Great Money Winners of World: Six Leading Thoroughbreds of Three English-Speaking Lands, with Man O War, America; Isinglass, England, and Carbine, Australia, Heading the Lists, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-06


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GREAT MONEY WINNERS Of WORLD SIX LEADING THOROUGHBREDS OF THREE ENGLISH-SPEAKING LANDS, WITH MAN 0 WAR, AMERICA; ISINGLASS, ENGLAND, AND CARBINE, AUSTRALIA, HEADING THE LISTS The great winners of the turf have usually I n its greateet racing figure-. Tin-re ha- been here and there a Biagle year winner favored by liolunc. Hut -uch have been r.iriiic-. When thoroughbred-race in tiitr events and for a term of years only what is known as elas* counts. lass is really the ability to do big thiaga when the lit; occa-inns pre-ent thein-.lvc-. In the cleat EagUah-naeahiag countries of the world the great turf winner- have invariably beea the great imlividual- of their time. Daily Kaciag Forms statist ica I eaperta have iccentli gathered from A lican. laicli-h and Au-tralian record- the ligures of the racing careers of the -i unat winners of each of the tin- ountrie-. They sii-l.iin the argument of the earnings of a horse in several veals Ixing the true |.-t of hi-, ability. The groups contain these great racing heroes: America Man a War. Domino. Rysoaby, Colin. Ballet and Kingston. Bajglaod — l-ingla— . Donovan. Itock Sand. I.ayardo. l.omberg and Flying Fax. Au-tralia Carbine. Cetigne. loitnl. De-erl Cold. Trafalgar anil Iosiedon. Fach gioup contains the great ligure- of the turf of their time of each country. I.elow are given the tig up- of the racing career of each Imr-e in the three greaaa: SIX GREAT AMERICAN WINNERS. Man o- War. ch. c. 1917. by Fair Play— Mahu-bah. by Rock Sand. Year. Age. Sts. 1st. Id. M. In;.. Woa, 1910 2 10 .» 1 0 o 3,82." , lt3».* :i ii ii o o o M0.14O Totals iii L1 2o 10 0 tSM,443 ! Domino, ch. h. 1S91 by Himyar — Mannic Gray, by Enquirer. Year. Age. Sts. 1st. M. 3d. 1np. Won. ;s i:i -j . li o o o $]7U,M0 I8 3 Hi 10 l 1 :i 22. lidll T.oal- ! • -J., l.i -J 1 ;i si!i:i..-,.-,n Sysonby. b. h. 1502. by Me.ton — Optime. by Orme. i Year. .e. Sts. Is;. Id. 3d. Flip. Won. D A4 i ti:i 12 0 1 0 94,288 19M 3 2 2 0 o 0 29.293 Iletak 2 15 14 o 1 o 84,488 rDead heat with Dice King, divided 1,919. Colin, b. h. 1905. by Commando — Pastorclla. by Daadie Dinmont. Ytar. AW*. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Flip. Won. IPliT J 12 12 0 ii n S131.007 irxts 3 : a o • o 49,990 Total- 2 1-". Ii 0 0 O 89,912 Ballot, ch. h. 1904. by Voter— Cerito. by Lowland Chief. . Vein. Ape. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Flip. Won. I 1990 2 13 4 3 :i 3 0,020 j 1007 3 12 s J o ,, ;:!.:,s,i I 1998 | r, .-, o o o ,915 I999f " 1010 ■ 4 2 1 1 ii 4.0."..". Totals 4 31 ll 8 8 3 54,170 Mil Fngland. ran four times, won the Select Stakes and ,975. Kingston, br. h. a884. by Spendthrift— Kapanga. by Victorious. iear. Age. sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. ITan. Won. 1880 2 : 1 2 o o $ 7.I.3.". 1S.N7 3 is 1$ 2 2 1, lsss 1 14 lo .! 1 O 18,995 lsssi ;, lr, u 1 o o 23,087 IS0O 0 10 !» 1 il II Di .".St.". 1SP1 7 21 1.". .". 1 0 27.SI..O 1899 s 20 13 $ 1 8" 17.110 ls»:t » S . 7 0 3 8.9M t89t lo .» d :i 2 o 2.990 Totals 9 ....189 SS M 13 4 S13s. 17 ENGLANDS SIX GREATEST WINNERS. Isinglass, b. h. 1890, by Isonomy — Deadlock, by Wenlock. V-ar. Age. St-. 1 :. 2.1. 3d. Dap. Won. 1892 • 3 :t o o 0 $ 22,883 18M 3 .". 4 1 o ii sis.:soo 1X94 4 3 :; o ii ii 157.490 is!»:. r, 1 l o o 0 12.9M Totals II 12 11 1 0 91.27.". Donovar. b. h. 1886, by Galopin — Mowerina, by Scottish Chief. Year. Ag ■. Si- 1-t. 3ft. 3d. 1np Won 1888 L 13 11 1 1 OS 82.935 1889 3 8 7 1 O 0 194. 2X0 Totals .21 21 ix 2 1 o S277.21:, Rock Sand. br. h. 1900. by Sainfoin — Requebrune, by St. Simon. Year. Age. SI-. 1st. Id. :id. Flip Won 1993 2 7 i; 0 1 0 S 37,898 1903 3 7 .". 0 1 o 192.195 l.iol » a .. 1 1 o ,845 Total- i3i 20 n; i :t o 88,990 Byardo, b. h. 1906. by Bay Ronald — Galicia. by Galopin. Year. Age Si-. 1-t. 2.1. 3d. Fnp. Won. 18M 2 ti ii o 0 us 85 inn ISM 3 18 11 o o 2 123.98a loio 4 .". 1 1 o o 94.4M Totals 3 it a i i 2 29,895 Lemberg. b. h. 1907. by Cyllene— Galicia. by Galopin. Year. Age. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1np. Won I9M 2 7 ii o l os 47.950 DtD 3 10 7 1 il 2 122.19a 1911 4 7 4 A o o 33,550 Totals i3 21 17 4 1 2 ft4.793 Flying Fox. b. h. 1896. by Orme— Vampire, by Galopin. Year. Age. sis. 1st. 29. 3d. Fnp. Won. MM 2 .", :! 2 o o 9,123 MM 3 8 ti O o 0 1X7.07.", Totals 2 11 9 2 u i M,2M AUSTRALIAS SIX GREATEST WINNERS. Carbine, b. h. 1885. by Merc, ry— Musket, by Knowfley. f«ar. Age Sts. 1 t. o,|. 89. Fnp. Won. 1887 2 .". .". o o o s c, 573 iv-ss 3 13 o :s i ii :ti 303 ISM 4 IS 8 8 2 1 ,110 18M S 19 lo 8 o o 74.100 Io-ls mi 43 :« li :s l 47,380 Cetigne. b. a. 1913. by Grafton— Pretty Nell, by Padlock. Year. Age St-. 1-1. 2d. 3d. Fnp. Won. 1915 2 x 8 2 ii 8 7,803 1010 : IS a 7 n 2 24 !»",:, | 1017 1 17 A 1 4 8 !l B25 101s s 1T ,; :! ;! - :!,; ,s1 l 191$ a s i ii 2 :. x oar, I I9M 7 15 5 :: i :: 25.820 T lab 8 M 21 18 18 27 33.78 I 1oitrel. ch. h. f 19141. by St. Ahvyne— Poinard. by Metal. Year. Age. Sts. l-l. 2d. 3.1. 1np. W- :.. 1918 2 :? 0 0 0 3 1017 3 -". :; O 1 1 2,383 101 s 4 11 4 0 o 7 28.335 1010 .", 13 0 112 ,750 Totals 4 32 Hi 1 2 13 99,978 Desert Gold. b. m. 1913. by All B.ack — Aurarius by Malster. Vear. l sts. 1-i 2d. M. Fnp. Won. 101.". 2 12 8 .". 1 0 0,950 1918 :: 14 11 o o i 49.375 1817 1 7 :. 1 1 o i .:,:.o 1918 .". 13 o 2 2 ii :ii.l2o loi-.i 8 lo 2 :. o :: ii;.7.mi 1929 7 3 o ii 1 2 923 Totals ici M :.»; 13 $ :. 29,878 Poseidon, b. h. 1903, by Positano— Jacinth, by Martini Henry. Year. Age. St-. 1-i. 2d. 3.1. Flip. Won. ISM 2 ." 1 o l :; s os:, lOIMi 3 11 II A I o 82.010 1907 ! 12 7 1 2 2 32.390 10O- .". I II 0 0 1 Totals ill 32 10 4 3 li XI i:,. :, Trafalgar, ch. h. 1905. by Wallace — Grand Canary, by Splendor. Yen. Age. SI-. 1-t. 2.1. 3d. Fnp. Won. 10l»7 2 2 I 0 I 2 1908 :: 14 5 1 :: .. 9,894 100 i 4 !l 2 2 2 A 10.123 1010 .". 14 3 3 3 1 29.800 1911 0 13 lo ii o 3 87,330 1012 7 3 1 10 1 8.S48 Totals nil ■.:. 2:: o s r, s1.17.7to

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