Agua Caliente, Daily Racing Form, 1932-02-09

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AGUA CALIENTE AGUA CALIENTE, MEXICO, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1932. Agua Caliente 1 mile. Fifty-fourth day. Agua Caliente Jockey Club. Winter meeting of 100 or more days. Cassidy Starting Gate used. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, G. W. Schilling and AValter H. Dupee. Presiding Judge, G. W. Schilling. Associate Judges, R. E. Leighninger and Francis Dunne. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, Francis Dunne. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 4:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse 00. 3-OOlO- -f6 year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Feb.-7-32-A.C Claiming price, ,400. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 6844DSIR SATIN wb 112 13 l1 11 l1 l2 JonesR A L Jones 100-100 684445CHATTER ON wb 107 4 4 3 21 2" 2"k SmithG Oak Tree Stable 810-100 68326LORD ALGY w 107 3 2 2" 3" 34 34 TremneR Pasadena Stable 320-100 68326 POITOU w 115 7 6 54 52 42 4 CollinsJ Shapoff and Stopeck 720-100 68256CAPTAIN DANGER wb 112 8 1 4" 4" 5 5s DuboisD Golden West Stable 6740-100 68196ESCOBA PRIZE wl07 6 7 T 6s 6s 62 FritzC H H Mundy 550-100 68444ADUANA wsb 107 2 5 6" 72 72 74 GraysonH H I Warner 7230-100 68073M. HOGAN w 105 5 8 8 8 8 8 OlillaL L L Allen 4960-100 Time, :23, :47. 1:12. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , SIR SATIN i $ 4.00 .20 $ 2.40 100100 60100 20100 CHATTER ON 4.80 2.60 140100 30100 LORD ALGY 2.60 30100 Winner Br. g, by White Satin Miss Oertel, by Handsel trained by A. L. Jones; bred by Mr. T. W. Garnett. WENT TO POST 1:49. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. SIR SATIN sprinted to the front early and, withstanding a hard drive gamely, held sway to the end. CHATTER ON raced on the outside of the winner and was tiring slightly at the end. LORD ALGY raced well. POITOU showed improvement. CAPTAIN DANGER could not keep up. Scratched 68281Marvina, 105. tffifi SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Huon Joy, Jan. 31, 1932 4:17 6 155. Fairmount OOttOO Steeplechase Handicap. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner Feb.-7-32-A.C 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 8 12 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68322HUON JOY w 6 162 2 4 42 l2 1 Is 1 BallE J Bosley Jr tlOO-100 68322JOWLET w 8 148 4 3 2" 33 2S0 240 240 CoeN A Case 200-100 67849 BILLY DORAN w 7 130 1 1 5 5 3M0 3500 3500SmithG F Walter 2140-100 682792KINGS OWN w 6 148 3 5 31 4s 4 4 4 FrockC H R Dulaney t 68322 MUSKOGEE w 5 148 5 2 1" 2" L. rider. MoalsW S B White 250-100 fCoupled as J. Bosley, Jr., and H. R. Dulaney entry. Time, 4:40. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS J. BOSLEY, JR., AND H. R. DULANEY ENTRY .00 .20 No show prices. 100 100 10100 OWLET : 2.40 20100 Winner B. g, by Huon Lady Joy, by Nasturtium trained by J. Bosley, Jr.; bred by Mr. J. McE. Bowman. WENT TO POST 2:10. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. HUON JOY struck the fourth fence and stumbled, but raced close up thereafter and, taking command on the last turn of the field, won in hand. OWLET jumped well and had no opposition for second place. BILLY DORAN jumped well in the early stages, but tired and barely staggered over the final jump. KINGS OWN lost his rider at the eleventh jump, was remounted and finished the course. MUSKOGEE went to his knees and lost his rider at the twelfth fence. Scratched 68322 Fair Bob, 140. OOJQI THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse ,00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 0; third, 0; Feb.-7-32-A.C fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68226CASSADA w 3 99 2 7 3" 3" 21 1? SmithG Mrs J L Oglesby 560-100 682262CASH PLAY wb 6 110 12 5 41 4s 3h 2s RenoT G L Kalbfleisch 450-100 68321 JOANNE E. w 4 109 1 2 lh lh 1" 31 ArnoldL W Kelly 1020-100 68278RELEASED wb 4 105 5 6 5" 54 54 4" TremneR Pasadena Stable 2430-100 68284!DEALER wb 4 107 11 1 22 21 41 54 MattB F Walker 1480-100 68224ANDROMEDA w 6 105 10 8 84 61 6s 61 KnappL C E Davison 140-100 682013BUD ELDER wb 6110 7 9 ll2 10" 81 72 CoucciS L P McGinn 1820-100 683213FACSIMILE w 6 105 4 3 6" 72 71 81 SalazarT W H Askey 2180-100 62309 POLLYS BOY w 4 113 6 11 9l ll2 102 91 SchaeferL E P Denny 2870-100 68280MEMORIAL DAY w 4 110 8 4 7" 81 9l 101 PorterD Merrick and Jewell fl820-10O 68227 ALTAVAR w 5 115 3 10 101 94112 11s CollinsJ H Field f 67639 EIGHTEEN SIXTY wb 7 112 9 12 12 12 12 12 StranskiC H E Wolfe f fMutuel field. Time, :23, :46, 1:13. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS S CASSADA 3.20 $ 4.60 $ 4.20 560100 130100 110100 CASH PLAY 5.00 3.60 150--100 80 10tt JOANNE E 5.80 190100 Winner B. f, by Cherry Tree Cazadora, by Runnymede trained by J. L. Oglesby; bred by Mr. Baron Long. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:41. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. CASSADA, always close up, came through on the inside in the stretch and easily defeated CASH PLAY. The latter was a forward factor from the start and held on well. JOANNE E. set most of the pace, then tired. DEALER also tired in the stretch. ANDROMEDA showed a poor performance. Scratched-68321!Gene Oliver, 113; 682803Patsy Carter, 105; 68042 One Long Hop, 112; 68285sRunan-win, 98; 68311 Maurice Ed, 107; 68278 Wataman, 112. Overweight Joanne E., 1 pound; Cassada, 1. fi84RC FOURTH RACE 1 5-8 Miles. No track record. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward, rfh at Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming reD.-i-o-a.u price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St 1 Hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Biuiv. Odds Stri 68325 MADAM QUEEN w 4 105 2 2 5i 43 3lJ 2s 1" RcnoT J Bosley Jr 150 100 68126ARGUE vb5106 1 4 35 3 2i U 2s PorterD R Congdon 440100 68200JOTIVA WB 4 99 4 6 71 7i 5" 45 Z Wright W E P Denny 210-100 68325 CHILLY FLIGHT wb 4 107 6 3 21 l1! I1 31 4s MattB Miss M Cunningham 2220 100 68162 RAPIDA w 6 107 8 8 8 8 8 62 55 DuboisD G Drumheller 1020 100 67326 MARK ANTHONY w 4 109 3 1 li 2" 45 5i 65 ArnoldL A D Steele 2840-100 68126 DON LUCERO ws 4 101 7 7 6 5Z 61! 7s 73 SmithG H T Palmer 6840 100 68126 SHAVER wsn 4 101 5 5 41 6h 7" 8 8 CoucciS Midnight Follies Stable 1130 100 Time, :25, :51, 1:17, V.W5, 2:10, 2:35, 2:48. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MADAM QUEEN $ 5:00 $ 3.80 $ 2.20 150100 90100 10100 ARGUE 4.20 2.40 110100 20100 JOTIVA 2.20 10100 Winner B. i, by Spanish Prince II. Squeezcus, bv Zeus trained by J. Bosley, Jr.; bred by Mr. B. P. Eubank. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:08. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. MADAM QUEEN, close up throughout, went to the outside on the stretch turn and, finishing gamely in the center of the track, got up to win. ARGUE hold to the rail in the stretch and barely missed winning. JOTIVA came steadily in the last half mile. CHILLY FLIGHT tired after making most of the pace. The others tired. Scratched 68126 Single Step, 105. Overweight Madam Queen, 1 pound; Argue, 1; Rapida, 1. Corrected weight Mark Anthony, 109. FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Original race declared off; tenth race run as fifth race. "Dr. r h a r Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse 00. 3-year-oIds and upward. Claim-reD.-7-3Z-A.C jnq Net vaue to winner 50; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68321GOLDEN ORIOLE w 4 112 8 4 15 l1 15 15 KingC F Walter 470-100 68328SALONA wb 7 110 910 44 24 2 29 SalazarT J R Pickenpaugh 2720100 68149TJONALD ws 4 112 2 5 5" 75 55 3 PorterD C Whipp 650-100 682272BROWN BANK wb 6 107 12 1 3" 42 3" 4" RenoT R Fisher 160100 68282GARETH wsb 9 107 4 6 T 5" 6" 5s GayG Mrs J C Gillem 1490-100 68444MASTER PLUMBER w3 97 312 9h12 T 6" SvlviaE Mrs K H Sullivan 1030 100 68226CLEAR STAR w 7 109 7 9 85 95 8" Tl ArnoldL A L Breshnan 710-100 68442FRIARS CHOICE wb 4 107 11 2 V 35- 4i 83 KnappL R Caldwell U930-100 67974TROSSACHS " wsb 4 112 10 11 12 11510 95 SielaffM F Roberts t 67802CARUS CLARUS wb 3 97 6 3 6" 6 95 10 CoucciS J Lilywhite 1240 100 68442EARLY w 4 105 5 8 ll1 8h lli ll2 WtropeW Glover and Crittenden 1860 100 68101SENATOR SETH w 7 112 1 7 10" 10" 12 12 PardickJ J Goedecke Jr t tMutuol field. Time, :23, :47, 1:12. Track fast. z 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GOLDEN ORIOLE 1.40 .00 $ 3.80 470100 150100 90100 SALONA 16.60 20.60 730100 930100 DONALD 7.00 250100 Winner Ch. g, by Judge Ellsworth Little Beach, by Rex Beach trained by M. Lee; bred by Mr. and Mrs. XV. D. Millard. Winner entered to bo claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:34. AT POST-4 minute. Start good out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. GOLDEN ORIOLE took the load early and, withstanding repeated challenges from SALONA, won under mild urging. SALONA moved up fast on the outside on the back stretch, raced gamely, but could not get up. DONALD saved ground in the stretch. BROWN BANK showed a fair performance. MASTER PLUMBER and TROSSACHS were in close quarters on the stretch turn. FRIARS CHOICE tired. Scratched 684422 Jack Enarc, 107; 67969 Dominant Star, 95; 68282 Ginger Bread, 107; 68328 Asgo, 107. Overweight Clear Star, 2 pounds. 6SzlST SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oriqinal race declared off; eleventh race run as sixth race. O O 4 Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Feb.-7-3Z-A.C Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 0; Ihird, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA Wt TP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68442tKING AT ARMS wb 6 110 2 5 51 5" 4" l2 SylviaE J L Scobey 740 100 68227PROCTOR HUG w 7 120 3 3 1" 25 l" 2s DePesoG L L Allen 150-100 67976 ALMA BORLAND w 5 110 10 1 4i 31 21 3" AtkinsnJ L W Kidd 640-100 683282WOOLY METEOR w 7 112 9 2 3" 41 Z 42 DuboisD G Drumheller 1120-100 68442 VERDEVALE w 6 111 8 6 6h 65 6s 5h CollinsJ H Fields 16120-100 68442BAFFLORETTE w 4 105 1 4 25 V 5 6l WrightW O B Bailey Jr 1460-100 68328JBETFANDOT wb5 110 7 8 T2 72 T 75 CoucciS Mrs C Vail 550-100 68278ELLA MAY . w 7 105 5 9 92 83 82 8s SmithG H T Palmer Jr 500-100 68149LOL wb 3 103 6 10 10 10 93 98 TremneR F L Tyler t 68147KIND WORDS wb6113 4 7 85 92 10 10 ScurlockJ F Metzler 2430-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23. :47. 1:13. Track fast. - , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS x KING AT ARMS 6.80 0.20 $ 4.60 740100 410100 130100 PROCTOR HUG 5.20 3.00 160100 50100 ALMA BORLAND 3.80 90100 Winner Ch. g, by Fair Play Rock Merry, by Rock Sand trained by J. L. Scobey; bred by Mr. G. M. Hendrie. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:54. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. KING AT ARMS, close up all the way, came gamely on the outside in the stretch and drew away easily in the final eighth. PROCTOR HUG showed early speed and held on fairly well. ALMA BORLAND and WOOLY METEOR were close up from the start. BAFFLORETTE tired after setting the early pace. The others were outrun. Scratched 68285 Valley Queen, 98; 67976Weo-Tot, 108; 68444 Susu, 95; 68328 Morroll, 112; 68470 Paige, 110; 68472 Lakeland, 112. Overweight Verdevalo, 1 pound; Lol, 3; Kind Words, 1. Corrected weight Baffiorctte, 105. 6QA QO SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Alexander Pantages, Jan. 18, 19311:43.16106. OsOO Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiminq. Net value to winner 50; second, Feb.-7-32-A.C S80 ; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St -"ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 68445OLD TIMES w 7 108 7 1 l3 l3 T5 l1 Is RenoT J Bosley Jr 650 100 68323MEU DE BAR w 5 114 9 2 22 22 21 23 21 JonesR Mrs L Hector 980-100 68323SAN CLEMENTE w 4 106 5 8 V T Is 52 3i SmithG H T Palmer 910-100 683232VOLTEAR w 6 109 10 4 4s 43 31 32 4s SylviaE E Drillon 350-100 679722BETON w 5 109 8 5 35 3" 42 45 52 KnappL C E Davison 410-100 68326LONG RUN w5112 6 6 61 5h 51 65 61 ArnoldL A D Steele 500-100 68283NECKPIECE w 4 106 2 9 85 84 84 82 7" WrightW Mrs H C Russell 1220-100 68445SURE HILLS w 4 110 4 3 51 64 6" 7s 83 ElliottR Mrs T Hunt 2840 100 68283SPEEDY AL w 4 107 3 7 95 93 94 94 94 PorterD C V Parsons 1050-100 68283AYE READY w 5 109 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 TremneR L T Whitehill 1460-100 Time, :24, :W5. 1:13, 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OLD TIMES 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 650100 200100 200100 JEU DE BAR 7.80 6.00 290100 200100 SAM CLEMENTE 7.80 290100 Winner B. g, by Archaic or George Smith Pleasantry, by Black Jester trained by J. Bosley, Jr.; bred by Mr. G. M. Hondrie. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST 4:15. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. OLD TIMES took the lead at once and, racing well, was never overtaken. JEU DE BAR, closest to the leader throughout, held SAN CLEMENTE safe. The latter closed with a belated rush. VOLTEAR could not keep up. BETON tired. SURE HILLS showed early speed. Scratched 68283 Garnish, 107. Overweight Sure Hills, 5 pounds. fiSSQ EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Alexander Pantages, Jan. 18, 19311:43.16106. Sec-SQHtDKf ond Running SPA HANDICAP. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to Feb.-7-32-A.C wjnner ,970; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St Vi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 683242REVEILLE BOY w 5 121 7 5 4 42 3" 14 l25WhoIeyR J A Best 310-100 683 243SETHS HOPE wb 8 110 1 7 7 7 44 21 " 24 DuboisD Mrs J A Parsons 920-100 68327JOE FLORES wb 3 108 6 4 25 2" 25 33 35 FischerA Pasadena Stable 180-100 68324GOOD AND HOT w 5 109 2 2 325 35 54 4J 44 SmithG J Toplitzky 2430-100 68327 MARINE w 6 112 5 3 5s 51 6" 51 52 SchaeferL K Dawes 350-100 68152DURANGO w3106 3 6 63 61 7 65 64 JonesR J Emery 650-100 68253DAILY NEWS wb 3 100 4 1 14 ll 1" 7 7 CoucciS J A Coburn 1230-100 Time, :23, :48, 1:13, 1:38, 1:44j. Track fast. , -52 MUTUELS PAID , -OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS REVEILLE BOY $ 8.20 $ 5.60 $ 2.80 310100 180100 40100 SETHS HOPE 7.40 3.40 270100 70100 ! JOE FLORES 2.60 30100 Winner B. h, by Last Reveille Little Ann, by Zeus trained by J. A. Best; bred by Mr. J. A. Best. WENT TO POST 4:38J. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. REVEILLE BOY began well and, after following close to the leaders in the early stages, took command, in the last quarter and won easily. SETHS HOPE loomed up dangerously on the stretch turn, but was not good enough. JOE FLORES was always close up and was in close quarters in the stretch. GOOD AND HOT was pocketed on the back stretch. MARINE was racing well at the end after being in close quarters on the stretch turn. DAILY NEWS tired badly after making the pace. Scratched 68152 Whipper Cracker, 103. Overweight Durango, 1 pound. ! fjQ4.fefh NINTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse 00. 3-c h 79 a r year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; FeD.-7-dZ-A.C fourth, S25. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 3 pounds extra for each 50 addi tional. Index Horses Fit A WtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 68310DARK AYR wb5113 5 6 5i 3" 2J li KnappL C E Davison i50-100 68253QUIVER w 5 119 7 5 6J 61 41 2i SalazarT- - R Walsh 550-100 681982GALLOP ALONG w 3 108 2 4 41 5J 31 3i CoucciS " J A Best 690-100 68127TOM PROCTOR wb 4 110 -11 VI l3 VI 41 RenoT R Fisher 1010-100 678 055BAG SMASHER wb 5 116 6 7 7 7 5b 54EwingL C E Davison 68310MISS CHEYENNE wb4108 3 2 2" 4i 62 6s KingC C B Irwin 990-100 68326 BY WIRE wb3 107 4 3 3s 2i 7 7 JonesR A L Jones . 2160-100 fCoupIed as C. E. Davison entry. Time, :23, :46$. 1:12. Track fast. , 52 MTJTUEIS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS C. E. DAVISON ENTRY $ 3.00 $ 2.40 $ 2.40 50100 20100 20 100 QUIVER 4.00 4.00 100100 100100 GALLOP ALONG 3.20 - 60100 Winner B. h, by Traumcr Sunayr, by Sun Briar trained by C. E. Davison; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 5:02. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. DARK AYR, away slowly, reached contention after half the distance and, taking a good lead in the stretch, lasted to hold QUIVER safe. The lattery probably best, was allowed to drop too far back in the early stages, but finished fastest of all. GALLOP ALONG showed a good performance. TOM PROCTOR tired badly. BAG SMASHER was away slowly and could not improve his position. Scratched 68256ICentermarch, 105. Corrected weight Tom Proctor, 110. eOJQfklA TENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. Purse 00. Jy 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Run as fifth race in place of original race, Feb.-7-32-A.C declared off. fiS4-QO ELEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dr. Higbee, Aug. 31, 1930 1:10 3 90. PurstJ 5500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Run as sixth race in place of originsH Feb.-7-32-A.C race declared off.

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