Two Stakes for Bennettt: Ethon Wins the Spring and Dishabille Takes the Long Island Handicap, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05


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TWO STAKES FOR BENNETT. ETHON WINS THE SPRING AND DISHABILLE TAKES THE LONG ISLAND HANDICAP. Kernel Scores Victory in the Independence Handicap Lancastrian Wins for Ellison Buffalo Man Wounded at the Track. New York, July 4. The falling short of a record breaking crowd at Sheepshcad Bay track today was ascribed wholly to the unfavorable weather conditions of the forenoon. Despite lowering skies, there were 30,000 persons present to witness a splendid racing card which Included three Important ami valuable stakes. Two of these went to George C. Bennett, the Memphis turfman. The Long Island Handicap, generally productive of good contests in the past, was won in imperious fashion by Mr. Bennetts crack mare Dishabille. This brilliant daughter of Kings Counsel and Night Gown simply played with some of the best handicap horses in training on the local tracks. With Kthon Mr. Bennett won the Spring .Stakes for two-year-olds. Thus at one bound these two representatives of the best that the west has produced this season, established themselves at the top of the heap in the east. The liideieiidence Steeplechase produced a spectacular and truly run race. It was won by the improved Sir Dixon horse. Kernel, splendidly ridden by Stone. Thomas Hitchcock made strong effort to have Hay reinstated in order that the crack jockey could ride laul .lones. Had be succeeded there might have been another story to tell. Bill Phillips victory in the second created much adverse comment. The favorite Monet was badiy handled. Al Powell won a nose victory in the liftli for two-year-olds, under selling conditions and enriched Senator MeCarren to the extent of 0,000. C B. Ellisons Lancastrian, a heavily backed favorite, easily annexed the long distance race on the grass. It transpires that the Laudemau people declined to back John l.yle in the local betting ring yesterday, so that they could get their money on at a good price elsewhere. Jockey Jack Martin is going to marry a Bronx girl in the near future. Ormondes Kiglit was castrated yesterday in the Iiojk; that the change to a gelding williinprovejlijs. - r temper. J. II. Fowles, of 140 Seneea. ,Streit. Buffalo, was shot in the head just as the horses lfulshed in the Spring Sthkes. At ttie hospital the bullet! was ex-tiacted. It was of 22 calibre and is presumed to have Iieen tired by some Independence Day celebrant. The wound is not dangerous. The incident, however, created much excitement.

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Local Identifier: drf1906070501_1_2
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