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UNITED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL Brucker Claims U S Could Win War J WASHINGTON D C April 30 Arnuj Secretary Wilbur M Brucker said laS night the United States could most cer ttainly defeat Russia in any allout war He also said there is no question about th fact that nuclear weapons will be usec whenever it is necessary However he sai j nuclear weapons big or little jvould 1 used under the orders only of the presi president dent denti dentGrant i Grant Five Million to University a aNEW NEW YORK N Y April 30 The Rocke feller Foundation announced today thj award of five million dollars to the Amcrjl can University of Beirut Lebanon to bj used primarily in its school of arts aittj sciences John C Case chairman of l31 board of trustees and Dean Rusk pregfj dent of the Rockefeller Foundation FoundationJ J the grant would be payable over a pel 10 to 12 years U S Accuses Hungary of Postal Violatiotf WASHINGTON D C April 30 The United States has accused Hungary of v5 lating the Universal Postal Union convt i tion by refusing to deliver letters front United States with Radio Free Europe c cellation stamps In a note to the Hi garian Government yesterday the Uni States also rejected Hungarian charg that use of the Radio Free Europe stamps transgressed the international postal con vention Hungary protested to the United States against use of the stamp in a note handed the U S Legation in Budapest March 8 Wilson Speaks at Jamestown Festival 4 FT MONROE Va April 30 Defense Secretary Charles E Wilson paying tribute to the nations first English settlers said today the United States faces markedly similar threats to those confronting the colonists 350 years ago He spoke at a Jamestown Festival Day ceremony marking the anniversary of the first permanent English settlement in America Union Leaders May Have Second Thought WASHINGTON D C April 30 Team ¬ sters Union leaders indicated today they may have a second thought about their ob jections to AFLCIO action against the union and Teamster President Dave Beck Beck and five vicepresidents decided late yesterday to call the unions 13membell executive board to a meeting here within a week or ten days The decision was made at a fourhour meeting at which they dis i cussed AFLCIO President George Meanys rebuff of the objections raised by the team ¬ sters executive board in midApril Ike GreetingsWASHINGTON Sends Queen Juliana Greetings WASHINGTON D C April 30 Presii dent Eisenhower today sent birthday con ¬ gratulations to Queen Juliana of The Netherlands His brief message said On this anniversary of Your Majestys birth it gives me pleasure to extend to you and to the people of The Netherlands the warm good wishes and congratulations of the people of the United States FOREIGN FOREIGNAdenauer Adenauer Rejects Soviet Protests ProtestsBONN BONN Germany April 30 Chancellor Konrad Adenauer told the Soviet Union bluntly again today that West Germany does not possess any Aweapons and has not asked for any At the same time the Adenauer government sharpLy rejected Societ protests against the European com ¬ mon market and European atomic pool projects and accused Russia of attacking international confidence These latest re buttles to Moscow by West Germany were published by the Bonn Government less than 48 hours before the opening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Coun ¬ cil session here hereU U S Marines Land in Lebanon LebanonWITH WITH THE U S SIXTH FLEET Beirut Lebanon April 30 A force of 1000 Marines from the U S Sixth Fleet landed here today on 12hour shore leave in a friendly show the flag invasion in the tense Middle East ViceAdmiral Charles R Brown fleet commander said the Marines were put ashore on orders from higher up He said he had no worry about the reception they would get getNicaragua Nicaragua Alert on Honduras Threat ThreatMANAGUA MANAGUA Nicaragua April 30 The government today alerted Army Navy and Air Force units for a possible border fight with Honduras its neighbor to the north Army Chief Gen Anastasia Somoza said in a communique last night that Honduras has mobilized 5000 troops along the fron ¬ tier between the two countries He branded as false reports from Tegucigalpa Hon ¬ duras that Nicaragua has attached Hon ¬ duras and that fighting is going on be ¬ tween the two nations