Seventh Race [Seventh Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-21

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SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. HUGH ANGLETON. b. g. 7 110 By J. F. Crowlev— Banoniea, by Bannockburn. .Trainer. S. Hazfltine. Owner. S. Hazeltine. 52849 Tijuana 5-8 lNl*afaat 7-7 KM 2 111* 1- C Tmpsonll Basttah Lady, Ternette, Lobelia lii.irriii Ali.l-s INI List 13-M M8 1] K Smith .1 1. L.Owen. Woodpile. Voormel 30747 Chairrin Ah., s 1 :0l ".-.List 22 il.i u t Buckles 7 MayMaalsby, II. Valley, E.Mbrbt 50170 Dufrin Ab 5-8 lN2*sfaat 6 117 S«| T Buckles 8 Vlrs«, Ran aa Stars. Jaa.Lraraa • Dufrin Ab 5-8 1:43 good 8 IS 27 T Buckles 7 Punctual. Virac, Bl Mabdi 9679 Kcmpn Ab.ijt" lN7%faat 17-M 113 l" R Pauley B Propaganda. Hosier. Iluviada 19613 Kempn Ab6-8 !: » 4-5 IM : R Pauley 7 M. Dixon. K.Worth, Hes a Beat WALTER MACK, br. g, 6 110 By Hapsburg— Foneda, by Kingston. Trainer. W. Pinkstaff. Owner. R. H. Good. 52947 Tijuana .77 t iNBffcalou 1 114 1 2 2 3*i R Carter !» AnaaRegiaa, Rlpoata. RabRaker 2M77 Tijuana 5-8 1 :W-,iast 33-18 113 1 4 2 2- 2J R Carter 1U RiaaaU, Joe lii-. Manachea 52831 Tijuana 77 f 1 a IN 4 11 1- U R Carter B Little Reach, Kef, Deekhand 52612 Tijuana 6 f I:095slow 7 114 2" R Carter B W.Mgoasery, Lit.Beaeb, B. ,loe 52441 Tijuana 6-8 1 15. 107 3i R McCrnn B Shiftv. Sherman A., Little Jake 52427 Tijuana 61 t lN*%faat 5 113 6«J C Whitton 7 Anna Wood, R. L.Owen. PbaUM W?B6 Tijuana 6 f INI Rood 17 112 3-jf R Carter 9 ClearLake. OridKing. R.L.Owen 622SO Tijuana 6 t 1:07 fast 5 Ml 331 C V.hit" ton 7 V.Welles. Robt. L.Owen. Linosta RIPOSTA, b. m. 7 113 By Chuctanunda— Canastota, by Royal Emblem. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 52947 Tijuana 61 f 1 .on- |ou 24-1 112 1 1 1 1- 21 B Marielli B An ategiaa. BobRaker, Wal Jlack U997 Tijuana 5-3 1 :io» 23-M iih 6 .1 .1 « 8»| p Martinea 7 Joe Tag, E. Brown, K.Cbeathaai 52865 Tijuana 6-8 1-18 Ml 2 11 1 |1| E Taylor 10 WalterMack. JoeTac Mann, lien 62703 Tijuana 57 f l:8B4*faat 7-10 IM 1= B Marielli s Welga, Temp1iinean, Tillot-on 52.147 Tijuana 5: f 1:12 mud 4-5 108 1« B Marielli 9 Tillotson. flro JaatCS Apple.laek 2486 Tijuana 5-1 1 :68%mud "i 113 |« N Foden B Tillotson. Chrome. EddieTranter 524.79 Tijuana 5 . f l :09,r.siop ::-2 113 2-7 P Martinea 7 Clear the Way, A. Jack. P. Moody 52406 Tijuana 5-8 l:01*r,fast 17-10 11 1 2n P Martinez !t Certrudelt.. TbvSeveu. Delancey 523G2 Tijuana 5J f l:0S%goodll-10 113 3J P Martinez 11 Hlaneliita. Lady Small. Ann S. DODE ADAMS, br. m, 5 103 By Luck and Charity— Tripod, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer. W. Cassity. Owner, Cassity Stable. 52874 Tijuana 6-8 INI faat 7 M6 I S 4 47 1" R Taylor lo .mid Nun.-. Kl Sabi... Chi. me 52648 Tijuana 7,-,s lail-.hvy 34 113 lo" D Hum 18 Cataflagell.. D.Psha, Lit.Jake .72.104 Tijuana 6-8 l:04.-.hvy 18-6 IM 6»l B Mariellll* lad.Bgade, M.Eurta, .J.l.Mrdk 522,iio Tijuana 7.7 f 1 :09 "-..j;ooil 27f 112, 8*f Rowe 11 Pty I.aliy. ErniitaiiH. C.Murphy 722.1 Tijiuina 6-8 1 :01.,fast 24f 11". 2-7 C. Yeargin 11 C.A.Comlaky, Lewis!?.. Uleadei- 519C1 Tijuana 6-8 INI fast 41f 111 fi« C McCkle 8 Clear Lake. Rlpaola. Milda 6M58 Tijuana 6-8 lNMfcfaat 13-M ill 1 A Zeigler 13 Rod Bam. Plunger. Limerick PIZARRO, b. h. 5 110 By Bonarosa— Becky, by John oGaunt. .Trainer. L. Hart. Owner, Ransom and Frances. 52M1 rijuana 1 1 41 " 1 IM I 1 2 1 :: 2 B Marielli • Lewis B., Har.aBetr, AuntAnnie £2878 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%f ast 71-18 115 i 1 1 H PI O W.iii- 8 W.Mgaaaery, DJoae. M.Pamell K427 rijuana 6 f lN71fcfaat 16 IM l | R Carte* 7 AauaWood, R.UOwea, ApvJack 52388 Tijuana 5-8 lNtHfaat 21; 11.1 i: Carter IB M.Meelick, Ringleader. Tillotson 52131 Tijuana 3-4 i:i::" lof 112 S*i R Carter 11 K.Cbeathaai. B.Baker. IkeMills 62889 Tijuana 6| f 148 fast 10 115 1 | R Carter it Bnaicrargf Ota Lee, Mabel Rum 51941 TijUiina 7.-s 1 :02--.iiiuil 33 112 I R Carter WalterMa. k. Betsiada, Delnncey 61838 Tijuana 6-8 INHsfaat M MJ 6T R Carter B "deli-r. W. Winmr. Sen Way CANCION, b. f. 4 104 By Meelick— Regea. by Margrave. Trainer, E. C. Rust. Owner. E. H. Short. 12195 Tijuana 5 1 IN! t.-t 23 M8 2" 11 It.tti;; 8 C. Wearer, B. Maggie, M s.-.lalia 51998 Tijuana 51 f 148 faat 1 le". l 11 Rettig H JN ChrMaster. ReyAlfalfa 51839 Tijuana 1 : ir-tost 12 1 I 1. Qaagel 12 Per.Lady, I.Byag. T.Rkearidga 51718 Tijuana 6-8 lNl%faat .1 N7 2- C Taylor 11 Tillotson. Milda, Rimllaaa 51689 Tijuana 5-8 INI faat M ill D llutu B Maple, L:nl.vSni:ill. l Kendall 71.741 Tiiuana 7,-x 1 :02 List 2l Ml PI W I my 11 Ifali.vli.iiii. BcesWg, BIG SMOKE, b. g. 8 108 Bv Duke of Ormonde — Gold Lace, by Ormonde. Trainer, M. J. Lynch. Owner. Long Beach Stable. 52174 Tijuana 61f1N7Hfast 9 111 I*JC Gross B Taa. Welles, K.L.Oweu. R.Raker rijuana 5-8 1 : 1 fast M 111 v C Gross 8 .lie Blair. Cornea Iter, N - 81B41 TUuana 21114 faal ll IM f4 C Oroau B KlttyCbeatham. Bedaa, siurd.-e 6MM TUuana 1-4 1 U raat 27 111 l* C Gross s Ik" Mills. Sea Way. Darnay MAID OF ANSEL, br. f, 5 103 Bv Flammanon— Air Maid, by Thicket. W. M. Mikel. Owner. W. M. Mikel. .7277 Tij ua na 5-8 1 -iM1 .si..u R M] 6" C Whittmi 11 Dai- N.. Pratt] Baby, McCroaa .72.107 Tijuana 5-8 lNt%hvy BM 11" 4" C WhlttonlJ Miiniulien, lluinuia. Divlund MB64 Caagrin Ab6-8 1N2 Roods 11.1 Pulled up. K smith 8 M.Traak, Rastertluo, st.-inivii 68848 Chagrin Ab6-8 1:85 slow 22 ill 1*1 ■ Owen 7 D*kWlafrey. .Jnitalll. Afarrette "4*127 DuPrtn Ab -s 1 -.ii::* -f-st M 1M R Barnea I Darter D . Key Mar, Wmutnlla Ab ." - ; . good 25 IM Pulled up. J Mul-ahy 7 la, a. mi.. I. IIii.i ni;l"t..ii. Yaran

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Local Identifier: drf1921022101_5_3
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