No Warrants Served for Two Days, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-08


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NO WARRANTS SERVED FOR TWO DAYS NEW ORLEANS, La., Jaaaary a,— There was a suspension id warraal serving today ami it embraced those that were iatewded for service yestcr day. no arrests occurring Friday as at first reported. t! gh it had been intended to have tiie men charged with additional violations of the becke law to visit I he sheriffs office and give bonds. The disCOBtlBB-aace of serving warrants presages :1n early clarification of the racing situation issue here. It is expected that no further warrants will Ik» served and the sport will be unliampeied. General manager Robert S. Eddy. Jr.. declared that resorts to the effect the Fair Grounds would be dosed as a result of district attorney Marrs tactics are incorrect and without foundation. "Tids track." aid Mr. Eddy, "is conducted by business men of New Orleans to stimulate interest in New Orleans as a resort for tourists, not for profit, but for the best btterests f New Olleaas. I cannot see any reason for hampering our work. "I want to make it plain that reports to the effect wo will close this track are false aad ridiculous. We are set planning any changes at all." Sentiment continues overwhelmingly again-t district attorney Matrs proceedings, even the leading newspapers here- commenting editorially and sharply against his methods. District attorney Robert It. Marr late- in the afternoon agreed to make no further bookmaking arrests during the racing BBBBSB at the Fair Grounds this year. This step was taken by Mr. Marr following a conference with attorney general A. V. Coco. , ▲

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