1st Race [1st Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20

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1 ct RAPET "_4 !!«. I*at3y Violet il:s mi i«-:u». 3-yrajr ■!■■ and miuard. Uuly loi nrtUtl 4;, idh; — i:ii — :: — lit;. Index Course Dist Time Tck Od l» Wt St 4i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order cf Finish PEN ROSE. b. m. 6 126 By Sweep — Hanrose, by Hanover. Tra-iner. J. Coffev. Owner. Triple Springs Farm. 62351 Belmnt 8-4 MC l:lJ"-..:ast M-6 U4 3 2 1- 8 L Fator 7 Careful. LyBtimore. PoByAaa 62105 B.lmt E| t MC 1 :05.-.fu«t 3" 122 1 2 HI1 L Fator 4 Ban. Pass. MyP.-.ti i.-ia. A of:. old 87238 Auduct 6 f I :18 fast 115 1:6 4 4 4 4 4" L Fator 4 Elected II. , Ar.ofCold. Cuaarrou .b2S3 Sartosa 7-8 lT%hvy 7-5 126 1 2 2 2 3s 3:J L Fator 7 Lilwiiu, Last Straw, len-lc 76183 Sartoga ll:41%mud 9-10 123 2 11 1 l2 1iL Fator 3 bateau Thierry. Cimarron 75783 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :!fl fast 1 126 3 1 1 l1 1» E Sande 8 Elected II. , Genie VV., Edwlna .77,600 Empire lin7y 1 :4 3.-.Kood 4-5 106 1 1 2 2 2» 23 G Yeargin 3 Royce Rools, Sedgefield SS64S Abduct 7-8 1 ifyst 31 108 2 1 1 1 lj 2J L Fator 3 Sennings Park, Raico SM88 A.fuuct 7-s 1 :J3 fast IS 111 7 3 3 6 7 "•• G Yeargin 7 Audacious, SningsPk, IdleDell .."361 Aoduct 6* t 1:19 mud i-3 12C 2 1 1 1* l4 G Yeargin 8 Edwina, Lunetta, Thwn i5016 Aqduct 8j t lJ8%KOOd 6| Hi 1 2 2 11 21 G Yeargin 7 tleorjrie. Cum Sah, Dunboyne T,4751 Belmont 2-4 101%faa* 4* 126 2 11 ll 21 A Schugr I Banksia. Elected IL. L.Gtroda WISHBOKE. l . f, 3 105 Ey Sweep— Chicklets. by His Highness. Trainer. S. J. Lavvler. 0wr:er, Allies Stable. 626S7 Aajwednct ::-4 l:12%cood 3-2 100 4 1 Is 121 A Gantn T 9 BkOwna, Sleiveconard. Ietrman ; 62511 Bdmnt 3-4 MC 1 :ll"»fast 7 111 1 1 I* 1* C Fbther 3 Harridan. Sherando S7987 Jamaica 8| 1 l:0ti-%fa.st H 107 3 2 4 CI Ci 1 Bocwot 6 LBalsime. Baca -Wax. M.Pata J7C14 Jamaica 5 f l:071*-slow ll 112 3 12 J* 2J1 J Zoeller 5 Emotion, Confusion, M.Patricia "7325 Aqduct 5-8 l:00%mud 10 112 i 1 4* 42J J Zcller 8 My Reverie, Emotion. Penitent 65112 Aqduct 41 f 54 fast 4 118 1 1 l1 2 I, MeAtee 7 CalamityJane, AliceC. Sherando , 54727 Belmont 4?f st 6236fast 2 119 4 1 l1 3 E Sande 12 Roulette. Lally. Toil j 54650 Belmont 6-8 st 86%fBst 41 112 3 3 3* 21 C Kummer it PMigious, NancyF., YkeeMald 54583 Belmont 4if st 82%faa6 31 115 1 1 l1 1" A Johnsonl3 Pltimata, Prodigious, Evil 63494 Bowie 1-3 4 ,;.fa8t 31 114 1 1 1* 1* A Johnsonl2 Tanh.Mo.ti. C.Star. T.Cbzaretto FOLYTEIA. ch. f . I 112 By Polymelian — C.-ntbia Dwyer. by Cunard. Trainer. H. W. Fear. Owrer, E. G. Souie. G1971 Jamaica :-l l:12%faat •". 115 1 3 2J 1" L Dyke S Pi-heart, AUnusti, LaBy , :7."14 Aqduct 3-4 l:12%fast 11-5 114 2 3 3 3- 5C C Turner 5 Mercury, Sea Cove. Teddy R. .",7376 Aqduct C! f l:20%faat 6 115 6 4 5 2* 2t C Turner 9 Mvouiiicen, Mercmy, CourtView •7t36 Belmt 6H MC lUS%faat 5 120 2 4 4 43 47i M SI ghtr 7 Ar. of Gold, Ten -Lee. Elected II. M623 Sartoga 3-4 l:U%fhflt 1 107 4 6 5 4= 2 G W Carl!12 V.oftheMoon, L.Straw, ByJimy M6M Sartoga 1 l:3S%fha* 3i 111 5 6 6 5 4i 4«i M Slghter 0 T. Feathers, J.P.Jones, Dartmoor MSB Sartoga 3-4 1:12 fast 40 111 6 7 7 E2 3i M Slghter 9 Tryster, Messines. St. Michael 5C123 Sartoga 3-4 1:11 fast 30 118 6 7 6 61 7ia M Slghter 9 Crocus, Careful, Last Straw I .7793 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 30 105 4 6 6 63 61* M Slghter S Pen Rose, Elected II. , Genie W. 73046 Tijuana 11-16 1:47 hvy 4 104 7 8 3 8 13 13" O Willis 13 Edwina, P.Pennant. T.S.N.raaa 1 52810 1 ijuana 3-4 l:12%fast 12-6 112 l»k M Slghter 8 Edwina, Lady in Black. BolahP. MY REVERIE, b. f. t 119 By Ultimas— Reflex, by Sir Dixon. I 5 Trainer. D. KcDanicl. Owner, R. J. Brown L 67325 Aqduet 5-8 1 :00%mud 3 2 120 5 4 21 1* C Turner S Emotion, Penitent. Wlshboaa 6C939 Be!m t 3-4 MC l:ll%fast 20 122 19 22 21 M* 2»«* Q W Croll22 Banting. Galaatsean. D. ef Allah J , S 66814 Belmont 5-8 st 5S%slow 6 122 2 3 3* 2J C Turner 7 Nancy!. , Drinof Allah. P.onlene I 66690 Belmont 6Jf st l:04%fa8t 4 1*1 2 ! 0 j 54 K Ilavnes 11 NancyF.. M.lati iria. PreakgkeBl 66976 Sar to ~a 51 t 1 :05V aat 5 121 3 2 2 ?i 4« C Kummer 6 Miss Joy, S. Thoughts. NJsaanan 65599 Km rire 51 f l:07%good 4 119 2 2 2 2|1 C Kummer 7 Penitent. Nancy F.. Baunwade f5437 A i !-.! : 5-8 DSVast 10 112 6 l li 1 C Kummer S It. ttrbjade, L. Itutton. lVnit-n , , : 62291 P.Gnda 3-« 35Vast 13 ft 116 3 P 1» H King 7 LdAll.ii. Hap f.uxton, OMSRV 62197 r.Ondg 3-8 :37 hvy 1-2 115 1 ll P H King 7 Gra.cK.. KiyuWuile. K.WnaH BANTRY PASS, ch. f, 3 103 By Sea King— Puff, by Ballot. ; Trainer. J. Loftus. Owner. Ouk Ridge Stable. ■ fi2236 Bebnnt 8-8 MC l.HVnud 4 la3 4 4 21 Is B Marielli I MwrMr.in, M. Patricia, Drnatorm , 62105 Belmt E| f MC i:05V»st c 102 l l I»| P C i.ang 4 Piilaw, My Patricia. ajefBeM 67i9« Ae/duct 3-8 IjMKSOOd 1" 94 2 3 1 | 1 T Pang 11 atodeety, Uipaaietoa, Qaneadn , 66927 Betmt f..f MC 1:06 fast 2-5 104 1 1 1 1* 1* L Fator 8 Bellatrix, EriL Deep Sinker 56778 Belmt tit MC 1:06 Vast 2 104 4 2 2 2» 2 G W CarlllO Swift Grass, Pastoral, Citation , E6319 S. r i .j.-.i 51 f l:f 5Vast 6 99 3 3 3 4" P Q W Carll 6 Modo, BnwaaO, loin Cheat** 56211 Bar* toga .1 f l:06%fast 16 5 104 1 1 1 1* H Q W Car!I12 Early Bird. Dougl.nut. Polnni ■ M7t Barton t| f l:C5S,fast 7 1*6 2 I t l| 4 T linn 8 Duncecajv SueAloug, IVoigtinut 6456S Bebnout 4if st G3Vast 10 102 2 I1 2J T Finn 9 Teener. Wiectaw, *. Cedkeea LAST STRAW, ch. f, 4 112 By TJUimufi— Broom Flower, by Broomstick. Trainer, A. J. Joyner. Owner, G. D. Widener"1. 62351 i: 1 n -it t-4 HC lOXKtaat 7 114 2 6 4 5* A Johnson 7 fsrcful. PeuBoae. LyBnltisnere 4 2071 B. Imont 1 1:37 Vast 5 115 ?. 2 24 4»J ti McAtee B ManySmilost. t Thierry, Pol. Ann . t.1767 Jamnl i 3-4 1:11 Wast 10 117 4 3 3» 1*1 C Pbther 8 K.AUaaPee, Dimeedale. 4; -orgie i ClCOii Jamaica 3-4 l:l.V «t 3 5 113 1 1 1 I1 B Sande 5 Whisk. Kie.t-il II. Mer -ury Wttl Fernerm 8-4 ldSKfaat v-io 126 2 3 3 2 l* L MeAtaa 4 EtcctadlL, T.Battaa, L.Ccrt*aa . 57793 JmBUtk i 3-1 l:121fcC04Ml 13-5 110 6 C 5 4! 3 1 Kator ti BaaBaaaMM, DryMoon. Slerrury 57619 .Ian,;,i a 3-4 l:13Vsslow 4 126 5 » 5 3J 3*i L, Fator 8 H.Momme. S.C ;ve. BJId/Sktal I 57194 Aiiiitu-t 1 I 1 ITTLaaai t 114 6 4 4 2i 3 W CltiletttM Daaaayat. Oladiatar. War Naarl i IMI Hrimt 3 4 MC l:Il%Caat 2J 12« 1 2 2 V i:i E Hande I Dfaaaaaaiale, DryHaaa, yueerc** i 6C756 Betmt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 13-6 115 1 3 4 3» li ■ Sande 9 Tody. Cartaw, haaata MBS SartiiRa 3-4 1 :ll%fa3t 6-5 US 2 4 4 2s 3 1 B .-amle 12 V.of theSIoon. Patjrtkia. JlyJimj MBIaaur*toca 7-8 i:27iihvy ir.-6 1C7 2 3 S 3 2« 2J I. McAtM 7 Btwiaa, i -n Baac. Tmrn-Vt KU 8aT*U sa 3-4 1:11 fast 7 114 4 3 13 3i B Rand* 9 frurus, Careful. V.of tlie Moot MBRmpin Ab 3-4 l:10Hfast 8 106 3 3 2 4» i% J toiler 5D.MtOn. V.Uesal. Lliat. Thierry ELECTED II., b. m, 6 106 By Voter — Trioinpha.e. by Arc de Triomnha. Brniaar, E. 5ietas. Owner, E. Sietas;. «247i Brlasont 1 l8%iaat S 1«S 3 1 3* 2« f riniaia 5 .Thierry. Pol. Ann. KVsKancy 62071 Betaioat 1 l:37fcfaat 7 114 I 3 6« « ■ L rniaaaa 0 U.Saulea, iii Tuierry. Polly Ann 61902 .1 raaJca 8-4 lTivfast 1S-5 no 1 2 2J I*| Ij r-nman 7 UBrixntaa, BoaUgje. P.atlaaia 61702 .lim.i.a 3-4 1:12 fast 4 116 1 2 2| 3» C Fbther 6 Rocket, Hilly Witts. Mavonrnevn 61005 Jamaica 3-4 lUX%faat 3 116 2 2 3* ;;: I. ktcAtaa 5 Laal Sira.v. Haaak, Hercar* 614!f9 Jamaica 5| f lM%g09i » M 1 3 3* 4-i L. McAtea 4 Tea-Lee, Ar.afUaal, I/y.ertrude 58313 Bmpira Ab 3-4 L:l*%Ia«t 7 121 2 4 4 V C Turner ti Oeeaaie. KaaaWe, Ceors:e

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062001/drf1922062001_7_4
Local Identifier: drf1922062001_7_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800