Winter Wraps Necessary at City Park: Change in Track Conditions Occasions Wholesale Withdrawals-Sixth Race is Declared Off, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-23


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WINTER WRAPS NECESSARY AT CITY PARK. Change in Track Conditions Occasions Wholesale Withdrawals Sixth Race is Declared Off. New Orleans, La., January 22. The change in the going was responsible for some wholesale scratching and the declaring off of the sixth race at City Park this afternoon. Of the eighty-one horses originally carded forty were declared out. In the sixth Aice all lint Klelnwood, Trogon and Blueblaze declined the issue. There was a good ltottom to the track and the time made in the different races during the afternoon was much better than expected. The attendance was large despite a disagreeable change In the weather. It blew up quite cold during the morning and winter wraps were a necessity rather than a burden during the afternoon. Jockey Luclen Lyne was a visitor at City "Park today. Lyne has been on a hunting trip at the forks of the Tombtgbee river In Alabama. He Is quite a marksman and during the two weeks he spent at camp he shot a black bear, a wild cat and any number of ducks and other birds. He will go to his home In Lexington next Wednesday, but will return here some time in .March to get Into condition to ride Lotus Eater in the Crescent City Derby. H. P. Headley, one of Kentuckys prominent breeders, and "Hops" Laudeman, the well known western bookmaker, "whose home Is at Lexington, were among the visitors at City Park this afternoon. H. McCarren, Jr disposed of the three-year-old John Lescalle this morning to J. E. Bluck. The price paid was 00. GeorgeHedr.fbelroffwhoriwsn 3te- sive string mainly in the. north and was-, is due here some day this week. Mr. Hendrle had several of his horses, which have been wintering at Cumberland Park, Nashville, shipped here and bis bead trainer, John Walters, is dne to arrive tomorrow. Jockey Ford, who had the mount on H. M. P., was called into the stand and cautioned by the judges that a repetition of the exhibition he put up would lead to his suspension. The chances are that Ford will not be in the saddle again at this meeting. Ford claimed that a clod struck him in the eye and that he was unable to do justice to his mount. The messenger boys at City Park went on strike today. The management wished to Inaugurate a system which is In operation on the Canadian tracks that or carrying all bets to an association book and paying the boys two per cent, on all money wagered. Several of the books in the ring objected to this qn the ground that It turned the money which was being bet with them to another channel. The hoys, too, claimed that they would not be able to make a decent living under the new arrangement and so they quit in a body.

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Local Identifier: drf1906012301_1_5
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