Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-28

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workouts!! ! vvwHs yywik yyysP Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all oat; s, sulked; u, eased np. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type i » — * THURSDAY, JUNE 27 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track muddy — Three-Eighths Mile. 617 Byrdine . . . :38%h 6-24 Ottoman . . . :38 h 6 24Brendard ... :42 b 6 24 Pantoufle .. :41%b 6 25Capuche ... :42 b 6 22 Pundit :41%b 6 9 Ceallaigh ... :39%h 6 20 Reigh Cloe.. :43 b 6 23Donnio VV... :43 b 6-18 Red Wagon.. :40%b -.6 7 first Glass.. :42 b 6 25 Rollin Home :41%b 6 16 Honorary . . . :43 b 6 25 Sun Archer. . :40 b 6 23L. B. Wilson :39 b 6 12 Sea Eagle... :41%b 6 17 My Go Rnd :39%b 6 24 Sun Captor. . :38%b 6-16 Malmaison „ :41%b 6-16 Upholder ... :41%b One Half Mile. 6 24 Flagstone . . . :54 h 6 24 Mad Frump. :54 h 6 2 Luminosa . . :54 b 6-23 Rose Thcher :53 h 6 24 Legal Gble.. :53%h 6-24 Rl Blunder. :56 b 6-24 Long Rifle.. :53%h 6-22 Sandwrk ... :56 b 6 22 Liquidation . :53%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 25Alanad ....109%h 6 23 Lost Lghterl:09 h 6-22 Apprehend ..1:07%b 6 24 Ms Patriot. 109 h 6 24 Beau Frere . . 1 :10%b 6 23 Old Lady 1:12 b 6 12 Cloud DOr.. 1:11 b 6-22 Uncle Fred. .l:10%b Three-Quarters Mile. 6 24 Caleb ...... 1 :25%b 6-25 Scdal Sheet . 1 :29 b 6 21 Debs Delt..l:27%b 6 23 Skpy McGeel:26%b 6 24 Jens Son. . . .l:24%b 6 25 Silent Shot. .l:24%b 6 25 Judge Leer.. 1:29 b 6-24 Tab itha ....1:193£h 6 23 Mr. James. .l:25%b Nothing worthy of comment. LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track muddy — Three Eighths Mrie. 6-8 Cardarrone . :36%h 6 25 Sym Jack... :38%h i 6 20 Ms Blanche. :41%h 6 25 Walkalong .. :41 b 5 6 Sister Vinie. :40%b One-Half Mile. 6-20 Bar Play. ... :51%d 6-22 Nearsun ... :56%h 6 23Cloirado . . . :56 h 6 25 Sun Tryst.. :57 h 1 6-25 Full Fling.. :53%h 6 10 WildersWay :52%h i 6-25 Ly Rkldge :53%h Five Eiqhths Mile. ; 6-22 Blue Llian. 1:04%h 6 23 Ms Ctifktel:10%h » 6-23 Gen Momtsl:09%h 6-18 Seths BalIotl:12%h i Three-Quarterj Mile. 6 14Highd Rose.l:25%h 6-15 Rubans Cce.1:20%h i Blue Lillian was going handily all the way. T- Cardarrones move was very impressive. DAYTON. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eiqhths Mile. 6 12 Dona Louise :38 h 5-17 Nagatha . . . :38%h 1 6-9 Edith Walker :37 h 6 21 Odd Star. . . . :38 h i Gen Sandals :40 h 6 22 Paisano :43 b 3 Gypsy Feet. :38%h 6 23 Pcess Ivory :38%h 6 23 Kg Cheroke :39 h 5 26 Tappanaugh . :38%h . One Half Mile. 6-12 Justice Boy. :52£h 6 20 Sorn Beauty :52%h I 6 17 Linchpin .. :53 h 6 22 Vendome .. :53 h | 6 24 Mikes Pal... :53%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5 25 Bos Plmatel:12 b 6 16 Sun Lily. .. .1:07 h . 6-12Cloido M%h LATONIA. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. Bge of Honr :38 h 5-14 Ly Confucis :37%h , 1 6 23 Best Bid.... :39 b 6 20 Monks Gold. :41 u 6-18Chery Flight :38%h 6 16 Nordrie .... 36%h 6-17 Crestonian . . :38 h 6 25 Oican :36 h J * 6-25 Cherry Time. M%i 6 19 Prince Augie :39 h ■ •6 21Cambril .... :35%h 6-25 Rose Stem.. :35%h 618Darlig Dollie :38%h 6-20 Swt Guinea. :37%h 1 6-22 Dandy Jay.. :35%h 6 25 Summit Hill. :35%h 510 Dr. Potter... :39 h 5-28 Sedalia :38 h ■ 6 23 De Shamrck :40 h 615 Swap Angel. :39 h " 6 11 Forsaken . . . :38 h 6 22 Sasquatch . . :37 h Good King.. :38%h 6 25 Serene :39 h 6 23 Hasty Hanna :36%h 6-16 Vellas Choice :41 h J 610Hoffberg ... :36%h 6 21 Visigoth . . . . :38 h 6 25Hildrum :36 h 6 22 Wise Cross.. :36 h h J 6 23Joda :37 h One Half Mile 6 8 Amcan Belle :47%h Griddle Cake :54 h 6 6 Auriferous . . :48%h 6 25 Minnie Belle :53 h ■ 6-7 Allene B :54 h 6-24 Marys Last. :50 h 6 23 Dick Star... :51 h 6 20 Sad Eyes. .. . :49 h I 6-13 Funip :50 h 6 17 Semester . . . :48%h 6 25 Flipperino .. :47%h Sun Willie... :54 h J 5-23 Golden Reel. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 19 Atit . . . 105%h 6-14 Lady Pal. . . .102%h ■ 6-24 Bankwalker .1:02 h 6 24 Lwr Brigdel04%h 6-17 Ben Centimel:02%h 6 18 On the Go..l03%h ? 6-7 Boston Soundl02%h 6 23 Porcellus . ..103%h . 5 28 Cool 1:05 h 6 25 Patsyette ...1:03 . h 5 28 Coralwrack .105%h 6 17 Short Order. 102%h 6 24 Cayuga 1K35 « 6 7 Sourdine . ..102%h , 6 6 For Romancel02%h 6-15 Stepahead ..103 h h . 6-1 Golden Sisterl:05%h 6 18 The Aenead.l:03%h 625Grey Nose. . .102%h 69 Zsar l:03%h li Three-Quarters Mile. 6-17 Adge W l:16%h 6 25 Manhattan ..l:18%h h 6 25 Don Romiro.l:17%h 6-14 Nitten Nancyl:18%h h 6 22Fair Perdita..l:15 h 6 23 Parr Boy. . . .l:16%b sb 6 5 Fair Cynthia. l:18%h 6-24 Stricken 1:14%h h 6 19Ilikarose ...1:15 h 6-14 Span. Victy.l:16%h h One Mile. 6 25Chatuga ....1:47 h 6-21 Miss Toro. ..l:46%h h 6-14Goln Watch.l:44%d 6-23 Noreda 1:42%h h Miss Tyra...l:46%d 6 25 Santon 1:44 h h 6 25 My Mrylandl:52 h Stricken was accompanied by Grey Nose e the first five-eighths. American Belle was accompanied by Summit a- Hill the first three-eighths. Ilikarose and Fair Perdita worked together. 0- Auriferous and Flipperino worked well ill from the barrier, the latter exceptionally ly well. Cherry Time showed speed. CHARLES TOWN. Weather clear; track fast-Three-Eighths Mile. Canobie Lake :37 h 6 25 Sun Way . . . :39 b b 6 25 Easter Lad . :38 b 6-4 Toast Mter. :37%b b 6 12 Peace Treaty :38 h Willey Hope. :37 h h One-Half Mile. 6-21 Blind Plma. :52%b Furled Flag . :50%d d 6-17 Carts Choice :48d High Chair . :50%b b 6 21 Foggy Dawn. :50%h 61 Lady Cirek.. -.51 h h i h 1 i ; » i i T- 1 h i b 3 . I h | . h , 1 u J h * h ■ 1 h ■ h " h h h J h J h h h h ■ h h I h J ■ ? . h . , h h . li h h sb h h h h h h e a- 0- ill ly b b b h h d b h h 2 25 Little Chum :51 d 6 17 Pretty Boy . :52%h Miss Belize . :50%b Pomps Charm :50%d Oakwd Belle :51%b True John . . :50%d Three-Quarters Mile. Golden Play 1:18 h 621 Speedemup .l:20%d ■ *■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ OMAHA. Weather clear; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. 613Beton :39 b. 6 23 Little Shy.. :37%h 6 17 Bald Eagle.. :37%h 6 24 Montmaiy ..:40 b 4 26 Brides Delit :39 b 6 25 Motorg Miss :37%h 4-17Banderilla... :41 b 6 24 Maxie Bindr :40%h 6-25 Blindfold ... :37 £h Ncy Britain :41 b 6 21 Capn Dangr :40 b 6 25 Polly Shaw. :38 h 6 23 Cheers :40%b 6 11 Parnell Belle :40%b 6-21 Dorthy Span :40 b 6-17 Phvllis R. . . . :39 b 6-16 Everybody . :41 b 6 20 Polly Diskin :39%h 5 10 Elegy :39%h 6-9 Printemps .. :40%b 6 21Goln Tip... :39%h 5-7, Pcess Juan. :38 h 6 22Kinesport . . :39 b 4-18 Roberta L. .. :38%h 6 14 Ly Torchilla :43 b One Half Mile. 6-15 Brilnt King :53%h 6 22 Languorous :51%h 6 21 Chester B. . . :52%h 2 22 Mysters Nell :55 b 5-29 Clothtop . . . :50 h 6 25 McCounselr :51%h 6 22 Corky B.... :50%h 6 22McLeay .... :53%h 6 20Cbes Comt :53 b 6 22 Pcock Girl. :54 b 617Dustanna .. :51%b 6-19 Playsickle . . :53 h 6-19 Grecn King :51%h 6 19 Plucky- Lady :52%h 6 24 Full Sail.... :56 b 6-11 Sr Blanche. :54%b 6 22 Iago :54 b 6 22 Viola C :51%h 6 19 Just Reward :55%b 6-17 Wing Mary. :52%h Five-Eighths Mil*. 6-25 Alkali 1.06 b 5-7 Nuckols Boy1:04 b 6 24Amscray ...106%h 6 21 Polly Dear. .1:08 h 6-12Covella ....108%h 5-9 Runanwin ..1:09 b 6 22 Chokoloskee 1:10 b 6 21 Song Hit... .107%h 6 17 Ems Motherl:07%h 6 23 Thoughtful .1:11 b 6 21 Golden X...107%h Three-Quarters Mile, 6 22 Muffler ....l:24%b 6-22 Strappy ....1:23 b 6 26 Oca l:20%b 6-10 Sultry 1:20 b 6-19 Royal Pride1:17%h Clothtop worked from the gate, Little Shy and Bald Eagle were in company, Royal Pride worked impressively. Carbines Comet was only breezing. Blindfold showed speed. Viola C. showed improvement. Grecian King went handily all the way. DETROIT. Weather clear; track muddy; "dogs" up — Three Eighths Mile. 6 6 Burning Up. :40%h 6 20 Lady Co.... :38 h 6 23Broadstep .. :38%h 6 2 Mt. Hood... :40%h 616Burg Bilws :42 b 6-24 Maple Sue.. :40 b 6 24 Blue Cat... 40 h 6 22 Polite Ann.. :37 h 6 25Chicasha ... :38%h 6 20 Paradisical . :38%b 6 25Dasaki :40 h 6 21 Ramgower .. :41%h , 6-25 Forgive .... :43%h 6-14 Sunchance .. :39 h , 6 24 Gay Dream.. :40%h 6 25 Sun Adoom.. :38 h ! 6 22 Good Aim... :44%h 6 22 Sadie F :41 h , 6 23 Hennessey .. :37 h 6-21 Sad Knight. . :41%h , 6-16 Hasty Belle. :41 h 6-25 Sun Asia... :38 h I 6 21 Highdry . . . :37%h 6-25 Spartan Ldy :36 h I 6 23Ima Count.. :39%h 6-21 Vanita :40%h , 6 18 Jerry S :39 h 6-25 Vote Boy... :39 h , 6-23 John Bane.. :40%h 6 24 Wind Thorn . :42 h i 6 17 Luna Mica... :37%h One-Half Mile. 6 24 Aunt Flor... :56 b 68 Love Lyric. :56 h 6-20 Bu«y Prince. :57 h 6-23 Projectile ... :54 h 1 6 25 Chiefs Pride. :55 b 6-21 Patcheye ... :52 h 1 6 21 Crackle . . . . :52 b 6-23 Ridgeview . . :49%h 1 6 24Drombo .... :55 b 6 24 Say Little. . . :53%h 1 6-23Emps Wu... :53 h 6-24 Star :56 h 1 6 23Galanora ... :52%h 6 24 Say Do :50 h 1 6 23 Husky Lass. :52%h 6 24 Theron :53 h 1 6 19 Ktucky Mn :52 h 6-16 Uptodate . . . :58 h 1 6 26 Levi Cooke. . :55 h 6-22 Yule Star. . . :55%h 1 Five-Eighths Mile 6 23Archwood ..1:09 h 6 24 Enola 105%h 6-24 Assist 1:07 h 6-24 Flamg Lightl:10 h 6 25Bder Sport. 1:10 h 6 24 Grey Hip... 1:10 h 1 6 22 Cold Spill... 1:12 b 6-24 HiDtown ...106 b * 6 24 Ceylon 1:11 b 6 24 Ms Bender. .1:05 h 1 6-23 Captn Lognl:05 h 6 25 Maiden Drml:04%h 6-2 Cherokee Sal.1:04 h 5-16 Quick 1:06 h 6 25Cloudet ....1:08 b 6-23 Spear 104%h 6 23Cabotin ....1:10 h 6-24 Spoiled Boy. 107 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6 26 Best Policy.. 1:24 b 6 23 Maderis ....l:20%h 6-16 Donee 1:20 h 6 23 Mint Bud... 1:21 h 1 6-24 Kyso 1:18 h One Mile. 6-25 Drastic Delt1:53 b 6-10 Frumper ...l:53%b 1 Spartan Lady showed good speed. Paradisical was breezing. Ridgeview worked between races Wednes- day- Crackle was going easily. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6-22 Anotherone . :38%b 6-19 Flagmaster . :38%h i 5-16 Chitter :37 h 6-25 Office Boy. . :38%b . Cradle Song. :37 h 6-22 Philippi Boy. :36%b » 6-20Chatain . . . . :37 h 6-23 Wrack Ace. . :36%h i One-Half Mile, Feuette . . . . :53 b 6-25 Stone Martin :55 b 6 22 First Flag... :55 b Seedljng .... :53 b , 6 25Mked Queen :53 h 6-24 Torietta .... :51%b i Five Eighths Mile. 6 24 Fractious ...l:04%h 6-25 Sevres 1:10 b 3 6-24 Nandi 1:013£d Three-Quarters Mile. 6 23 Golden Time.l:21 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-24Cabochon ...1:31%h Zut 1:36 b 6-19 Hermie Roy. 1:33 b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 24 Evangelist .. :39 b 6-25 Golden Wray. :36 h h 6 21 Exeter :36%d 6-26 Huge Copy.. :35 h h One Half Mile, 6 11 Br. Phantom :50 h 6-21 Oconnell ... :48 d d 6-23 Knowing . . . :53 b 6-22 Transcending. :52 b b 6 23 Mrcella Miss :50 h 6 16 Volomite . . . :48%d d Five-Eighths Mile, " 6-25 Blk Patricial:06 b 6-25 Momentary .1:02%d I 6 25 Dictatorial ..105%b 6 19 Transport ..103%h i ! , , ! , , I I , , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 i . » i , i b 3 h h h h d d b b d I i Three-Quarters Mile. 6 25Dunfox 1:19 6-25 Greenstone .1:17 d 6-24 Diverting ...1:16 d 6-24 Royal Gold..l:16%h 6 24 Ever True...l:21%b Sever Eighths Mile. 6-25 Rhodesia ...1:33 b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile f 24 Anvtg Goes :38 h 6 22 Joyride .... :36%h 6 24 Brave Ernd :41 b 6 25 Law Maker. :37%h 6 25 Blk Caesar. :36 h 6 25 Songmaker . :36y5h 6 25 Drafted :38 h 6-25 Sobriety ... :35%h 6-24 Delphinium . :40 b 6-25 Speed :37 h 6 22 Gilt :36 h 6 17 Tribunal . . . :36 h 6 25GIeeman ... :36%h 6 22 Tonys Wife. :38 h 6 25Islay :37%h 6 22 Witty Henry :36%h One-Half Mile. 6 22 Budding Star :48%h 6-24 Minstrelsy . . :48id 6 22 Balaath .... :49%h 6 24 Naughty . . . :48%h 6 20 Blue Gum.. :50y5h 6 24 Nathan Hale :50 h 6 25 Brt Plumge :49 h 6-25 Peradventure :50 h 6 25Dojo :48%d 6-25 Piccolo .... :49%h 6 25 Fair Deal... :50 h 6-24 Rgh Diamd :52 b 6 25 Galloglass . . :52 b 6-20 Strophe .... :50%h 6 24 High Flavor. :50%h 6 25 Tempestuous :49 h 6 25 Kawagoe ... :48%h 6 25 Triumphant . :51 h 6 25 Lady Higloss :49%h 6 25 Wizardess .. :52 b 6 21Maenard ... :49%h 6 9 Wha Hae... :53 b . 6 25 Ms Rainbow :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 25 Chancing ...l:02%h 6 23 Sorrow 1:05 b 6 25 Good Omen.l:03%h 6-25 Savings ....1:03 h 6 24Kievan ....1:03 h 6-25 Tattdemaln 104%h 6 25Maeriel ....l:00%d 6-25 Tre ford ....1:08 b 6-5 Nankin ....l:00%d 6 -23 Transit Lad vl:01%d 6-25 Old Storv...l05 b 6-25 Zuni 104%h 6 25 Parade Girl.l03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-19 Fortification 1:17 h 6-25 Mr Gander. l:15%h 6 18 Gold Foam. 1:18 h 6-24 Postage Duel:16 h 6 25 Go Quick... 1:22 b 6-24 Singg Woodl:18 h 6 23Lghing Sunl:14 d 6 25 Thorson 1:14 d 6-25 Motto l:15%h One Mile. 6 26 Bird Flowerl:42 h 6 25 Chicstraw ..1:47 b 6 26 Blosm Againl:42 h NARRAGANSETT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 619AIads Drm :38 h 6-4 Lovito :36 h 6-25Argoan . . . . :37 h 6-9 My Boss.... :37%h 6-11 Big Show... :36%h 5-28 Notice Me.. :36 h 6 14 Candy Maid. :36 h 6 24 Paul Junior. :37 h 6 8 Cabouse .... :37%h 6 18 Squeeze Out. :37 h 6 11 Eddie Wrack :37%h 6-25 Starfire . . . . :36 h 6-15 Galloping On. :35%h 5 4 Teenie R.... :37 h 6 25 Glitter Glow :39 h 6-14 Zembla .... :39%h 6 10 Ly Greenok :38 h One-Half Mile. 6 -18 Aureate :49%h 5-30 Hickorv Lad :49 h , 6-15 All Hail :47 h 6-25 Mr. Quick.. :48%h . Beau Surple :48%h 6 20 Mars Paltie :48 h ! 4 21 Blind Brook :52%h 6 9 Pre Pompy :50%h . 6 26 Black Rose.. :52 h 6 21 Royal Guard :54 b ; 6 2 Black Gift.. :49%h 5 25 Square Play :49%h , Dash In.... :50 h 6 11 Star Shadow :52 h 6 25 Dancg Mack :53 h 6-18 Trebor :49%h , 615Flashg Thru :51%h 6-13 Ted Husing. :51%h 6 26 Gentle Knit :49 h 6-11 Teer Totter :51 h i Five-Eighths Mile. 6-17 Atmosphe .l:02%h 6-17 Madwind ...1:05 h i 4-1 Bickering ..1.05 h 6-12 Photographed 05 h i 5-28 Cash Surder1:02 h 6 25 Sidnev Grantl:05 h I 6-14Chatmoss ..l:04%h 6 19 Venetian ...lAh i Three-Quarters Mile. 6 24 Crazy Jane. 1:18 h 6-25 Rgh Plaverl:18%h i 6-10 Little-Lad... l:18%h 6-25 Sic Em I:15%h i 6 14 Ned Reigh.. 1:18 h 6-14 Sea Fox. . . .l:17%h i 6-23 Onward ....1:15 h 6-23 Time Supply1:14%h l 6 24 Red Cap II..l:19%h One Mile. 6 23Coequel ....l:41%h 6 23 Kievex ....l:41%h i 6 21Cantine Lasl:50 h 6-18 Moralist ...1:42 h i 6 24 Dixie Bud..l:44%h 6-15 Patchpocket . 1 :46 h 1 6 23Fidelis l:44%h 6 17 Red Roamrl:44%h 1 One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-14 Agrarian ...l:50%h ~ ~~~" THISTLE DOWN. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eiqnths Mile. 6-18 Blon Star... :39 b 6-24 Noma F..... :39 b b 6 25 Dusky Lass. :39 b 6-18 Payall :362ih k 6-25 Halliard . . . . :38 b 6-25.Sun Sound.. :38%h l 6 19 Ingress .... :38%h 6 10 Vonrlie :38 b t, 6-24Maxine C... :41%b One-Half Mile. 6 24 Clang :50 b 5-20 Mac Moon... :50%h , 6 18 Capn Jeffers :49%h 6-24 Otterrop . . . :48%h t 613 Divg Beauty :52 b 6-21 Swp Like... :47h I 6-19 Don Tasker. :50%d 6 5 Wigrose .... :52 b l 6 24Josie G :51 h 6-1 Wood Daisy. :51 b , Five-Eighths Mile. 6 26Belitornot. 103%h 6-25 Mechs GoldlOl h f, 5-24 Discobolus ..1:04 b 6 21 Rocky Riverl:04%d j 6-25 Gold Thorn. 1:01 h 6 18 Sun Good. . .104%h l 6-12 Lovers Chatl04%b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-25 Brizette ....1:16 h 6-24 Thistle Flit. 1:18 b b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 19 Hair Triggerl:30%h Sweep Like worked very handily all the ie way. Mechanics Gold and Gold Thorn both h showed nice speed. Hair Trigger had early footing. Clang was hard held and could have done e much better. MOUNT ROYAL. Weather cloudy; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 30 Authority . . :40 b 6 18 Merrv Go On :38%b b 6 13 Bronx Lady. :42%b March On .. :38b ■ 6-17 Cud Amour . :40%b 6-26 Oiseau Noir. :44 b b Changeable . :39%b 6-18 Probate .... :43%b b 6 24 Cassada .... :43%h 6-25 Rapid Maid . :37%b a Easteroam . . :38%b 6 20 Rolling Along :38%b b 6 25Faine :41%h 6-17 Sidney G. . :42%b b 6 25 Fleur Svage. :42 h 6-13 Thermal .... :38%h i 6 24 Flo Fuller . . :40%b 6-17 Why Not . . . :38%b a 6-7 Jug of Gold. :37%b One-Half Mile. 6-24 Army Game. :52b 6 25 Penurious .. :54 h h 6 24 Glen Lily .. :53%h 6 21 Tartan Betsy :54%b b 6-24Logvood ... :53%b Five-Eighths Mile. 6 20MyPaa 1:07 h 6-19 Polydeena ..1:06 d j HAMILTON, ONT. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 9 Bdway Miss :39 h Surf Bather. :37%h h 6-24 Finalist .... :35%h 5 25 Sweet Edwin :36%h h 6 23 High Croft.. :36%d 5-16 Spare Time. :37 h h Hey Time... :39 b 6-11 Sleaford .... :36%h h Little Susie.. :37 h 6 26 Uvira :36%h h 6 24 Rideau .... :36%h One-Half Mile. Attic Bird.. :50 d 6 23 In Step :50%h h 6 20 Brown Bug.. :50%d 6-11 Le Bruyere.. :53 h h 6-22 Bubblg Out. :52 h 6-11 Mim :51 s s 6 25 Calico Miss. :48%h 6-21 Prometheus . :54%b b h h h h h h h h h s s b 6 24 Playful Btn :52 b 6-25 Smilg Star. . :48%h 6-24 Roche DOr. :51 h 6 24 Stirred Up.. :51 h 6-10 Royal Bird.. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile, 6-9 Bald Crest... 1:01%h 6 24 Red John. . .105%h 6 25Glansford ..103%h 6 24 Sugar Jar..l07%h 5-22Hittie l:02%h 6 25 Yellow Met1.104 h 6 24 Hdless Gal..l:05%h Three-Quarters Mile. 6 24Boscobel ...l:16%h 6 20 Justa Peak. .l:17%h 5-28 Beau Govns.1:16 d 6-25 Lgstaffe ...l:19%d 5 23 Black Diane. 1:17 d 6-9 Plain Ben... 1:18 d 6 18 Cup .Winner. 1:17 d 6-18 Safari 1:17 d 6 24 Gilded Ca"sinol:19 d 6-22 Wrigley Fld.l:21 d Finalist had his speed.

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