Havana Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 28, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-28


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Raciag -tart- at J:?.i p. m. Chlcaga time 1:37. ® Superior mud runner. x Goad mild runner. :•: Fair mud riiiiner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance. b ItlinUers. First Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-old- and upward, tlalmiag, Track record: Jan. 8, 1020—1:11 0—102. Todays lad. Horse. AYt. Itec. A.Wt.Han. 52373 Ambassador III...104 l:12%a 5 10"x7l." 52331s WlBle Woods ....1101:14% 5 140.. 720 ."pL4t»4 bJames ; i 7 F131-, 7 101 7F, 32331 *bPinis 104 1:15 .-. 4 101.. 714 52310" Pokey It. M 112 1:14% 5 112.. 710 52471 •bYbn 107 1:14 i !s..7ir, 32491 "Grey Samp M. .107 1:15% 4 Sis.. 705 .iL..7:$ Dee I. M 104 1:10% 4 104. .TO 32471 *Major Fi-k 110 1:10% 4 104 X TOO 52331 Biacnil iM 110 1:18% 6107. .TOO aL4!II lister Queen M. 110 1:14% " 107..7«K 52374 Hack Bach Mi ..180 1:10% 5 140.. 704 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. ;, year-old- and upward, la inline. I Track record: Jan. 8, 1098 1:11 F 102. 51554 bPriace of Como ...lis 1:11% B 111x72". 52310s *Prlnce Boaero 114 1:11% 6 100x720 32313 *Kd Garrison 110 1:12% 7 104x7ir. :,i.,74 : •Aigrette 107 1:14% "i 107x715 :.il!ii: bWbipnoorwill 110 1:12% 4 100X715 52313 Fail Accompli ....108 1:14% 4 100.. 718 .".i57s3 bTiinoti.y .1. Bacaa. 114 1:12% 6 1804:710 32377 »biiappy ;, Larky ..121 1:11 ; lli..71o 52SS21 bMaaokm Kill I:1J% 7 117X710 32374 *bWeuonah 110 1:14% 8 1074:701 .M7..1 Janice Legaa 108 1:15% 4 140. .70S 52104 bliioiic. Billy Ill 1:14% 7 1l7®7oo Third Race— 3-4 Mite. 4-yenr-obls and upward. lniminv. Track record: Jan. 8, 1020 1:11 -4 102. .",2534 Loyalist 104 1:14% 5 108.. 721 32531 *bBread Line 104 1:14 4 102. .720 52208:*bCoaat lioiis 112 1:12 6 107x715 52581 Diary Moore 101 1:11% 4 MB X 710 52428 Thorn Bloom 110 1:12% 7 111x715 52303 Mis- Wright 111112-. 6 110x710 .".2."!IF*bJuanita III 104 1:14% 6 107x710 52504 •Btbbler 102 1:15% 4 90.. 705 52332 bMngivan 112 1 :14--, 4 140x700 .".U73 Double Eye 110 1:14% 4 144. .706 ."nviii bFlyiag Prog 148 1:15% 4 10t..7SJ 52304 F.alopin 112 1:14% 0 112x108 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Chthaing. Track record: Jan. 24. 017 1*05% 0 14ff V 32538 l.KFNNYYK.V 107 li0O% 4 105. .72." .".2554 *Diftereat Byes ... 88 1*08% 5 105x715 52512- Hush MO 1:07-.-. 4 101. .710 52583 Discussion 112 1*07% 5 107X710 52512* Poa-ereae 1801*07% 5 104X705 52354 Hrig of War 48 l*Q8m li 105. .70T. 51885- I.uiMetne 107 1:11 4 103:-: 700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-ohls. and upward. Claiming Handicap. Track record: March 23. 1919— 1 :3S .-.— 5—105. .".2474l.bKiver-ide 107 1:39% 7 115. .725 52555 The Pirate 1011:40*-, 4 99..7Li 32458 Frank W .102 1*40% 4 103x71.". .",j:-|s i - Fa n-y 3 92 X 71o 52337 bWar IMunie 1111:40% 5 101X710 52354 Flust Fancy 4 99. .70". 52314 bllaran M MB 1:41% 4 97.. 700 :.2.".14 Bedstart 115 1:39.-. H 88X706 • Armonia Stable entry. Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4 -year-olds and upwttrd. ClnimhiB. Track record: March 4, 1918— 1:41—5—117. 52383- Smite 4 102.. 725 52330 -■•bSii.n Feiner 105 1:44% 5 104X720 32338 *K1 Coronal 99 l:44-ti 5 10«X715 32484- OMalley U0 1:41% 0 108x715 32538 •J.Kk Healey 105 1:45% 5 101x710 52332 Leiaater 108 1:48% 5 108.. 705 ..0552 Meadoworth s 9S-t-7M» 52578 •bClare Boathe Mi. lot? 1:45% 5 99x700 "2.".oi Bahsr-Na-Bucaa . 4 100x700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012801/drf1921012801_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921012801_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800