Phipps ran the fastest four and a half furlongs of the current Belmont meet ¬ ing yesterday when she scampered down the Widener chute a couple of lengths to the good of Miss Nancy Pearl Diver and a nice field This filly and most of her com ¬ petitors wound up behind Countess Jane in the recent Fashion and they may not possess quite the latters class but our im ¬ pression is that this will prove an interest ¬ ing division this season Just for the rec ¬ ord we held the same view last year at this time but we are convinced that too much racing spoiled the future of many a promising filly All these pretty juveniles look a little jaded the next season and we are sure there would be a big difference in their appearance as threeyearolds had they only been campaigned more sparingly We know that Marcel Boussac the out ¬ standing breeder of France believes that six or seven starts is enough for his fillies and he is not speaking of one racing sea ¬ son but of their entire career His purpose as we gather it is to race fillies just enough to establish their class From then on their purpose in life is fulfilled at the stud

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1952050701/drf1952050701_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1952050701_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800