Fort Erie Results, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-03


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r Fort Erie Results Thursday May 21957 21957WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST EIGHTEENTH DAY OF 20DAY MEETING MEETINGAPRIL APRIL 12 TO MAY 4 4DAILY DAILY DOUBLEFIRST AND SECOND RACES ENTRIES AND FIELD HORSES RUN AS ONE UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 1338D6 Furlongs Purse 1600 Three and Fouryearolds Maidens Claiming price 2580 Net value to winner 1040 second 310 third 165 fourth 85 857Bun 7Bun Gift 112 S Warme 1780 850 540 5403Frivolette 3Frivolette 117 H Uyeyama 1870 990 9901Harmarsu 1Harmarsu 117 K Clemes 800 800Time Time 114 Off at 202 Eastern Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Alpine Billy Tadenac Vera Dear Dr Tuck TuckSecret Secret Formula Sanatoria Tudora Fensu Laugh Again AgainSECOND SECOND RACE 13382 6 Furlongs Purse 1600Four yearolds and upward Claiming prke 2000 Net value to winner 1040 second 310 third 1S5 fourth 85 858Abegweit 8Abegweit 112 G Contrada 11980 4750 2230 3Tiny Terry 112 J Stanton 3020 1100 1100ItMr ItMr Willie 114 L Pong 650 650Time Time 113 Off at 232 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Night Fire Halco Porters Maid Montana Jet Draw Go Man Chervil Busy Signal Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 102810 102810THIRD THIRD RACE 133834 Furlongs Purse 1800 Two yearolds Maidens Net value to winner 1160 second 360 third 185 fourth 95 9Kirks Dandy 119 H Uyeyama 880 430 340 4Nanino 119 E Plesa 1070 410 4106Silver 6Silver Ship 119 P Remillard 250 250Time Time 47 Off at 300 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran On Top Regent Lady Frank Dill Great Ace Dress Formal Marys Dance DanceFOURTH FOURTH RACE 13384 6 Furlongs Purse 2000 Threeyearolds Foaled in Canada Allowances Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 1004Taf 4Taf fy Smash 115 E Plesa 1160 530 380 1Black Bob 120 C Rogers 400 270 2708Pretty 8Pretty Page J10 E Warme 310 310Time Time 11336 Off at 331 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran The Schreiber Miss Elena Kamikaze Wee Wren Tusis Forasmuch Doris Ator AtorFIFTH FIFTH RACE 133851 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1600 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 2000 Net value to winner 1040 second 310 third 165 fourth 85 855Kelina 5Kelina 112 V Bovine 1400 560 400 4004Bull 4Bull Vixen 113 E Roy 360 300 3006June 6June Brook 115 P Remillard 340 340Time Time 146 Off at 401 Eastern Daylight Time TimeI I Also ran Montana Esther Fanborough Ambushed BeauarchSIXTH Beauarch SIXTH RACE 133866 Furlongs Purse 2300 Four yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Allowances Net value to winner 1495 second 460 third 230 fourth 115 1154Hartney 4Hartney 120 V Bovine 460 320 290 2906Qmorrissey 6Qmorrissey 114 E Plesa 470 450 4508First 8First 560Time Sea Lord 110 G Collins 560 Time 111 Off at 431 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Gracefield Argent Mister Nick Kifig Ma ¬ ple Dorenes Lad Lawday LawdaySEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 133876 Furlongs Purse 1900 Threeyearolds Claiming price 3500 Net value to winner 1230 second 385 third 190 fourth 95 1Elgin Town 108 R Biamonte 6020 2210 640 8Game 3002Sir Sam 115 E Warme 450 300 2Sir 490Time Ardan 122 C Rogers 490 Time 114 Off at 501 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Our Diver Stubby Oak Tiger Toz Fashion Gown WarNU For late results see tomorrows issue

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Local Identifier: drf1957050301_41_2
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