Some Queer Turns of Luck: Instances Where a Small Investment Brought a Fortune to the Investor, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-21


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SOME QUEER TURNS OF LUCK Instances Where a Small Investment Brought a Fortune to the Investor. Some s;iy the iimst unlucky IliinK von can d-i in letting or faaahUag is in aajr way to Maeaaait l your peaatble ariaalaga or la s.-iy hafarchaai thai you expect to 4o watt. V t la 1!M1 the nuui whai drew flaaalai la the Derby awtey ;it n well-hawwa Loudon eluli tisi - us Iii noni de j linii« la the draw the aaaat af a. v. baaer. Be w;is, ;i ~. .Vamrern of Loadaa, to the taae af abowl f8tta Itlink Itonny wms the aaaaaaai aaaae of Dr. Bol- , ion. who drew Haantar in the Calcutta aweep the Millie year. He i aatf to Have won 25.640 — a . record even for the Bfraea. In the year of lino the man who drew the wiaaei Leaabere;, was apt. fi. I.. Kahaaa, of the Indian I anavy. He wa* home aa leave at the time. Thlak- . in,: that u l ird in the hand wa worth two in the | haah, he sold half af his ticket for $;7.r.o . aad j then went to Kpsom to see Leaaharg earn liim another l."i.Mitl. In all. he was the richer tot liis lucky investment af fourteen shillings l nearly si •.-,. i too. Kven this was not Ihe end of hk link. Car, hf i a strange potacldeace, ha alae drew Leathers: in i the sweep arranged among the members of the . Soinnierset Coowtlf tlub at Tauton. Some years ago a young Knglishman arrived in I. liilin from Florida ahout a fortnight before the i Derby. He had lost a lurge amount of money | iiver oraajaea, ;.nd was hard up. He put ap ni a I well known hotel near Coreat Gardea and took a | ticket in the ten shilling Derby aweey, which is I alw : s made up there. Though he had not more than SliMI in his po-aeaaloa, he hwaata another ■arerehja in the club ■ aweey. That was CommonV year and. incredible as it may appear, he drew dniinon in txith aweeaa and won in all something over .fln.tKMl. BIG DIVIDEND FROM A PLACE BET. To draw any winner in the Calcutta sweep meant a big sum of money. In 1911 a wi rhheaae mas-ler under the Warrington 1niou bought three tickets, one of which, numbered 211,915, drew Stedfast. A sv tulicate at once offered .St;.ll 0 for a half share. Although Utedfast did not win. tin-total sum received by his lucky purchase was 891.000. What is the biggest sum ever won upon the Derby. Certainly noi the $:•_." . 0»xi of the 11*1 1 Calcutta a weep. In old day s the betting oa ttn-llta waa far heavier than it. is now, ulid the n. ord la wagering was reached in the sivties. Then- is no need to retell the story of the won ■ leiful Derby af lsilT. with its terrific rivalry he-Iweea Mr. Chaplla and the Marqaia of Haatlaaja. Hermit, the formeis horse, ami reported dead lame and a certain nou-ruuner. The harac had broken a blood vessel not long before the race and started at dl to 1. Hermit, admirnblv riddcu by John Daly, won Mr. Chaplla 2.1.000. Doe bet alone was for the enormous turn of Jflt3.000. In 1S51, the Tear of tuv. great Exhibition, the. winner of the greut race was Teddlugton. nomi-Bally the. ptomrty af Ue famous Sir Joseph Haw- ley. What Sir Joseph won over that race no onw knows, but it must havo lieen something enonuons, for he nave liin joekej-. Marson. a rheck for 810,-000. Davis, the Coleaaaa of the ring, leat 1900". 000 ; over that race, and three other baokaaakera ovtr S2S0,9M apieee.

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