7th Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-14

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Claiming Oct 7 101G BIT O GREEK b f 4 105 By Cunard Saata Anna EL by Harta on Trainer onTrainer F Brooks Owner T W Kouatjoy G21G2 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 175 104 7 6 34 31 B Barnes 8 Biddledec Piclor Rob G1457 Lexton 1 116 l4Cfast 8 110 10 9 7 7 10 UuelcAelo Waltllall MarJoho 60433 FGnda Im70y l45fast 41 106 S 41 11 E Barnes 12 KingsBelio She Deril Ecution 60231 FGnda 34 l13fast 8 104 10 9 S 6 E Barnes 11 Murpliy Machiavelli Rolo 52677 FGnda 34 114 fast 12 103 11 11 6 54 5 E Barnes 12 Bengali Jago Miss Rankin 5M53 FGnds 34 l13 slow 25 10j 4 4 6 6 E Barnes 11 Rolo Sundalwooil Fleer 50293 Jeffson 34 113 fast 25 10S 8 S s 8 s 8 s S 8 E ju Barnes liarnes 8 CothcRst F FPulIct Pullet T TNephew Ner 59215 Jeffson El f IrOSKfaat 100 108 6 8 C 6 6 E Barnes 7 Elmer K Valor Col Taylor E2478 FGnds 34 l13fast 7 1CS 3 8 9 10 10 L McAtea 11 Day Lilly Rancocas Rolo 62033 Jefson S4 11C slow S 113 4 S RoloS 4 31 24 L Lyke 10 SeaCourt HPrineess LLevea BLACK HACKLE blk s S 105 By Star Shoot Shelby Belle by Knight Errant Trainer ErrantTrainer J Hennessey Owser J Hennessey 62322 Latonia 34 114 fast 81 105 7 9 S S l A Roach 9 CTaylor Grarn Prince Welles Welles6197S Churchill 1 116 l4Gfast 43f 110 3 6 7l 6197S 41 A Wilson 12 Black Thong Faux Col Coson G1S29 CosonG1S29 Churchill 34 115 mud 18f 115 U 10 J II Burkell DcBoncro SkiiosKnob Wm Oldt G0951 OldtG0951 Havana 61 f l07fast 75 112 9 11 111 12 A Tryon 12 MWinks GalBerrv TwySca G0915 TwyScaG0915 Havana 1 l41slow 12 103 1 1 7 7 A Tryon 7 Rebuke Petrarch The Leopard 60792 Havana ImSOy IMSgood 5 105 4 4 4 6 7 71 A Pickens 7 Tonialiol EleanorS Plus Ultra 60712 Havana 51 f lOCHfast 8 1C8 5 4 4 4 S McGraw 5 Knd Man I ast One May Hous M65 HousM65 Havana ImEOy 148 slow 20 104 4 3 3 2 2J 3s S McGraw 8 May House EleaiiorS Ticacey 3S133 Ticacey3S133 Churchl 34 l13fast 17 113 3 3 7 S1 6 J Kederia 15 Judge Pryor Tliaroa Bermont 57949 Churehl 1 116 l45ifast 49 113677 7 5S A Wilson 9 GrcenGold Clmarron AmerB 7 7GRACE GRACE DATJGHEBTY ch f 4 100 By Frizzle Ruth Carter by Handsel Trainer HandselTrainer S T Williams Owner K Human G2401 Latonia 1 116 l4S fast IS 100 10 6 EI 4 i H Stutts 10 Millersburg Arravan OllieWood 62297 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 76 100 346 4 1 H Stutts 8 Ix gal Countess FJying Prince G2131 PrinceG2131 Churchill 1 116 145 fast 27 102 6 4 6 6 B Scheffel 0 Tulalip Padua Cinderella 201C Churchill 1 116 147 good S3 102 4 3 4 4 W Pool 7 Alex Jr Wickford Hnrlock 3175 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 87 101 9 10 10 10 10 10 V Thelcn 10 Dantzic HFontaine Marehon 5S071 Churchl 1 116 147 fast 19f 102 11 8 8 10 10 10 G Fields 12 MarCorps MFntaine B Maid 57S05 Maid57S05 Latonia 1 316 207mud 20 94 7 7 8 8 8 7 B Scheffel 8 CapitalCity TimMcGee PeggyC E7G79 PeggyCE7G79 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 81 1C7 8 8 8 7 61 J Kederis 9 Cimarron Willow Tree Ace 57622 Latonia 1 116 l52hvy 22 97 5 2 2 3 3l 3 A Roach 8 BStone Marelionn HofTNortS 57390 Latonia 1 1S l5654slow 64 94 3 7 7 9 9 9 B Scheffel 10 Pit Nonskid Alex Jr JrWARSAW WARSAW ErioTrsiner br g 8 110 By Bryn Ma wr Early Love by King Erio Trsiner R McGarvey Owner KcGarvey Lewis 62479 Latonia ImTOy l a fast 28 109 S 8 8 S J H Burke 8 Korbly Red Legs Twinklpnius C2187 TwinklpniusC2187 Churchill 1 116 14S fast 4 103 7 3 3 2l J Owens 8 Harry B Link Boy OJlie Wood 62044 Churchill 1 IMOgood 32 112 6 5 4 2l H J Burke 9 DadWolf Pictor TrustOfficial G1940 TrustOfficialG1940 Churchill 1 116 l48 fagt 9 106 8 8 7J 7 J Owens 9 Alex Jr Millersburg Bermfcnt G1G20 BermfcntG1G20 Lcxton 1 116 l46fast 40 103 6 2 3 4 l J II Burke G Paris Maid Legal Bob Baker Cl BakerCl 513 Lexton 1 116 l51hvy 3110 10S 5 6 4 4 E Pool 0 Peggy C Bob Baker Greenland 60460 FGnds 1 18 154 fast 20 103 9 9 9 7 10 10 J Owens 11 Corson AttorMuir CurtKrenW 60016 FGnda 1 116 l53hvy 5 10S 6 6 6 6 7 7 H Thomas 7 Hello Pardner Phelan Bond 69755 FGnds Im70y l4Sgood 10 ICO 7 10 8 6 21 21 C Lans 10 MidnightSun Jerry P G KInx E35 KInxE35 FGnds 1 116 143 fast 7 10S 10 9 C 8 S 8 = F Veiner 10 Fluzey Galiot British Liner ES519 LinerES519 FGnda 1 115 l54mud 21 109 6 5 4 4 31 5Ti E Scoblo 10 Verity LittleEd SeachLightHL SeachLightHLAHRAVAN AHRAVAN b g 8 110 By Broomstick Sallio of Navarre by Henry of Trainer ofTrainer E Trotter Owner E Trottor Navarre NavarreG2401 G2401 Latonia 1 116 l48 fast 195 ICG S 7 31 21 J Owens 10 MUsunrg 01 Wood GDangherty C2297 GDanghertyC2297 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 1910 110 3 5 T 714 M Garner 8 Legal Countess Flyln Prince G1872 PrinceG1872 Churchill 34 l13fast 5 112 7 7 7 4 = 1 E Pool 12 Ncnotte Archie Alexander Dad C7810 DadC7810 Latonia 1 18 l55 imud 51 110 2 2 2 2 S 4 M Garner 5 GcnIIaig IIonoBoy Accelerate 67535 Latonia 1 116 l47fast El 112 6 4 3 1 1 1 E Pool 9 DrRae CanLiglit SirJVcrgn 57311 Latonia 1 1S l56hvy 1710 115 662 2 41 43 H Lunsf d 9 Pit J C Stone Alex Jr 57202 Latonia 1 116 l49itmud 3910 114 9 3 6 2 2 21 H Lunsfd 11 FnirOrlent UarvestKing Wave 57013 Latonia 1 116 l4Sgood 32 109 4 5 1 1 Il Il B Kenndy 8 WotlieWp IIvcstKing Dolpi 55552 Latonia 1 1S l52fast 7 103 6 S fi 7 6 7 H Lunsrd 12 Virgo Young Adam Gnr 55147 L onla 1 116 l4Sfast 8 110 2 6 7 C 6 Ei H Lunsfd 9 UarvestKing YgAdnm Mclrin 55345 Latonia 34 l12fast 105 112 3 10 8 8 SJ H Lunsfd 11 Cliatonville Kinglike PortLlrlst PortLlrlstDE DE RAE EllisdaleTrainer b e 6 110 By Sea King Stake and Cap by Ellisdale Trainer E L Rogers Owner R L Rogers 62482 Latonia 1 14 207 fast 2 103 4 3 31 S1 W Pool 8 Padua Countess WadsthsLast G2213 WadsthsLastG2213 Churchill 1 1S l53Vifast 1110 110 1 2 2 2l W Pool 5 Pictor Virgo Countess 0190G Churchill 1 1S l52fast 65 110 5 7 4 44 C Studer 11 Cut Up Coantess WadthsLast G1770 Churchill 1 116 l477sfast 5 103 4 1 1 1 J Owens 10 Virgo YoungAdam ChinWalsh 6S040 Church 1 1 1S l52fast 5 109 8 3 8 5 31 2 R Harton 12 YgAdam Guaranteed IlarKlng 57945 Churchl 1316200 fast 21 109 7 7 6 1 21 2 k R Harton 8 Lackairanna Gourmand CLljbc 57776 Latonia 1 116 l43tfslow 1 110 3 B 2 2 2 24 H GregorylO YgAdam SerFlajr MFontalca 57595 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 8 112 562 2 R Hartoa 9 Arraran CanLIght SirJVersn B6053DBhlr 1 14 2O5 hvy 125 3D7 6 6 6 344T G Fields U Court Fool Pit Goldine ESCARPOLETTE b m 5 110 110Trainer By Fitz Herbert Belancoirc by Meddler Trainer T F DoverosHn Owner T F Dei oreaux 62437 Latonla 1 S16 lE5fast 33 103 3 2 oreaux3s 3s 3 5 F Smith 8 PnrisMaid MarCorps BslWhl 62297 Latonla 1 18 l53fast 17 105 2 C J B Kcnndy 8 Ixjgal Countess Flying Prlnco 62131 Churchill 1 11G 14S fast 10 105 3 S 6 4 G Brcun B 6 Tulalip Padua Cinderella 02040 Churchill 1 116 147 good 10 1C9 J 7 C R Davics 7 Alex Jr Wickford Harlock 61977 Churchill 78 l25fast 25 113 10 10 9 G11 R Davies 13 Mliodinc AAlexander Penvell 61550 Loxton 1 116 l50hvy G 111 1 3 3C1496 3 2 R Davics 8 Merchant Pimlico Plctor C1496 Lextoii 1 116 l51Xmud 2 112 4 1 1 1s R Daviea 8 Bertha S Tulalip Megan 1443 Loxton 1 116 147 good 33 1C3 S 3 8l Sl J H BurkelO AmcricnnBoy Rep UonoluluBoj 6053 FGnda S4 l15slow 12 115 4 47 J J D Mneyl2 Betsinda Trantula Eternity H32 FGnda 1 116 l46 fagt 15 105 4 5 S 6k 8 G Brenlng 8 Darkllill DaintyLass MMaxini PEGGY C b f 5 105 By Jim Gaffcey Housewife by Han 7er 7erTrainer Trainer J S Ownbey Owner J S Ownbey 62520 Latonia Im70y l47vihvy 9 100 1 4 41 310 C Rails 9 Balce Wheel Casey 1 TngAdam 61550 Lexton 1 1116149 116 149 hvy 11 1C6 G C 7 7 W Pool 7 Waltllall MarscJohn TSwimr C1513 Lexton 1 116 lBlHhvy B 100 1 1 11 I W Pool 5 Bob Baker Greenland Warsaw 11593 FGnds 1 116 l52hy 8 101 1 3 4 C 6 61 1 C A Wilson 10 Mormon Elder The Wit Ettahe EttaheW505 W505 FGnda 61 f l09 hvy 12 107 7 9 13 71 G l H Thomasl2 Has Turnabout Granny Lee 109 Churchl 1 116 l47Vifast 30 111 7 7 El G l R McDottl2 FosEmbry Amanda FairOrlent FairOrlentE730S E730S Latonla 1 316 207 imud 4310 100 5 3 2 2 1J 3 i F Ponetto 8 Capital City Tim McGec Tulaa Tulaa67G49 67G49 Latonla 1 116 l4Sgood 30 108 1 1 1 2 31 F Porretto 8 Cinderella Furbelow Dimples DimplesB742S B742S Latonla 1 116 152 hvy 175 1CS 2 2 2 S 21 J B Parks 6 Wild Flower Mavehonn Doric DoricB7235 B7235 Latonla 1 11G l47tgood 31 SS 1 1 1 1 1 14 B Parke 11 FrankF Lackawanna SandyH SandyHTULSA TULSA b g 6 105 By Ivan tho Terrible Tseeit by Bonnie Joe JoeTraicer Traicer J P Phillips Owner J P Phillip 2437 Latonia 1 316 l59fast 74 101 8 7 61 B C Drrelli 8 PMaid MarCorpa Bscarport Bscarportfc2302 fc2302 l atonia 1 18 l53fast 33 105 7 7i 814 A Frieshon 8 ChecrLeadcr Bidddee Nurture NurtureC2076 C2076 Churchill 1 116 14S hvy 3 105 6 2 21 J Owena 8 Pictor Uandcl Ffying Prince 61536 Lcxton 1 18 1E9 hvy 3310 103 7 21 2 G Breunff 7 MmonBlder MarieRpold Bond BondtOZ09 tOZ09 FGnda 1 18 200 hvy 4 107 10 4 3 1 I1 C Lang 12 Nordeck OldFaithful Jobnirbor JobnirborEi979 Ei979 FGnds 1 116 201hvy 41 111 2 2 2 S1 31 C Lane 7 LaKross Kfisher HomeBound HomeBound69S25 69S25 FGnda 1 1S 204fchvy l 110 3 1 1 3 3 E Scobie 5 LSttleEil JArbor Dahabbiahll Dahabbiahll597S3 597S3 FGnds 1 116 l51Vmud 115 107 1 4 4 4 4 A Wilson 8 HPardr InBoy IIoraeTrdlJnil IIoraeTrdlJnilE9061 E9061 FGnda 1 1S l5314fa t 12 Ifl6 7 I t t 8 H Thomas 8 Ginaud Ace WadsworthsLaBt WadsworthsLaBtBROWN BROWN BILL br g 4 110 By Waldo Cutaneous by Farandol FarandolTrainer Trainer W K Cain Owner Cain Sinford 2401 Latonla 1 11G l4Sfast 27 103 7 1 CJ 61 W Pool 10 Millersburg Arravan OllieWood C2215 Churchill 1 1S 154 fast 22 104 5 3 4 4 W Pool 5 WadssLast YgAdam Pimlico 62187 Churchill 1 116 148 fast 19 110 B 6 6 5 W Pool 8 Harry B Warsaw Link Boy 60857 Mobile Im70y l51fast 4 112 3 2 1J lz G Mangan 9 Legacy Capt Burns Blue Star 0795 Mobile lm0y 202 hvy 4 112 9 3 3 7 71 7 W HInphy 10 Rosccliff Dickie W Obstinate ObstinateC0762 C0762 Mobile Ab 58 l02alow 15 120 8 8 I 8J 8 E Pollard 10 GrannyLee NorthSbore Nolawn Nolawn500S7 500S7 FGnda 34 116 hvy 185 111 5 6 5 M Garner 8 Betsinda Back Bay N Shore Shore6C012 6C012 FGuda 34 117 hvy 7 110 5 2 2 2 24 M Garner II Twopair Serdce SUr Pie M027 Jeffaon 1 116 l55thvy 21 103 6 2 2 2 21 5 C Lang 9 Zone dArmee Corydon Zalncr TI3I KcGEE ch h 7 113 113Trainer By HcGee Cheak by Hawkswick Trainer W Ritte 07ner W H Ritte 61860 MHcights 78 l31slop 135 US USC1818 1 A Kroger 7 Baywood Short Stop Flypaper C1818 MIIelghta 6J f l09faat 14 113 Is A Kroger 12 Currency Propaganda Benecia nenecia 61800 MHeights 78 l26faat 21 107 451 A Kroger 9 Hoover Legacy Tarascon 61753 MHeighLa 1 l39fast 4 108 108FLYING 31 T Burns 9 Tarascon HMStevens ShHStop ShtStopFLYING FLYING PRINCE ch c 3 K 98 By Zeas Sweet Pea by Ivan the Terrible TerribleTrainer Trainer J S Evermaa Owner Dortch Bros 62478 Latonla 1 116 l47 ifast ID 108 6 6 61 C4i J Francis 8 Sportsman AlamaGirl OoLaLa 62297 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 12 57 7 4 S l J Owens 8 Legal Countess GraceDaugherty GraceDaughertyf2157 f2157 Churchill 1 1MO fast 3 104 G 4 2l 21 J Owens 15 GrDaddy FrankBoyd Heiinoden 62070 Churchill 1 11C 143 hvy 16 103 7 7 61 411 B Kenndy S Pictor Tulsa Randel Randel620O8 620O8 Churchill 1 l fast 7f 105 4 7 61 6 1 J Koeller 15 Brass Tacks Opulent Bojul BojulC17S9 C17S9 Churchill 78 l2Srast E2 105 9 6 6 4IJ A Arvln 14 Castlcreagh Be Good Bojul BojulE3210 E3210 Churchl 7S l25faat 26 115 3 9 11 11 11 II14 R McDottll UncleSonny OurDear SamFraak SamFraakK170 K170 Churchl Bl f 108 fast 131 115 G 7 l 63i R McDottl2 Uadiola BiossomHouse WakeUp 58101 Churchl 1 IMOUfast 15 lOSi 3 9 10 9 91 9 R McDottlO Charlhie Sam Frank Bojul BojulHOPE HOPE br m 7 105 By Bryn Kawr LintUa by Linden LindenTrainer Trainer C W Chappoll Owner C W Chappell Chappell6215G 6215G Churchill 34 l12fast 152 10S 9 S S S 3 N J Brncs 9 BenBolt Youaeed GroundSwell 62077 Churchill 7S l2Sslow 68 107 S 6 6 2 N J Brnca G CliryTree Eteside JSReardon JSReardonC1977 C1977 Churchill 78 l25sfast 1U 103 7 11 11 11 N J BrneslS MBo line AAlerander Penwell Penwell13S13 13S13 Whecljr Gl f l24good G4 117 9 N J Brnes 9 LLgfellow DrCpbell OgGlrl OgGlrlJ377G J377G Wheels 34 120 mud 22 112 Fell N J Brnes 9 Tom Goose Selma G All Ther 63715 Wheel ir 34 1 161 faat 7 117 4i N J Brnes 5 Stir Up Chandelier NoTmmpi J3274 Havana ImSOy 145 fast 10 S3 7 8 8 8 81 C Parrish 8 BIdea SWJobnson L Hester CHARLES KEKRY ch o 4 105 105Trainer By Jack Atkin Prudential Girl by Kinley Hack Trainer 7 Perkins Owner H C Maoro 2518 Latonia 1 11S l52hvy 2 105 2 1 1 I1 W Pool 11 Black Rock WPrize Whippet 01978 Churchill 1 116 l4Sfast 18 110 7 2 710 E Pool 111 Black Thong FauxCol Corson 01 909 Churchill 1139 fast 84 105 3 8 G Breuns 8 Hold Me Dartmoor Wapiti 61814 Churchill 1 11G l47alow 10 112 3 2 S1 4 T Murray 6 EulahF Dartmoor Dernier Sou SouC1622 C1622 Lexton 34 l13fast 15 10G 10 9 8l 81S G BreunglO Cbacolet DBuckner Jim Dawy DawyC1552 C1552 Lcxton 34 l15hvy 276 110 1 4 2 4 1 T Murray 8 Hold Me Rep John S Reardon 61490 Lexton 34 l15mud 7 110 8 6 41 2 T Murray S AtieMay RapStride JSJidon JSJidon4S929 4S929 KcnUrUi 68 l01 ifast 910 108 3 2 11 1 H Luns rdlS Artisan Old Chap Mr X 46975 Lextott 4J f Malow 46 10S 4 B P 6 H Lunsfrd 7 Centimeter Ggway BcnValet

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922061401/drf1922061401_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1922061401_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800