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TARTANS VICTORY ENTIRELY REGULAR. The statement in a local newspaper to the effect that Tartan was prepared at one of the Chicago tracks for the race over which a betting coup was made at Sheepsliead Bay last Friday was incorrect. The horse was taken east from .Memphis in May, by trainer John Powers, and was defeated at Graves-end on June 7. It is not probable that trainer Powers would have shipped him to Chicago to work out for the race won on June 22. However, a western racing ofilclal just returned from New York said vesterday: "There seems to be a lot of tommyrot about Tartans victory. The horse has been in tlie east all the while and his winning was- entirely regular. The fact that he was bet on out this way and that the handbookmakers were bard hit does not give a newspaper license to .Ultimate even In a veiled way, as has been done, that a speedier horse was substituted. "-