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Hamilton Ohio Results Monday April 29 1957 1957WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FASTSECOND SECOND DAY OF 19DAY MEETING MEETINGAPRIL APRIL 27 TO MAY 18 18DAILY DAILY DOUBLE FIRST AND SECOND RACES ENTRIES AND FIELD HORSES RUN INDIVIDUALLY UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 13053 About 5 Furlongs Purse 700 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1500 Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 6Titans Match 116 C Knisley 520 400 280 4Away Away 119 L Adkins 640 420 4203Lysbeth 3Lysbeth 114 R Frazier 580 580Time Time 101 Off at 4OOJ Eastern Standard Time Also ran Small Package Roy Sang Relics War Graff Ladys Cape CapeSECOND SECOND RACE 13054About 5 Furlongs Purse 700 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 304Lead 4Lead Pad 118 R Frazier 540 340 Z80 7lmpoFury 113 W E Jones 2220 720 7205Lester 5Lester Luck 118 D Tobin 320 320Time Time 101 Off at 426 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Gallants Pride Rosdreenagh Baldy Boy Lucky Chance Battle Rose RoseDaily Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 2420 THIRD RACE 130556 12 Furlongs Purse 700 Three yearolds Maidens Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 306Busy 6Busy Bandit 113 C Knisley 440 300 280 4Gistles Lad 113 J Ring 300 140 1405Jessuh 5Jessuh J 113 D Tobin 660 660Time Time 126 Off at 450 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Corker Destiny Kay Gotta iHurry FOURTH RACE 13056 6 12 Furlongs Purse 700 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 302Four 2Four West 117 M Murphy 2680 800 460 6Resultin 117 R Head 640 400 4004Special 4Special Duty 112 J Cruz 360 360Time Time 125 Off at 516J Eastern Standard Time Also ran Ascot Worthy Option Scotch Jewel FIFTH RACE 13057 About 5 Furlongs Purse 700 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1500 Net value to winner 5510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 302Miss 2Miss Grand 115 G Steineman 440 340 80 3Worby 118 J Cruz 580 380 380i i 1 Cash and Carry 115 W E Jones 340 Time 101 Off at 540 Eastern Standard Time TimeAlso Also ran Bals Best Franbern Labess Little Bargain HalversSIXTH Halvers SIXTH RACE 130586 12 Furlongs Purse 700 Four yearolds and upward Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 305Toney 5Toney Sador 120 T Maeda 560 400 320 7Bold Gambado 120 G Steineman 800 520 1 Frost Sparks 117 W E Jones 540 540Time Time 124 Off at 550 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Chalova Foray Porter Vapid Heldas First Ski toy toySEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 130596 12 Furlongs Purse 700 Threeyearolds and upward Claiming price 51750 Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 60 fourth 30 305Bonded 5Bonded Joe 114 C Knisley 50J 320 240 1 Lost Key 115 G Parra 640 340 3403Eternalment 3Eternalment 114 D Tobin 280 280Time Time 123 Off at 630 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Candy Cross Measurement Joe Close EnglaterrorEIGHTH Englaterror EIGHTH RACE 130601 116 Miles Purse 5800JThree yearolds and upward Claiming price 1750 Net value to winner 550 secSfid 130 third 80 fourth 40 401My 1My Suzy Belle 113 C Knisley 500 360 240 2Ed F 118 T Maeda 700 340 3405Even 5Even Step 118 D Tobin Z60 Z60Time Time 151 Off at 655 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Kid Brown Adrastus Gold Denarius Choice Pick PickAttendance Attendance 3355 Total Mutuel Pod 120523