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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. MAECH 29. 1922. One mile. Dm hundred aad eighth day. TljMUM !1 Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or MR days. Weather clear: temperature 65 . - PreaMlag steward. Fran, is Nelson. Aaaaelate Stewarda, J. W. CoaTrota mi Uh Wing. Starter, r. Hatty Mnrrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wins. Racing starts Bt 1 :."..". p. in Chicago time 3:55 p. ui.l. V indicates whip. S spurs, R blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race iadicate «.i;;te, track roeaad, age of bam ami 1,1 weight carried. Mndicates apprentice allowance. £•-* frj* FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-O* .. A" 4 ml olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: second, 00; third, 0. _ Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt •« _ 080188 *CANTJBGRET ws • 106 1 .". •* M v i n I... tip; C B Irwin MOO-MO ,o ■•••••CIRCULATE wit 9 ln8 4 11 1» i 77 - SJ G Wliams A E Bev.m 144-MI „, tlKfJftHAsrADF. am SIM 9 :: :•" 84 i" ::i J Hunmer K Wkalias MO-MS Hl •WOOLDAY w :■ 106 io 2 47 "h SI #■ E Fator Morris Stable SM-MI H 01868 OUVI D. wn 9 in ii i :. 4- :.. .v. R Carter A P CheaBwRIi U30-MI ■a OSRSSMABJON FLUKE s 4 10f S 7 M S* r, V C Stnder L Gnlbrnith 16048-191 , tillir.*IiAISY X. BJ .i Ml I 8 7 8". 7s 7- P Hum C McCaalin l.",4i-1M- H, 61187* MURIELS IKT W I Ml 7 I sl 9- S??. V T Wilson AV A Wright MB-1M 0 i M57:t RASTER Ilia. w I 11.". 0 4 1 SI 9- !il 1 Taylor W C Carrington t394*-lM hi 008M ALIOS P.HMOXP w 4 110 .". H HIM3 M» l"r- T Rao W E Hunter Mtlt comptroller was 7 Ml :: :• n n ii n W D m:h.t Cnrtta Baaa tMutuel field. Time. 24. 49. 1:02%, 141%, Track fast. HiniiiiK paid. raaaVtif j. S41J30 straight, ss on place, .40 ahaw; Circulate, .20 place, 12. M •1 how : ■; acade, 04.00 ahaw. Baatrateat baokiai HOr fiadiQirr. 1808 ta loo straight. MM ta 1W placa, 220 to loo show; Circa- hit.-, no in Ml ptacv, 30 io loo show; Cascade. 130 ta loo ahaw. Winner I., m, i y pa Grey -Candy. l»y Yankee traiaed bjr ". R. Iraria; bred by Mr. R. Ortaaaa. Weal to post at 1:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and Mow. Won handily; second and third .] driving. CANDRGRKY raced prominently from the «l nri and. da hing into the lead while rounding the „ last turn, kept if gamely to tlie cad. CIRCFLATE. last to begin, losed :i bis tap while racial on the ,,, oatalde and. laaaBiaC with a rush, probably would li.ive wen if away well. CASCADE showed much 1 apaai aad talaaca" rcaalately. WooiuAV needed this race and prabably will baprarc, olive D. had Mj no aUabapa. Sei.,ihed-r.9731 Herman Wliit II.. 113. Oveiweilll-.-C.ive.ide, 4 pound!-: la ter Girl. 4. = *»-| iTlrQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1 :0s1 i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-ajlA" r. i «3 okis and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. _ ludtx Horse* AWtPPSt Y*. % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eouiv. Odds Strt ,»t M!f97*FUL.L MOON w 4 Ml - ■■ "■ -■ SJ 1" P Hum W Vivdl MO Ml J„ 60904. KM. WILLIAMS w3-M a 5 : 3rl 5s! 2*5 J Majestic V Cloud S20-100 H ilOOS-suciAL, STAR wa 4 IM 1 7 77 4 4:i ::■• H R 1wer J Alenndra t;0-]00 604l|»3a"IS3 CLARK W U Ml I 4 ]i I1 l* 4-l T Wilson Graham 1340-Ml ,1013 QUINAM m 7 IJS 4 I l| :. I n- J HuiVmer C E Matthews 610-MS 60000* HMOSA NEGRA v 3 95 7 2 :.» 6nt fP C-J C Studer J S McDaniel i7M0-MI OOOOBVICTORT WON wa 4 187 8 1 S3 I 7» 7; E Petznohl .1 L, Hamilton I 07750 MA Y DAWN- B 7 111 :: I # 11 I I R Carter V Shannon 119;0-1Hl tMatad lii hi. Time. 2345, 483/3, 1:01-... l:07s. Track fast. yj inutnels paM, Full Moon. til. so straight. .v." .4 pbtCC, ¥3. JO show: Emma Williams. 08.00 place, S3. 40 shew; So. i:il Star. 02.00 show. Kipiivalent booking odds— Full Moon. 490 to 1H straight. 170 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show: Emma Williams. 330 io 100 place, 70 to 100 show: Social Btar, LO to 100 show. Winner — Hlk. f. by Kiel; Finnell— Culler Ou. by Oddfellow trained by V. C. Vivell; bred by Mr. McBrarer M.».re. Went to post nt J:22. At post J minutts. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the PULL MOON farced MISS CEARK along at tea speed and. catching her tiring when an eighth out. took the le::d in a terrific drive and just managed to outstay the fast-coming EMMA WILLIAMS. The latter came fast through the final eighth, but was tiling la the last strides. SOCIAL STAR stumbled at the start and niaile up ground steadily. MISS CLARK showed the early speed, but tired after turning for home. Scratched— 01020 Shelbyville. 100: C.lOfiC. M.dford Roy. 113; 00924 Iilanche Meyers. Ill; 60884 Stilpo. 113. Overweights — Hermosa Negra. 2 pounds. £*-* fir? /i THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and O-LvFd "* upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V*. ,2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kyuiv. Odds Strt 01— 1 NEBRASKA LAD w 4 Ml 4 1 1 17 V 1 1- J Hunmer Plainer • Loe J10-1O0 004h04a*BOOKWORM W 4 SM I I H I" V 2 t»l « Wliams H Farrell 700-100 010t#:TOYON ar o M 7 4 # ft 0| M .I4 C Studer M Koefa SM-MI «0a84 PONZA RAY w :: i C 3 1 »*1 !M 11 S* 4J 1* Hum G Hum 1020-100 60983*L»EEEA WELTA w ." MC M I 5*1 II 4- !- -".- T Wilson A E Jones 93:10-100 , 61027 NORAIN W I Ml 5 M M MHM* ~l 0s W D Miller G A Luckey tl120-100 1 61011 AUNT SITE w •" 112 1 Z V •* t| V H R Dority Emeryville Stable 13M0-MI I 60003 ETHEL KISMET ws 3 91 S 11 11 11 11 M» I] .1 Thomas C Henson 1S0M-0M 1 «0»H4 JACOBEL wa I 111 i ■" ." .] S- R] k* T Rae 1, Galbraith t .0! 84* DIXIE MASON ar 4 M0 11 9 V M H s: w H Eong Patterson ii Matlock 1S25O-10O , 010.-.7-*BETTIE STUART w 4 102 2 7 I 1 1 7"i-ll 11 M Fator S Christenson 2GO-100 1 tMutuel field. Time. 25]/3. 50. l:16 r„ 1:44. Track fast. 02 miuiK is ]iaid, Nebraska Lad, SjOJM siraiglit. §tM place. .S2.S0 sliow; Rookworm, .40 place, .10 1 show; Toyon. .60 show. Equivalent booking odds— Nebraska Ead. 210 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Rookworm. L70 to 100 place. 1J0 to 100 show; Toyon. SO to 100 show. Winner — P.. g, by David Tenny — Nebraska Eass, by Highland End trained by J. Bishop; bred by Mr. A. Real. Went to post at 2:4." . At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. NEBRASKA LAI, clear of interference, raced to the front on the first turn and, keeping the lead, easily held HOOKWORM safe through the leal quarter. The latter wa . hard ridden, ran well and did her best. TO YON raced forwardly and made a game finish. lONZA RAY was caught ill a jam on the lirst turn and, after being shuffled rearward, .losed a big gap. DEEEA WELTA ran promisingly. Overweights — Eookwomi, 3 pounds: Toyon, 4; Aunt Sue. 1. ft ~i rflRL FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 2-year-O-aLvf a t3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, €. Index Horses AWtPPSt A f| % Str Flu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61012,*SWENSOX w 10 110 l 4 2. 17 1- P 1- T Wilson S .1 Cornwell 1100 1 ;i9J9*BABY SISTER ws 11 108 2 8 7 6- -V 21 2s C Studer C 1. Dick.rson 710-100 1 I.09H."". DIONE WBC113 •". 2 :.- r.n V 4 :;i E Fator .1 W Tate 190-100 •1000 ZODIAC wsi! 11 111 I S 7 S» S* t| 4*1 J Hun mor J Mays 2930-MI 1 6U409 -CLERK wsi: 12 110 1 I 1] S* 2- 31 S» H Long C B Irwin 3400-109 01M?*MOIM9TE arSSM 4 I S M Q 7- 9 B PetxgToM W A Wright 30M-MI 1 •MIS GO ON m . IE. 7 7 41 4; 4* e 7 .1 Majestic B V Wintera !•■ JO WO «l4ii Miss HTELLS ws lo 113 i 9 I x- sr R»» *•• R Carter W Oraaea 24G0-100 i OMtOROBERT LER wu 0 IM I 1 6 I I . G Wliams .1 Stadler 3400-1OO Time. 80*4, 49?.,. 1:16. 1:43, l:493i. Track fast. |S mutuels paid, Swenson, .00 sOaigln. 02.80 place, show: Baby Sister. .50 place, 20 I show: Dione. s.::.l:o show. Fquivalenl booking 130 to 100 strvighl. 40 lo 100 place, SO to 100 show; Ruby Sister, ISO lo 100 place. 00 to 1H show: Dion.-. OS t.. MM -l„,n Winner — Br. g, by leoiiid— Insolence, by Dungarven trained by S. Cornwell; bred bv Mr. Wade F. Mcl.emore. Went to post at 3:10. At post 1 miipite. Start good and -low. Won easily: second and third driving. SWENSON. after r.ieiim CLERK lata retirement, drew away into a long had and. keeping It, ee-ily held naay to the end. BART BIBTRR mad.- ap eaeead steadily and was a fast -going second. DIONK came wide when entering the stretch, but made a Lain- iinisii. ZODIAC was well ridden and had no mis bap* LLKK shoued speed. ar*"! I ■712 1IKTI1 RACE— 0-0 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916—1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ; Ul°H vF ami upward. Claiming. Ne: value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?4 /4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Strt 60974 HTGANS HEIR wa S 112 7 7 4: :: 2" |k T Wilson l" Wallhau aer Ma-lOS 1 SMMS«QUN OP TRUMPS ar 4 M4 :; 4 ta H p R] c Stader If Farrell 1 Kt-lOS 1 01— S»»TOM CRAVEN ar 1 M I .". I* l»l . ." H I.; C B Irwin 2M-M0 1 C1MS**H BUROOTNR w n 7 107 1 l :: 4 ; 4aa M Pator. W Vounkman mo-Ph 1 «il63 John ,ii: w I H7 s 2 Ik .- r :. .1 Majeatlc blaaajale 440-10-1 1 60843 KIRBTIES CUB wu 7 IM 4 :: 2* 2« ::. V R Dority P Borland E60-MI 1 iti989 DANCING CURL WB 6 110 ii S IJ :» B" 7! .1 lluifni-r .f Eckert T 40-1ai 1 01017 BLACK top ar 4 IM :• I 7 71 7 S»J II B Bwer W Walker 04M4M*ORCHJD KING w sit 7 lit; I s . , 9 9 P Horn J Tate 1M0-RM tMutuel Held. Time. 24, 48, l:10H Track fart. : 2 mutiieis paid. HatThcaa* Heir. M.O0 utrafebt, 04.4*1 place, .00 show; Qacea of Trumps, OeM, 0.00 place, SS.40 ia»ir; Toaa craven. .S2.00 ahaac. Equivalent bookiag udda Barricaaa Belr, 380 to 108 itralcbt, 120 to Hmi place. SO to km show: gueen ..f iri.tiips. n. hi. 430 to 100 place, 70 to Dm show, loin Cravea, H t. 100 .show. Hii.ii.i ch g. i.v liaitigan -Adaairala Baachter, by Von Troaip trained by e. WalBwaaer; bred by Mr T. i- Sanders. W. at to |mi t a! S :.7 t poat 1 minute. Start good and ■Mar. Won driving: second and third the same. II A Lltli: ANS !M*1R moved up sieoiily after ..!-• iug Hie half and. RaviBg ground on all the turns. uufatared «.ii KBN 01 TRUMPS in a fast Oaiah. 1 u - bitter, after setting a fast pace and racing ; KIR8TIR*fi PI B into defeat, drew aaraj into a clear had after fuming for baaae, but could not quite v.iihsi.ind ii.- uinn.i ru -h TOil CRAVRN bad a rouab cue aad labdwd fast and wearing the lirst I tare dawa UARRY BPROOYXE was sharply abut eft while r.uiiidini; the last tiiiu and. when falling ; back, int.-i Iei.d »ii_li JOHN .11: The bitter lini-h.d .lose up. KIRSTIR8 11! ran a fast half. Scratched 01071 Fireplace, 112; 01030 Wing, ill: 01020 N.g, lo.s. : tit r? SIXTH KACE— 1 1-16 Kile?.. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ! Ol V 4 4 and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt M V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt .loi.T "I.itt. orphan am S IM : I 2" SJ I 2 1 11 Long 1: Buchaaaa :,.-... ut «:iC4 GOOD ENOUGH wb I 114 t :: 1- 1 l»J 1| _ .M Fator J O Arvtn 4MO-10O il»66-L WHK W 0 IM s 1 4:,:t. :: ?:■ ::. Q Wliams A II Gray 2M-10« 01«1S*PROPHECY waClM I I ::,,L 4. 41 4- 4- T Wilson W L Schaefer 9D0-1M Of0ftS**WHITE HAVEN W f Ml Z 4 7- J* 7- I 1 :, LO Sawver 280-100 ;10I4"IIICKORYNIT wsi: 8 MS 1 7 .V, 6»1 Is El « P Hum G F Ilurn 400-100 01040 LDING THRGH w.-t: 11". 3 S I] V, I ! 7- 7 E Taylor Mannale and Raumstock 10" l 1 010S7*VON ladv arOMS 7sssss n b Ewer r. Howkuai MM-hM Time, 25, 50, 1:10%, 1:43. 1:49". Track fast. 82 mutiieis paid. Little Orphan. .sKMlO straight. 14.20 place, .60 sliow: Good Enough. 100 place 0.20 -how: Al Wi.k. 0S.O0 ihow. Boairaleal boaklag ...ids— Little orphan. 000 to 100 straight. 210 to loo place. 130 to loo show Bead Enough. 00O to 100 place, 410 f.. 100 show: Al Wick. 80 I.. I11O show. laaer— Ch. g. by Btrbradi — Amelia R.. by Sain traiaed by K. E Rudianan: bred by Mr. K. E. Buchanan. Went to post at 1:iE At post 1 minute. Start good and law. Won driving; set ond and third the same. LITTLL ORPHAN raced la da ;-st pursuit of the paceaaaker until midwav af be atretcb where he moved cp and. challenging g: in. Iv. wute QOOB ENOUGH down and won dtav.iiig clear JOOl ENOIOH showed mull speed in pa ■. making and. when challenged, made ;i resolute Iniish AL 1 K Was well ridden and did his best. PROPHECY, ua- K oiag faat al the end. Bad pjelghta— BoaadUag Thraagh, 2 Baopda, !1 - r. 1,1 .. _ •« _ ,o „, Hl H ■a , H, 0 hi M •1 .] the „ the ,,, 1 Mj = r. _ ,»t Ml J„ H £»-j fkf~Q SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— l:ll-5— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OlVl O and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Djdex Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 81ttl*MI8S KRUTBR w 11 11" . r. :y- 2| 2- 1 T Rae II T Palmer 2200-110 010SS**VIEW ws 7 112 4 I T; V l" S* M Fator II I. Jones 130-100 |1MO*ORLEANS GIRL W 5 IM 2 4 .".» :." 4 ::■ C Studer Thompson • Berry 700-100 01008 HOT POOT wu •". 112 1 I 7 « f.1 41 B Carter .1 Edwards 1160-100 01O08*LAVAGA wu I 110 f. 7 I* 7 Is .". T Wilson Rlackwell «v Crlppen 6240-101 88088* BY RIGHT a I M? | 2 41 4. 7 il J Thomas A Kaufman ..tW-UX 610.";!. W. HARPER BT 7 117 7 7. S* 8" 1 P Martin./. F R Irwin 360-100 Time. 24?5 48:,5, 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Miss Krnter. 848.00 straight. 010.00 place. » .« show; Yiew. .40 place, .40 show: Ofteaaa Qrri sl.20 show. Lquivalent booking odds- .Miss Kruter. 2200 to 100 straight. 730 to 100 place, 330 to 100 show; View, 70 to KM placa, 2d to 160 show: Orleans Girl, 110 to 100 stow. Winner it. in. bv Transvaal — Lillie Kruter. bv Oiim-i traiaed bv C. MmiI.v; bred by Mr. Martin Doyle. Went to post at 4:27. At post 1 minute. Start good arid slow. Won handily: second and third driv- ing. MISS KRUTER followed YIEW losely unlil well into the hom.streteh. where she forged to the front and won going away. YIEW showed the most speed and held sway to the last sixteenth, where he tired and had to he hard ridden to save second place. ORLEANS GIRL made a faat and game finish and outstayed HOT FOOT. The latter finished with a rush. Scratched— OOXSK-Wciiilaim. 109: 80048 Dora. 110. — £*~t ifS EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1910—1:11?.-.— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OJLvr 0 *J and upward. Claiming. Net vali.e, to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Liu Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt CIMS HARRY RDKRwaaOMS 7 4 Ill" Ill" G Wliams a Borland H0-MB 6 J 055 MISS DUNBAR w 4 I08 2 .! Sf :. I | 2 B Han AY II Moore WM-1H0 61056 :*PEANTAG1;NKT w 10 112 I 6 0* ."1 •". S" C Studer .1 W Shockley GOO-Kla 61657 MYRTLE A. wsB 9 110 1 I 2:1 P M 4*1 H Loin; C B Irwin r.lO-100 S1«10*CICELY KAY ws I US I 1 4, 4, M :. E Taylor -It Parlon 2140-100 8l«41 •DOUBLE VAN ws .". lo!i 4 I t;. M P P 11 B Barar G It Abbott 300-lOu 81*81 OED H STEAD wsn 7 117 I I I I 7;1 74 J Hunmer V. Burnett 2260-ltM 61014 CHOW i:4 11."i I 7 7- 7 I I It Carter W Ormes 5150-100 Time, 24. 48V5. l:13s. Track fast. S2 nitituels paid, Harry Rudder. .80 straight, 84.00 place, 8880 show: Mis Dunbar, .60 placp. 84.40 show: Plantagenct, 88.88 show. Kipiivalent booking odds -Harry Rudder. 190 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. BO to 100 show; Miss Dunbar. 2S0 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Ilantagen.t. SO to M0 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Skilful — True Step, by Handsome traiueii by V Borland; bred bv Mr Sidney Block. Went to post at 4:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won cantering; second and third driving. BARRY RUDDER decisively outpaced the others from the start and. improving his advantage steadily, won off by himself. MISS DUNBAB was prominent throughout and. making a game finish, just managed to withstand the rush of PLANT AGE. NET. The latter was going fast at the end. MYRTLE A., after racing in closest, but unavailing, pursuit of the winner, tired in the last sixteenth Scratched— 81883 Our Maid. 110: 08088 Red Man. 114. Overweights-Cicely Kay. I pounds.