untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-23


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One Horse-One Race IS WHAT OUR SPECIALS CONSIST OF. BEAU ORMONDE, Withdrawn Saturday it was BLACK ART, 3-1, Won. TODAY at OAKLAND a 5 to 12 to I Extra Special. This is a good thing that we have just received. Information from a source that seldom ever fails. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. DONT MISS THEM. Remember, you are protected in this, as we sell you but One Horse, and in event of a loss we give you One Free exchange. Terms, for One Day, 0 for Six Dajs. MAIN OFFICE, 315, 167 DEARBORN ST. Phone Central SUS D n lyrn Pfl Col. J.C.W00TERS AutoSSU. D, D, IlirU uUi Manager. TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. .00 PER MONTH. Room 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago Tuesdays Special: 53-21.15-19-7-13.17-33-C3.Atlanta No Kntry List today. American I.:td, which finished third in the Johannesburg Handicap of 2,500, is an Knglif h-bred colt by Americas, which was raised by "Lucky" " Baldwin lit his Santa Anita ranch.- THE OLD JUDGES "DOPE" 2 Best Bets DAILY AT OAKLIND-2 Best Bets I will have some hot ones this week; get next. Twenty years experience. A man with a reputation. If you dont know me, ask horse players about me. I picked more winners last week than any man that lives. Just look over my Two Best Bets of last week: Jan. 13 Massa, 2-1, won; Princess Titania, 30-1, second. Jan. IS Baker, 9-2 to win, second; Forerunner, 14-5, won. Jan. 16 Santa Ray, 1-1, won; Tam O Shunter, 9-5, won. Jan. 17 Major Tcnny. 9-2, won; Sais, third, Jan. 18 Entre Nous, 9-10, won; Critical, 6-5, won. Jan. 19 Cloche dOr, 8-5, -won; Hammeraway, 1-1, won. Jan. 20 Proper, 2-1, won; Dargin, 11-10, won. Jan. 22 Pronta, 1-1, won. Kleinwood did not start. Race declared off. Can anybody beat that? Price, Daily, Per Week. The Old Reliable Handlcapper, JUDGE - TOM COLLINS, Room 66, - - - 119 LA SALLE ST. Phone main 4302. National Racing Reviews Special, No. 569 Room 37, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Yesterdays Special, BRUSH UP, 1-1, Won. ISPq 30-1 SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY one worked fast enough to beat stake horses and his win will be the sensation of the year. The controlling; parties have planned to clean up an immense fortune and have everything arranged to make victory a certainty. tThis REYNOLDS and CO. 1 Hone Owner and Expert Handlcappen, I Sixth Floor, 119 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO We Never Mil. I Ptisne 2877 Central. I w?h 1 .00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012301/drf1906012301_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1906012301_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800