Okland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-23

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OAKLAND FORM CHART: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.,January 22, 1906. Sixty-second day. New-California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting about 151 days. Weather clear; track slow and cuppy. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Secretary, Perey W. Treat. Racing starts at 2:00 i. m. No recall flag used. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. P-QQQ FIRST RACE 3 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. DtOU Net value to winner 25. - Ind Horses AWt PPSt lh StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C PS 507.11 BLAGG W 111 4 1 1 1 1? E RobinsnL T Lee and Son 10 10 10 3 3-2 5963GELMDALE W 114 5 3 2i 2h 2i W Knapp II T Griflln t6-3 3- r.-3 3-3 1-3 5WOUR ANNA -W 111 9 5 3 i" 35 . Radtke B Schreiber 3 3 13-ol-u 2-5 39731JANICE MARIAN w 111 S 9 CJ 6 4X L. FountalnG 3U Van Gordons 4 4J 8-5 4-5- 5andS07 AGATHA R. . W 111 7 ft fin" 5l 5 Loague J C Nealon 10 25 20 7 3 r.KVOC DOC CRAIG wrf 111 5 7 S 71 61 Bozenian W G Yanke 21 0 23 10 4 ,r.!S07CLEMENTS w 114 2 2 4 3.1 7i Treubel II T Griflin t"-3 3-2;5-5 3-5 1-3 5.-; IRISH MAIL s lit 3 S ! 8 S Clifford AV L Stanlield CO 200 200 50 25 C930C SEVENFULL HI 14 7 ! 9 L Hoffmanll Stover 20 40 40 12 5 tCoupled In betting. Time, 25, 43. Winner B. g, by Free Knight Stella Perkins trained by L. O. Lee. Went to post at 2:00. At post 0 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. , Blagg outbroke and outpaced all competitors In the early running, but ran out on the turn, then was pulled over to the rail and, finally boring out. and stumbling at the end, won after pocketing and interfering with Eluulale all through the last quarter. The latter, ou the iuside and forced to weave lu ami out behind the leader, 0 whs finally jerked into the fence and forced to pull up In the last fifty yards and was best. Our Anna, interfered with early and carried wide, finished fast. Janice Marian, nearly left, closed a big gap and finished going like the wind. Agatha It., badly messed about, finished well. Doc Craig got away poorly. Clements failed to stay and probably is best in mud. Seratehed09600 Maid of the Mill. Ill; 59S07 Prosperity. 111. Elmdale. singly, place, 7 to 10; show. 2 to 5. Clements, singly, place. 2 to 1; show, evens. f QQOQ SECOND RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. OuOOQ Ngt Tiluc to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 69559 PRONTA w 7 108 4 1 2l 12 ll 1 T Clark C T Hcnshall 1 1 ll-203-10out S97SlMIMON w G 108 6 3 In 23 21 2 L WilliamsIBFitzgeraldandCo 3 4 4 1 1-2 59632 NONIE wsb 7 108 1 2 31 4 35 31 Herbert GardenCityStable 10 25 23 6 21 597S1 STANDARD n 5 103 9 9 41 31 4 4 Treubel E J Ramsey 15 30 30 8 3 59459 ELEVEN BELLS w 9 108 5 5 9 7 5 G E RobinsnT A Davies and Co 10 15 15 4 .-5 59782 SERENITY wsb 5 108 10 11 11 10 7 61 C Miller SicrraNvdaSble 10 15 15 u 21 59710 ESTRAZA w C 108 11 8 6k 51 6 7 Radtke V Chlopek 6 16 16 4 .2 59781 SILICATE w 5 108 7 7 5i 65 81 85 Loague W Gabriel 60 100 100 40 20 59753 1SHTAR w 7 108 2 4 8l 85 9 9s Graham J Ryan 20 40 30 12 5 5S533 FLO MANOLA w 5 10S 3 6 7 9 10 102 L FountainGalvcston Stable 15 30 30 12 5 f96S3 ISABUTE w 5 10S 8 10 10J 11 11 11 Burghart P E Smith and Co 60 100 100 40 20 Time. 231, 48. 1:15. 1:22. Winner B. in, by Falsetto Volantrcss trained by C. J. Casey. Went to post at 2:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter; second easily. Prontn. striding at the start, indulged the early pacemaker with a brief lead, but went to the front at the half and won oft" easing up and can beat many of the best here over a longer route. Minion made the running aud. being carefully nursed, beat the others off for second place. Nonie ran on the inside and was in forward and game contention to the last sixteenth. Standard displayed superior speed for sir furlongs, lomning up iu menacing fashion on the last turn and is extra good for him. Eleven Bells is out of place in sprints, but ran a good race. Serenity closed a big gap In the last half. Estraza went well. Scratched 59483 Leash, IPS. - KOQO1 THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 00 added. 4-year-olds and" upward. Selling. OvOyr Net value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt U 34 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59633GOSSIPER II. w 4 99 3 1 2? 25 lnk 11 Radtke J Touhey 4-5 9-104-5 1-3 out 5966DANGLETA w 4 100 4 2 ll 15 2 25 Scliado B Schreiber 3 16-al6-54-5 1-3 59736 INSTRUCTOR wn 5 112 2 3 35 3"t 3i 3 L FountainD S Fountain 4 5 45 6-5 2-5 59811TIM HURST WSB 4 106 5 4 6 5 5 41 W Knapp K A Blute 10 18 16 31 1 53979 SOL LICHTENSTEINw 7 10G C 5 42 45 45 5 L WilliamsJ Madison 30 75 73 15 5 58S3 SIR PRESTON W 6 101 1 6 5"k Bled. E RobinsnW Scharetg and Col5 2j 2o a 8-5 Time, 23J, 491. 1:013. l:08i. Winner Ch. f, by Colonel Wheeler Confidante trained by W. Short. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Gossiper II., after close pursuit of Angleta. wore her down in the stretch and won going away. The latter made the ninning to the last furlong, where she gamely withstood Instructors challenge for second place and was easily second best. Instructor maintained a good position throughout, but was not able to get up at the end. Tim Hurst, reserved in the early running, finished well, but was outclassed. Sol LIchtenstein was short and likes mud. Overweights Tim Hurst, 2 pounds. PQQQPk FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. O O O O Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt Vt 94 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 3 59761ESHERIN w 6 105 5 4 2" lh ll ll 11 Graham L I Coggins 41 5 41 2 4-5 39759 BIRDIE P. "W 5 103 7 9 5 6 22 2 22 L FountainD S Fountain 4 8. S 3 7-5 59733MAJOR TENNY B 7 107 S 8 6 3and 45 35 31 Gdchild H Green 6 13 13 4 2 59754 ETHEL ABBOTT w 5 105 1 5 32 42 55 45 45 Rice F J Neil 12 20 20 7 3 39261 1SABELITA WB 6 105 3 3 9s 9s 7 6 51 L WilliamsJ M Crane 6 10 9 3 8-5 59635TRAJAN w 4 107 4 2 12 25 35 55 6-k W Knapp F H Bell 8-5 8-513-103-5 1-3 59735 HOLLY BERRY Ws 9 108 6 6 8nk 91 8s 75 Hobart J W Maddox 30 100 100 30 12 59377 HOMESTEAD wn 7 110 10 10 4"" 5k 6 7 S"k Radtke B Schreiber 10 12 10 4 2 59633TARRIGAN ws 6 107 2 1 10 10 10 9 9 T Clark McCthyandFlahty 12 20 20 7 3 59733 WARTE NICHT ws 6 110 9 7 7l , 71 85 10 10 E RobinsnW P Fine 12 40 40 12 5 Time, 25, 49J. 1:101, 1:42. 1:481. Winner B. m, by Esher Sonora, by Spendthrift trained by J. F. Schorr. Went to post at 3:22. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Esherin secured a lucky start and ran In close attendance on the favorites pace to the half, where she easily passed him and won practically unchallenged. Birdie P., away slowly, gradually improved her position and loomed up menacingly in the stretch, but tired right at the end. Major Tenny,. away 1oorly on the extreme outside, closed a big gap into a fast going third and ran an extra good race. Ethel Abliott, on the inside and badly messed about, finished with a belated rush. Isabelita, shuflled to the rear on the first turn, made up considerable ground. Trajan showed speed, but failed to stay. Homestead ran prominently and tired as if short. Tarrigan can do mucli better. Scratched 59761Hllee. 102: 59530 Montana Peeress, 105. Overweights Holly Berry, 3 pounds. KftQQfi FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances.. OtOOD Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59661 MARTINMAS wsb 6 107 6 2 22 2? 2"k l"k T Clark C T Henshall 13-54 18-38-5 4-5 59734 BEKN1GHTED w 4 107 2 4 42 3k 3" 21 E RobinsnL T Lee and Son 6 10 6 2 1 59360 EQUORUM REX w 3 93 9 9 71 8s 4 3n Rice G Summers and Col2 25 20 S 3 595S4REY DEL MUNDO wb 3 96 5 1 1" ll- 11 42 Radtke E J Baldwin 7-5 9-5 9-5 7-101-3 G9333FISHER BOY WB 4 107 8 6 6"" 6 6 5 L WilliamsJ L Ross 10 11 11 4 3-2 59661 SEA AIR w 4 102 7 5 8 71 7 6 McLhlin T E McLaughlin 20 30 30 12 4 5S919CONRIED WB 4 107 3 3 32 41 51 71 W Knapp W P Fine 25 21 12-51 1-2 59262 JOYNER w 4 107 4 8 9 9" 9" 8 Loague E E Burnett 60 100 100 40 12 59707 ESTMERE s 3 90 1 7 Jk 5 81 9" Clifford W L Stanflcld 100 200 200 60 30 59811 RATIO WB 3 93 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brussel H T Griifln 100 200 200 GO 40 Time, 241, 48. 1:141. Winner Ch. g. by Martagon Nekomis trained by C. J. Casey. Went to post at 3:48. At post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won driving: second easily. Martinmas, under pressure, relinquished an early lead to Rey del Muudo. afterwards running in close pursuit and eventually wearing him down In the stretch and then stalling off the others right at the end. Beknighted went in surprisingly forward contention throughout and finished going fastest of all on the inside. Kquorum Rex, off poorly, closed a big gap. Rey del Mundo, after forcing a terrific early pace for the track, tired badly right at the end and acts like a sulker. Fisher Boy. badly messed about, finished with a belated rush and ran a cracking race. Sea Air was badly handled and shuflled to the rear. Conried was palpably short and tiring bddly in the last quarter. " Scratched 59030 Beau Ormonde, 110; 59682Froltc, 95. Overweights Rey del Mundo, 1 pound. PTOQQT SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. .Allowances. OtQO I Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 597S6BOLOMAN w 107 6 5 2 11 ll 11 1 L FountainD S Fountain 10 10 10 31 8-3 59812TENORDALE WB 103 4 4 4"k 22 21 25 21 L WilliamsJ F Clifford 2 2 3-2 3-5 1-3 S9533TOM ROBERTS wsb 106 9 7 6 41 42 32 31 E RobinsnW E AppgateandColS 30 30 10 4 G9332ROYAL COLORS WS 106 , 8 6 3" 3 3 4"" 4h W Knapp ElPrimeroStable 10 15 10 4 2 59536 ROTROU ws 107 2 2 71 6 6 6 5"k Loague E E Burnett 30 60 60 20 8 58867 TEMPTATION w 103 10 10 8 8 5 51 61 T Clark Boise Stable 60 200 200 40 20 59786 SEA LAD WSB 106 5 8 9 55 7 7 7 C Miller J S Avilla 15 20 20 8 3 59311 GOVERNOR DAVIS WS 106 7 9 10 7 8 8 8 Treubel R R Rice Jr 23 40 40 15 7 59311THE TROJAN w 110 3 3 Ink Fell. Radtke B Schreiber 8-5 2 9-5 7-102-5 E9812EBEL THATCHER ws 110 1 1 5i Fell. Gdchild H Green 7 10 10 4 2 Time, 24, 49J. 1:155, 1:28. Winner B. c, by David Tenny Ella Boland trained by D. S. Fountain. Went to post at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Boloman developed remarkable speed and stamina and maintained a safe lead under a pull throughout, winning off by himself. Tenordale, away well and vigorously handled, had no mishaps and was always In game, but unavailing pursuit of the winner. Tom Roberts held a good jwsition from the start and finished well. Royal Colors displayed superior speed, but tired as if short in the last furious. Temptation ran badly. Governor Davis got away poorly. Scratched 59584 Arestallator, 106. Overweights Tenordale. 4 iounds: Temptation. 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012301/drf1906012301_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1906012301_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800