Connaught Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21

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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA, CNT.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1917. Commugkt Park. Fourth day. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Steward to Represent Canadian Pacing Associations. Francis Nelson. Presiding Judge. Herman I onhling. Starter. A. P. Dade. Racing Secretary. W. Northey. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. in." •Indicates apprentice allowance. 3O O A PT lTKST race -3-4 Mile. Aug. 28. 1919— 1:13%— 4— 128. Purs.- 1917.sh00. 9-year-oldi * O TT *-" and upward. Claiming. N-t value to winner 59; second. 00: third. 9, Ind. Horses Vj .: r!7str Fin ."lclT.yT Owners ftrajv. Odds Strt 3382 7* CORN BROOM wn 6 111 E :; ll li 2* r,k !• Cooper C A Crew 419-191 33688 ISABELLJB II. w I !»7 0 2 $ j # li V H Erick.snJ Hendrick 11615-198 33766 RAVENCOURT w6 110 12 10 81 8 $■ 3*« T Parton R Newell 1390-198 83796 ARMINE wa 4 MS 1 .". SJ 8" 9*m .1 Pell It Giddinga 589-18* 33796 LADY SPENDTFTw S MS 2 I 1*1 9* 1] V L Mink N Macfariane l;.iloo :;:.7t;o GARTLEY w 5 113 4 1 4 r.- r,- C ] w War*tonJ Whyte 4899-861 29082 TEA CUP wSMSK t P* P 7- i»H Lowder J K Seagram 190-108 32957 RRITANNIA v 3 100 C !t 11- M- x :. S* AV Crump Thorncliffe Stable M5-M8 .i3«51 CBRF VOLANT w 5 Ml s s 8M V :.- : Ward c a Lavigue I3338-M8 3:. 080 ALECTO w 4 Mi 7 1: 13 11] KV 10 A JohmonP Gorman f .".!352 PRINCES? FAY W3 191 Sll 12 12- 12M1-" G Looms W Walker + 33575 SILK. RUSTLE vv 2100 U 12 lo- 8» 11« 12* W C1.lli.1s .1 P Adams SJB985-M9 33.00 DEHAVEN w 4 195 13 7 8k 12 13 13 W Doyle F J Yose t tMutuel field. Time. 24*3. 49. l:15i. Track fast. mutuels paid. Corn Broom, 0.20 straight, .78 place. 22$ show; Isabelle IE, SI 12.30 place, 02.50 show: Bavencourt, 99.49 skew. Bquivaleat booking odds- Corn Bream, 410 to 1!0 straight. TS5 to 1H place, 100 to 100 show; Isalnlle 11., 7015 to loo place, 5928 to 100 show: Bavencourt, 220 to 199 show. Winner Ch. g, by Cesarioa -Btrek Broom trained by F. Crew; bred by Mr. c. s. CamafceB. Went to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and Slow. Won driving; second and third tic same. CORN BROOM went to the front with a rusk, then came again after being headed and out-gamed ISABELLE 11. :it the end. The latter was a forward and game contender all the way. RAVEN -COURT Hosed a big gap. ARMINE and LADY SPENDTHRIFT ran well, but finished tiring. Scratched- 20327 Pax, 17; 799 Sir Launeelot, 107; 33107 Bansbore, 105; 33689 lis r, 110; 3307!3 Ti.xicledi. PI5. Overweights- Lady Spendthrift. 1 pouad; Tea Cup. 5. OOQ Af MBCOND PACE -About 2 Miles. Aug. 30. 1916 — 1:47%— «— 199. sTeeplechase" OOOjCJ Iurse 00. 4-year-dds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; se«- onil. 25: third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt 3 i 1 12 Fin Jockeys Owners E |uiv. Odds Str~t 33554 CYNOSURE ws $ 112 1 1 fi- fi" 1- 3r pi N Crooks G P Sherman •.•vr.-lio 33758 MUSICAL HONRS w 4 127 6 1 21 4- f, 2* 9 8 Turner A P Humphrey Jr 4:t2o-!H 32905 .HEED w 7 1 10 | 5 2 1« l3 l"- $»• J Rusuell II P lorin R99-«8B :3758 OTTO 1T.OTO w fi 14i 4 3 1»| V 8] 4- 4" E Landry .1 W Davton 8895-M 33677 NEVER FEAR w 19 1471 3 ■ •* s fi"k ti-° r?. J dark DubUn Stable 1575-M8 33577 RACBBROOK wMO 142 8 7 7l 7- 9 5 8*» T McCrry A .1 Davis 5-998 989 c. F. crainger wsio 140 0 s 0 9 s1- | 7= w Duly J F Hynea 490-100 30210 i-- PON w 9 140 3 6 f.1 5 7?. 71 S R Scullv S Dovle EXiMOO 33758 COLONETTA W 7 111 7 2 4 2- 2 L.rider.J Smith I 11 Munford 1150-100 Time. Z.bH%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Cynosure. .70 straight. .40 place. .70 show; Musical Honours, 8.20 place, 1.-10 show; Queed, . 20 show. Bqutvalent booking odds — Cynosure. 2S5 to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Musical Honours, 1310 to loo place, 470 to 199 show: Queed, 200 to 100 show. Winner — P. g. by Star Shoot -Mercurial trained by T. I. Martin; bred bv Mr. Catesbv Woodford. Went to post at 3:01. At pest 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CYNOSURE waa outrun early, but Closed up steadily and got up to win in the closing strides. MUSICAL HONOURS was a forward contender throughout. QUEED showed high speed, but tired badly in the final eighth. COLONETTA lost her rider at the eleventh fence. Overweights -Never Fear, 2/. pounds: Raeehrook. 2. QQO /fl rj THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Aug. 39, 1910—1:13-:. — 1—128. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds O QUTC I and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0 Index Horses AWtPPStVj M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33757 ANITA wn 4 110 1 i V *• 3 1 W Crump H G licvlwell 10MOO 39611 TIOGA w 3 102 2 4 21 ll 1J P W Collins j Clyde 375-100 33761 BLUEBANNOCK wn 3 107 3 7 9*3* VI 3» « Lomas : E Holland 310-100 33566*SW. THAN SUGAR w 3 91 6 6 71 i n* o- 4i J Pell Mtraeei Stable IMsV-lJJ 33767 **SAVTLLA w 3 1031 7 2 4» 4- 4 ."."• H Povlan T Sheridan 1::10-|00 89694 MR. MACK wn 6 112 9 1 6»t 73 PI 6* 1 Mink LA apps 3fiS0-100 33614 *TX UBL.E T1ASS 0 104 4 3 and 6 6= 7" 1 SuthTndN R Sutherland 199*5-188 S-3622 MERRY .HEIEEE w 5 107 S 9 S S« S« 8» V Doyle 1 S Brodie 24.1S0 100 33500*LETFETTI w 4 101 5 8 9 9 9 !• J RodguezJ Arthur 17620-100 Time. 24%, 48%, 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid. Anita, .10 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Tioga, .70 place. .90 show; Rlue-bannock. .90 show. Equivalent booking odds— Anita. 105 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Tioga, 135 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Rluebannock. 45 to 100 show. Winner — R. f, by Voorhees — Handsome Florry trained by H. G. Bedwell; bred by Mr. Adolph B. Spreck Is. Went to post at 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ANITA saved ground on all the turns and finished resolutely under punishment. TIOGA set a fast early pace, but tired in the last eighth and probably was a bit short. BLIEBANNOCK was messed about all the way and repeatedly swerved in behind the leaders in the last quarter. SAYILLA tired. Overweights — Savilla. -V pounds. QQQ/lft FOIRTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 23. 1914—1:01—2—111. First Running Con-OOOttO naught Park Junior Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses A Wt PP St % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 33052 JIM HBFFERING w 110 5 6 31 2» 2* in D Stirling R J Austin 75 MO0 33652 MARY MAID w 112 6 3 l1 1» 1* 2i R Estep E McBride t60-100 33652 VIRGINIA YELL w 120 1 1 uk 3J 33 3* W Crump J P Jones 453-100 33589 "FERN HANDLEY w 107 2 4 6 6 6 4i P Lowder J J Troxler 19o5-100 33106tCH. LEYDECKERwb 123 4 5 53 6* 4l a* T Par ton E McBride J 33792 SWEEP IT II. w 113 3 2 2 42 P 6 G Lomas J S Tyree 640-100 tCoupled in betting as E. McBrlde entrv. $ Added st.-irter. Time. 24-5, 48, 1:01% new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid. .Tim Hefioring. 7.00 straight, .30 place, .50 show; E. McRride cntrv, .50 place. .i:o show: Virginia Yell. .40 show. Equivalent booking odd*— Jim Hollering. 750 to 100 straight. 11." to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; E. McRride entry. 25 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Virginia Yell. _0 to 100 show. Winner— 1!. c. by Trap Rock — Fairy trained by A. L. Austin: bred by Mr. E. L. Davis. Went to post at 4:IK. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. JIM HEFFERINQ finished in resolute fashion under punishment and. wearing the tiring leader down, got up to win in the final strid [. MAKY MAID set a fast pace and saved ground on all turns. VIRGINIA YELL came last and gamely after making a wide turn when entering the homestretch. FERN HANOI. EY Hoisted fast. CHARLEY LEY DECKER and BWKEF DP II. tired. Scratchid X17!I2 l..,nl Ibrhcrt. 110. 3* j_i/1 O FIFTH RACK -1 1-16 Miles. June 22. 1! 14— 1:08—4— 97. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds O O rg *J and upwanl. Claiming. Net value to winner S150: second, 00; tliird. 0. Index Ilors.s AWtlISt t Vj -4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S_7**:OLD POP wit 4 : s 7 4 2. 2- 0* t I« A JottnaonC A Crew 606-100 33544 LADY WARD w I 95 8 1 1" !■ I* V _ H BrtrknnW J Foley MB MO 33797 INQUIETA WB7M I C 4s «»» V V V W Collins W Walker 66O-M0 •29397 LONGFELLOW wfM l 2 P* 0" 6* 6« 4 w Cramp i! G BedweU 8S6-M6 3S798 FIRST STAR w 0 M 4 5 I" E_k 6 is ." | T Parton J J Troxb r 45:: i-RH 33797 -MiNDA W 0 M6 2 1 P :, •* 4* f 6" 41 Romas .1 A Strode 2S0-10B 33700 KLRA RYAN irsa 1 N | 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Bell Y Human Z3S-M6 Tim-. 24-5. 6_%, 1:14-,, 1:42, 1:49%. Track fast. inutu. Is paid. Old Pop, 4.00 straight, $£20 place, .40 show; Lady Ward. .00 place, . 30 show; Iiiouieta. .10 show. Rquivab at booking edda old Pap, 000 to IOO straight. 210 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Lady Ward. 100 to tun pi.;.. . t;.-| to loo show; Iiiquieta. 105 to 100 show. Winner Ch. .-, by Martini. ,s Cannio Maid drained by F. Crew; br«d by Mr. Charles A. Crowh Went to post at 4:20. At post 2 minotes. start good an 1 alow. Wea easily; seeoml and third driving. OLD POP, after being saved in etoaea! pursuit, moved up with a rush on Ike far turn, came through e* the inside and drew -way at the end. LADY WARP displayed the Most early speed, but was tiring badly at the end. INQUIETA raced on the outside all the way. MLNDA tired. LONGPELLOW ran fairly well. Overweights Ella Ryan. I pounds. 30 0pr/ SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Kiles. Jaae 22, 1014- 1:48 I— *7. Pane 1917.sh00, t year olaa __ O O O U and npwa rd. Claiming. N-t value t" . inner 845*; seeond. $ 100; third. 0. Judex Horses " A WtPlSt .~.j "-rstr Fin Jockeys" Owners " F.quiv. Odds Strt 33759 KINO HAMBURG v. :-. f, los j 1 s- ■:■ L* 1! !" T Ri-e I borncliffe Stable 85-106 33797 BUZZ AROUND w 0 101 3 3 fi1 C1. f,»» .".. _■ W Crump .1 Arthur 33702 TITO W 4 101 1 0 3* 3- 6" 3T :;- G l.omas R J Austin SOU IOO 03430 CLARA MORGAN WB 4 103 fi 5 4" 4= 31 3* 4J A J.dinsonS Newman 660-108 S0404 GOLD BOND w 3 :o 7 1 5- B*| P" 4" 6*1 W Collins W Smith " :•.:;" 1M 32010 1 -l.KV. is OPPEB w 4 1 03 1 2 _•_ lak M ;- - H Bricks n B B chapman 13Sa-lM S3*S3*TOOTS1E WB I M 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 G SuthTil C Reed BOO 101 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:16. 1:43. 1:50. Track fast. mutuels paid, Ring Hamburg, |3~00 straigiit, .70 place, .00 show; ltuzz Around, .70 place-. .5o show: Tito, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— King Hamburg. 09 to 10O straight, 35 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; BOBB Around. 35 to 100 plaee. 25 to 100 show: Tito, .;» to 100 show. Winner R. h. by Waterboy Hamburg Relic traintd by W. MeOiniol: bred by Mr. J. II. Haggin. Went to post at 5:00. At post Z minutes. Start rood and slow. Won dririBff; ■eroad and third the-same. KING HAMRUBG, after in ctoaest pursuit, took the lead in the stretch, but was o.uittnig Cast at the tlaish. BCEZ AROUND nut with intorfereace in the atretck, but came to the oatside aa4 would have won in a few more strides. 1iTO saved ground on the turns and finished fast on the inside. LEWIS OPPBB set the pace to the stretch and quit. Qv rweights -Gold Bond, 2 panada. * O 1J f? I SEVENTH RACE— 1 MUe and 20 Tarda. June it;. 1011 1:12.. 5-102. Pane 1917.sh00. OOOO JL 8-year-oida aid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; seeond, 00; 1 1 ted, 0. Index Horses AWtPFStU L- 1 Sir 1 iu Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt ..3177 GALA WATER w 4 M :, G 2; 24 T- 1» P W Collins J V. Beagrain OBO-lOB 33093 OBOLHS w 5 111 2 ! 4- :; 4- 41 l. T Rice W Smith 38B-1M 3309! -JACK REEVES W I 104 4 4 f B ".■ " 3» W Cramp W J Marlman U5-10B 33002* HAZELNUT wJ OSJ 1 1 Is l1 2- 2- 4 ? J R. 11 T P Bornman 739-100 33753 ALL SMILES W S 115 3 I _■* 4* E E E J Dreyer E T BollicofXer OtB-Mt Time, _4"5. 43;,5. l:142b, 1:4045. l**% aew track record. Truck latt. mutuels paid. Gala Water. 0.00 stralsht, .70 place, .80 show: Obelus, .50 place, . CO show: Jack Beeres, .40 show. Eqairalent booking odd. Gala Water. 000 to 100 straight 335 to 100 place, M to 100 show; Obelus. 125 to KKI place, SO to 100 •hew: Jack Reeves. 20 to 100 chow. Wina.r -Br. g. by Ralat ine--Sea Wall traiaed by B. T. Littlelield ; bred by Mr. .7. E. Seagram. Went to post at 5:31. At i«ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. GALA WATER, after raeiug in closest pursuit to the last tarn, passed HAZELNUT and drew away at the Balah. OBOLITS gained steadily and outstayed JACK REEVES at the end. The latter closed a big gap and raced .11 the outside all the way. HAZELNUT quit alter s-ttiag the pace to the last turn. Oyerweighta Hazelnut, lj powada.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062101_2_2
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